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Six foot two, broad-shouldered and muscled, Jax was no lightweight guy. But still he stood outside his ex-girlfriend's house, nervous as hell. He took a deep breath, rang the bell, and tried to wipe his sweaty palms on the thighs of his jeans.

She came in moments; she was never one to keep a man waiting. He could hear her steps on the other side of the door before he heard the sound of a lock turning. The door swung open, and there she was, pretty as a picture, smiling at him. He coughed and ran his fingers through his hair, self-conscious about how scruffy and unkempt he must appear.

"Jax, darling," she said warmly, extending her arms in a hug. He awkwardly received it. She took his hand and led him inside. "Come on in. I've got everything ready."

He followed her into her room. It was beautiful and spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows that flooded the room with crisp morning sunlight. The low, wide bed with its expensive sheets were just as he'd remembered it, and it was hard not to also remember the many steamy nights they'd spent on it, limbs tangled and breathless. That is, until his epic fuck-up.

His tongue felt leaden in his mouth. "Megan, I--"

"Shh." She put a finger on his mouth. "I didn't ask you to come here for apologies. Please, sit down."

Slowly, he sat down on the bed.

"I've had a lot of boyfriends over the years, and all of them broke my heart in some way or other. But I've come to accept that's just the way men are; they can't help it. They need to be controlled. They want to be controlled. Freedom drives them crazy. And so, I've asked you to come here because I'm ready and willing to accept you back into my life...but only if you're willing to accept my leash."

He blinked. Another chance? To be with the best thing that'd ever happened to him? "Yes," he blurted. "Anything."

She leaned in, and he had to focus to not let his eyes wander to her neckline. "Think carefully. Anything?"

"Yes, anything."

She smiled that sparkling, heart-catching smile. "That's what I was hoping  you'd say." His heart started to thump hard in his chest. That smile led to dangerous places, he knew, but he couldn't resist it. He was ensnared, had always been, by this beautiful woman.

Megan opened her dresser drawer and fished out a skirt. For a second he thought she meant to change out of her pants, but she held it up. "If you mean what you said, take off everything you're wearing and put this on."

Swallowing hard, he obeyed. He took off his white cotton shirt, then undid his leather belt and slid off his jeans. Cheeks burning scarlet, he took the skirt from her and clumsily stepped into it. The waist, after he'd buttoned and zipped it up, was just a little too tight, but her face showed nothing but approval and satisfaction.

"Now, lose the briefs," she commanded.

He reached underneath the pleats of the skirt and hooked his thumbs into his briefs. He pulled them off while she watched. Now he stood commando before her, hyper-aware of the touch of the soft fabric on his cock. His hardening cock. What the fuck was happening? He'd never worn a skirt before, never wanted to do, and here he was as hot and hard as he'd ever been.

"Perfect. That's just perfect," his ex-girlfriend said with a nod. She crossed the room while he stood there, embarrassed and on display in a stupid fucking skirt. She opened the door to her closet.

"You can come out now," she said to the person inside.

"Yes, Ma'am..."

Jax stared as, out of her closet, crawled another man. Blind-folded and collared, this other man was wearing a skirt just like Jax's. And stuck in his ass, so big it was impossible to miss, was a giant vibrator.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Megan said, catching sight of Jax's face. "You didn't think I was actually going to fuck you like that, did you?"

"I--I don't understand--"

"I'm done with boyfriends," Megan said. "But, well-trained slaves are a completely different matter." She smiled at him. "Come on, sweetheart, let me set you two up to play. Your training begins...now."



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