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My legs trembled as I licked up blocks of cities nestled by my breasts. Sweat coated my body, and my senses blurred.

The taste of dust and fine powder coated my tongue, unpleasant but irresistible.

Blame it on the suit, tight against my skin, exposing me to the little aliens below. Heat surged through me, breath ragged as my hands clenched into fists, unwittingly crushing innocent people beneath my fingers.

I despised being a monster, but as thoughts swirled, I spotted them: small aircraft flying towards me, ready to attack.

"How boring," I muttered to myself. This was routine, something I'd done countless times before and would do again.

Cor Gaz stared at the target, the one who dared to destroy his ancestors' lands.

She was colossal, her breasts dominating the view on his screen.

"She sees us coming," came the voice over the comms. Cor Gaz watched as the massive woman began to rise, her emotionless eyes fixed on them. Despite being on her knees, she still dwarfed every building effortlessly.

As Cor Gaz watched, the massive beasts body continued to tower over the city, casting an imposing and terrifying shadow on the panic-stricken populace below. Her sheer size was astonishing, and with every movement, she caused nothing but devastation. Buildings crumbled under her powerful form, and her sweat, falling like torrential rain, was enough to sweep away people, vehicles, and structures in its path.

Through his screen, Cor Gaz witnessed the colossal woman's hair. thick and unyielding like unbreakable ropes, whipping around with each movement of her head. These strands, seemingly insignificant compared to her massive form, wreaked havoc as they sliced through buildings effortlessly, reducing once-thriving city centers to rubble.

The cities of Galfra, Nebulin, and Nalvar, once bastions of culture and sophistication, were now unrecognizable under Traci's relentless assault.

Their proud skylines crumbled into chaos with each of her movements, her immense presence reshaping the landscape. Her breasts, stirring up winds as they swayed back and forth, acted as forces of nature in their own right.

As the squadron of aircraft approached, their mission to take down this monster, they were prepared to sacrifice their lives for the greater good.

The fleet of ships unleashed their attacks on the giant's body, targeting her breasts, legs, and face with streaking trails of light.

Cor Gaz and his fellow pilots watched in astonishment as their efforts seemed to bounce off her massive form. Each strike tore at her tight black latex suit, gradually revealing more of her white skin beneath.

Despite the relentless firepower directed at her, the gargantuan woman remained unfazed.

With her legs now steadier, the massive creature began to stand upright, casting a colossal shadow over the ravaged landscape.

As her towering figure loomed over the cityscape, her breasts wobbled back and forth, seemingly unaffected by the fleet's assault.

The people below gazed up in awe and terror, mesmerized by the titanic figure dominating the sky. From their vantage point in the aircraft, Cor Gaz and his fellow pilots could see the woman's eyes as she peered down at them from her immense height, her gaze empty and memotionless, indifferent to their desperate attempts to stop her rampage.


Traci glanced down at her torn dress, revealing her slightly exposed breasts, legs, and stomach due to the small attacks from the aliens. She blushed at the sight.

Suddenly, a message pierced her ear, causing her face to turn bright red.

"You perverts," she muttered, a bothered expression crossing her face as she continued to be bombarded by attacks.

Despite the embarrassment, Traci began to bend down ever so slightly, her massive butt hovering over the city. With cheeks still red, she started to twerk, a surprising response to the situation.

The power of Traci's massive twerk was unimaginable. As she began to move her colossal rear, it sent shockwaves of sheer force through the city below. Buildings trembled and shattered under the vibrations, while streets cracked and faltered as if under the burden of an earthquake.

People on the ground, already terrified by the towering figure above them, were sent sprawling as the ground beneath them buckled and heaved. The relentless force of her twerk threatened to level entire city blocks in mere moments.

Up in their aircraft, Cor Gaz and the rest of the fleet were forced to make evasive maneuvers to avoid the intense shockwaves radiating from Traci's every movement. Some of the smaller ships were unable to withstand the pressure and were thrown from the sky, consumed in raging fires or crushed against the ground.

Traci glanced back, still swaying her massive rear, and noticed small patches of smoke rising from the ground, a grim reminder of the lives lost due to her actions.

As her twerking came to a stop, Traci straightened up and turned towards her target: a small white tower atop a massive rocky mountain.

"It's time," she declared with a scowl.

"Time to put an end to this." With determination in her eyes, she prepared to make her final move.



First off fuck yeah to this chapter


Second I hope she does this again lol