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又通宵了,會在睡醒後上色和試圖令Ealys更色 ////

Layering of base colors and processing of lines and expressions for Ealys.
I've been up all night again, I'll be waking up to color and test Ealys.

In a thousand words, simply put, Ealys definitely deserves to be fucked like a slut.



有關Wizl的頭髮,似乎在不同的狀況下,我選擇了不同程度的前陰來避免部份問題,但的確令Wizl的魅力下跌不小,由現在開始會試圖在Wizl頭髮的前陰的程度上,試圖不為遮掩的問題而妥協,令Wizl看起來更美 >W<




Fixed and partially reworked CG.

Wizl's hair, it seems that in different situations, I chose different degrees of front hair to avoid some of the problems, but it does make Wizl's charm fell a lot, from now on will try to Wizl's hair in front of the degree of hair, trying not to cover the problem and compromise, so that Wizl look more beautiful!

When I start working on Wizl related parts, I'll fix it when I come across a CG that doesn't work.

Made a motion test of hidden sex in the library, it's acceptable, I want to make extra effects for breasts, but I'm not sure about the length of the production time, so I won't change or improve it for the time being.

Produced two additional plot CGs, one for Luen's death and the other for Caven's mother's death.



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