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She appeared from deep within the dark, she who's body was bigger than any planet. The width of her eye alone seemed to be able to fill up an entire solar system.

As she appeared from the deep void her gigantic brown eyes looked down at the small sized planet that floated by her chest.

Her name was Phoebe Remliel and she was one of the celestial goddesses that controlled and judged the universe and right now she was looking at the planet designated as planet A-113. A planet that was far advanced with its scientific discoveries. They had turned their backs on the gods and goddesses and now they had to pay.

"Hmmm, another planet to be destroyed." Phoebe said with a lewd smile as she looked down at the floating planet orbiting around her breasts.

"I can't help but wonder what do I look like from all the way down their?" She said as she brought her face closer to the little world not know how dangerous her breath was as it washed over the planet.

"Oh my..." Phoebe brought her face away from the small blue ball after witnessing what seemed to be a red scare on the surface of the little world. "I forgot how fragile these little balls are."

Phoebe giggled to herself unaware of the small little moon that bashed against her butt.

"Well I think that I'm feeling hungry!" Phoebe said rubbing her lips with her index finger.


The once blue sky was filled with a skin colored ceiling that seemed to getting closer and closer. The ground shook with power that was felt all throughout the earth, buildings tumbled down, the ground broke open, swallowing up whole entire towns with ease.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Look up at the sky!"

"It's a monster!"

The citizens all screamed out all having their opinion and fears.

"What the hell are we going to do?"

"Pray! Pray that we survive this."

The clouds in the sky began to depart as the people all watched as the giant goddess opened hers mouth, which seemed capable of swallowing the whole entire sky with ease.

It was then that thunder filled the sky, thunder that came with a blast of luck warm air that was stronger than any class 5 hurricane, reaching levels unknown to the whole community. Winds that like a raging beast swept away everting, even the ground, leaving behind a scorched ground.

Cities that where once filled with an abundance of life had now been turned to nothing but ash.

To the myriads of people that where left could do nothing but hold their battered bloody bodies and look up.

"Oh shit!"

"What the hell!"

"Is that..."

"Is that a tongue!?"

"It's too big to be a tongue!"

"It's going to crush us!!!!"


The celestial goddess licked her lips as she stared down at the little planet. With her celestial vision she could see the mite sized beings scurrying around this small planet.

With a smile on her face Phoebe opens her mouth wide and sticks out her tongue. Saliva cascaded down her tongue, saliva thick and big enough to drown whole entire continents. With excitement the giant goddess brought her tongue closer and closer.


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