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What I was about to do held dangers beyond reckoning but as I held the black whistle up to my lips I realized that I had no choice. I looked up at Lyan who was in the grasp of his own daughter who stood 600ft tall. What was I to do, Lyan was way out of my reach, held between a giants thumb and index finger as if it where a fleshy prison. Yes this is something that had to be done, I did not hesitate as I felt the cold touch of the black whistle against my lips. Lyan and Brittany looked at me both with shocking eyes as they witnessed me put the back whistle in my mouth and blow.

It was a sound that was unpleasant to the ears. It almost sounded like the screeching  of a Banshee I had heard about in old legends. Just blowing the Stygian whistle made my skin crawl, but the truth is, blowing the whistle is nothing compared to what was about to happen.

"Braden! What have you done!" Lyan asked from above, grasping the giant finger of his daughter.

Braden was right I was being idiotic. The Stygian whistle was a weapon created by men to be a last resort and as the ground rumbled beneath my feet the other name of the Stygian whistle came to mind. "The beast Caller."

The Echos of a mighty roar shakes the very ground, rustling the very leafs of mighty trees and the tall grass that towered over me. The vibrations kept getting stronger and stronger which was evident something was coming fast.

Brittany while holding Lyan close to her massive chest looks down at me. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU TINY FOOL!?"

"Don't ask me." I say crouching down.

The truth is I wasn't actually lying, this whole plan of mine could barely be called a plan at all. As I looked into the deep forest that shook with movement, their was only one thing that I was sure of... "It's a stampede."

They came filled with a wild maddening rage, a group of animals all running towards our direction. Even back before the apocalypse, stampedes where dangerous but now dangerous could barely describe the scene that I was looking at right at this very moment, because right before my eyes was a stampede filled with gigantic beasts who's height I could not even begin to match. "Oh shit!"

I had already explained that Gts syndrome had effected more than just the women of the world. Environments such as forest, oceans, and even deserts where changed beyond recognition and the animals that lived in those environments where no exception, just like women animals grew larger and many became more viciously and wild. In accordance with this transformation the society of men created 4 categories to classify these powerful beasts. The higher the category the taller the beast.

. Level 1 Height: 16-30 ft tall

. Level 2 Height: 31-50 ft tall

. Level 3 Height: 51-100 ft tall

. Level 4 Height: 101-500 ft tall

Looking into the stampede I saw a dozen level one monsters and only a few level twos which meant that I had a chance of surviving. I ran and hid behind one of the tall trees that stood in the forest. I watched as a myriad of animals ignored me and ran towards Brittany, each snarled with a predatory like hunger showing their teeth. Compared to Brittany these beast couldn't compare, for all of them didn't even come up to her knees, heck they barely surpassed her toes.

The whole forest was filled with Brittany's overpowered screams that made me cover my ears in pain. The animals of the forest clung to Brittany's body, climbing her body as their teeth sunk into her flesh. As small as they where, they where still a good distraction. Wasting no time Brittany brushes the beasts off of her body as if they where crumbs of food stuck to her cloths and while doing so, accidentally drops her father Lyan. Lyan didn't drop directly onto the ground, thank god, instead Lyan tumbled down his giant daughters body and with extra luck he fell on one of the strands of grass that had cushioned his fall.

Brittany with both of her hands free continues to struggle against the savage beast that covered her body. "GET OFF ME YOU LITTLE PESTS!" Brittany yells in anger as she crushed the giant animals under foot, and rips them to shred with her bare hands, all and all it looked like a epic monster smack down. But despite how entertained I was I knew that me and Lyan, well mostly me, was still in danger for mainly two reasons. The first and the most hypothetical, was that even if these monsters where actually able to take down Brittany who easily towered over all of them with ease, and trust me when I say that is a big if, they would immediately come after me and Lyan, and trust me when I say us guys wouldn't stand a chance against such unstoppable might. The second and most reasonable reason was because I could tell from afar that Brittany, even though super pissed off still wasn't using her full strength, in fact the beast that attacked her without the slightest bit of fear seemed to be nothing but a annoyance. As powerful as these animals where they where still only level 1 and 2, they couldn't hope to stand against a giantess.

We needed to leave quick, this battle would t last forever, and I for one didn't want to be in the area when it finally ended. "Lyan move your ass!" I yelled as my gaze fell on Lyan who was lying on the ground in a daze from the long fall. I didn't move from my hiding spot as I watched Lyan use all of his strength to stand in his two feet. Looking a little wobbly Lyan quickly jogged over to me barley able to stand up straight. I quickly wrap Lyan's right arm around my shoulders to hell support his weight, and even though I couldn't sprint to safety with my best friend, I could at least walk fast... I know, I know just walking fast to escape a 600 ft woman wasn't going to cut it, but I'm afraid I was out of option.

"NO!" Brittany yelled from behind as I refused to look back. Stumbling down the tall grass that blocked our way, I noticed how the ground turned super dark with every passing second, as if something big was coming right towards us. I turn my head and look up towards the blue sky and instead of seeing an azure sky Filled with majestic beautiful white fluffy clouds all I saw was a furry ceiling that continued to fall to the ground. I quickly tackle Lyan to the ground... "Get down!"


The ground rumbles uncontrollably as the massive body of animal flesh makes contact with the earth. I turn around in disbelief and witness The mega sized giant bitch grabbing hold of the animals that where attacking her. Her eyes completely swallowed in rage, makes contact with me and Lyan as we tried to escape. My own eyes open in fear as I realized what exactly Brittany was doing.

"Oh my god she's throwing the animals right at us!" I yell as I quickly stand up to run away.

"YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY!" Brittany yells as she with a small beast in hand brings her whole entire arm back and with great force chucks the animal hundreds of feet into the air.

It was almost like we where running through a meteor shower, but instead of space rocks, we had gigantic animals. Still deadly, but super strange. While running I once again look back at Lyan's daughter. "I thought she wanted you alive!" I yelled back at Lyan who was following from behind. "Me too!" Lyan replied.


A huge scream once again covers the whole forest as a dozen earthquakes shake the ground uncontrollably, causing me and Lyan to stumble and fall, which I was tired of doing today. "Braden I think we have a problem." Hearing Lyan's words I turn and look at him. While holding my gaze Lyan raises his hand and points to the far distance. Following Lyan's gaze, I could feel the color drain from my face. With every passing second the ground continued to shake harder and harder and at this very moment I understood why. Brittany was running straight at us, with over a dozen giant animals chasing her from behind. She no longer cared about the wild beast that had assaulted her, all she wanted was us.

"We really can't catch a break today."


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