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Penelope while holding me sits down on the ground. I held on tight to one of her massive fingers as my surroundings shook chaotically.

As all things became still I look up at Penelope who intern was looking down at me.

"I remember." Penelope said with a sense of  dispiritedness. "I remember the day that everything changed, Don't you?"

"Yea I do." I said.

"When I first became a giant, when I was growing uncontrollable, it felt like my body was being torn apart slowly." Penelope spoke as if she was in deep thought. "The whole world seemed to fade away and for a brief moment my mind was overtaken."

"What?" I said with surprise. "What do you mean overtaken."

"I mean that at that time it felt like something was trying to control my body, commanding me to do things against my will." Penelope said slightly shaking as if she was recalling a traumatic experience. "It was only by using all of my strength that I was able to resist that feeling, and remain myself."

In my head I was thinking about the possibility's of this story being a lie. But it kind of made sense. Every woman on the planet prior to becoming giants seemed to become different people, killing their own spouses and other loved ones. Neighborhoods where wiped off the map, whole entire cities where destroyed.

I grab my head as I try to denied right feelings welling up inside of me. ["Could all the woman be, being controlled.] I look at Penelope as I try to contemplate all of this.

I fall to my butt as the surrounding flesh I stood on began to move. Penelope looked down at me and smiled gently as tears fell from her eyes. "I so happy to see you Braden, you have no idea how long I have been looking for you."

My heart was actually skipping a beat for a moment, was a girl actually confessing to me?

"I wish that I could say the same." I said breaking away from my boyish fantasies.

"Braden what's wrong?" Penelope looks down me worried.

"Penelope? Please tell me how many men have you killed?"

Penelope goes quite as her eyes become lifeless. "Why... why are you asking that?"

"If I understand your story correctly then that means you are not under anyones control, you have been able to maintain your sanity and reason, so how could you?" Tears fall from my eyes as rage over takes my body. "How could you have just stood by and watched as that giant bitch killed Miles in the most horrible way?!"

Penelope seemed to shake even more as she listened to my words. She looked hurt but the truth was that I didn't care.

"I have always tried to show mercy to all of the men I have found." Penelope says trying to avoid my gaze." I have never taken any slaves for myself, I have never eaten or tortured men either. I have simply only followed orders and I am afraid that has led to the deaths of many men.

"Who's! Who's orders are you following?!?" I yelled.

"The three goddesses of the planet." Penelope said with a serious tone.

"The three goddesses?" I asked confused. "Who are these goddesses?

Penelope let's out a small gasp as she tries to collect her thoughts. "The three goddess are the strongest giants in our society. They where the first, and with a single step they are able to crush a whole mountain range. They rule over the whole world..." Penelope began to look afraid as she continued to speak. "That is who the three goddesses are.


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