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"Come to me, sweetheart," she said, spreading her legs wide. From his angle on the floor, he could see she was naked underneath her skirt. Her pussy gaped open for the briefest of moments, a tantalizing invitation.

He struggled his way forward across the carpeted floor, straining against the cuffs of his spreader bar. She laughed at him. He knew he made a ridiculous display with his ass in the air, his cock bouncing between his thighs, and he felt his face get hot.

"Almost there," she encouraged him, a teasing lilt in her voice. She put her hand to her vagina. Slipped the tips of her long, slender fingers just inside her entrance so that the shells of her pink nails disappeared.

He gave a muffled groan of longing and frustration that only made her laugh again. She watched him with hungry eyes as he wiggled closer, using his shoulders as leverage.

When he was just close enough to reach her, she extended the hand she had used to touch herself. Her fingertips glistened with her arousal.

"A small taste," she whispered.

Relieved, exhausted, and eager, he bent forward to suck at her fingers.



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