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Her body trembled under the powerful stares of her two sisters, crimson and Darkness. Her fists where clenched, her massive teeth grinding together could break apart stars with ease. At this moment this grand being who could juggle whole entire worlds with both of her hands, who could traverse the very depths of space , was feeling a burning anger that only those she called her sisters could summon.

Devourer: "It's none of your business!"

Crimson: "Oh come on little sister I'm only asking because I'm curious. (Fake pouting.) "I mean weren't you the one who said that everything about our race is superior." (Smirks.)"So I can't help but wonder, what could've inspired you to adopt such an inferior language?"

Darkness: (Smiles.) "Sorry little sister, but I'm afraid that I am just as curious." (Giggles.) "I mean you where the most prideful of us all, you who all referred to as the golden Devourer."

The Blond goddess began to worry, for she knew that even with all of her power she wouldn't be able to to stop either of her sisters, they where both older and therefor more powerful than she was.

Devourer: (Turns her back on both of her sisters.) "I just decide to try something new after a 1000 years of just destroying planets. You have a problem with that."

Darkness: Of course not, their have been times where I have adopted a few small habits myself.”

Crimson: “Is that right.” (Crosses her arms around her large bosom.) “Maybe I should try to pick something up from those microbes.”

Devourer: “Look this has been fun, but I’m getting hungry.”

Crimson: “Of course little sister, how rude of us to waste your time.” (Speaks with a polite tone.)

The golden Devourer could see through the polite tone that crimson was speaking. She could see the chaos brewing from inside Crimsons stares, she could see the madness hidden behind Darknesses peaceful gaze. With a blinding flash of light the golden Devourer vanished into the void of space.

Crimson: “That little brat is definitely hiding something. What do you think big sister.” (Looks at Darkness.)

Darkness: (Looks at a greenish planet at the far off distance.) “Yes I have to agree with you Crimson, and you know what…” (Floats toward the green planet and looks down at it as it hovers by her chest.) “I think we should find out what our little sister is hiding.” (Reach’s for her left nipple to stroke it.)

Crimson: (Laughs out loud.) “I can follow the little twerps trail. I say we find out where Gold has been.”

Darkness moans out loud as the massaging of her left nipple grew stronger and stronger, so strong in fact that her right nipple began to grow as well, becoming a fleshy wall that stood in the way of the green planets orbit.


The people of the green word where a people without a name, for this was a brand new world, who’s people where still living in caves, and had yet to form words to speak.

These people had sturdy green skin and large muscular bodies. Their eyes where bright red and they had no hair on the top of their heads. Their world was a world of green trees whose trunks where pitch black and long, and their only enemy to these people of the green skin where the gigantic predators that roamed this ancient world. That was until the three goddesses appeared in the blue sky.

The green people looked up at the three beings that floated in the sky. They heard their booming voices which where strong enough to collapse Caves and sunder the very mountains. The ground broke apart and Avalanches created waves of giant stones that crushed the forests. Gigantic waves of sea water flowed through the valley, all of these natural disasters caused the deaths of millions of people.

Soon the blue sky lost its color, turning into something unknown a color never seen before. A large moon with small bumps all over its surface.

The whole world began to tremble, and the white clouds that enveloped the sky began to dissipate as the massive mountain grew closer and closer to the planet. The green skin people could never realize that they where looking at a giant pink nipple towering higher than any mountain.


Darkness watched from up above, she watched the small green world continue its regular orbit with no change, as it made its way towards her extended right nipple.

With her cosmic gaze she could see the inhabitants of the green world. They where nothing but savages, she would not waste any time on these specks.

The planet was only a few feet away from her nipple, and soon that distance grew shorter from a couple feet to a few inches until finally impact.

The Devourer of Darkness let out a moan, her body became shrouded in a dark foam that could swallow up whole entire stars. Darkness looked down at her right nipple which was being lit by the dying heat of the green world. She could feel it’s heat against her nipple and she could see the memories of the world itself. She cared not for such things, the only memory even a little bit enticing where the last unexpected minutes of the microbes below.

Crimson: (Annoyed.) “Are you having a good time Darkness.”

Darkness: (Red cheeks and breathing hard.) “Sorry I couldn’t help myself.”

Crimson: “Well the next time you can’t help yourself make sure you save some for me.”

Darkness: “Yes, yes…” (Rubs the dirt off her right nipple.) “Now shall we get going.”



Crimson: (floats through the vacuum of space in shock as she looks at the floating Blue ball of life in front of her.) “It’s amazing…”

Darkness: “Y-Yes I have to agree… I’ve never seen such a planet so filled with life force.” (Drool falls from her lips.) “Feasting in this world could keep a Devourer sated for months.”

Crimson: “How has Gold not eaten this world yet, why would she spare it?” (Body trembled ever so slightly shaking space itself.) “I hope that she doesn’t expect us to be as kind.”

The crimson devourer with both hands ready to pounce on the blue world, begins to advance ever the more closer.

Darkness: (Holds out her left hand blocking Crimsons path.) “Hold on Sister, let’s not forget our objective.”

Crimson: (Looks at her sister with annoyance.) “What?!”

Darkness: “Our sister has visited this world and not consumed it… I want to know why.”

Crimson: (Let’s out a sigh, Steadying her emotions.) “Fine what to propose.”

Darkness: (Smirks.) “How about we take a closer look.”


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