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I looked down at him standing on my chest as if he were some kind of great warrior-this human, this man. Did he really think he could do anything with such a small body? Did he really think his puny strength would change anything?

It was almost insulting that this human truly believed he could save me with his little strength.

I looked up at Fye and saw the surprise on his face, which soon turned to joy and laughter.

"Who is this little thing that thinks himself great?" Fye said, bringing his face closer to the human. "What are you going to do, little one?" he asked with sick joy.

I watched the little human back away, and I knew he didn't have any answers.

"Well, I guess I was getting hungry," Fye said, beginning to open his mouth.

I moved fast, using all my strength to lift up my right leg, and with my knee, I pushed Fye over my body. He went flying and crashed into the building behind my head.

I began to sit up, and as I did, I watched the little human hold onto my chest. I looked down at him, ready to burn his flesh off his bones, yet l halted the blue flames. I looked down at him and saw his black eyes, the fear in them. "Why did he come to save me?" I wondered.

"For what reason did he risk his very being for mine?" It made no sense.

I slowly raised my hand until his feet were safely in my palm. He let go of my chest and looked up at me.

She looked down at me, her eyes glowing blue as if made of embers. Was this really going to be how I died, without even being able to say goodbye to my mother?

Then the blue flesh beneath my feet began to move as the Kaiju's hand ascended upward. I looked up at a massive face that kept coming closer and closer.

She was studying me, figuring out what to do with me as if I were some type of lab rat. I just hoped her curiosity would lead to my survival.

Then I began to descend. The Kaiju's face that was once so close was now out of reach, and soon the ground was just a few inches away from my feet.

I didn't move. Instead, I looked at the massive being who literally held my life in her hands.

"Get off," she said with little emotion, her voice echoing from its power alone.

I did what I was told, walking on her fingers as if they were a road that led to the ground.


I looked into the distance and saw a huge dust cloud rise into the air. Out of that dust cloud stood the Kaiju from before, growling, his eyes glowing with anger as he looked up at the blue Kaiju.

"Hurry up!" the blue Kaiju yelled.

I ran and jumped off her fingers just in time because as soon as I did, the big brown-scaled Kaiju slammed into the blue one, and both went stumbling backward, creating more and more damage with their bodies.

"Shit!" I yelled as the shockwave forced me down onto the ground.

I began to back away, trying to stay clear of the booming feet of the two monsters wrestling for dominance. I stood up and turned around, ready to run, and it was then that I saw her.

"Kaguya!" | yelled, spotting her staring up at the sky filled with golden lightning. I ran towards her, feeling the explosions of light reverberate around us. Looking up, I saw two massive Kaiju fighting, one surrounded in golden light and the other steaming red like a turnace.


The third explosion sent the whole world into chaos. Buildings around us began to tumble, the ground itself opened up, and the wind turned wild. I jumped forward, extending my hands and grabbing Kaguya, forcing her down to the ground and covering her body With mine.

In a few moments, everything became still and quiet. I slowly lifted my head and saw something that made my blood run cold.

"Sun!" I yelled, looking up at the golden Kaiju, his wing completely torn off.

"Sun!!!" Kaguya screamed, tears filling her eyes.


Ebodius and Atax crashed to the ground with a thunderous impact, their colossal bodies shaking the earth beneath them. Ebodius gripped Atax tightly, both locked in a fierce struggle. The ground cracked and crumbled under their immense weight, debris flying everywhere.

Kaguya watched in despair, her heart breaking at the sight. Ebodius, the golden Kaiju, held Atax down, his strength faltering. Despite the chaos and destruction around them, he glanced over at Kaguya, his eyes softening as they met hers. To him, she was a tiny human, yet she meant the world to him.

"I-I love you," Ebodius managed to say, his voice filled with pain and sincerity.

As he spoke, his entire body began to break apart and crack, glowing with an intense golden light. The fissures spread quickly, and within moments, a massive explosion of golden lightning enveloped both Ebodius and Atax. The blinding light surged through the battlefield, illuminating the darkened sky.

From a few blocks away, Flariona looked up and saw the golden light. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered,



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