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What could I say as I witnessed a massive giantess passed out on the ground? What could I possibly say to the girl who for so many years was my childhood friend.

"Penelope." I said quietly.

With Booming footsteps Penelope walks towards me, soon I stood before giant toes that completely eclipsed me. Penelope slow bends down getting on both of her knees. I struggled to stand on my own two feet, I swear every movement of these giant beings caused an earthquake, honestly it was quite annoying and yet for the time being these things where unimportant to me as I looked up at the giantess towering over me.

It was then that I saw something I never thought I would see from a giant. Penelope with tears in her eyes was looking down on me with a smile on her face, but it wasn't the kind of smile that made me fear for my life, no it was welcoming and cherishing.

"Braden..." Penelope says with joy quite evident in her voice. "Your alive... Thank god your alive." Penelope says reaching for me slowly.

I step away slowly from Penelope's descending hand. Childhood friend or not, she was still a giantess and giantesses where to be trusted.

Penelope stopes her hand a few inches away from my body as a sudden realization enters her brain. "You are afraid of me."  Penelope says. "That's understandable, but I promise you Braden I won't hurt you."

Penelope seemed to beg as she spoke those words. It was almost as if she needed me to trust her, and yet I just couldn't.

"Stay back!" I shouted. "Stay back and leave this forest."

Penelope remained on her knees, she stayed quite not saying one word. Saying no words Penelope puts her hand on the ground, palm face up.

"Will you come with me Braden?" Penelope asked with pleading eyes.

"You can't be serious?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing.

Was a giantess really asking me to come with them willingly, was she really just expecting me to just walk onto her hand and go with her without a second thought? I know, I know, I didn't actually have a choice, if Penelope truly wanted me than their was nothing I could actually do, that very fact made it this whole situation strange.

"Please Braden, please just give me a few minutes, let me explain everything, if you still want me to leave afterwards I will go." Penelope says patiently, her actions subdued.

Time seemed to slow down as my gaze focused on the massive palm that hovered before me. I look up at Penelope, I look into her eyes and something deep down was telling me to believe this giant.

I slowly walk into the massive palm that awaited me. I climbed the very tip of her index finger, her finger served as a sturdy bridge that I walked on with ease.

I reached the middle of her hand, and looking up I was met with the smiling face of Penelope herself. I remember when I called Lyan an idiot , well it would turn out that I was just as much as an idiot as he was.

I rose through the air steadily, massive fingers surrounded me on all sides. To me Penelope's face was like a sun setting behind the rising mountain, only in this case the mountains would be hills of flesh that where apart of her palm.

"Thank you Braden, thank you for giving me a chance." Penelope said with booming words.

I cross my arms defiantly. "Yea well I'm only giving you 30 minutes, that's all."

Penelope nods her head. "That's more than enough time."

Penelope waists no more time as she begins to walk through the forest. It was amazing seeing the world from so high up. From up above I saw the tall grass from down below, it looked actually normal.

I turn towards Penelope, serious and unwavering. "Tell me, tell me everything that's happened to you Penelope."

Penelope stops walking, and looks down at me. "Ok, I'll tell you everything. The story of my life."


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