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I sat on my bed, thinking about what to do about the small man on my table who was angry at me.

I honestly couldn't get over how funny it was that someone so small would dare to get angry at someone as big as a mountain range. But comedy aside, I needed to fix this. It had been almost ten minutes, and I didn't feel good about leaving Michael alone for so long.

"Okay," I said, clapping my hands together. "The way to a man's heart is food." I said to myself. "That's how it's always been."

I ran out of the room with a plan in mind. Now I only had one question: what the hell was I going to cook for breakfast? I guessed an easy choice would be eggs and bacon. Yeah, that works. Now I just had to make sure I didn't burn the house down.


I sat down on the wooden table, my knees up to my chest, lost in my thoughts, which I hated. My thoughts hadn't really been my friend lately.

"What is she doing, leaving me for so long?" I asked myself. "A damn ant could literally come and eat me." I said. "Leave it to Brobs to not be considerate."

"Huh?" I looked down at the table that seemed to be vibrating ever so slightly. The vibrations turned into strong rumbles that caused me to bounce up and down.

I looked over to my right and, speak of the devil, I saw her—the giant behemoth whose every crevice of her body would be a giant valley that I could walk down all day. She was running right towards me.

"Oh shit!" I yelled as a wall of flesh seemed to descend down on me, ready to crush me out of existence. "AAAHHH!!!" I yelled as I put my hands over my face, trying to hide from my fate. But as I waited, the end didn't happen. Instead, I was surrounded by a wide shadow.

I looked up slowly and saw two massive mountains squished together, hovering a dozen feet above me. I watched as they jiggled with unimaginable mass and girth. Just above them was the half-obscured face of Abbie.

"What the hell?!" I asked.

"Um..." Abbie said, bringing her face over the mountainous top of her boobs. "Sorry," she said, looking embarrassed but still strangely happy.

"Um, I'm about to make breakfast," she said, her eyes doing their best to focus on me. "You want to come with me to the kitchen?" she asked.

"And do what? It's not like I can help," I said, my arms crossed.

"Yeah... but I figured that you wouldn't want to be alone. I know I don't," she said.

She had a point. It was getting boring and old being on this long-ass table.


I watched as Michael began to climb up my fingers. Even now, the feeling was surreal; how could someone so small be so independent? A ticklish sensation spread through my fingers, and I had to focus really hard not to flinch or move them. His tiny, determined movements were barely perceptible, and it was a reminder of just how fragile he was.

"Almost there," I murmured softly, trying not to disturb him. Finally, he reached the top of my finger and began to walk to the center of my palm. I curled my fingers when he was finally safe and began to stand up straight and walk toward the kitchen.

Every step I took was cautious and measured. I was hyper-aware of Michael's presence, making sure my movements were smooth, just like how I learned during class. I guess I was getting better after all.

As I reached the kitchen, I gently placed him on the counter, where he stood, looking around, probably trying to figure out his place in the oversized world.

"Alright, breakfast time," I said with a smile, reaching for the eggs and bacon. I cracked the eggs into a bowl and whisked them, all the while stealing glances at Michael.

"Need anything while I cook?" I asked, hoping he'd be comfortable.

He shook his head, and I couldn't help but marvel at the odd but strangely comforting dynamic we had. I turned my attention back to the stove, carefully cooking the bacon and scrambling the eggs, making sure to keep an eye on Michael so he'd know I was there if he needed anything. As I did, I made sure to have a nice and kind conversation with Michael, and you know what? It was working.

I found out Michael was 20 years old, which meant he was only two years older than me. He was going to college, studying for his archaeology degree. He had two older sisters and was raised by a single mother. I told him a little bit about myself as well, but I made sure to leave out that I was a Lilliputian who got lucky and won the Brob lottery. Don't ask me why, I really don't know.

"It's almost ready," I said over my shoulder. "Hope you're hungry." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah, I am actually," Michael said.

I gently lifted Michael from the counter, feeling the soft tickle of his tiny hands gripping my fingers as he positioned himself safely on my palm. Carefully, I walked over to the kitchen table, making sure each step was as smooth as possible. Once we reached the table, I set him down gently, ensuring he was comfortable.

"Hang tight," I said with a smile, turning back to get the food.

I portioned out a small bit of scrambled eggs and a tiny piece of bacon, setting them aside for Michael. In comparison to my own portion, it was merely a crumb, but I knew it would be more than enough for him. I placed the small plate in front of him and watched as he began to eat. From my vantage point, it was hard to see much detail, but I could make out his movements and the way he seemed to savor every bite.

It was kind of cute, seeing him enjoy the food I'd made, and I couldn't help but smile. I took a few bites of my own breakfast, but I kept my focus on Michael, making sure he had everything he needed.

Just as we were getting comfortable, a knock sounded at the door. I stood up and walked over to answer it, opening the door to find Monica standing there with a concerned expression.

"I have bad news," she said, stepping inside.

I closed the door behind her, my smile fading as I led her into the kitchen. "What happened?"

Monica glanced over at Michael, then back at me. "We need to talk."


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