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She gave him a glass of water before pulling the hood over his head.

"Try your best to keep it together," she said sweetly, and then the noise-cancelling headphones were placed over his ears and the soft white noise of the room was snuffed out.

Already it was starting to get hot inside the hood, even with the little hole she cut out to help him breathe. He took a deep, steadying breath, ignoring the soft buzz of the vibrator in his ass. He could do this. She hadn't specified exactly how long he was to hold this position, but he figured it couldn't be more than one or two hours.

The game was this: she cut off his sight and hearing, depriving him of two very vital senses, and left him with a heightened third: feeling. The vibrator was a distraction. He was free to adjust the settings on the remote he held in his hand, but if he came, he would be punished. If he resisted, he would be rewarded. It was that simple.

At first, it wasn't so bad. He thought about silly, innocent things, like the movie they planned to see later that night, and that new 24/7 diner that had opened up 15 minutes away. Only occasionally did his mind stray back to the vibrator.

But as the minutes dragged by, his focus narrowed. The vibrator was becoming harder to ignore. He could feel his balls begin to tighten, his cock began to warm. And then, suddenly, that was all he could think about. He shifted self-consciously, and the vibrator came up right against his prostrate. His breath became a little less even. He could feel his cock hardening.

Whatever you do, don't think about her... he told himself, which was the exact wrong thing to say, because then that was all he could think about: the way she kissed him like she knew what she wanted; the way she was unafraid to reach for his cock and lick his nipples; that habit she had of biting her lip when she was about to orgasm. He loved the taste and smell of her, the way she ground the most intimate parts of her body into his face when she was feeling particularly feisty.

He was completely hard now. A soft groan dragged from his lips. He wondered if she was nearby now, watching him, laughing at his expense. Despite his best intentions, his body began to rock, moving the vibrator back and forth against his prostrate. His thumb drifted upward on the remote, sliding the intensity setting up just a little...

His eyes fluttered as the vibrator buzzed a little harder. His cock strained, demanding more. He could feel the wetness of his own precum against his thighs. He was dangerously close to the edge...much closer than he had intended to be... But now he was a captive to his primal instincts. He couldn't see, couldn't hear, but damn could he feel, and he wanted to cum with every fiber of his being. His blood was on fire, pounding loudly in his ears, the drum beat to his own weak will.

Don't do it, a voice inside him urged. You can keep it together. Come on.

But it was already too late; his body had made its decision.

His thumb pushed the slider up on the remote to the maximum level, and he shuddered as waves of pleasure rippled through him. He was rocking quickly now, forward and back, moving the vibrator as deep as it could go into him. If he could have heard the small whimpering noises he was making, he would have been utterly embarrassed for himself, but the headphones preserved what little dignity he had left.

The orgasm was building within him, gathering intensity, getting ready to break. Just as it was about to unleash, he felt ice cold water splash down on him. Someone took the remote from him and switched off the vibrator. Off came the headphones and the hood. He found himself blinking up stupidly at his girlfriend, who stood over him with an empty glass and an impish grin.

"Time's up, my love," she said.




Left to his own devices. :)


Brilliantly done. Image and text are very well done and highly erotic...