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The cosmos rumbled as the crimson giant giggled with amusement as she stared at the one who would challenge her, a warrior that was nothing but a speck to her.

Crimson Devourer: (Smiles.) ["Aren't you a strong little thing.] (Brings her face closer to the little warrior.)

The Crimson Titan loved the way the small little speck shook uncontrollably as her body grew closer, she loved how helpless this little thing looked and yet as her cosmic gaze fell on the small warrior, all she saw was a smile the little man's face, a smile that showed how excited the mite actually was. Seeing this The crimson devourers smile only grew wider.

Abúye: My name is Abúye and I am the strongest warrior amongst the Zot'an people!"

The grand goddess watched as the small warrior screamed out, she watched as the little thing glowed with power that seemed to get brighter and brighter with every passing moment, soon the little man was glowing as bright as a sun.


Abúye could barely control his beating heart as he stared down a woman so massive that he could hardly make out her full form. Her body cloaked in Crimson and darkness, Abúye knew that she was bigger than his whole entire planet. This truth, this knowledge did nothing but make his heart beat faster.

The power of Vurth flowed through his veins, strengthening his bulging muscles with the strength to cleave mountains. His body shined with blinding light as he faced the living constellation with a smile on his face.

Abúye with no words rushed through the void, he flew like a rocket with his fist clenched.

The Devourer made no moves to defend, She only smiled as the small warrior flew towards her with the intent to attack.


Abúye strikes with tremendous force as he hits the giants face with all of his strength. To Abúye the flesh underneath his feet was so wide that it was unrecognizable, so sturdy that one could confuse it for being on the ground itself and yet Abúye new better, he knew that this massive surface was no planet, and even more important he understood that his attack did nothing to the Titan who's face he was standing on.


The Crimson Devourer smiled as she felt the little man Against her cheek. This little Nat really believed that he could stand against her, the very thought made her excited.

The Crimson Titan laughs out loud as she pushed the little warrior against her face.

Crimson Titan: (Smirks.) "Is that all you can do insect?" (Watch's the warrior fly away with speed and force.) "I hope not, because the fun had just begon." (Licks her lips.)


Abúye was thrown far into the vacuum of space. His body crashed into the floating space Debris that occupied his own solar system and soon his body came to a crashing halt against a mighty rock that size of a small continent.

Abúye: (Stands up and brushes the dirt off of his shoulders.) "That strike could take down the strongest warrior of Zot'an, and yet she is perfectly fine." (Clutch's his fist.) "This is it... The battle that I've been waiting for.

Abúye's body erupts like a supernova as he laughs with glee. It was then that hundreds of glowing balls of yellow energy appeared all around, surrounding Abúye on all sides.

Abúye: (Laughs.) "After all these years, how could I have forgotten this feeling? This is why I fight, for this excitement!" (Flys forward with amazing speed.) "For this joy!"


The solar system seemed to shine with blinding light as the color crimson met the bright color yellow as they both clashed with a force of a dozen supernovas.

The celestial goddess bathed in the yellow explosions that cascaded all around her body. Her arms, stomach, breast and even her lower butt cheeks glowed the a bright explosion that lasted only an instant.

She smiled in Ecstasy, her cheeks red with pleasure as an unknowable energy attacked her body.

Her gigantic body spasmed with pleasure, her massive arms flew through the void, shattering rocks the size of small moons, rocks that smashed into the emerald planet of Zot'ans, causing massive destruction to the small planet.

The great Titan didn't care of the little mights living on the small emerald world, as her breath became more erratic, and hot steam emerged off of the surface of her pure white unblemished skin, her red eyes only fell on one Might that dared to attack her from afar.


Abúye watched as the massive goddess took pleasure in every assault he made against her body.

With her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head, her tongues that could lick of several planets with ease whipping back and forth like a chaotic beast of flesh, and her massive spasms that sent cosmic waves all through out the void of space, all of these things told Abúye one thing, this wasn't a battle, nor was anything about this situation honorable. This was no battle, this was pathetic.

Abúye: (Seethes with anger.) "How dare you... How dare you dishonor me woman!"

Abúye's form bursts with even more power as rage and furies might over take him.

Crimson Devour: ["Why are you so angry?"]

Abúye heard deep and powerful words eco throughout his mind. He looked at the massive being who gave him nothing but a sympathetic smile as if she was talking to an overreacting child.

Crimson Devourer: ["Don't you feel excited, letting out all of your energy all over my body"](Traces a massive finger all over her naked body.) ["This destruction, this Chaos, how could you not feel joy?"] (Smile grows wider.) ["To destroy is to feel love, and to love is to destroy, so come here and let me show you my love my little destroyer."]

Abúye Floated in place never letting his guard down as the crimson giantess reached out towards him with a massive hand that over took his very form with ease.

Abúye moved with speed so fast that his whole body became a blur. He flew past her fingers, the great beings arm became like an endless road as he flew above it, he flew through the passage way created by her gigantic breast, he rushed past the white skinned plain of her stomach, and zipped through the gateway created by her womanly legs, and dodged the wiggling pillars of the giants toes. Soon he was directly below that monster of the cosmos.

Abúye: (Brings his hands together.) "I'm ending this right here! Right now!"

The power of Vurth burned like a flame and soon that burning light came together in Abúye's palms, forming a ever growing ball of energy.

Abúye: "This is the end of you monster, you will not survive this attack unharmed."

Abúye watched as the goddess looked down at his from between her legs. He watched her shudder with excitement, and than he watched her do something that brought further shame to his honor.

Crimson Devourer: (Spreads her massive legs, opening up the fleshy gate of her womanhood.) ["Come my little destroyer, come and show me your love."]


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