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I ran, dodging the massive boots of Gulliverian soldiers that raced past me. The ground shook underneath my feet as their boots stomped against the surface. Yeah, I was beginning to think this was a bad idea.

A Lilliputian walking on the same ground where Gulliverians were running—soon, I could be stepped on like an ant. Despite that, I kept moving forward.

"Something's wrong," I said to myself as I headed toward the bunker, thinking about the prisoner. I knew this attack was for her.

It took me what seemed like hours to reach the front entrance. What I saw made my heart skip a beat: dead Gulliverian soldiers lying on the ground, bleeding out.

"W-what happened here?" I asked.


She walked with a cold demeanor down the path that led deep into the bunker. Her short red hair framed a face set with steely determination, and her black, skin-tight suit clung to her form like a second skin. Her black gloves dripped with blood.

She had a mission, a single mission that needed to be completed, and she, along with her ten Consortium members, would get the job done.

"Fan out, find her!" she yelled, not turning around as she addressed her men who stood behind her.

"Yes, Silvershade!" the soldiers responded, ready to fulfill their mission.

"Kill anyone that gets in your way," she said as she continued her walk down the cave.

Silvershade traveled through the underground passageways, opening up closed doors and searching every room. Her frustration grew with each empty room she encountered. Losing her temper, she punched the steel wall hard, leaving a dent.

"Hold on, Elisa," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation as she continued her search.

After what seemed like an eternity traveling down an endless maze Silvershade finally came to a hidden room with a long glass window.

"Elisa!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the narrow passage as she stared through the window only to see her friend sitting confined to a table.

Without hesitation, she opened the closed door and ran inside. There, she stood before Elisa, her heart pounding with relief and rage.

"Silver," Elisa said with a small smile as she looked up at her friend.

Silvershade returned the smile, but it soon disappeared. "What the hell were you thinking getting captured like this?!" she yelled as she reached for the handcuffs and began to pick the lock.

"I hope you mean what were you thinking coming back for me?" Elisa asked with equal rage. "Silver, you know the drill. Those that are left behind are forgotten." Elisa clarified.

"Enough!" Silvershade yelled out. "Elisa, that's enough... you're the only person in the whole world that I can call family." She said with a small smile as she looked up at her friend. "I'm not going to so easily leave you behind."

"You're always so soft," Elisa said, turning away in embarrassment. "You know the men will never respect you if they think you're weak."

"Well, that's why I'm only weak around you," Silvershade said with a smile.

After a few minutes of pressing with Elisa's cuffs, Silvershade finally managed to uncuff them both. Elisa stood up and rubbed her wrists.

"How did you guys get here anyway?" Elisa asked.

Silvershade dug into a small strap on her pocket and lifted up a small marble. "This," she said, holding it up for Elisa to see, "is a Rift Shifter. It's a prototype made by Lilliputian scientists. It can open up a small rift that leads directly to the Consortium headquarters."

Elisa's eyes widened as she examined the marble. "A Rift Shifter? How does it work?"

Silvershade explained, "The Rift Shifter creates a localized distortion in space-time, essentially forming a mini-wormhole. The Lilliputians discovered a way to stabilize these distortions long enough for a person to pass through. It's incredibly complex, involving quantum entanglement and micro-scale energy fields."

Elisa nodded, intrigued. "So, it's like a portable gateway?"

"Exactly," Silvershade replied. "The scientists encoded it with coordinates to our headquarters. Once activated, it opens a rift that lasts for about ten minutes, enough time for us to get through and close it behind us."

Elisa looked impressed. "That's amazing. But how did you get past the guards and defenses here?"

Silvershade smirked. "We used the element of surprise and a few distractions. The attack on the front was a diversion. While the guards were focused on that, we slipped through the lesser-guarded areas using the Rift Shifter."

Elisa chuckled. "Always the strategist. Let's get out of here then."

Silvershade nodded, holding up the Rift Shifter. "Ready?"

"Ready," Elisa said, determination in her eyes.

Silvershade activated the marble, and a shimmering portal began to form in front of them, swirling with energy. "Let's go," she said,

as she began to take a few steps toward the portal.


"Huh?" Both Gulliverians looked back, hearing a barely audible noise from behind, but they were swiftly confused as their gaze was met by nothing except the open door leading outside.

Elisa soon turned her gaze downward and saw him standing there in the doorway, the little man she had met before, breathing hard as if he had just run a marathon.

"You..." Elisa said, her voice filled with surprise.


I stared up at them, two building-sized giants standing right before a blue-colored portal that kinda looked like magic, but what did I know?

The two giants stared down at me, and honestly, I didn't really know what I was going to do after yelling stop like I was a big shot. "I'm such an idiot."

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little man who loves to talk," Elisa said, stepping forward, her steps hard and heavy, which caused the ground to move.

"Uh, hi again," I said, wiggling my fingers in a creepy way.

"You know this man?" the woman next to her said, causing me to focus my attention on her.

I couldn't move as my eyes fell on her. My eyes opened in shock and disbelief, for it was the same face that I had seen in my nightmares, only much older and with longer hair.

"It's you..." I said under my breath, too low for the giants to hear me. "Silvershade!" I yelled out, my anger rising.

Both women looked at me in surprise. I didn't care; I ran forward toward the bitch who took so much from me.

"How dare you!" I yelled as I ran past Elisa's massive boots and came to a stop at the massive boots of my enemy.

I balled my fist and began to strike the hard leather, like I was doing something.

"You took my family, you destroyed my village!" I yelled, tears welling up in my eyes.

I must've gotten at least ten hits in before something hard and strong stopped my flailing fists.

"What?!" I yelled as I looked up, I saw Elisa gripping my wrist, her massive body bending over me.

"I guess you're not much of a talker after all," she said, lifting me into the air effortlessly.

I wiggled, trying to break her grip, but no matter how much I struggled, she wouldn't let go.

"Aw, he's kinda cute when he's mad," Elisa mocked, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I've grown a bit of a liking for this little guy. What do you think, Silver? Should we take him with us for some...experimentation?"

Silvershade glanced over, a slight smirk on her lips. "Do what you want, Elisa. Just make sure he doesn't get in the way."

Elisa laughed, then slipped me into her pocket. The fabric pressed tightly around me, making it hard to move or see anything.

I felt the giants' footsteps vibrate through the ground as they began walking toward the portal. Each step was a jolt, a reminder of my helplessness.

Just as they were about to step through the portal, Silvershade's radio crackled to life.

"Silvershade, come in. We have a situation," a voice urgently reported.

Silvershade paused, raising a hand to signal Elisa to stop. She brought the radio closer to her ear. "What is it?"

"A Brobdingnagian has been spotted walking towards the Gulliverian settlement



Ohhhh the turn of events is about to be crazy


Hello. Can we rp please?