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In the town of Crestwood, where the sun shined brightly over the huge mountains that towered in the distance, and kids walked down the sidewalk as they made their way home from school, Molly Adams walked through crowds of people as she made her way to her apartment building.

Her long brown hair was disheveled, her body ached from exhaustion, and sweat covered her forehead, causing her to produce a putrid smell that thankfully most of her coworkers couldn't detect. Molly worked a low-grade desk job that paid her barely above minimum wage.

She was unimportant when it came to the company that she worked for, a pawn whose name her bosses would never know. She could be fired at any time, and no one would care. Molly, with a briefcase in hand, almost wanted to cry. At the age of 30, she was alone, with no friends or boyfriend. Even her parents had forsaken her many years ago when she refused to join the military like her father and older sister.

But she didn't care. She would not break. Molly was a stubborn one, just like both of her parents. She was determined and didn't give up easily. Her life sucked, and yet there was one thing that gave her joy—a secret known only to her.

Molly stopped walking as she stood before her two-story apartment building named Willowbrook. She lived on the bottom right and smiled as she looked at her front door. "Finally home," she whispered to herself.

Unlocking the door, Molly stepped into her modest but cozy apartment. Molly walked into her home and slipped off her shoes, letting out a sigh of relief as the weight of the day lifted from her shoulders. She threw her worn-out briefcase down onto the couch and began to undress, peeling off the layers that confined her throughout the day.

As she made her way towards the hidden door that stood in the far off corner of the house, a door that led down to the basement, a thought crossed her mind. "Should I take a shower first?" Molly paused, raising her arm and catching a whiff of her own scent. Her tired face scrunched up for a moment, contemplating the necessity of freshening up.

But then a mischievous smile crept onto her lips, and she shook her head. "Ah, there's no reason for me to look my best, not for those little dust mites." Molly chuckled to herself, embracing her sense of rebellion against societal expectations.

She shrugged off the idea of conforming to anyone else's standards. In her own private space, she felt free to be herself, without worrying about judgment or appearances. The town's gaze and the dismissive glances of her colleagues held no power over her within the walls of her sanctuary and with confidence she threw off her clothes, wearing only a white bikini and bra on her body. Her pure white skin was unblemished and toned with Abes from all the training and physical exercise she did as a child, Abes that her clothes hid with ease during her ordinary days.

With a newfound confidence, Molly sauntered past the bathroom, leaving the shower untouched for now. She headed straight to the kitchen, where she poured herself a glass of chilled wine. She relished in the simple pleasure of the cool liquid cascading down her throat, refreshing her from within. She downed the glass within seconds, only to refill and do it all again, five whole times. Her eyes where becoming drowsy, her body loose and more relaxed than she had been through the whole entire day.

Molly slowly put down her finished glass and ran her fingers through her brown hair, letting loose a moan as she did so. “It’s time to have some fun…” she chucked to herself as she once again walked to her basement door, reaching out to open it wide.


Ski Anderson stood by the wide, clear window of the towering skyscraper, which offered an unrivaled view of the entire city below. From this height, she held the commanding position, the most powerful and wealthiest individual in the entire metropolis.

With a serious gaze, Ski looked down upon the bustling streets, where people moved like tiny ants from her vantage point. A scowl creased her forehead as she observed the smallness of their existence. It was a constant reminder of the insignificance she attributed to the lives of those beneath her, the lives that she herself shared.

Her eyes, driven by an insatiable ambition, were drawn upward toward the distant borders of her city. There, at the edge of the horizon, she beheld another city, far grander and more imposing than her own. This was the city of Everdawn, a Gulliverian metropolis that fell under the control of a fabled living goddess, whose control they found themselves under.

As the ground beneath Ski’s feet began to tremble, the skyscraper housing her position of power resonated with increasing intensity. The vibrations rippled through the entire structure, an ominous sign of imminent chaos. Ski's eyes widened as she surveyed the city below, witnessing the tremors spreading like wildfire, engulfing every street, building, and soul.

"She's coming," Ski muttered, her anger transforming into a mixture of fear and defiance. The knowledge that the cataclysmic force she had seen so many times was now making its way towards her city and it sent shivers down her spine. The deafening sound of impending doom reverberated through the air, drowning out all other noise.

With a combination of fascination and terror, Ski strained her eyes to see beyond the trembling cityscape. And there, amidst the chaos, she saw it—a colossal figure casting a shadow over the entire metropolis. It was the living planet, a being so immense and otherworldly that Ski struggled to comprehend its form as it hovered over the city.

Looking from her skyscraper window she could barely see the white undergarments that stretched out wide, like an endless valley of white. Her thick legs stretched outwards like massive pillars that seemed big enough to hold up the universe itself.

Ski couldn’t even comprehend how gigantic the feet that held this Titan up where. As Ski stood before the immense presence of the living planet, a mixture of awe and despair consumed her. Clenching her fingers tightly together, her hand transformed into a clenched fist, a symbol of her frustration and insignificance. In that moment, the truth became painfully clear—she was nothing more than a dust mite, a microscopic entity in the presence of a towering giantess.

The weight of her own existence bore down on Ski's shoulders as she grappled with the harsh reality of her insignificance. She realized that she was not even worthy of being considered a dust mite in the eyes of this monolithic being. She was a mere germ, a parasite of obscurity, lost in the vastness of the universe.

The riches that Ski had amassed in her life, once a source of pride and power, now held no value in the face of such overwhelming grandeur. Money, material possessions, and worldly success paled in comparison to the awe-inspiring might of the living planet. Ski's wealth had become meaningless, an empty facade that failed to shield her from the realization of her own minuscule existence.

In the face of this revelation, a whirlwind of emotions swirled within Ski's heart. Resentment, fear, and a sense of hopelessness battled for dominance. She felt as though she had been chasing an illusion all along, pursuing an empty dream of power and dominance over others.

This was her life, the life of a Lilliputian, and even the much larger Gulliverians that stood hundreds of feet above them. They had no power, no control over the Prodigan that controlled their lives.


Molly stood in awe before her collection of miniature cities, scattered across the floor. A smile played on her lips as she wiggled her toes, relishing in the power and control she held over these tiny cities. The sheer absurdity of her possession brought her joy, despite the small number of cities in her collection.

She would never consider herself a true collector, as her collection was modest compared to those who possessed grand collections. Yet, Molly found great satisfaction in being the self-proclaimed goddess of these small worlds. Each city stood no taller than her ankles, but to her, they represented a realm of their own, worlds much different from her own, filled with tiny beings, some so microscopic she would need a microscope to see properly.

"Lilliputian, Gulliverian, and Brobdingnagian," Molly exclaimed, pointing to each city with a mischievous grin. Each one held its own charm and unique features, captivating her imagination. They were all hers to govern, shape, and influence, the epitome of her control over these tiny domains.

“Let the fun begin.”



Can’t wait to see all the amazing characters then that I know will all be awesome


Can I send you a couple story ideas for you to make and people can vote for what story they want to see?