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Let me ask you a quick question. Have you ever had to run for your life, or better yet have you ever feared for your life because something existed that threatened it? You might be wondering why am I asking such questions, well the answer simple it's because I'm doing it right now.

Constant explosions went off all around the area as shock wave after shockwave appeared from the crashing of the mighty titans who I knew to be my friends, Riley and Ralph.

I know, I know what you thinking where was I while all this madness was unfolding, that's a good question and the answer is once again very simple. I was running for my life, horribly I might say, for my body was constantly attacked by waves of power created by the attacking Mungy. I had to make my way through a maze of shattered stone which were the remains of broken down houses, I had to jump over massive and deep cracks in the ground.

My body ached and was covered in bruises from the flaying stones flying through the rushing wind, my ear stung from the mighty Roars and growls of the two mighty beasts.

I asked myself many times as I ran was I going to make it, is this truly the end? If this was truly happening on my end I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the rest of the world. My mind drifted to the city field with blacks smoke and I got a feeling that even if I escaped this confrontation I wouldn't be any safer anywhere else.



The waves crashed against the once calm shore of Crescent Beach. Men and women and even children ran for their lives trying to escape the wild ocean that seemed to come alive with rage.

"What's happening?"

"We have to run!"

"Look something is in the water!"

"It's swimming by the boats!"

The people screamed out as a huge shadow appeared underneath the raging waves.

The men on the mass of boats occupying the water could only looked down and whore something began to rise something massive and powerful. The collective screams of the people echoed through the air as the beast made its presence known.

It was a creature of black and white, A beast bigger than a dozen ships.

"Is that a killer whale?!"

"No that's something worse... it's a Munji."

The people watched as the giant Munji picked up the small ships and held them close to her face. They washed first the giant Munji opened her mouth wide and placed the Myriad of boats want her pink tongue. Her I seem to go with reddish Lloyd as she closed her giant maw and let out a huge gulp. Water fell from her massive breasts, her muscular body toned and ever ready began to grow ever bigger.

The waves crashed against her body as her muscles became bigger and more tensed. People begin to scream, they began to run Yes the massive giant turned her head towards their direction.

"We have to run!"

"She's coming!"


The land began to rumble, it began to break apart as untolded, unrestrained power was unleashed on its surface.

Regular people could only watch as Mopi citizens begin to grow into gigantic federal beasts. Cities were ravaged, by earthquakes caused by giant furry feet. Volcanoes were activated throwing ash and fire into the sky.

People were devoured, crushed or thrown into the air by raging winds caused by the simplest movements of these wild beasts that seemed to grow only bigger and bitter. Bodies that were once 100 feet tall, Soon stood even taller becoming forces of nature.


Braden awoke covered in blood and mud, surrounded by the wrecked houses and broken stones of the now wrecked neighborhood. His body was ravaged with pain as he tried to stand up on his own two feet. He looked up at a black sky filled with smoke and deep down he felt like the world itself would forever change.

Braden wiped the blood from his forehead. He calmed and steadied his breathing as he realized he was alone with no regular people or Munji around.

" what am I going to do?"


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