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"You ready?" she asked him.

"Yes, Ma'am," he answered.

This was the first time they had done this, though she had mentioned pretty early into their relationship that she enjoyed locking up her subs to test their devotion. And now here they were, he shirtless and collared in the cage and she outside holding the key.

The idea of her sleeping comfortably on the queen-sized bed while he curled up in the cage excited him, but there was no denying he was also a little nervous. Mostly he worried that he might have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, and then what was he to do? Wake her up and beg her to let him out? Try to hold it until morning? What if...what if he had an accident? He didn't think he could bear the humiliation of that, even given the nature of their relationship.

The fingers of her free hand curled reassuringly around the bars of the cage.

"It'll be alright," she said soothingly. "I promise. If you need anything, do not hesitate to wake me up."

He took a deep breath and said, "I know. Thank you... Ma'am."

"Kiss me?"

They exchanged a lingering kiss through the bars and then she moved away. He followed her with his eyes as she crossed to the door and switched off the lights, swamping the room in instant blackness.

"Goodnight, pet."



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