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The entire world quaked and trembled with an unrelenting fury, a cataclysmic force that left no soul, man, woman, or child, with even a semblance of balance. Skyscrapers swayed perilously, eventually surrendering to the relentless vibrations, crumbling as their very foundations gave way. Debris rained down from the heavens, indiscriminately obliterating all in its path. The earth itself cracked open, birthing colossal chasms capable of devouring both vehicles and people, forming grotesque mounds of earth forced upwards from the depths.

Amidst this turmoil, Braden stood in shocked silence, straining to peer through the billowing dust and smoke at the towering presence that loomed above it all.

"What in the world is that?" Braden muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of destruction. As he attempted to inch closer for a better view, an unseen force clamped tightly around his right arm, halting his progress.

"What the...?" His words trailed off as he lowered his gaze to find Amelia cowering behind his arm, terror etched across her face.

"Don't go," she implored in a hushed voice, a tremor of foreboding in her words that sent shivers down Braden's spine.

Caught in a moment of uncertainty, Braden stared down at his friend who clung to his arm, her grip conveying a heart-stopping fear that mirrored his own. Then, as if the world itself were responding to Amelia's premonition, the earth once again convulsed with breathtaking force. From the periphery of his vision, Braden glimpsed a colossal, indistinct form pushing through the thick veil of dust that obscured their view.

"Huh?" he stammered, his head snapping in the direction of the ominous movement. There, against the dim backdrop of chaos, loomed a gargantuan hand the color of stone, ascending toward the heavens.

"Shit, watch out!" Braden's urgent shout pierced the tumultuous air as he desperately shoved Amelia backward with both hands, their bodies tumbling away just in time.

The colossal hand descended with a thunderous impact that reverberated across the ravaged landscape. "BOOM!" A deafening explosion of raw power erupted outward as the enormous appendage made contact with the ground, sending shockwaves through the earth.

Amid the chaos, Braden and Amelia were propelled backward, their bodies pelted by shards of rock and glass, battered by the ferocious winds that assailed them. Amelia's panicked cry mingled with the chaos as Braden instinctively shielded his friend with his own body, a futile but unwavering attempt to protect her from the impending turmoil.

Amelia's eyes slowly opened as an eerie silence enveloped them. The world had transitioned from tumultuous chaos to an unsettling calm.

"Are you okay?" a voice, reassuringly familiar, reached her ears from above.

"Braden," she whispered, her eyes welling up with tears as she gazed up at her friend, whose clothes were torn and whose face bore the scars of their harrowing encounter.

"I'm okay," Braden replied, recognizing the worry in her eyes. Gingerly, he rose to his feet, wincing at the pain that accompanied the movement. Extending a hand, he helped Amelia up from the ground.

"HHHMMM!!!!"  A bone-chilling moan shattered the newfound stillness. Braden froze, his eyes snapping in the direction of the source of the eerie sound as a moment of relief seemed to instantly vanish.

Amidst the dissipating dust clouds, a surreal sight greeted them – two colossal formations, resembling small mountains, pierced the sky just above the horizon.

The dust gradually settled, revealing more details of the mysterious apparitions. Braden took a hesitant step forward, squinting to examine them more closely.

"Those mountains look peculiar," he mused to himself, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Where in the world did they come from?" he wondered aloud, the mysteries of their world unfolding before their very eyes.

With a sudden and violent upheaval, the ground beneath them surged upward, propelling Braden and Amelia into the air for a heart-stopping moment before crashing them back down to the earth with a resounding thud.

Braden winced in agony as his face was driven into the unforgiving soil. He strained to look ahead and witnessed a surreal sight—the colossal mountains, which had initially appeared static, now began to sway from side to side.

"Huh?" he muttered in bewilderment, his eyes widening as blue, brick-like outlines manifested on the surface of both mountains, causing them to emit an eerie, partial glow. "What the hell?" Braden exclaimed in disbelief as the massive hand, still in contact with the ground, twitched and shifted.

"Not again," Braden muttered in apprehension, realizing that the earth was once more trembling beneath them. He watched in astonishment as the two mountains seemed to quiver, almost as if they possessed a life of their own.

As the wind stirred and a palpable mass pushed through the lingering dust, a spine-tingling, feminine laughter echoed across the devastated land, growing louder and more chilling by the second.

Braden and Amelia, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the unfolding events, instinctively covered their ears as an immense shadow enveloped them, casting them into an eerie and uncertain darkness.

Braden's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld a sight that defied all reason and comprehension—a colossal woman, her towering form constructed entirely of stone, her body delineated by a ghostly pale blue luminescence. His gaze darted upward in an attempt to catch a glimpse of her face, and what he saw was a perplexing enigma.

One moment, her visage resembled that of a breathtakingly beautiful woman with flowing hair made of glistening glass. But in the next instance, the countenance of the woman dissolved into the facade of an ordinary building, perched incongruously upon the shoulders of a gigantic human form.

"What the hell am I looking at?" Braden muttered, his voice trembling with disbelief, even as the colossal figure began to move, her colossal body shearing through the remnants of the city with devastating ease.

Amelia, her voice filled with urgency, interrupted Braden's stupefaction. "We need to run," she implored, the urgency in her tone a stark reminder of the perilous reality they now faced.


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