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Justin's gaze fixed on the gaping hole in the ceiling, allowing a rush of invigorating outdoor air to sweep into the lab. Beside him, Eric panted heavily, nursing his wounds, their faces obscured by the encroaching darkness.

The memory of Eric's earlier words echoed in Justin's mind: "abominations." In that instant, clarity washed over Justin as he understood the gravity of the situation. Above them, a colossal, beastly visage emerged through the ceiling breach, its red fur with orange highlights flowing like flames. The creature's crimson eyes bore into Justin and Eric, its menacing growl reverberating through the room, its formidable teeth menacingly bared.

"Is that a dog?" Justin inquired, bewildered, as he gazed up at the formidable creature.

"Damn it, you truly are naive!" Eric retorted, clutching his bleeding shoulder. Justin turned to him, startled.

"That's Gigi!" Eric exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency.

Justin directed his gaze back at the colossal entity. "Gigi!" he cried out in disbelief. He took a moment to study the creature, searching for the familiar features of the beloved dog he had once played with.

"ROOF!!!" Gigi responded with a resounding bark, her powerful voice sending shockwaves throughout the room, causing loose equipment and firmly anchored technology to become airborne. Justin, his ears covered, was thrust backward, colliding mercilessly with the wall.

As Justin's body slid down the wall, his head still ringing from the deafening roar, he couldn't help but let out a pained cry. Glancing over at Eric, he saw his friend in a similarly battered state, clutching his ears as well, the shattered wall behind him a testament to the unleashed force.

Summoning all his courage, Justin rose to his feet and approached Gigi cautiously, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and fear. "Gigi," he whispered, "don't you recognize me?" His hands reached out in a placating gesture.

For a brief moment, Justin saw a change in Gigi's eyes. The intensity faded, her growling ceased, and her demeanor softened. "She recognizes me," Justin thought with growing confidence, his heart lifting.

But Eric's voice shattered the fragile peace. "Stay back, you fool!" he yelled, panic in his eyes.

Gigi's gaze shifted to Eric, and in an instant, the fiery rage returned. Her growls reverberated through the room once more, and she began to retreat from the hole, her movements causing the entire building to tremble, nearly knocking Justin off his feet.

Justin held his breath as he watched Gigi rear her hand back, her fury evident. With an earth-shaking force, she slammed her paw into the same hole she had emerged from before.

"BOOM!" The deafening explosion echoed through the lab, debris and dust filling the air. Justin shielded himself from the flying debris, as he was forced backwards, his heart pounding, uncertain of what Gigi's next move would be.

As Justin found himself trapped, unable to move forward due to Gigi's massive hand filling the entire lab, panic surged through him. Through the thick dust and smoke that obscured his view, he desperately called out to Eric.

"Eric!" he shouted, his voice strained.

In response, Eric let out a scream as Gigi's enormous furry fingers closed around him, tightening their grip. Fear gripped Justin's heart as he watched his friend being captured.

"No, Gigi!" Justin yelled, his determination overriding his fear. With swift resolve, he sprinted forward, dodging the destruction unfolding around him. Summoning every ounce of strength, he leaped onto Gigi's colossal hand, clutching the vibrant red fur for dear life as the hand began to rise.

"Shit, shit, shit, don't look down," Justin chanted to himself, his heart pounding, as he ascended higher and higher, leaving the lab and passing through the hole in the ceiling. They soared into the open sky.

The cold wind whipped past his hair, causing him to tighten his grip on Gigi's fur. Overwhelmed by the astonishing view, Justin couldn't contain his amazement. "Oh my God!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide as he took in the vast expanse of the blue sky and the entire city below from a vantage point he had never imagined.

"We have to be at least a hundred feet in the air," he marveled, a sense of bewilderment washing over him as he clung to Gigi's massive hand, suspended high above the cityscape.

Madness enveloped Justin's senses as he clung to Gigi's massive hand, the chaos unfolding before him beyond comprehension.

"Boom!" The distant explosions continued, each one sending shockwaves of fear through Justin's already overwhelmed mind.

As he squinted to get a better look, his heart sank. Amidst the rising smoke and flames to the south, another colossal humanoid creature emerged. This one had the face of a dog as well, but its fur was a menacing mix of grey and black. Standing at least a hundred feet tall, its muscular yet unmistakably feminine physique held an air of ferocious power. Justin's heart clenched as he recognized her.

"Holly," Justin whispered, his voice heavy with sorrow, watching another of the dogs he had once cared for unleash havoc upon the city.

Holly growled, her yellowish eyes glowing with malevolence as she gazed down at the tiny, scrambling figures below. Her massive fist swung forward with terrifying speed, obliterating buildings, flinging vehicles and people into the air, and carving a destructive trench into the ground. Her sheer force stirred up the wind, amplifying the destruction below.

Standing tall, Holly's eyes narrowed with a cold, hateful intensity as they fell upon an untouched part of the city. Her growl intensified, and with a deliberate motion, she raised her right foot, casting a foreboding shadow over the area.

Terrified people fled in every direction, unaware of their impending doom. Without hesitation, Holly unleashed her devastating power, stomping her foot with colossal force, generating a shockwave that engulfed the entire area. Countless explosions erupted simultaneously, and the sky became a swirling maelstrom of dust and smoke.

"Holly, what have you become?" Justin muttered to himself, his heart heavy with anguish, forced to witness the monstrous acts committed by a once-beloved companion. The city's devastation seemed to mirror the turmoil within his own soul.

As Justin continued to ascend higher and higher, he came face to face with Gigi's colossal visage. Her enormous eyes, however, were fixed not on him, but on Eric, who struggled helplessly within her grasp.

"Let me go, you damn animal!" Eric's voice echoed defiantly. "You will not treat me like this! I'm the genius that will change this world!" He bellowed, anger and desperation in his words. "Do you hear me!"

Justin clenched his teeth, silently wishing Eric would just stop yelling. It was clear that Eric's demeaning words were only making the situation worse. While he couldn't be sure if Gigi understood the insults, her expression showed that Eric's outbursts were far from helpful.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Justin used his muscles to climb up Gigi's massive hand. As he made his way higher, he couldn't help but marvel at her form. Animorph-7, Justin recalled, granted Holly and Gigi not only immense mass and strength but also bestowed upon them human-like qualities. Gigi's body was now a blend of canine and athlete, a striking combination that Justin observed as he continued his ascent.

For a brief moment, he glanced down and caught sight of Gigi's powerful, fur-covered thick legs, her swaying, massive breasts that bore a human-like resemblance, creating a loud slapping noise as they slammed up against each other. He gazed at the formidable muscles that rippled beneath her fur. She was like an Olympic athlete on an unprecedented scale.

Suddenly, a painful, ear-piercing scream echoed from below. "Dammit, Eric!" Justin yelled in frustration, his heart pounding as he climbed even faster.

Gigi's growl intensified, and she tightened her grip on Eric, who, with tears streaming down his face, continued to struggle. "Let me go!" Eric's desperate cries filled the air. "Let me go!!!" His pleas grew louder and more frantic.

Justin's breaths came in ragged gasps as he finally reached the top of Gigi's hand. However, there was no time to rest. Before him, a massive fleshy cave appeared, filled with moist liquid dripping from the ceiling. In the midst of it all, a pink mass wriggled back and forth – a gigantic mouth, wide open and ready to devour its prey.

"Gigi, no!!!" Justin's desperate shout pierced the chaos as he realized the imminent danger they faced.



Great job