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From my vantage point above, I observed as the tiny beings filled with life confronted each other.

There were so many of them, flying vessels known as spaceships, or perhaps void drifters, or even Fraglifts – so many names, many unfamiliar even to my ancient mind. Nonetheless, they all served the same purpose: aiding these little beings in traversing space, a task that was effortless for me and my kind.

I lowered my gaze, eager to examine the spectacle unfolding before me.

My existence had been saturated with boredom, and I wasn't about to overlook the first genuine entertainment I'd encountered in at least a decade.

My eyes fixated on the dazzling lights emitted by the minuscule metal crafts – lights that either vanished into the darkness or exploded against their targets.

I marveled at the contrasting colors of the ships; one radiated a brilliant whitish glow, exuding a mesmerizing beauty, while the others bore a hue reminiscent of weathered stones in an ancient desert, their brightness equally striking.

I comprehended the scene before me; it was "war..." I declared aloud, my voice reverberating through space and causing nearby crafts to be pushed away from my face.

A small smirk tugged at my lips as I observed the chaos, feeling a twinge of remorse for the fragility of the weak.

You I had witnessed countless races, too many to tally, and the outcome was always the same with my kind involved.

Our mere presence often spelled the demise of entire civilizations, leaving scorched planets and ruined lands in our wake, forcing beings like us to wander endlessly without a home. It was a somber realization.

"Hmm?" I muttered, noticing the ongoing explosions of destroyed ships on every side.

An idea sparked within me, a rare opportunity for amusement.

Perhaps, just perhaps, I could intervene in this war and minimize the casualties.

"Oh, that sounds like it could be quite entertaining," I exclaimed, clapping my hands together with excitement. Small explosions erupted by my hands, a reminder of the delicate balance of existence.

"Oops," I whispered, acknowledging the fragility of the moment.


"How many of our ships were destroyed by that creature's clap?" Gurgant Frak inquired, his gaze fixed on the wreckage of silver vessels torn apart by the powerful shockwaves unleashed by the colossal woman.

"Ten, sir," Furver Kurg replied, sadness evident in his tone.

"Do not fear, and do not mourn," Gurgant Frak declared, his expression unwavering. "Our brothers are in a better place," he continued, raising one hand to his chest while extending the other toward the screen displaying the scene of destruction. "All hail the lands of Meir," he proclaimed.

"All hail the lands of Meir!" echoed his comrades, following their commander's lead.

The lands of Meir served as the final resting place for the people of Gelmud, a realm where death held no fear, only joyous embrace.

"Gurgant Frak," Furver Kurg interjected, drawing his commander's attention.

"What is it?" Gurgant Frak inquired.

"At least twenty Krugar ships have been detected," Furver Kurg reported, a hint of joy creeping back into his voice.

"Hmm..." Gurgant Frak mused, stroking his silver chin. "This may be the opportunity we've been waiting for," he declared. "All Gelmud ships, prepare to press the attack!" he commanded.

The ships of Gelmud obeyed their commander without hesitation, determined not to show their enemy even the slightest hint of mercy.

"This... this is outrageous!" Exe Borlag exclaimed in disbelief, gazing ahead at the graveyard that filled the void before him.

His men, his beloved comrades, lay destroyed, either crushed against the skin of the monstrous giant as she seemingly appeared out of nowhere, or torn apart by her movements that seemed to rend the very fabric of space.

Exe Borlag had heard tales of Wanderers before, but never had he imagined anything could possess such unfathomable power.

"Exe Borlag!" a man behind the computers called out. "The enemy, they're continuing the attack!"

"War mongrels," Torvant muttered with disgust.

"Prepare to repay their kindness," Exe Borlag ordered, but his words caught in his throat as he witnessed a shocking sight. Right in front of the Krugar fleet, obscuring their view of the enemy, loomed a massive wall of flesh, accompanied by colossal pillars capable of effortlessly splitting moons apart.

"What's happening?" Exe Borlag uttered, his eyes widening in shock.


With a smile on my face, I gently lowered my hand, halting the path and attacks of the ships.

It tickled as small, flashy lights bounced off my palms and fingers. Suppressing a laugh, I didn't want to inadvertently harm the tiny creatures.

"I think it's time to cease, don't you?" I asked playfully, though perhaps playfulness wasn't the best approach for de-escalating a conflict. "It would be best if you all made peace," I suggested, trying to wear the kindest smile possible.

Glancing down at the space crafts, I felt a surge of delight as I noticed they had ceased firing. "Perhaps my polite demeanor worked. After all, who could resist my cute face?" I mused, gently stroking my cheek.

"Huh?" I thought, noticing the tiny crafts turning toward me, their rockets and weapons now aimed directly at my face. "Um..."



"By the great silver skies, her voice is so powerful!" Furver Kurg exclaimed, steadying himself as the ship shook violently around him. "This shouldn't even be possible. She shouldn't be able to speak in the vacuum of space," he said in disbelief.

"That's what they are," Gurgant Frak remarked, gazing ahead at the colossal wall of skin that dominated his field of vision. "Incredible," he thought to himself, marveling at the intricate details of the titan's flesh, capable of harboring entire civilizations within its depths.

On the other side, the soldiers of Krugar bore witness to knuckles sturdier than entire planets and nails so formidable they could split apart all things in the galaxy.

"She will not let us pass," Torvant declared, his fist clenched.

"No, she will not," Exe Borlag responded calmly.

"She dares to interfere with Krugar business," Torvant seethed with frustration. "Exe Borlag, what should we do, sir?"

The deck fell silent as all eyes turned to Borlag himself.

His gaze was fixed not on the massive hand blocking their path, but on the giant woman herself. Despite her partially obscured face, he could sense a smile playing on her lips. This was a game to her; their struggle, their destiny, their war, all a mere amusement.

"Do we dare... attack?" Exe Borlag's voice was barely audible.

"What, sir?" Torvant asked.

"Do we dare to challenge a god of living flesh?" Borlag posed the question.

Exe Borlag and Gurgant Frak remained silent, grappling with the decision that lay before them.

"All warriors, begin to attack the Wanderer! Show no mercy!" Borlag finally commanded, his voice resonating through the ship.


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