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I looked up, unable to say anything as ! saw the lord of lightning fall. My heart pounded faster and faster as I watched him crash to the ground, breaking it with his immense body.

"Nooo," I whispered, my voice low and filled with more emotion than I knew what to do with.

I stepped forward, feeling lifeless with every step, staring at the one being I respected above all. Suddenly, something strong smashed into my back, forcing me down to the ground.

My face hit the dirt first, and as I tried to lift myself up, something pressed hard against my neck. I turned my gaze slightly and saw him on my back.

"Fye! Damn you!" | yelled, trying to force my way up.

"You aren't going anywhere," Fye said with a devilish grin. "You're going to stay here and watch."

I forced my eyes forward and saw Ebodius lying injured, his golden blue eyes fixed not on me, the follower who had stayed loyal to him all this time, but on the little humans. One I recognized as the little thing that tried to save me, and the other was the person Ebodius had chosen as a lover. I knew deep down, it was she that had Ebodius's attention.

"I-I love you," I could barely hear the lord of lightning say before his body began to disappear in a flash of blue and golden light, the fate of all Kaiju who leave this world.

"N-no..." I whispered as an empty feeling filled my body. "No.." I repeated as the empty feeling spread. "No..." I kept saying as I looked up at Atax, standing victorious over the battlefield.

My heart beat faster, driving away the empty feeling and replacing it with another. "No!" | said louder, my eyes locking onto the little woman who had taken him from me. Blue flames began to spark to life, creating small embers all around my body as my anger rose. "NO!!!!!" I screamed, my muscles tensing and my power rising as a pillar of blue fire rose around me. Fye was sent flying, and Atax looked at me with surprise. "You will die," I said quietly, my words meant for more than one person. "I will kill you!!!"

Atax walked over to me, his expression almost curious. "Why are you upset?

This needed to be done. Order must return to our world, and a new leader must be elected. Ebodius was no longer worthy to be our leader, not since he mated with such lowly creatures."

I said nothing, my eyes fixed forward. "Are you our leader? Are you the one who would be called king?"

"Why not?" Atax replied. "Am I not a fearless leader? Is it not our way that the strong should rule? Wasn't it I who killed the former king?"

"Do you really believe yourself to be Ebodius's equal?" I asked, my voice steady and cold.

Atax sneered. "Of course. Ebodius was weak. He didn't use his full strength because he cared too much for the little humans that would be caught in his way."

Blue fire began to circle my body and the surrounding area, its heat and intensity growing. "I will not," I said, my voice filled with resolve and fury.

It was a promise as I said those words, I meant every one of them. I blamed Fye and Atax for Ebodius's death, but they weren't the only ones at fault.

I looked down and saw them, saw her, the little human that ruined everything. I had no reason to hold back my power, not for them, not for anyone.

"Flariona"" Atax said, walking forward. "I know, I know you loved him, and you wished for him to be your mate."

My anger flared as I listened to Atax speak.

"But that was no longer possible. The moment Ebodius left us for these worthless humans, that became an impossibility."

He wasn't wrong, and that was what hurt more than anything.

"Come with us," Fye said from behind, advancing until I was surrounded on all sides. "You have no choice."

"Please, old friend, don't make us destroy you," Atax pleaded, his eyes becoming sorrowful.

I didn't care. "Kill me?" I asked as the flames grew more intense. "Do you think you can?" I felt my consciousness fading.

"Wait a minute, you're not going to use that technique!?" Atax yelled, backing away as the blue fire began to spread.

My anger continued to rise, and as it did, my sanity began to fade. I had no choice; there was only one way I would be able to kill them both.

"You will kill yourself, you fool!" Fye yelled from behind.

"Run away, brother! Just run!" Atax said, realizing that nothing I said or did at this point would change anything.

I put my hands together, concentrating all of my power to my center. I could feel myself changing, my body yielding to this power. "I invoke Gigasontei!" I yelled before everything went black.


I could barely feel anything as I lay in ruin. I could barely even speak as my consciousness wavered.

"Kaguya," I said in a low voice. "Kaguya!" I yelled again.

"Bradley!" I heard from the distance. I slowly turned my head, still lying down, and saw her walking toward me, her head bleeding and her clothes barely clinging to her body.

"O-over here," I said.

Kaguya hurried over, her eyes wide with panic. "Bradley, your arm... your arm is gone!" she screamed.

I felt a wave of intense pain on my right side, and a numbness spread throughout my entire body. "I can't feel it... everything hurts," I whispered, the shock dulling my senses.

"Bradley, stay with me!" Kaguya pleaded as she tore a piece of her tattered clothing to wrap around my stump, trying to stop the bleeding. "We need to move, we need to get out of here."

I tried to focus, my mind drifting back to the last thing I saw before everything went dark. There was a bright flash of light, followed by an intense heat that made me take cover. "The light... the heat... what happened?"

Kaguya's eyes filled with tears as she helped me to my feet. "It was the Kaiju.

They fought each other, and the female one... she did something. It wiped them all out, took the whole city with them."

We started walking, Kaguya supporting me as I stumbled forward, each step a struggle. The landscape around us was unrecognizable, buildings reduced to rubble and the ground scorched.

I was losing more and more of my consciousness as we moved but my eyes were forced open as Kaguya let loose a scream.

"What, what happened?!" I yelled. I looked towards the distance and I saw her a humungous human-like face, all burnt and covered in wounds. The eyes were closed, but sensing movement, they began to open, revealing blue eyes that fell on us.

"You.." the giant face said, barely alive.

I instantly recognized the face belonging to the Kaiju woman I had tried to save. "It's her," I said weakly, staring into those immense blue eyes that still held a flicker of life.


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