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I stood in the middle of the flaming sand of the boiling fields. I stood with my eyes closed and my mind focused.

For 3 days I had stood in these barren lands, for 3 days had my skin been constantly burned by the blazing sun and the improvements I made where small.

I could feel the energy flowing inside of me, I could feel it as clear as the clothes against my skin and yet, I could not command it to do what I want. It remained defiant till the very end.

Soon I found myself on the ground breathing hard, my heart was racing uncontrollably and I felt like I was going to die.

"Oh man it's to hot out here." I say between breaths.

I look into the far off distance, I see Ms. Saxons home that rested miles away from me.

"What is that maniac thinking leaving me out here..."


Ms. Saxon carried Tristan in her hands as she walked through the desert. She looked down at the little man in her hand, she watched as the little Lilliputian, bent down on all fours, looked all throughout his surroundings, as if he was introduced to a whole brand new world.

Her chest seemed to ache as she looked at the little man in her hand, looking at his surprise, his smile, for some reason it made her feel slight joy, and yet she still had a job to do.

Breonia stops walking and slowly bends down to the ground, her fingers carefully closed around the small passenger in her hand.

Breonia watched as Tristan walked out of her hand. She stood up to her full height and looked down at the little man standing by her feet.

"This will be your training ground." Ms. Saxon says with a smirk.

"Excuse me ma'am, why did you bring me so far away from the house?"

"That's simple maggot, everyday you will train out here in this hot desert, everyday you will be unable to come back into the house until you are able to lift up enough sand." Ms. Saxon says as she turns away.

"But I could die out here!"

"You still don't get it, you have a month to be able use this one abilities, if you don't then..."

"Then what?"

Ms. Saxon could feel the fear in Tristan eyes and for the first time she hesitated. "Then you may not survive what comes next."


Tristan sat down on the hot sand, lost in thought, he asked himself one question.

"What did she mean when she said all that?" I asked myself.

"What did who say about what?"

The whole area was covered in shadow,  I turn my head and look over my shoulder to see Grace.

The ground rumbled as Grace positioned herself on the sandy ground, she fully extended her legs and I stood in between them both.

I began to blush as my eyes wondered to the forbidden area, could you blame me, I am a man after all.

Grace whore a short white T-shirt that left the lower part of her belly exposed as well as thin black shorts that left her lower giant legs exposed. Grace wore no shoes, therefor her giant toes frolicked amongst the tiny sand.

"What's wrong with you?" Grace asked as she looked down at me, between her legs.

"Uh it nothing..." I said scratching my head as I struggled to meet her gaze.

Grace continued to look at me confused, this confusion lasted only a moment for soon her face became red with embarrassment as she realized her position.

"You really are a perv aren't you." Grace said with annoyance.

"I'm the perv, last time I checked your the one in this position." I said in my defense.

Grace said no words as her face grew redder and redder, and to my surprise her mighty fingers gently wrapped my body, lifting me up off the ground.

"Ok... we'll maybe I'm just as much of a pervert as you." Grace said as she brought me eye level with her lips.

My body grew hot and my heart beat began to beat faster as I was bright closer to her lips.

My body was greeted by the soft flesh of Graces lips. It was warm and welcoming and most importantly gentle and soon I found myself returning a kiss back to the giant who I called my closest friend.


Grace had no idea what she was doing, her kid was going a thousand miles per hour as she grabbed ahold of the little Lilliputian she had known for years.

She knew that what she was about to do would probably change everything and yet that fact did little to steer her heart.

She pressed her lips against Tristan and it truly felt right, her desires where all laid bare from this one action, her attention made manifest after so many years. The kiss felt amazing and yet what truly brought her peace was the fact that she could feel the small pecking on her upper lip and she understood that Tristan was kissing her back.

Grace slowly brought Tristan away from her lips and looked at the little man in her grasp. Her cheeks where rosy red and she could hardly focuse her gaze.

"Uh wow." Tristan said.

"Yea I'm sorry that was too much. I shouldn't have..."

"No it was amazing..." Tristan said as he wrapped his arms around Graces finger.

"You really think so?" Grace said with hope as tears feeler her eyes.

"Yea I do... does this mean that you?"

Grace nods her head as she brings Tristan towards her chest, hugging him with the utmost care.

"Yes, yes I do..."


Grace stared at the Gulliveran woman who stood across from her with threatening eyes. She fist where clenched and her whole body shook uncontrollably.

"I don't care what HQ say Breonia I will not let you turn Tristan into a weapon."

Breonia smiled as she looked at Grace. "Excuse me?"

Grace stepped closer to Breonia threateningly. "I have protected that boy ever since we where children, protected him from all those who wished to do him harm, so I am warning you to back off."

Breonia was taken back from Graces presence, This was not the presence of a Bronze level 2 Solder. "You care about him don't you?"

"More than anything." Grace says with absolution.

"And yet something is telling me that Tristan has no idea who you truly are."

Grace said nothing as she listened to Breonia's words.

"Grace you can't protect Tristan forever, like it or not UM has set its sights on him, and right now something else is coming for him." Breonia says turning and walking away.

"What do you mean by that? What's coming?"

Breonia stops walking. "A force of nature, something that no Lilliputian or Gulliverian can fight against."

Grace felt a chill run down her spine as she realized a certain truth. "You don't mean?"

Breonia nods her head. "Yea I do, a Brobdingnagan is coming...


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