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Her head was heavy with a unyielding pain as it was positioned  at the very top of a mountain that was constantly crumbling away from the immense weight. The very perception of pain was new to this enormous woman and with a heart pounding rage that demanded satisfaction she knew with absolute certainty of one thing. She didn't like it, Laufey Titanborn didn't like it at all.

The whole mountain quaked as Laufey began to sit up. Her eyes glowed with a golden hue as they stayed focused on their target standing in the middle of her open legs growling like a untamed beast.

"BUG!" She shouted as she forced her legs together hoping to squish the little man in between them. Her legs traveled across the land scrapping up the ground with tones and tones of female flesh. Laufey could feel the snapping of a dozen trees, the crumbling of the largest boulders  that occupied the land. The very environment seemed to surrender to her closing thighs.


Dust filled the sky for miles as Laufeys legs squeezed together with such force that a crystal would break apart. She gazed from up above, ignoring the wide scar her legs left behind on the once green landscape.

"Die you little shit!" Laufey yelled her voice echoing through the land. She swore to herself that she wouldn't separated her legs the force in between them would not end, not until she knew with the utmost certainty that he was dead.

Laufey looked towards the city of Overreach, a city that could be crushed with three steps by her mighty feet. "I've won!" She yelled down at the city that rested a few feet by her legs. This was the city that the small berserk cherished, the city that he transformed into a monster to protect and it would be the city that Laufey Titanborn would destroy.

"Huh?" Laufey looks down at her closed thighs expeditiously as she could feel something small pressing up against both of her legs. It was as if someone was poking her legs with their finger.

"How can this be?" Laufey questioned as she added more and more force to her legs. The ground shuddered as if in fear, cracks large enough to swallow towns where etched into the earth, and the once clear sky was now clouded and smelled of body Oder, the same body Oder that blanketed the giants body.

The struggles grew greater and greater as the irritating poke grew into a stronger more stubborn force.

"Why?" Laufey asked as she gritted her teeth. "Why won't you die!?" She yelled out as her mountain destroying legs opened about an inch apart.

Their came no answer to the question spoken, only a growl that seemed to grow louder and louder, a growl directed to Laufey herself. The berserker with both of his hands held back the walls of flesh that tried to end his life and with a mighty roar, pushed against the ever closing walls with both of its hands and like a speeding arrow flew in between Both of Laufeys legs and flew right towards her face.

The beast brought back its mighty fist as it stared at the surprise face of the giantess herself. It's fist tore through the air as if it where nothing but paper as it flew with blinding speed towards the giants face which resided high in the sky.


It was the sound of cannon fire that was heard for miles and miles across the lands, followed by a mighty roar that was ravenous, and so filled with fury that it seemed to come more from a beast than a man.

Laufeys cheek became distorted as waves of force ran through her face, forcing her whole entire head backwards, and causing her very eyes to roll backwards into her skull. Laufeys mind became blank as she began to fall backwards.


The earth rumbled and shook as a ton of Feminine flesh crashed against it. The ground became more and more destroyed as cracks after cracks began to form more and become more deep. Trees where uprooted and animals and even monsters to be slain, ran for their lives, trying to escape the battle taking place right before their eyes.

Even the half destroyed city of Overreach wasn’t safe, as the battle taking place right in the forest that stood before their city walls, was causing such havoc that the people still alive could only hope that they survived the quakes and massive crevices that swallowed their homes, cattle, and even family members.

Laufey layer unconscious on top of the snapped trees that could never handle her weight, trees that acted like a cushion for her body.

Her mind clouded and banging like a drum was lost in the echos of her past. Laufey even unconscious could still remember the words of her father. She remembered how mighty and tall he was, how his muscular body stood as a reminder of the importance of training and discipline. She remember how he would stroke her hair when she was a small child and he was still able to reach her head, and she remembered his warm smile.

Their favorite place was the cliff of Titan echos, they would stand their for hours overlooking the valley belonging to the giants, and it was their that Laufey would hear her fathers greatest dream.

“Laufey.” He would say in such a gentle and yet stern voice. “What does being strong mean to you?”

Laufey would often roll her eyes as her father asked such bizarre questions, that seemed to be a puzzle within a riddle, she hated those, and yet her eyes did not roll l, instead they remained focused on her father, whose visage held a certain tranquility that was unbecoming of a giant.

“Being undefeated.” Laufey would say while banging her chest. “Never losing a fight, and being the strongest living creature in the world .

Her father would giggle m upon hearing such remarks for these were the dreams that all giant held in their heart.

“Laufey you are one of the very few giants who have inherited the titans blood, our ancestors blood. Therefore that dream may actually become reality my child.”

Laufey smiled with excitement. “Do you really think so father?!” She yelled.

Laufeys father bends down a strokes her head “Yes I do.” He laughed as he picked her up in his arms. “Tell me child do you wish to know my dream.”

Laufeys yes sparkled as she looked up at her father. “Please tell me Daddy.”

Laufeys father showed a mighty and wide smile. “It’s to reach the highest place.”

“The highest place?” Laufey asked confused. “What’s the highest place?”

“It’s a state of being child, a whole other level of power l that goes beyond any other. It is a power that goes beyond even this world.”

Laufeys child like kind couldn’t comprehend what was being said. “Beyond the world?”

“Yes child… No one has achieved this level of power, no giant elf, dragon, or human.” Laufeys father brings up his fist. “I will achieve this level of power, I will train with my heart and soul, to reach the highest place.”

Laufey would alway remember the fire in her fathers eyes, she will always remember this day when her fathers dream would become her own.

“The highest place.”


Laufey quickly opened her eyes that glowed with a blinding golden light. Veins decorated her whole entire body, as her body spasmed with power.

“I will not lose.” She said her voice booming across the land.

Laufey slowly began to stand, her booming hands and feet creating more imprints onto the land. Her face was dark, and her long brown hair was wild. “I will not lose.” She repeated as her muscles became more and more robust.

“I WILL NOT LOSE!” Laufey screamed at the top of her lungs, unable to control the emotions building inside of her any longer. With her long scream came a golden wave of power that rose into the sky like a long pillar.

“I will beat you.” Laufey said looking down at the beast who had taken the form of a man.

It was then that her body began to expand, and as it did the earth trembled. More and more Laufey grew, surpassing heights never heard of. Laufey could feel the strain on her body as within a couple of seconds her height doubled, then tripled.

[“Dont stop! I can’t stop, I must win!] she thought to herself.



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