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On the crimson planet of Xyntara, Queen Ziraya walked gracefully through her palace crafted from Lumirite, a rare and lustrous alien rock. Her long silver hair shimmered like stardust as her crimson eyes, filled with wisdom and power, gazed upon the horizon, anticipating the events of the coming day. The planet’s vibrant energy pulsed through her veins, connecting her deeply to the ancient secrets of Xyntara.

“Huh?” Queen Ziraya exclaimed, looking down in surprise as she felt a crunch beneath her high heels. She raised her right foot and discovered the ground covered in black dots, and small flashes of light seemed to touch her shoes. “What is that?” she wondered aloud, her crimson eyes narrowing in curiosity and concern.

Queen Ziraya would never know that the seemingly insignificant creatures she could only see as mere insects were, in fact, microscopic little people. Unbeknownst to her, these tiny beings harbored an ancient grudge against her lineage, passed down through generations. Driven by a thirst for revenge, they had hatched a clandestine plan to attack her.


They were the Xyntarian Ethernites, the first people to inhabit the world of Xyntara. Descendants of the ancient cosmic beings, they were beings of pure energy, who yearned for nothing but freedom from the constraints of their microscopic existence. Masters of advanced military tactics, their small size belied their formidable power.

As Queen Ziraya gazed down at the Xyntarian Ethernites, their determination was evident in their glowing eyes. Though they were minuscule compared to her, their spirit was unyielding. They stood in front of her mountainous heels, a symbol of her majestic rule, ready to launch their audacious attack.

General Theron stood firm with his photon-blaster in hand, a state-of-the-art sci-fi gun capable of unleashing powerful energy blasts. As the crimson sky of Xyntara painted a vivid backdrop, he dug deep into his pocket, retrieving a sleek communicator. He raised the radio to his lips, urgency in his voice.

“The ground force is ready to attack, is the Air Force ready?” he inquired, his gaze focused on the impending mission. Static crackled on the radio for a moment, causing a tense pause, but soon a clear voice emerged from the commotion.

“Air Force is ready,” came the confident response, echoing through the communicator. The pilots of the Xyntarian Air Force were poised and prepared, their determination mirroring that of the ground force under General Theron’s command.

General Theron looked up at the giant queen that had for centuries ruled their lands. He would never admit this to his people, but he wanted her, he wanted to conquer this mountainous woman, her thick legs, her gigantic breasts, her beautiful silver hair that could crush them all with a single strain. No this would not do… she would know her place.

“All units begin the attack.” The general said with a smile.

Loud explosions echoed through the air as colossal Skyshredders, gigantic machines designed for interplanetary warfare, shot powerful energy blasts towards the black monolithic wall that belonged to the giant’s shoes. Towering above them all was Queen Ziraya, her regal form casting an imposing shadow over the battleground.

Up above, flying jets known as Nova Strikers zoomed around her arms and deftly weaved through the intricate gaps between her breasts. These agile warcraft released their beams of light, their photon cannons firing relentlessly at the queen’s celestial form. Yet, to their astonishment, the beams bounced off her body unharmed, leaving not even a small mark against her body.

“Keep attacking.” General Theron commanded. “Don’t you dare halt your attack.” The general continued as he looked up at the woman he desired. The woman who seemed to be looking down at him.


Queen Ziraya looked with curiosity at the swarm of little microbes that flew all around her regal form. Tiny warm lights bounced off her body as the minuscule beings circled her, creating a mesmerizing display. Her crimson eyes narrowed, and she couldn’t help but wonder what these peculiar creatures were and what had driven them to challenge her.

“What are these?” she questioned, her voice tinged with both intrigue and surprise. Even though she was the most powerful being on the planet of Xyntara, her imposing presence commanded respect wherever she went. Yet, here were these tiny microbes, seemingly undeterred by her authority, daring to attack and showing her no reverence.

It was almost laughable, these little creatures that believed themselves great, actually daring to challenge Queen Ziraya. Her crimson eyes shifted upward, observing the swarm of tiny insects that flew around her majestic face. Despite their diminutive size, they buzzed around her with audacious fervor.

“So close…” she murmured with a hint of amusement, watching as the insects darted back and forth in their futile attempts to disturb her. With a dismissive gesture, she swiped her hands back and forth, as if shooing away bothersome gnats.

Unbeknownst to the queen, some of the little jets that were part of the insect swarm found themselves drawn perilously close to her nostrils. Her annoyance grew when she inadvertently breathed in, completely unaware of the tiny intruders that ventured into her airspace.

“Get away,” she said, her voice tinged with annoyance, as she attempted to pull her head away from the persistent insects. Unbeknownst to her, a few of the tiny jets got sucked into her nose, causing a peculiar sensation that she couldn’t quite place.

Pilot Renon wanted nothing more than to fulfill his duty as a member of the Xyntarian Air Force. Along with his skilled air team, he soared through the crimson sky, flying in a precise formation towards the colossal menace that stood before them. Their futuristic aircraft unleashed a barrage of weaponry, each energy blast aimed at the giant’s towering body.

However, even as they attacked with determination, doubt gnawed at Pilot Renon’s mind. Could they truly bring down this gargantuan monolith, whose form they couldn’t even fully discern? The sheer scale of the giant was awe-inspiring and daunting.

Undeterred, Pilot Renon led his team to circle around the giant’s face, targeting her cheeks, nose, and eyes in an attempt to slow her down. Despite their valiant efforts, it seemed that their actions were in vain. The powerful being remained resolute and seemingly impervious to their onslaught.

“All men,” Pilot Renon called out with a sense of defeat, “we may need to retre—” His sentence was abruptly cut short as a forceful suction pressed against his plane, catching him by surprise. Panic set in as he clutched the controls, trying to regain control of his aircraft, but it felt as if an unseen force was pulling him relentlessly upward.

To his astonishment, he witnessed not only his own plane but also a dozen more of his fellow pilots being drawn upwards, heading straight towards a dark, cavernous opening in the giant’s body. It was as if the giant had an enormous cavity within her, hidden from view.

Pilot Renon found himself trapped within a bizarre and grotesque environment. The fleshy walls surrounding him were filled with long, invisible hairs, like menacing pillars waiting to ensnare their unwitting prey. Helplessly, he watched as his fellow men’s crafts slammed into these strange hairs, their voices of agony echoing through the confined space.

“My men,” he whispered, a sense of pain and sorrow gripping his heart. The sight of his comrades meeting such a perilous fate weighed heavily on him, but he knew there was little he could do to save them in this peculiar and treacherous place.

As the chaos unfolded, Pilot Renon’s own craft began to shake violently, a loud siren blaring from within. Panic surged through him as he checked the schematics, revealing that the left wing had suffered severe damage from one of those passing noise hairs. He was losing control of his aircraft rapidly, and time was running out.

“Oh no!” he yelled, his voice filled with desperation as his craft hurtled toward an unexpected obstacle. The giant’s nose loomed ahead, covered in a massive mass of sticky snot clinging to the cavernous walls.


Queen Ziraya couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of curiosity and pleasure as she looked down at the tiny specks that continued to buzz around her shoes. The itch in her nose was momentarily ignored as she contemplated stepping on these persistent little creatures. However, something within her held her back, and instead, an unexpected idea formed in her mind.

With a daring impulse, the queen decided to bend down and remove her imposing heels. As her bare feet touched the ground, a rush of sensations surged through her, connecting her more intimately with her planet’s surface. Her toes, adorned with sharp black nails, tingled with anticipation.

A mischievous smile played on her lips as the warm feeling of the little mites attacking her toes washed over her. She felt an odd sense of pleasure from this newfound experience. It was as if an ancient connection had awakened, one that bridged the gap between her regal stature and the tiny beings that dared to challenge her.

“Keep going,” she encouraged the little creatures, her eyes closing as she surrendered to the sensation. The sensation of these tiny mites attacking her toes brought her an indescribable delight, a connection to her planet and its inhabitants in a way she had never imagined.

General Theron stood in stunned silence, his Air Force reduced to nothing in the face of the colossal giant’s might. The defeat weighed heavily upon him, but he refused to succumb to despair. As the ground beneath his feet rumbled, he watched in awe as the giant bent down, revealing massive toes that emanated a peculiar blend of fine flowers and foot sweat.

Despite the overwhelming odds, General Theron’s resolve remained unyielding. He couldn’t comprehend the strange allure of the giant’s toes, nor the captivating aroma that filled the air. It was as if an enigmatic force had surrounded him, testing his will and determination.

But even amidst the mesmerizing scent, his heart burned with an unquenchable fire. His sense of duty and the desire to protect his planet and its people compelled him to press on. With unwavering determination, he commanded his remaining forces to continue their attack, their mighty shells slamming against the giant’s flesh with tenacity.

“I will conquer you,” he swore to himself, his voice filled with determination, as he stepped closer to the colossal foot. The giant’s toes seemed like insurmountable obstacles, yet he refused to be swayed by their strange allure.

“I swear.”

Authors note: Sorry for the long wait, todays my birthday. expect the next chapters soon.



Nice story. Are you going to work on my commissioned stories next?


Nice job and also happy birthday


Awesome! So which story are you starting with first? Also Happy Birthday.


Oh damn we 4 years apart - also do you like cake because almost everyone in my family don’t like or really eat there cake on there birthdays which hurts me every time because I love cake especially chocolate


F yeah!!!!!! Thank you- omg you have no idea how good it feels to hear someone’s love for cake just thank you