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30 year old Nolan Baggett holds his trembling wife tightly as the city emergency sirens ring loud and true through his ears. Nolan didn't want to believe it but it was was quite evident from all the Lilliputian panic, and black smoke that permeated the air from afar, that the city of Ordchester was in danger. Nolan was pissed that all of this chaos had to happen on his anniversary, but in the end he knew that it couldn't be helped.

Nolan's grabs Kelly's arm, pulling her away from the boundary of their house. "Kelly we have to quickly get to the shelters."

The underground shelters were all located in different parts of the city and could only be open and accessed during a city emergency. It was in these supposed safe havens were Lilliputian could wait out the danger.

Nolan with Kelly in hand run through the Lilliputian crowded streets, trying to push pass the teaming masses of people.

"We have to make it to the shelter." Nolan thinks as he continues running with Kelly by his side.

"Nolan stop." Kelly says from behind.

Nolan looks at his wife with panic. "We can't stop, we have to make it to the shelter."

"Nolan you have to stop!" Kelly yells as she pulls away from Nolan's grasp.

Nolan stops running and looks at his wife completely confounded, and then he felt it, the ground beneath his feet began to rumble.


The streets fall silent as a shadow envelopes the area. Nolan slowly turns around with a sense of trepidation.

"There here."


On the edge of the city of Ordchester they stood towering over the many buildings and people.

Breonia Carpenters gaze falls on the the city beneath her feet. She couldn't help but smile as she saw how only Lilliputian skyscrapers could match her height, just barley. She was getting excited in more ways then one, as she looked down at the Lilliputian mights scurrying through the foot wide streets.

"We are finally here." Breonia says looking at her closet friend Jenna Clark who stood beside her.

Jenna stares at the minuscule city with apprehension. What she and Breonia were about to do could never be undone.

"Breonia do we have to do this?" Jenna asks her eyes never leaving the little people below, who intern looked up at her.

"Jenna don't tell me you are having second thoughts?" Breonia asks with concern.

"I-I just...."

"Just Nothing." Breonia interrupts.

"This is our only chance to join." Breonia says with conviction as she stares at Jenna.

"I know." Jenna feebly says.

"They won't give us another chance!" Breonia yells unknowingly rattling some of the buildings and breaking many of the windows with her loud voice.

Jenna's eyes become steady and strong. "I Know."

Breonia looks back at the city and devilishly smiles. "Yes, this is the only way... the only way to join the Unseen Order."

Breonia steps forward into the city, the concrete fragmenting from her immense weight.

Breonia seeing the little Lilliputians running away from her high heel black boots made her smile grow even bigger. "Yes run little ones run, try to make this fun." Breonia laughs as if playing a game while Jenna watch's from behind.

Breonia bends slightly down and peers into one of the many high rise building that could barley reach her thighs. "You little maggots think that you can hide in those flimsy, weak buildings?" Breonia says with a giggle.

Breonia stands back up to her full height and raises her right hand up above her head. "Let's see how well those fragile walls protect you." Breonia says with excitement.

Breonia without hesitation or remorse strikes the Lilliputian building as if she were slapping a fellow Gulliverian and with great glee watches how her hand like an unstoppable force bulldozes right through everything with ease, glass, steel, wood, and even people were not spared. The building itself soon grew unstable and the upper half fell and struck the ground with a loud Boom.

Following her latent act of destruction Breonia curiously brings her right hand up to her face, observing every corner of her appendage as if it were an expensive diamond. Breonia lets out a laugh that shake the very city of Ordchester. Their was no scratch on her hand their was no pain. Breonia could tell that she had caused a lot of destruction, a lot of people had to haven been injured, many more killed and yet she was perfectly fine. This was her power, the power of a Gulliverian.


Kyle Holloway expected to have a normal day when he went to work today. He worked in one of the tallest buildings in the whole city making sales between the gulliverians and Brobdingnagans and never before had he actually seen one of those monolithic beings until today.

It began with a ear piercing scream that erupted throughout the whole office, followed by small quakes that only grew stronger and stronger. Kyle along with a myriad of Lilliputians ran and stood beside the glass windows and it was their he saw them.

Kyle couldn't actually believe it, right before his eyes stood two Gulliverian women, one with short brown hair, and the other with long blond hair, both of them towered over every building in the whole city.

"Their so big." Kyle whispers under his breath as he stares at the Gulliverians from afar. Kyle could tell that both of the giant women knew each other, how they talked was to familiar, Kyle was pretty sure that every person in the city could hear their conversation, their voices were loud and powerful, and then the Gulliverian woman with short brown hair shouted at the top of her lungs, breaking windows and forcing everyone to cover their ears. They were obviously having an argument, and as the Gulliverian with long blond hair looked a little uncomfortable her friend seemed more Ecstatic and sure of herself.

Kyle along with every Lilliputian in the office watch's as the short brown hair Gulliverian women takes a earth shattering step into the city, coming ever closer to the building. Kyle watched as the Gulliverian women bends over and peers into the windows wearing a smile on her face. From Kyles perspective it almost looked like this humongous women was looking at him.

"You little maggots think that you can hide in those flimsy, weak buildings?" The giants voice echos all around, the vibrations shaking kyles body.

The giant stands back up to her full height."Let's see how well those fragile walls protect you."

"What does she mean by that?" Kyle asks with confusion.

It didn't take long for Kyle to receive his answer as the giant brings her hand over her head. Sweat starts to emerge on the forehead of every Lilliputian present to witness this scene.

Eyes open with a sense of foreboding, Kyle let's out a shout. "Everyone down!"

Kyle dives on the ground and covers his head as the giants hand makes contact with the building. Kyle could hear the shattering of glass, the breaking of steel, and the splattering of people that could not get down in time.

It took a few minutes for Kyle to find the courage to open his eyes and what he saw brought a tear to his eyes. The building had been cut in half along with any Lilliputian that was in the way, that or smashed to a bloody pulp as their flaying bodies made contact with stone or metal, their were even a few that were flung outside after making contact with the giants flesh, only to fall to their death below. These were the people that Kyle had worked with for years, they were his friends and yet they had to suffer such a horrible death.

Kyles thoughts were soon broken as he hears the groaning of crushed metal from below. The ground begins to shake violently as the ceiling above begins to tilt.

"Oh no." Kyle whispers as he began to realize that the upper half of the Lilliputian skyscraper was falling over.

With the gust of a smoky wind Kyle watches as the whole upper floor, no longer able to support its own weight falls down to the ground bellow, and with an earthshaking boom Kyle felt that it had made contact with the ground and every Lilliputian who was unlucky enough to be standing in the wrong place.

Kyle didn't know it as he looked up at the azure blue sky that he was the only Lilliputian present on the upper floor, all the others had been killed in horrific ways.

The building that was once as tall as both of the Gulliverians thighs now only came up to her lower knees. Kyle did not move he only had enough strength to watch from below.

"And what do we have here?" The brown haired giant woman asks from above, her eyes making contact with Kyle.

Kyle watches as the giant gets down on her knees, her face coming ever closer to him. Kyles body begins to shake from fear as he stares into the giant eyes of a killer. The giant was so close that Kyle could feel her breath flow past him like a torrent, deep down he knew that she could blow him away if she really wanted to.

"It would seem that a little might had survived." The giant says with not a hint of regret from her past actions.

Kyle couldn't help but be shaken from all of the things he had witness but he still needed to ask.

"H-how could you do this." Kyle asks knowing that the nano tech within his body would allow the giant to hear his voice.

Kyle watches as the Giants faces contorts from shock as if she didn't expect for someone she viewed as an insect to dare and speak to her.

"How could I?" She asks with a innocent voice.

"The answer is quite simple." The giants says coming ever closer to Kyle, so close in fact that Kyle would be able to reach out and touch her noise if he wanted to.

"The reason why we are doing this is because you little mights need to remember your place." The giant says with authority, her voice battering Kyles body.

The giant wickedly smiles.

"Under our foot, or inside our belly's." The giant says with a little giggle.

It happened to suddenly for Kyle to escape , but to Kyles surprise and horror, the gulliverian swiftly sticks out her tongue, licking him and countless other objects, like broken wood and stone off the ground and without hesitation swallows them all whole.

The last thing that Kyle saw was the dark  abyss of the throat belonging to the gulliverian that had every intention of devouring him whole.


Breonia felt the little man slide down her stomach and she couldn't help but love the power she held over the Lilliputians, she loved how she could destroy a single Lilliputian building with ease, and as she thought about the Lilliputian man she just devoured she couldn't help but find his scared little face laughable. The man seemed to be a little older than her by a few years, that very idea seemed to turn her on even more.

"You seem to be having fun." Jenna says watching from afar.

"How could I not, this is the first time I've ever been in Lilliput, and I got to say I'm loving it." Breonia says wiping her face.

Breonia stands back up to her full height and looks at Jenna.

"We need to destroy this city by the end of the day so let's split up." Breonia says.

Jenna knew just like her friend Breonia, that they were on borrowed time. The city of Ordchester needed to be destroyed before the (UM) arrived.

Jenna looks at Breonia. "For the Unseen Order."

Breonia smiles. "For the Unseen Order.


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