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In the midst of chaos and destruction, the sky bellowed with black smoke that obscured the once serene blue. The ground trembled with an unrelenting fury, its cracks widening like wounds upon the earth. Buildings, once symbols of strength, were torn apart, split down the middle, and crushed under the weight of falling rocks and debris. Amidst the chaos, screams filled the air, a haunting chorus of terror and desperation.

Yet, amidst this apocalyptic scene, a figure stood, a figure garbed in black armor, a sadistic smile etched upon her face, a smile that told all who gazed upon it that she didn't care of the chaos she created, in fact with a sadistic glee, she reveled in the havoc that unfolded, relishing in the terror she instilled. Bending down, her hand extended, she reached for the fleeing officers, like a predator toying with its helpless prey.

With a sadistic smile stretching across her face, the imposing figure clasped her hand around the trembling officer, his screams echoing in the air. She held him tightly, the stark contrast between her immense strength and his vulnerability evident in that moment. Towering above, the giant armored woman straightened to her full height, her crimson eyes fixated on the diminutive man ensnared within her grasp.

"Poor little thing," she taunted, her voice dripping with feigned sympathy. The words carried a chilling tone, laced with the satisfaction derived from the torment she inflicted upon her victims. The officer, gasping for air between terrified sobs, felt the weight of his helplessness in the face of such malevolence.

As the woman's gaze bore down upon him, her crimson eyes burned with an intensity that seemed to penetrate his very soul. She reveled in her display of dominance, relishing the power she held over this insignificant life.

Yet, within the depths of the officer's fear, a flicker of defiance sparked. With a glimmer of courage, he mustered the strength to lock eyes with his captor, defiance burning in his own gaze. Though overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation, he refused to succumb completely, and it was this that gave the giant even more joy.

She with a moan plunged her left fingers deep into the fabric that covered her womanhood. She closed her eyes, ever conscious of the little man she held in her grasp.

"You know what I love the most about being free?" the giantess asked, a wicked gleam in her eyes as she brought the terrified man closer to her face. With her colossal hand holding him in front of her lips, she watched with sadistic amusement as his fear intensified.

"I love being able to feel you little insects squirm," she taunted, her voice filled with malicious delight. The man trembled in her grasp, his heart pounding in his chest as he stared into the depths of her malevolent gaze.

The woman's face momentarily transformed, a fleeting serenity replacing the sadistic expression that had marred her features. She gazed down at the little man ensnared in her grasp, her eyes betraying a hint of something beyond cruelty. But within an instant, that glimpse of humanity vanished, replaced by her twisted, sadistic visage once more.

As her grip tightened around the man's fragile frame, an agonizing scream tore through the air. The officer's voice resonated with a mixture of anguish and despair, his pain echoing through the depths of his being. Each tortured cry pierced the surrounding chaos, a haunting testament to the torment he endured.

She smiled as she felt the little man's bones snap like a twig, she giggled as she witnessed the little man's body deform and crimson blood began to gush from his mouth nose and ears.

"I love to feel you little things go splat." She smiled and with that one declaration, the small officer went "SPLAT." His body erupting in a explosion of crimson blood.

The Black armored giant looks down at all the little people scattering all around her black high heels with amusement. She with little care brought her blood covered hand up to her face and licks the blood off of her palm. "I love it so much." She said with a lewd smile.

"BOOM!" The ground shook as explosions reverberated around the colossal figure. The giantess turned her gaze behind, her attention drawn to the source of the commotion. As the deafening blasts cascaded around her armored form, she witnessed a formidable sight.

Before her, small tanks rumbled forward, their barrels trained upon her towering figure. Rows upon rows of determined men marched in disciplined unison, their weapons poised for battle. The air was filled with the roar of mighty aircraft soaring towards her, ready to unleash their devastating payloads.

The giantess's sadistic smile widened, an unholy delight gleaming in her eyes. The sheer audacity of their attack only fueled her malevolent satisfaction. The challenge presented before her, the collective force of those who dared to stand against her, awakened a twisted exhilaration deep within her being.

"Do you little people want to play with me?" the giantess asked, her voice reverberating like thunder as she straightened her long, black hair. The explosions that erupted around her body bathed her in a chaotic symphony of destruction. Some blasts reverberated against her armored form, while others kissed her bare flesh, causing it to ripple and jiggle with each impact.

A sadistic smile curled upon her lips, a reflection of the malevolence that resided within her colossal frame. She reveled in the chaos, finding twisted pleasure in the terror she instilled. To her, the tiny beings scurrying beneath her were mere playthings, their futile attempts to challenge her akin to ants trying to topple a mountain.

The giantess began to bend down, her colossal knees slamming into the ground with a resounding tremor that rippled through the earth. As she lowered herself, her immense form loomed over the tiny tanks before her, their barrels still trained upon her colossal figure. She brought her face closer, her eyes gleaming with sadistic anticipation.

Without hesitation, the tanks unleashed their firepower upon her, their projectiles hurtling towards her monstrous face. Explosions erupted upon impact, engulfing her features in a blazing inferno. Yet, to the bewilderment of the tiny warriors, the explosions caused no damage, as if her flesh were impervious to their assaults.

A sadistic smile crept across the giantess's face, her eyes dancing with perverse delight. The miniature explosions against her skin were nothing more than a tickle, failing to dent her indomitable form. She reveled in their futile attempts, taunting them with a wicked glimmer in her eyes.

"Come on, don't you dare stop," she jeered, her voice booming like thunder. Her laughter mixed with the explosions, a haunting symphony that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to challenge her. The defiant warriors hesitated, but her relentless goading pushed them forward. "I want to feel your useless attacks."

Her white skin ass hung high into the air, her bear back was like a slide of toned flesh, her massive breast where pressed firmly into the ground like liquid balloons and her wild black hair covered the ground, forming rivers of hair that went in almost every direction.

The giantess's sadistic smile disappeared as a sudden itch overcame her nose. Instinctively, she brought her colossal face upward, distancing herself from the relentless assault of the tiny people upon her skin.

"Ah, ah, ah..." she muttered, unable to stifle the impending eruption. A powerful sneeze shook her entire frame, her eyes squeezed shut, and with an explosive "ACHOO!!!" her face surged forward, propelled by the force of the sneeze.

The Gail force winds generated by the sneeze proved catastrophic for the little soldiers and tanks. They were lifted off the ground, suspended helplessly in the air, and sent flying for miles. Their attempts to withstand the tempest were futile against the sheer power of the giantess's sneeze.

The giantess opened her eyes, witnessing the devastation she had unwittingly caused. The soldiers and tanks were nowhere to be seen, scattered by the unstoppable forces of nature. The once thriving landscape now lay razed to the ground, the remnants of the battle strewn across the desolate terrain.

Her disappointment was evident in her voice as she questioned the resilience of the tiny people. "Are you little people so weak that you can't even survive a sneeze?" she asked, her tone a mixture of disdain and frustration.

But her gaze soon shifted to the half-destroyed hospital that stood amidst the wreckage. A dark delight crept back into her eyes. "Well, I guess I can still have a little more fun," she mused, her voice laced with anticipation.



Amazing as always it’s been a long time for the this story but it’s still amazing and hella exciting to read man can’t wait to see where it goes from here