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Within her hand she held him, a warrior of minuscule stature. Trapped from in between her fingers, the little man barely moved an inch, exhausted and low on power, all the little warrior could do was look up at her captor.

The Crimson Devourer brought the little man up to her face. She could barely smile any longer as she stared at the little ant who possessed no more strength to even resist.

Crimson Devourer: (Bored.) ["Is that really all you have, my little destroyer."] (Brings the mite sized man closer to her giant lips.) ["Can you not play with me any longer?"]

The speck remained unmoving, unchanging, without even a glimmer of energy to reignite a spark of her passion.

All that was left was one word that echoed all throughout the devourers mind.

Crimson Devour: [Pathetic.] (Opens her mouth wide and sticks out her tongue.)


Abúye swayed in the void like a rag lost in the wind. His hands where pend together by unmoving flesh and his body ached and his bone creaked with agony.

His vision was blurry and yet he could still make out the gigantic monolith that held him in its clutches.

It gave him little comfort that the crimson demon no longer smiled or chuckled at his plight, his naive attempts to hurt and hinder her, for her massive crimson eyes fell on him with a jaded calm.

Crimson Devour: ["Is that really all you have, my little destroyer."]

Her words bore into his mind like drill, tearing away all of his defenses with ease. This almighty being had constantly used some sort of cosmic telepathy to speak with him, not once did she ever open her mouth to utter a single word. They where out in the middle of space and yet Abúye knew she could have opened up her massive mouth and spoken to him if she truly wanted. It was only now that Abúye started to understand why this massive beast didn't.

Crimson Devourer: [Pathetic.]

The Massive giantess opens her massive mouth and draws him into the moist dark cavern guarded by gargantuan teeth capable of tearing apart while entire planets.

He was slowly drain in towards the deep dark cave the represented his end. Passing the passage way that where massive lips Abúye could only come to one conclusion.

Abúye: "This was never even a battle..."

Abúye body met the moist wet flesh of the goddesses mighty tongue. He was drawn into the grand cave and inside he was sloshing around from within its depths.

Huge waves of saliva rammed into him with every passing second, threatening to drown him in its embrace and yet he barely fought against its thrall.

He who had little to no honor remaining, he who had little right to even call himself a warrior, would die here in the belly of a destroyer of worlds.

Abúye: "Durlock I'm sorry." (Closes his eyes.)


A small smile returned to the crimson devourers face as her tongue played with microscopic warrior swimming inside her mouth.

Using her cosmic senses she could bare witness to the little things struggles or in this case lack their of.

Crimson Devourer: "How boring..." (Gulp.)

The crimson goddess closed her eye and relished the small feeling of the little man sliding down her throat.

She opened her eyes with little delight as the realization came to her that all of her fun was over.

She used her cosmic gaze and scanned the cosmos around her and she saw the crumbling remains of a once emerald world, the shattered stones and cities that once littered its very surface, and upon further expection she saw something she didn't expect to see. The tiny survivors of a now dead world drifting out in the middle of space as a massive forcefield protected them from cosmic forces of space.

The Crimson Devourer haze never wavered as she watched the helpless mites wander through the void. She contemplated whether or not she should destroy them. She could do it with the greatest of ease.

The goddess smiled as she thought of the different ways she could dispose of the specks of dust. She could crush them with her breast, suck all of them inside of her mouth or just as bad her nose, she could incenrate them slowly with her energy, or even crush them in between both of her soles.

Crimson Devourer: (Giggles.) "Maybe I should spit on them and have them drown and freeze to death in my saliva."

As time passed and more and more ideas filled her head the crimson goddess found herself thinking back to the warrior digesting in her stomach. She would never say it out loud by she knew the little insects name, she hardly cared but she knew his whole entire life.

She had inherited the memories of the emerald world that was now in ruins and therefor the little survivors floating in the middle of space where no strangers to her.

Crimson Devourer: (Turns away.) "Killing then would be no fun." (Looks back.) "At least not yet."

The Great Goddess began to burn so to a crimson light that seemed able to burn away all matter, and as the light faded away and the dark void took over once more, the crimson devour vanished, no where to be seen.



Conrad could not find the strength to turn away as he faced the naked beauty that stood outside his door, question after question filled his mind and yet he could not seem to say one word.

Devour: "What's wrong mortal, why aren't you speaking?"

Conrad: (Shakes his head.) "W-Why are y-you N-n-n-naked again!" (Points finger.) "Haven't you ever heard of clothes!"

Devourer: (Confused.) "Clothes? Oh you mean these fragile pieces of fabric that cover you."

Conrad: [Huh?] "Yes these fragile pieces of clothing that cover me. [What is wrong with this girl?]

Devourer: (Shakes head in annoyance.) "I've already told you mortal, that matters little, all I need is answers."

Conrad: "Answers to what?"

Devourer: "This thing called guilt."


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