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Molly licked her lips as she gazed down at the small little cities that spread all throughout her basement floor. The miniature buildings, roads, and tiny figurines were meticulously arranged, creating a captivating world within her reach. The glow of tiny lights illuminated the darkness, giving life to the intricate cityscape.

With a sense of excitement, she stroked her long brown hair as she walked towards the far-off wall, where the light switch was located. Her heart thumped with anticipation as she positioned herself before the switch. With a mischievous smirk, she flicked it on, and a soft click echoed through the basement.

"Let there be light," Molly said, her voice echoing in the silence. In an instant, all that was once darkness became garbed in brilliant light. The miniature cities sparkled, revealing their miniature sized cities, some of which she could barely recognize.

She looked down, gazing at their frailty, these cities that held the lives of hundreds, no thousands of people. Her heart began to pound faster and faster as she looked down at ten whole entire cities, each belonging to three different races.

Her collection exhilarated her, it was a testament to her dedication to detail and creativity. The small cities sprawled across her basement floor, intricately designed with miniature buildings, roads, and tiny figurines representing the diverse inhabitants.

Her eyes traveled towards her left, where the two grandest cities in her collection stood tall, their buildings almost coming up to her ankles. The Brobdingnagian Cities of Elysium Reach and Luminaire Heights and Titania. 

Her eyes traveled towards the right side of the room, and there, she saw two more cities that couldn't even reach the top of her toes. Her smile grew wider as she knew that she was looking at Gulliverian cities of Everdawn and Emberwood.

And finally, Molly's eyes peered off towards the far-off corner of her basement, where thousands and thousands of microscopic dots sparkled. Her smile became wider, revealing her teeth. She looked down at her most favorite cities, six in total. These were the Lilliputian cities of Luminastra and Nebulopia, Crest, Arcane, Aurora Glade, Zephyr Grove.

This was her Paradise, this was the place where she was worshipped as a goddess.

"Did you all miss me?" she asked, her voice ringing with confidence. Striking a pose that showed off her massive curves and abs. Her massive breast wobbling back and forth.

She took a step forward, coming closer to her prized collection. Molly loved being the center of attention, and after a hard day at work, she sought solace in being the focus of all these little people's attention.

With a mischievous grin, she stopped looking at the small cities and looked down at her silver wristwatch that clung to her wrist, a watch that showed no time, but a blank screen. Molly tapped her finger on the screen, and like magic, the once black display became filled with small apps, each holding a different purpose.

Her eyes gazed down at a particular app that held a three-person silhouette. Intrigued, she clicked onto the app, and to her delight, a list of ten city names popped up on her screen.

Without pause, Molly pressed the city that was named Luminastra, and as soon as she did, the once white screen disappeared, and the face of a woman appeared on the screen.

“Good morning, my little lady,” Molly said with a cocky smile as she looked down at the leader of all Luminastra, Ski Anderson. “How is my favorite Microbe?”


The whole city continued to shake with extreme force as a mountainous body towered in the distance, a body so immense that its very presence sent wild winds blowing through the city with its every movement.

The Lilliputians of Luminastra sought shelter as an ever-growing shadow fell over the whole city, and the rumbling grew stronger. She was coming, the god of gods, the destroyer herself Goddess Molly.

The goddess, whose raging loud voice echoed through the lands, caused many Lilliputians to go deaf, and it collapsed a few smaller buildings and houses. Eyes were drawn to the tallest tower of the city, the skyscraper that seemed to rule all others. There was only one person who warranted the goddess’s attention - the leader of the whole city, Ski Anderson.

Ski stood with her arms crossed, looking at a wide holographic screen of the woman she knew as Molly Adams. Her eyes were sharp, her jaw clenched as she looked straight at the woman she hated more than any other, the prodigal woman who had taken everything away from her.

“Good morning, Ms. Adams…” Ski said, faking a smile in front of the woman who could end her life with the greatest of ease.

“EXCUSE ME!!!!” The goddess’s loud voice echoed through the whole town, the whole room vibrating from its deafening noise.

Ski let loose a gulp of saliva forming in the back of her throat as she did her best to calm her nerves. “Good morning, Goddess Molly,” she said, her voice quivering slightly.

“THAT’S BETTER!” Molly boomed, her eyes flashing with authority.

Ski watched as the woman chuckled to herself, enjoying putting her in her place. She could feel the rage building up inside of her; she just wanted to lash out, and the most frustrating part was that she knew the so-called Goddess knew her feelings.

Ski never understood why the goddess loved tormenting her so. She never understood what someone so gigantic got out of teasing someone as small as her.

For years now, Molly Adams had always scheduled a meeting between the ten city leaders who governed each city, and of course, Ski herself was a part of that list. But despite the meeting, Molly had always made sure to contact her beforehand, to tease her.

Ski gritted her teeth, trying to suppress the anger that threatened to consume her. It seemed as though the goddess derived some twisted pleasure from playing with her emotions, exploiting the power dynamics to assert her dominance.

“WHAT’S THAT LOOK FOR?” Molly asked, faking a sad look.

“Look, my goddess?” Ski asked, acting as polite as she could.

“OH, SKI, STILL SO STRONG-WILLED!!!” Molly said, brushing the hair from her face. “DON’T YOU SEE, THAT’S WHY YOU’RE MY FAVORITE!!!” Molly explained, her face coming closer to the screen. “BECAUSE YOU WILL NEVER SIMPLY BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP ME!!!”

Ski took a moment to compose herself, trying not to be overwhelmed by Molly’s powerful presence. She knew that maintaining her composure was crucial in her interactions with the capricious goddess.


Ski’s face went pale for a moment as she remembered the past, which held her first attempt at challenging the would-be goddess.

It had been a daring act of defiance, a moment fueled by the frustration of feeling powerless in the presence of the colossal deity. The memory of that encounter sent a shiver down Ski’s spine, a reminder of the consequences of her audacity.

“No Goddess, I haven’t forgotten.”


FLASHBACK (3 Years ago)

Screams filled the air as the Lilliputian people looked up at the towering giant looking down at them in between her legs, their goddess that they revered. They couldn’t see her face, they could barely make out her body, which was almost a blur from how far away she was.

They could smell her feminine musk on the wind. They could see her massive arms crossed. She was angry, they all understood this, but they didn’t know why. No one knew, except one Lilliputian.

Ski stood on top of the biggest skyscraper that existed in the city, her eyes fixed on the woman she hated, her eyes shining with defiance.

“Today is the day,” she said with a smirk. “Today is the day that god dies.”



Okay, it's finally time for my prediction magic so here goes - After Molly and Ski’s little flashback Molly in the present time crush some cities to torment Ski more. the next day while Molly was walking back from work when a car hits her and she blacks out. She opens her eyes to see she is not in the city anymore. She looks around only to see clouds all around her then an angel appears in front of her with a smile on her face she introduces herself as (I don’t know Kara or Samantha) and she tells Molly that she is on the break of death and with a serious look on her face tells Molly that with the crimes and sin of past and present killing, tormenting, and harming smaller people for years she won a ticket to eternity in hell were her soul will be tortured for all time. Molly sees the gate seeing all the tormented souls reaching for her she turns back to the angle and begs for another chance that she can change. the angle looks at her and smiles seeing this she gives Molly a deal she won’t refuse - Molly would be granted 5 years to change her ways to be kind to all races she currently has in the basement and vows to never harm or kill them and prove her mind and heart have changed for the better if she fails by the end of the fifth year the angles of death with bring her to her eternal hell. Molly agrees and before the angel sends her back she whispers that she will be watching and visiting her in her dreams. She wakes up and sees people surrounding her asking if she was okay while some call 911 Molly hears the words of her time on earth to change her life before her 5 years are up and she will be judged to live or burn in hell (Literally).


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