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Lovingly, She leads you naked from the bedroom to the bathroom and sits you down on a towel She has laid out on the edge of the tub. It's been a few days since your last shave, and your groin has turned a few shades darker with the prickly regrowth.

The shaving has become part of your intimate ritual together, and as She gathers up the shaving cream and the razor, Her movements are self-assured and relaxed. You, however, are anything but. You feel shy, excited, cherished. You love being naked in front of Her when She is still wearing Her clothes (cotton camisole, yoga pants).

"Spread your legs," She says, and you oblige, spreading your legs and exposing yourself to Her. She brings a basin of warm water over from the sink and sets it down on the floor. With that, She gets to work, sponging your skin with the water, softening the coarse stubble.

She encourages you as She begins to shave. "Sweet puppy, you are doing so well. You'll get a nice treat tonight. Lift your hips a little -- perfect. Good boy."

Her hands assuredly move across your most intimate parts, grasping your cock and balls, lifting them this way and that to pull the skin taut. In measured, straight strokes, She transforms you back into a smooth, groomed pet fit to serve. And then...your favorite part. She stands you up in the tub, and with your back to the wall, She uses the hand-held shower to rinse the lather off. You can tell Her hands find pleasure in the baby-soft smoothness of your skin, and that gives you pleasure. Your skin tingles where She touches you beneath the warm water. Your cock has become semi-hard, but She ignores it for now, save for a quick, smiling glance She gives you.

When the soap has been cleared away, She towel-dries you.

"I love you," She says. "Look at you. You did so well."

You blush quietly while She applies a little bit of moisturizer to your skin, working it in gently with the tips of Her fingers.

"Turn around," She instructs, and you turn away from Her. You know what's coming next, and you are ready when She slips a small, well-lubed plug into your ass.

Leaning in, She puts just a little pressure on that plug, and you feel it all the way inside you -- a hint of what's to come. "Are you ready for your treat?" She asks teasingly.

"Y-yes, Ma'am," you say.



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