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The whole world seemed to shake violently as I clung to the moving flesh that was my entire ground. Well, I guess it wasn't the world shaking, but the hand I found myself on, which shook violently as its owner struggled to stay upright. Even I could see she was losing the battle as she clung to the rock walls of this death-trap bunker.

"We're being attacked!" Olivia yelled, continuing her trek through the shaking cave.

"It's the Consortium," I said. "It has to be."

"They'd go through so much trouble to get one of their members?" Olivia asked, glancing down at me.

I grabbed hold of one of her fingers, trying my best to climb the folds formed by her cupped hand.

"Hold on," Olivia said, her voice panicked as she ran past a few soldiers busy with their tasks.

I looked ahead and saw the bright light leading to the exit. Thank God, it was far too cramped in here. The night air against my face felt like freedom, almost enough to make me forget the emergency—almost.

"What is that?" I heard Olivia ask as she looked up at something in the distance.

"Huh?" I followed her gaze, seeing a dark green cloud filling the horizon. "What the...?" I muttered, not really knowing what I was seeing behind the stone wall that protected the bunker.

Without a word, Olivia ran to the top of the wall, where at least five other Gulliverians stood guard. They already had their weapons raised, determined not to let anyone invade this refuge.

I looked into the distance, beyond the massive fingers protecting me, beyond the walls defending me, beyond the sands of the desert that covered this land. There it was—a massive cloud of green gas heading toward the base.

Confusion rippled through the ranks of Gulliverians. "What in the world is that?" one of them muttered.

"It's not just gas," I said, squinting to see more clearly. Before anyone could question me, specks of light began to flicker within the green mist, like tiny stars glowing ominously.

"Lights? Are those signals?" another soldier asked, bewildered.

"No, not signals," Olivia said, her eyes squinting as she looked upward.

I followed her gaze, studying the light growing ever closer. My heart began to sink as a sudden realization hit me. "They're explosives," I whispered. "They're explosives!" I yelled.

The guards sprang into action, firing their weapons into the mist, trying to intercept the bombs. It worked—mostly. Brilliant bursts of light exploded mid-air as the bombs were shot down.

"What?" I asked as something caught my notice. "What is that?" I looked around, hearing a faint sound, as quiet as a whisper in my ear.

Focusing on the bombs flying toward us, I could have sworn the sounds were coming from above.

"Ah!" I gasped, my eyes widening and my mouth hanging open as I looked up at the bombs and saw what I couldn't before. The small whispers turned into horrific, gut-wrenching screams that sent a chill through my soul.

"My God," I said, horrified. "Those are... Lilliputians. They're strapped to the bombs!"

The realization spread through the ranks as quickly as the bombs approached, and a collective gasp of horror and outrage filled the air.

The sound of gunfire began to quiet down as the Gulliverian soldiers stopped firing, looking up in shock at the pleading people strapped to the bombs.


The Gulliverians were all thrown to the ground, and I felt like my eardrums were about to burst as one of the bombs exploded against the wall, sending debris flying in all directions.

"Keep firing!" one of the Gulliverian soldiers yelled as more explosions erupted against the wall.

"No, stop!" I yelled, looking up at my fearful Lilliputian brothers and sisters, pleading for their lives as they met with destruction. Tears welled up in my eyes at the mockery of Lilliputian lives.

"Huh?" I noticed I was being lowered to the ground. I turned my head slightly and looked up at Olivia, who was looking down at me with pity.

She continued to bend down until her fingers touched the ground. Her hand tilted, and I slowly slid down her massive fingers until my feet were safely on the ground. I continued to look up at her, seeing her mouth move as if she were talking, but the sounds of explosions made her words inaudible.

Olivia stood back up to her towering height and, without hesitation, unstrapped the massive weapon hanging on her shoulder and began to fire, destroying more and more of the bombs.

It had to be done, I knew that, but it didn't make things any easier.

Me crying about what was happening wasn't going to do anything.

"Wait a minute," I said to myself as something came to mind. "Why the flashy appearance right in front of the gate?" I pondered, going deeper into thought. "It's almost as if... they wanted our attention." Finally, I understood all this madness. I turned my head, and even though I could barely see past Olivia's massive boots, I could clearly see 20 more soldiers standing below the wall.

"It's a distraction."


I stood in the middle of the ocean, which only came up to my hips.

"We're here," I said, slowly turning my head towards my small passenger on my shoulder.

"Thank God," Dwayne said through the earpiece, breathing hard. "Can you please remind me why we couldn't just get to Gulliveria the normal way?" he asked.

I turned my attention back to the ocean surface, hoping to see what I was looking for. "You already know that we wouldn't be able to get to Gulliveria quick enough, especially if your conclusion about the Consortium is true," I said. "Plus, I want to strangle Ethan as fast as I can."

"A Brob strangling a Lilliputian?" Dwayne laughed in my ear. "Yeah, you're going to kill him."

"Yeah, maybe," I said. "Huh?" I saw something shining on the ocean surface.

I slowly bent down and brought my face closer to the shining object. Squinting my eyes, I could barely make out a fleet of small Lilliputian ships.

"Finally found them," I said with a smile.

"Found what?" I heard Dwayne ask.

"Our fast way to Gulliveria."



Fuck another cliffhanger on a great chapter damn it man !!!! lol god this is getting good