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Ethan rushed down the night streets of the city of NeoSpectra, sweat falling from his forehead as he did everything he could to rush home.

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm so late!" he yelled to himself, his heart pounding in his chest. Gripping tightly to his bag, he weaved through the bustling crowd, desperately hoping he could make it on time.

Ethan's heart beat faster as he neared his house. Tonight was the night he had been eagerly anticipating, the night he would see her again. "Harper..." he whispered with a mixture of excitement and peaceful joy. But as he rounded the corner, a voice within him chastised, "Ethan, you idiot! How could you keep the girl of your dreams waiting?" The realization struck him, and a surge of adrenaline propelled him forward, pushing his tired legs to move even faster. He couldn't bear the thought of disappointing Harper, after she was the only girl he felt like he could be normal around.

As Ethan raced through the streets, his mind wandered back to the early days of their connection. The question of why they were so compatible nagged at him, and the more he thought about it, the more perplexed he became. It all started with Harper's first appearance on that screen, her image imprinted in his memory. He vividly recalled how muscular and toned she seemed, a clear indication of her active lifestyle. But it wasn't just her physicality that drew him in; it was her carefree demeanor, her refusal to take things too seriously.

On their first online date, Ethan couldn't help but notice how Harper dressed. She wore a simple black shirt with bold, flaming words spelling "HOT ROD" on the front, paired with dark blue jeans. It was evident that she didn't feel the need to impress him with fancy attire or rely on her natural beauty alone. She stayed true to herself, and that authenticity resonated with Ethan. He appreciated her ability to be comfortable in her own skin, unaffected by societal expectations.

He, on the other hand, wasn't active at all. Ethan worked behind a desk all day, his sedentary lifestyle contrasting with Harper's vibrant energy. He was well aware of his own physical appearance. Ethan knew he was skinny and nerdy, needing glasses to see clearly, and he struggled with skin issues. Yet, despite these perceived flaws, he couldn't help but wonder why he and Harper were such a perfect match. It remained a delightful mystery to him.

There was something refreshing and genuine about Harper that Ethan found irresistible. Despite the confusion he felt about their inexplicable compatibility, he couldn't deny the magnetic pull they shared. He hoped that tonight, as he raced home, he would have the chance to unravel the mystery of their connection and bask in the presence of the woman who had captured his heart.

Ethan stood in front of his door, key in hand, ready to unlock it and step into his sanctuary. But something stopped him. A sudden wave of frustration washed over him, and he muttered, “Dammit,” under his breath. His mind wandered back to earlier in the day, recalling the challenges he faced at work.


Ethan sat at the front desk of his working area, fingers typing away on the keyboard, his gaze fixed on the monitor. For months, he had been tirelessly searching for any trace of an up-and-coming Gulliverian terrorist group that had recently emerged in the country of Novaria, a terrorist group under the name of the Consortium which was situated within the expansive borders of Gulliveria. This elusive group had managed to stay relatively hidden, leaving behind only scattered breadcrumbs for terrorist prevention analysts like Ethan to piece together.

Their appearances had been few and far between, but their intentions remained shrouded in mystery. Ethan’s instincts, honed by years of experience, told him that nothing good could ever come from individuals associated with such a group. The stakes were high, and the safety of innocent lives hung in the balance.

Ethan, while engrossed in examining countless digital files, stumbled upon something he hadn’t noticed before. “Huh?” he uttered, his eyes widening in surprise. Intrigued, he leaned in closer to the computer screen, focusing on a hidden account that had received a substantial deposit. The money had been sent from a shadowy source, originating from an account registered under the intriguing pen name of “Silvershade.”

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Ethan’s veins as he realized the significance of his discovery.

Ethan had heard the name Silvershade before. It had been whispered in the shadows, intertwined with tales of the Consortium. The mere mention of Silvershade sent chills down his spine, and now, staring at the account that bore that very name, his soul quivered with a mix of dread and anticipation.

As his eyes scanned the digits on the screen, his voice barely a whisper, he muttered, “10,000,000…”


Ethan shook his head, clearing his thoughts as he stood in front of his door. “Don’t dwell on that now, Ethan,” he reminded himself, determined to set aside the weight of his investigations for the evening. Tonight was meant to be a magical time with the girl of his dreams.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ethan pushed open the door, greeted by a rush of anticipation. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he stepped into his sanctuary, leaving behind the worries and uncertainties of his work. Tonight was a chance to revel in the enchantment of the present moment, embracing the joy and connection he shared with Harper.

Bounding up the stairs, his heart filled with excitement, Ethan couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude. He had been given the opportunity to escape the complexities of his life, if only for a little while, and immerse himself in the company of someone who made his heart sing.


“You look handsome tonight,” Harper said, her smile lighting up the screen as she gazed at Ethan.

“Thank you, you look beautiful yourself,” Ethan replied, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Harper felt her cheeks warm, a hint of a blush spreading across her face. She had been complimented before, but something about hearing it from Ethan made her heart flutter. It was as if his words carried a weight and sincerity that she couldn’t simply brush off. Absentmindedly, she brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes and smiled back at him.

“Thanks,” Harper responded, her voice laced with appreciation. “I don’t usually wear something like this, but for our fifth date, I thought it was about time to step up my game.” She laughed lightly, gesturing toward her black dress that shimmered as if adorned with stardust.

“I approve,” Ethan replied, his cheeks turning a shade of red. “Oh, and I’m sorry for coming late. Work had kept me much longer than I anticipated.”

Harper shook her head, dismissing any concern. “No worries at all, I understand what that’s like,” she reassured him, her smile unwavering. “No worries, you’re here now, and you’re all mine.” She playfully laughed, a mixture of excitement and affection filling the air.

Ethan laughed, his voice filled with genuine warmth. “You got that right, I’m all yours,” he replied, his smile radiating affection.

Harper’s giggles were soon replaced by concern as she noticed Ethan’s sudden silence. She studied his face with worry, her eyes searching for any signs of distress. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice tinged with genuine care.

Ethan’s smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered, attempting to hide his inner turmoil. “It’s nothing,” he reassured her, hoping to brush off his feelings.

But Harper wasn’t easily convinced. She leaned closer to the screen, her expression growing more serious. “Ethan,” she said gently, her voice filled with sincerity, “I can tell when you’re hiding something from me. Come on, be honest with me. What’s wrong?” She asked again, her eyes sharp and serious.

Ethan couldn’t resist Harper’s unwavering perception. With a smirk, he decided to reveal his true thoughts. “It’s just that… this is our fifth date, right? Well, don’t you think it’s time for a face-to-face meeting?” His words hung in the air, laced with anticipation and a touch of vulnerability.

Harper fell silent, contemplating Ethan’s suggestion. The truth was, she knew exactly what he meant. As a Lilliputian, she towered over him, the difference in their sizes almost comical. A wave of apprehension washed over her, causing beads of sweat to form on her forehead. His point struck a chord within her, stirring a mix of emotions.

After a moment of reflection, Harper smiled, her eyes shining with determination. “Alright, let’s do it,” she said, her voice filled with newfound resolve. The thought of meeting Ethan face-to-face brought with it a blend of excitement and nervousness, but she was ready to take the leap.



GOD I don’t know if I can wait for the next part I’m already pup to see how they react to each other face to face especially Ethan’s since Harper is so willing to take this to the next level. But I will wait as long as I can but damn this is already getting so good Great job.


So are you going to do another poll for the next story or just going to pick which one to do next yourself - because my vote would totally be GTS Bully just to see Jazmin the QUEEN Herself do her lovely punishment on our young boy Axel while also see him stand up for himself to and take her on showing his true strength but the choice is your so whatever it is I know I’ll love it.


And you’re doing a great and wonderful job straight up 10/10 bangers in a row 👍😁