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I then went back to designing electronic circuits again.

I was designing control circuits for brushless motors exceeding 1kW, and the customer was a European automobile manufacturer.

The design had to be safe. I have designed many modules, but not DIY power supply units. The reason is that it is difficult to ensure safety.

It is not difficult to design a circuit that functions properly. What is difficult is to design a circuit that is hard to break and that does not endanger the user if it breaks.

And now, I have left the automotive parts manufacturer and am working in system design. It requires knowledge of electrical and electronics, and software.

No coding experience was required, but I was required to write software specifications.

I had no programming experience, so I had to learn programming. So, I started to DIY modular synths.

Many of my modules are digital because I want to learning programing.

I have two children, so it is difficult to find enough time for DIY. However, COVID19 has allowed me to work from home more, which gives me more time for DIY.

I enjoy DIYing modular synths, so I expect this hobby to continue. However, it is very likely that DIY will be interrupted once the new Bethesda game is released.



You have got two kids??? I am even more amazed by your work/productive outcome!!! I have got two kids too and it feels like I have absolutely no spare time left… 😂😂😂


Keep going! You are very inspiring! (And I hope your family understand ^_^ )