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In the middle of the darkening void one single light shined with a brilliance that put all others to shame, a pure white light that took the form of a radiant sword that seemed to be able to cut through all matter in the universe.

Abúye concentrated on the burning white blade that floated between both of his hands. This blade was made by using the most pure energy from the power of Vurth. Breathing hard with sweat falling from his brow, Abúye knew that this was his last move.

Abúye gripped the hilt of his blade as he faced his enemy. His blood seemed to burn as if it where made of fire, his hands burned as if he where holding lightning, all of these things brought a smile to his face.

Abúye: "This is the end monster."

Crimson devourer: (Smiles.) ["Dont say that little one all of my desires have not been sated yet." (Licks her lips.)

Abúye growled like a beast as he with sword in hand flew at the giant who occupied his entire view with her body. He soared through the inky black void of space like a shooting star, his intentions ever singular and unwavering.

He neared the cosmic beast and watched with focused eyes as the grand monster lifted up her massive hand and swatted at him as if he where nothing but a flee. Abúye flew past a hand that could destroy a dozen continents, he dodged fingers that could cut apart whole entire planets with ease. He encircled her entire arm that could Outstretched dozens of planets with ease and like a wild hurricane struck at the massive and thick flesh that he passed.

Massive energy slashes appeared with every strike of Abúye's blade, slashes that rammed against the pure white skin of the great Devourer, and yet not one drew blood.


The Devourer of worlds smiled as she played such a childish game of tag with her little attacker.

Constantly she reached out towards the little speck that zipped all around her body, and time afraid time she barely missed the little mite that continuously attacked her with a ferocious frenzy.

The great being looked as her whole body was attacked by energy that warmed her skin upon contact. She couldn't help but let out a small moan of pleasure. Her breath became more and more raged and for a moment her cosmic vision became blurry.

Crimson Devourer: (lunges at Abúye with arms wide open.) ["Enough playing my little destroyer come and except my love!"]

The Almighty goddess chased the little speck of a man with rosey cheeks. She could hardly contain the desire that erupted between her legs, she could barely stop the shaking of her arms as she reached for the little speck. She wanted the little warrior, she wanted to feel him struggling against her flesh, she wanted to feast on his energy, she wanted to show this little warrior the full entirety of her love and yet as her massive body grew closer and closer to the little man, to the great Goddesses confusion, the little warrior dodged her, flying in between her breasts and legs, flying away from her.

Crimson Devourer: (Irritated.) ["Trying to run away? I won't let you!"]


Abúye could hardly breath as he looked at the towering goddess that stood completely unharmed from his attacks.

He couldn't understand, what he held in his hands was a sword created by the strongest energy he possessed, a energy that could split apart whole entire worlds and yet still this weapon could do nothing to the behemoth.

Abúye lost in thought finally noticed a massive shadow fall all over him. It was then that Abúye bore witness to a whole avalanche of flesh belonging to a destroyer who looked at him longingly.

Abúye: (Shocked.) "By the great gods of Vurth!"

Abúye could barely dodge the moving planet of flesh that tried its best to grab him. Abúye with blinding speed flew past the Devourers mighty arms, he flew through the deep cavern of the great Giants breast that could hold up thousands of continents, he passed over a stomach that was bigger than any ocean and a belly button that could hold a deserts worth of sand, and past legs that could kick apart an endless number of stars, her womanhood alone eclipsed him with ease.

Abúye flew past the Devourers mighty legs and he didn't stop as he flew into the deep cosmos. It was then he heard her from behind.

Crimson Devourer: (Irritated.) ["Trying to run away? I won't let you!"]

Abúye for a moment looked back and what he saw turned his blood to ice for the first time in many years. He saw the monolithic embodiment of womanhood, the crimson leviathan chasing him from afar, her massive body taking up his entire view.

She was unrelenting as she loved her humungous body through the stars. Abúye constantly saw many mighty moons and space rocks turn to dust against her breast and face, and this things did little to Deter her as she looked at him with a monstrous smile on her face that showed her craziness.

Abúye could flew as fast as he could, trying his best to come up with a plan that would save him. The white sword in his hand was already disappearing, more than half of his energy was already gone, he truly had no plan.

Crimson Devourer: ["I will get you little one, you will be mine! I promise!"]

Abúye could hear the great beings words echo from within his minds, he wished not to hear such things anymore.


Durlock looked all around the destroyed cities that surrounded him on all sides. He bore witness to the mangled bodies of his dead brethren, crushed under mighty boulders and rocky landslides.

He couldn't help but think about the destruction the mighty being from the stars caused just by her toes alone.

Durlock thinking back in despair remembered the mighty big toe that fell from the sky, pushing away the clouds from the sky and rumbling the ground. The toe didn't even touch the ground before so many buildings began to tumble to the ground. Durlock remembered how his brethren ran around the city with panic, some sought hire ground, others hide underground, only the wises warriors knew their was no hiding.

It was then that the night toe made contact with the ground, uplifting mountains and wiping away the many lakes and rivers that covered the planet. Ocean waves flooded cities and reached the height of the largest mountains. The planet air became hot and humid as the great goddesses skin heated up the very environment, the smell of flesh filled the air.

Durlock with a heavy heart remembered all of these things as he with a handful of Zot'an warriors drifted on a huge rock the size of a small mountain, a rock that drifted out into the depths of space.

The power of Vurth surrounded them all in a protective bubble and yet none of this was enough to deter their sadness.

Durlock: Abúye please be careful.


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