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Laufey watched in disbelief as the little man she had taunted, the little man she thought so less of, began to transform. His arms that where once so thin began to enlarge with thick muscles and skin popping veins. His chest and legs began to grow as well becoming much more thick and robust.

The little man who was once around 5ft tall was now standing around 10ft tall. He was standing taller than any human, looking up at her with red eyes, growling like an animal.

"You look a little stronger!" Laufey laughed out loud. Her voice echoing miles and miles away and swaying the trees. "But your still nothing but a speck!"

She spoke her taunts and smiled as she rose her fists, the golden aura all around her body growing stronger. So sure of her superiority she barely noticed how the growling beasts jumped towards her face, moving faster than an arrow.

"BOOM!" A sonic boom erupted as the growling beasts fist made contact with Laufeys face.

Laufey fell backwards, her body uplifting hundreds of trees, fling dust and rocks into the air and making huge crater in the ground.

It didn't take long for Laufey to come to her sense and break away from the surprise that had griped her soul. She began to smile as her body slowly lifted off of the ground.

"Interesting." She said with a sexy tone as her eyes fell on the little beast that stood a few feet from her. "How long has it been sense I've been hit in the face with such force.."

Laufey began to laugh as she stood up to her full height. "Yes... this is going to be fun after all!"

Laufey ran towards the growling beast. Her foot falls created powerful earthquakes that shook the whole kingdom of OverReach and destroyed many of the neighboring towns with massive cracks that swallowed them up whole. She didn't care, such things weren't even in her sights. The only one she wanted was the little beast, the little champion.

Laufey with her mighty fist swung down at the tiny beast. Her punch descended down like a  hammer towards the ground.

"BOOM!" A giant shock shook the forest as Laufeys fist impacted the ground.

The dust began to clear, the forest became still, and as all things became clear Laufey could see the tiny beast not crushed into a red mess like she expected, but actually standing in the middle of the crater his body made pushing back against her fist. Seeing this only made her smile grow wider.

The beasts grip grew tighter, and a loud roar was released from its mouth as, Laufey could feel herself being lifted off of the ground. Laufey released a small scream as her body was once again thrown to the ground.

"Why you little..." she said with anger as she positioned her face in front of the little beast and proceed to open her mouth wide and release a blinding light from its once dark depths.


A beam of blinding golden light was released, a beam that cut through the forest with ease. The land was ripped apart leaving nothing but chard ground and the ashes of threes and animals caught in its path.

"What!" Laufey shouted out as she saw the little creature standing in the middle of the burning filled, its skin was burnt and chard black. It's flesh was torn but was quickly healing. "What are you?" Laufey asked with amazement.

The beast didn't respond as its growls became even more ravenously. Soon it would be healed completely.

Laufey smirked. "I see, I guess you can't speak to me. I guess you are really nothing but a wild animal." Laufey took a few steps towards the small beast. "I guess I don't have to hold back much. Just do me a favor and don't die so quickly."

Laufey could feel the power rushing through her veins. She let out a moan of pleasure as her body began to expand, and her muscles began to grow more and more robust and thick and the glow in her eyes became more and more bright.

She grew 700ft and soon as seconds past her height reached 800, 900, then soon she towarded over the land at 1000 ft.

Her head was high in the sky. She was as tall as the highest mountain, the very trees were like thin blades of grass to her. The very city of Overeach seemed so small that she could destroy it all in Three steps, and yet the city wasn't at all in her gaze. She stared down at the little speck that stood in between her feet.

"Now let the real battle begin."


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