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Kara walked into her house after a long day at the pool of her apartment complex. She love the cool water against her skin on such a hot day, that and feeling the warm sun against her body.

"I should go to the pool more often." She said with a smile as she held her white towel and put her bags down on the couch.

Kara stopped walking as she noticed the TV still on. It was a report that she had heard many times before. She stepped closer to the blazing screen all the while filling small crunches underneath her foot. She paid it no attention as she focused on the screen.

" The shrinking virus." She said with fascination and a smirk. "Oh I wish that I had a small little man of my own." Kara said while sitting down on the couch and getting comfortable.

Kara began to relax but something caught her eye something small and moving down on the floor. "What's that?" She asked how she got down on her hands and knees and brought her face closer to the moving specs on her floor. "Oh it better not be bugs I just got this place cleaned."


Barren, Derrick, Steven, and Damon, were once ordinary boys, this all changed when they were affected by the shrinking virus and at the moment before boys start looking up at a face that totally filled up their entire sky.

"Oh My God she is huge." Barren said and complete awe.

All four boys had seen the giantess walk into the apartment. They had seen you're complete mighty Titanic form. They had stood before her building size the tools and smelled her womanly mask as she stepped over them and crushed so many of their fallen brethren with her foot without even care.

Truly they were nothing to this goddess who is very flesh all those soft was harder than the hardest steel, who's body weighed more than 1000 tons. Sugar crush them with a single finger drowned them in a single drop of her saliva, Turn them into a gooey mess with nothing but a single strand of hair from her head or even her eyelash. She could blow them all the way with a single breath or trapped them in The endless Cave which was her nostril. This titan of epic proportion's was no staring down at them with a smile on her face

Derrick looked towards his friends with a single tear and his eyes. " what are we going to do?"

"I don't think there's anything we can do." Damon said shaking his head.

"let's just hope she's nice." Steven said with sweat falling from his forehead.

Barren smirked to himself. "Yea unlikely but hey couldn't help to dream."


Kara can help with smile I should look down at the little mites standing in between both of her hands. She knew what she was looking at or be more precise who she was looking at.

"You guys are micros?" She shrieked with excitement. "You guys are so cute, I could just eat you up."

Kara Giggled as she saw the little specs back away. It kind of touched her heart in a strange way. She repositioned herself, once again bearing witness to the little people falling down as she did so. Kara with her legs spread looked down at the small micros that stood in between them.

"What's the matter you scared?" she asked with cocky smirk. "Well you little ones don't have to worry as long as you entertain me. I always wanted my own micros and I'm not going to ruin that now."

Kara slowly and carefully placed her hand down onto the ground, upright and stable. She watched with amusement as the little micro people struggled to climb onto her fingers, and yet still she waited patiently.

Standing safely and her Palm the giantess Rose the four little specs towards your face still holding that same smirk she held since the beginning of her discovery.

"As long as you little people do as I say, as long as you entertain me then and only then will I'll let you live." Kara said with a gentle tone. "And you know what I think I have your first job.


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