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Her feet were unforgiving as she walked with menacing booms across the Zerandorian home world.

Traci's eyes from above were cold and emotionless, focused on a single target: a tall white structure that rested on the highest mountain, which only reached her knees.

The Zerandorians would never know, but she hated herself more than anyone else. She hated coming to still-developing worlds only to crush and destroy them. She hated following orders, being a soldier. But most of all, she hated that deep down, beyond her swaying massive breasts, she loved the feeling that all this power gave her.

She was an invincible monolith of power, a goddess in her own right. Her footsteps could level cities, her breath could lay waste to everything, and even a single strand of her hair could split a small town in two.

Traci would not always be this big. Every task, every mission required a different size and a different level of force, but whatever size she was, she would always be on top.

It only took a few seconds for Traci to stand in front of the white structure, which was at the level of her crotch. Her skin-tight latex suit was ripped, allowing small portions of her skin to be seen. All in all, what she was wearing was far from professional. She blushed as she slightly bent down, seeing the white structure for what it was: a small temple. Deep down, she wondered what the people inside were thinking as they looked out at her immense body.


The Council of Twelve was in an uproar as they looked out of the white stone chambers, seeing above them a massive crotch steaming with heat. The entire area was shrouded in shadow from the towering giant who had destroyed so many of their cities, and now she was lowering her face until it was level with the white building.

"What should we do?!" Thac yelled as the ground beneath his feet began to rumble and the white marble floor slowly started to break apart.

"We stay calm," Phuci said, looking into the dark eyes of their attacker and slowly stepping forward.

"What are you talking about? We need to get out of here!" Lah shouted, his voice panicked.

"And go where? It's not like we can outrun her," Ovar said, clasping his hands together in prayer.

"Brothers, sisters, please... please calm yourselves," Phuci urged as he continued to walk forward, towards the face that overtook the entire building, towards a mouth that could swallow hundreds of his people whole, or towards nostrils that commanded such powerful winds they could blow away anything in their path.

Ignoring the calls of his fellow council members, Phuci stepped out of the protection of the council chambers and stood his ground. He watched as those same massive, black eyes began to focus on him.


I looked down at the tiny speck, the black dot that I knew was a person, a small alien. I focused my gaze, as I always did when examining something so small, and saw how the little alien with its orange skin and white eyes couldn't hide its terror. It made me feel a pang of guilt, but orders were orders.

"Please, let's just talk," the little speck yelled up at me.

I opened my eyes in surprise. Not many races over the long years had ever actually wanted to talk to me. It was always about attacking me or trying to destroy me. So, naturally, I was interested in what this little guy had to say.

Slowly, I extended my finger, careful not to crush the little guy with my nail. I placed the tip on the small cliff and watched as he climbed aboard.

I began to raise my finger toward my eyes, and there he was, crouched on my digit, looking frightened. His life was in my hands, this single being that came to barter with me. I could do whatever I wanted to him, but in the end, the decision had already been made.

"We surrender," I heard a small voice that almost sounded like a squeak. "So please, do no more harm to my people."

I didn't say anything as I looked at the little dot. It sounds crazy, but I actually wanted to give the little guy a hug, even though it would crush the life out of him.

"Huh?" I said in surprise as I began to receive orders through the earpiece. "Please, no," I said, anger and sadness welling up as tears formed in my eyes. They fell toward the ground, creating what I could only assume were small lakes that could drown anyone in their path. "T-this is too cruel," I said again, shaking my head. For the final time, I received my orders, static crackling before the inevitable command. "I hear and obey," I said, focusing, making sure to show no emotion as I looked down at the small speck on my finger. He needed to be afraid. I would make him terrified.

I reached over with my free hand, crossing my chest, and with one swift motion, tore the right black fabric that covered me. My breasts, after hours of captivity, hung free, swatting the small ships out of the way as they wobbled.

I didn't smile as I positioned the small speck towards my left breast. I ignored the pleas of "no" and "how could you." All that was left of me was my mission.

With a swift motion, I placed the small alien onto my nipple and, for a moment, watched as he gripped tightly to the pink flesh.

Then, my eyes turned downwards to the white temple. I bent down and extended my hand towards the small cliff that held the white marvel.

My fingers acted like shovels, digging deep into the rocky crust, and without mercy, I tore the white temple from the ground.

It took next to nothing as I lifted it towards my face and stared down at it, or more precisely, at the small inhabitants inside.

I could barely hear the cries of the people inside, and the pleas of the little guy on my nipple faded into the background. I drowned it out. By God, I drowned it out. I would feel nothing, not now, not here.

With my free hand, I opened the ripped strap leading to my crotch and pulled it wide. I could only think words of apology, knowing what needed to be done.

I wasted no time as I moved the small temple into my pants, grinding it into my crotch with strong force. I let out a loud moan as I felt the white stones disintegrate between my fingers and groin. My legs twitched with pleasure as I could still hear the cries of the little man on my nipple pleading for me to stop. I did not. In fact, my hand only moved faster the more I heard his cries.

With a deep breath, I withdrew my hand from my pants and looked down at the small alien on my nipple. I could barely see it glaring at me, biting down on my pink flesh. I knew that deep down, all it could think about was ending my life. I felt nothing.

"Mission complete," I said with dead eyes as stared down at the ruin my massive body had brought to this world. I continued to feel nothing as I extended my index finger and pressed it hard into my nipple, ending the little passenger as swiftly as I could.

"The world of Zerandor is now under

Confederation rule."


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