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She'd told him he could fuck her that night, and damn if that hadn't kept him hot and horny the whole day in anticipation. They'd been playing with some tease and denial the last few weeks, and it was starting to leave him a little ragged around the edges. Even his co-workers had noticed, commenting that he seemed distracted lately.

He showed up early at her place with a bottle of wine, but she was ready for him.

"Oh, this is perfect, thank you love," she said, kissing him on the cheek and leading him inside. She took the bottle to kitchen and he followed her as she uncorked it. "Want a glass?"

"Sure." He was distracted by the key that hung around her neck. It was so small and so flimsy for something that was causing him so much frustration.

Looking up, she caught the direction of his gaze. Her lips twitched into a smile, and she brought her fingers to her collarbone.

"Thinking about your penis, locked up in its cage?" she asked him, handing him his glass.

"Yes." His voice sounded a little breathless even to him.

"I bet you can't wait to get out of it and cum for real."

"I'm definitely looking forward to that."

She laughed at that, and even he smiled. He took a drink from his glass, and then another. He felt the warmth of the alcohol begin to heat his body.

"Well, if you're good tonight, maybe I'll let you out of your cage for a bit. See if you can get off quickly enough."

He stared at her, uncomprehending. "But... I thought you said... I was going to fuck you?"

"Oh!" Her eyes widened. "Oh, no... Darling, I meant you were going to fuck me with this." She moved around the marble island and opened a drawer. From it, she fished out a big, flesh-colored strap-on. She dangled it from her fingertips.

 "As I said, if you're good, you'll get your chance," she said. "I'm just afraid, well, I'm in the mood for a real cock, not some pathetic little boy dick." Her eyes flickered down to his crotch, boldly dismissing his manhood just like that. 

His heart was beating hard in his chest. Fuck. Fuck. He hadn't expected this. He had mentioned to her on one of their first dates that he found penis humiliation hot, but they'd never talked about that since. He had actually thought she'd forgotten about it.

With a strangled laugh, he put down his wine and scooped her up in his arms. If she wanted a good performance, he'd show her one. Heaven help them both.




It is so true. I keep him caged all the time and always laugh at him.