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It all started with the volcanic eruption of Mount Calyptus that happened in 1999—a catastrophic event that sent shockwaves through the hearts of mankind. It was the strongest eruption ever calculated, unleashing chaos on an unimaginable scale. The sky turned an ominous black as smoke and ash billowed into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun's rays. The ground quivered incessantly, rattling buildings and causing panic to spread like wildfire.

The world watched in horror as the aftermath of the eruption unfolded. The fury of nature knew no bounds. Coastal cities were mercilessly battered by monstrous tidal waves that crashed upon the shores, obliterating everything in their path. The once-thriving metropolises were submerged under the relentless onslaught of water, leaving only desolation and sorrow in their wake.

But the destruction did not end there. Unforeseen consequences manifested in the form of violent tornadoes, tearing through lands that had never before witnessed such weather phenomena. These swirling cyclones reaped havoc across vast expanses, uprooting trees, demolishing homes, and shattering lives. People clung to the fragments of their shattered existence, struggling to comprehend the cataclysmic events that had befallen them.

As the world grappled with the aftermath, scientists embarked on a quest to understand the eruption's unprecedented power. Their investigations led them deep into the bowels of the Earth, where they discovered a network of interconnected caverns filled with a pulsating, otherworldly energy. This discovery would forever change the course of human history.

Unbeknownst to humanity, the eruption had awakened a dormant force deep within the Earth's core, a force that would forever damage and change the world. The Kaiju…


I opened my eyes slowly, only to find myself staring at a white ceiling. Confusion washed over me as I took in my surroundings. This wasn't my house; it was someone else's home. How did I end up here?

With a throbbing headache and a groan escaping my lips, I realized I was experiencing the aftermath of a wild night of partying. The telltale signs of a hangover were evident, clouding my mind and making it difficult to piece together the events of the previous evening.

As I sat up, carefully avoiding aggravating my pounding head, the room came into focus. It was a cozy, yet unfamiliar space with tasteful decor. Memories began to trickle back, like fragments of a shattered glass. The laughter, the music, and the drinks blended together in my mind, but the specifics remained elusive.

"I swear, this is the last time I'm partying so hard," I muttered to myself, rubbing my temples in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing pain. It was a promise I made to myself countless times before, but always seemed to forget in the excitement of the moment.

I slowly swung my legs out of bed, feeling the dull ache that reverberated through every fiber of my body. Each movement was accompanied by a symphony of soreness, as if my entire being was made of delicate glass. As I reached down to retrieve my phone from the nightstand, a wave of exhaustion washed over me.

The screen illuminated, revealing a multitude of notifications. My eyes widened as I saw the number displayed on the screen—30 unread text messages. I chuckled to myself, the irony not lost on me. "Looks like I'm a popular dude," I muttered, my voice laced with both amusement and weariness.

My curiosity piqued, I opened the messages, only to find that they were all from a single sender—my mother. Concern etched every word, and my smirk faded as I read her desperate pleas for me to contact her immediately. A pang of guilt tinged my heart.

"Or maybe not," I murmured, realizing that popularity was not the reason for this flood of messages. Something was amiss, and my mother's urgency only added to the growing unease within me.

I swiftly dressed, slipping into my clothes, lacing up my shoes, and adjusting my glasses. The room I had spent the night in had a feminine touch, evident in the delicate decorations and soft hues. With a shrug, I dismissed any further analysis of the room, focusing instead on the task at hand.

Stepping out of the room, I found myself in a messy hallway strewn with empty beer cans and discarded food wrappers. It was a testament to the revelry that had taken place the night before—a raucous gathering of people who had succumbed to the excesses of the evening. Carefully maneuvering around the debris, I made my way towards the living room.

As I entered, a scene of disarray unfolded before me. The room was littered with bodies, sprawled out on the floor in various states of dishevelment. It seemed that the revelers had paid the price for their indulgence, succumbing to exhaustion and the intoxicating effects of the night's festivities.

I navigated through the sleeping figures with caution, taking care not to disturb their slumber. It was a delicate dance, avoiding limbs and bodies that lay haphazardly in my path. The morning light streamed in through the windows, casting a gentle glow on the remnants of the party, like a spotlight on the aftermath of revelry.

Finally, I arrived at the front door, my heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. As I turned the doorknob, the sunlight spilled in, enveloping me in its warmth. It was a stark contrast to the chaotic scene behind me—a gentle reminder that life outside continued on, oblivious to the chaos within these walls.

Stepping out into the fresh air, I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the scent of freedom. The streets stretched out before me, not wanting to do what was needed.

Reluctantly, I retrieved my phone from my pocket and dialed my mother's number, a mix of apprehension and hope swirling within me. A part of me secretly wished she wouldn't answer, allowing me to evade the consequences of my actions. However, my wish was swiftly denied as her voice sounded through the receiver.

"Hello?" Her voice carried a blend of worry and irritation, setting the tone for the conversation that would follow.


"Hey, ma," I replied, attempting to infuse my tone with false cheerfulness. Deep down, I knew I couldn't escape her disappointment and concern.

"Bradley... where have you been?" Her voice cracked with a mixture of panic and frustration, making it clear that my absence had caused her considerable distress.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the inevitable scolding that was about to come. "Don't worry, ma. I was just hanging out with some friends," I replied, the words tumbling out of my mouth in a feeble attempt to downplay the situation.

"You mean you were partying again with your friends," my mother interjected, her voice laced with a tinge of disappointment.

Silence hung heavy in the air as I struggled to find the right words, the ones that would alleviate her concerns and make everything seem more acceptable. However, deep down, I knew the truth. I couldn't deny the truth any longer.

"Ma... I..." I began, my voice faltering as I tried to find the courage to face the reality of my choices.

"Bradley, don't you think it's about time that you stop doing these kinds of things?" Her voice trembled with a mix of worry and frustration. "You're 24 years old, and you have no job, no direction. You dropped out of college, and you spend your nights partying. Bradley, that's not a life."

Her words struck a chord within me, piercing through the defensive walls I had built around myself. I remained silent, feeling the weight of her disappointment settle upon my shoulders like an unshakable burden.

I knew she was right. I had been avoiding responsibility, drifting aimlessly through life without purpose or ambition. The allure of parties and temporary escapism had become my refuge, a way to numb the gnawing emptiness inside. But now, faced with my mother's unwavering honesty, I could no longer ignore the truth.

A surge of frustration welled up within me as I retorted, "Come on, ma. I'm 24 years old. I should be able to live my life the way I want."

"Exactly!" Her voice rose with a mix of exasperation and concern. "You're 24, and yet you haven't taken any steps towards building a future for yourself. It's time to face reality, Bradley. It's time to find your purpose, to discover what truly matters to you."

Her words cut through my defenses, the truth echoing in my ears. The life I had been leading was a facade, a hollow existence that left me feeling empty and lost. My mother wanted her words to be a wake-up call, a reminder that I had the power to change my trajectory, to embrace a different path and all they did was make me feel all the more pathetic.

What was I going to say, what could I say. I mean I could promise my mother that I would turn my life around, and yet such a promise would be empty. The truth was, I felt trapped in the confines of my own existence. The void within me seemed to grow deeper with each passing day, leaving me feeling hollow and cold. How could I make a promise to turn my life around when I didn't even know where to begin?

"Ma, look, I'm going to..." My voice trailed off, lost in the uncertainty that clouded my thoughts. But before I could finish my sentence, the piercing wails of sirens shattered the air, assaulting my eardrums with their deafening volume. The sudden cacophony jolted me out of my internal struggle, my focus shifting to the chaos unfolding around me.

From the ground, long, thin metal poles emerged, shooting skyward with an otherworldly force. At their zenith, a red light flashed, casting an ominous glow over the area. The ground trembled beneath my feet as my eyes widened in disbelief. Before me, gigantic walls began to rise, encircling the city like a fortress, sealing it off from the outside world.

"Oh my god," I whispered into the phone, my voice filled with a mix of awe and dread.
