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QT: Florida Man is an Audience-Driven story where your suggestions determine what happens next in the story. The more ‘Florida Man’ the suggestions, the more likely they get chosen for writing.

“I heartily approve of this ridiculousness” - CorruptingPower

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Jess grunted in a decidedly unladylike way as she held Elly’s head in both her hands and ground her cunt against the redhead’s face. Elly took in gamely, mashing her lips and tongue up to meet Jessica’s pussy as she hummed and slurped as she blinked her big, blue eyes and didn’t look away from the blonde’s gaze.

“God, yes, you pretty bitch,” Jess groaned, working her hips as she humped Elly’s face.

Elly clawed at Jess’s ass with her perfectly manicured nails and Jess arched her back at the delicious feeling, her body clenching as a wave of pleasure washed through her. For being stuck in a shitty posting without end, bonded possibly permanently to an idiot like Dickie, she had definitely found a couple of upside silver linings. Elly was at the top of that very short list.

The redhead suddenly closed her eyes tightly, dropping her chin as she had an orgasm of her own. Jess looked over her shoulder and saw that Dickie had stopped eating the redhead and was now balls-deep in her. There was a part of Jess that was jealous she even had to share the redhead with the doofus, but he was the key to this whole stupid situation.

And, she had to admit, he wasn’t hard to look at as long as he kept his mouth shut.

He also knew how to fuck. His hips had a sinuous quality to them as he rolled them with each thrust, grinding his cock into Elly as his big hands slid from her hips and up to her perfect tits. His eyes, a perfect storm grey met Jess’s as he grinned cockily.

“Fuck her good, Dickie,” Jess growled. “Because I’m next.”

His grin turned into a smirk as he let go of Elly’s side and reached forward, pulling Jess to lean back by the shoulder until she was almost pressed against his chest and they were kissing. He wasn’t as good at it as Elly was, but it was different. He smelled of his expensive aftershave, and the light stubble on his chin and upper lip had the same manly quality that his big hand sliding from her shoulder to her small breast had. His fingers found her nipple and tweaked it softly as their tongues battled, and Jess caught his lower lip between her teeth a bit softly, making him grunt and pull away.

Jess grinned a little ferally and then pulled away from him, leaning forward and turning her attention to the beauty between her legs. Elly was looking up at her again and drove her tongue deep into Jess, wiggling it playfully. Dickie went back to giving more of his attention to his thrusting into Elly, and the redhead started to bounce under Jess with the harder fucking motions.

They fucked each other like that for a good five minutes or so, moaning and groaning as they pleased each other. Then Elly pulled away from Jess’s pussy, moaning deep in her throat as she came hard. Behind her, Jess heard Dickie grunting as well as he unloaded into the redhead. Jess was running hot now and could feel that craving in her gut that she still hadn’t gotten used to. Just knowing that Dickie was dropping a big, sticky load into Elly made Jess’s mouth water.

Jess dismounted from Elly and took a moment to look at her two sexual partners.

“Fuck, you two are hot,” she said.

“You too,” Elly panted with a little grin.

“You-” Dickie started, but Jess put a hand over his mouth.

“Just don’t talk,” she told him. Then she pushed him back by his chest, forcing him away from Elly as his half-hard cock pulled out of the redhead. Jess kept pushing him further until he had to get up off the heavy wooden deck lounger and scramble to his feet, and she assumed the place she’d forced him to vacate. She leaned forward and grabbed Elly’s knees, sliding her hands down the woman’s perfect pale thighs and then dipping her face between them as well.

Jess let out a massive, uncontrolled moan as her lips met Elly’s labia and her tongue scooped some of her and Dickie’s mixed juices. It wasn’t like that first taste Jess had had of Dickie’s precum when they imprinted, but his cum never seemed to lose its ability to make her roll into an orgasm. And sucking it out of Elly was definitely Jess’s preferred method.

She dug in quickly, slurping just as lewdly as Elly had been on her, and the redhead crooned pleasantly as she smiled and ran her fingers through Jess’s blonde hair. Elly was definitely less demanding than Jess was, and much more sweet and giving. She also clearly enjoyed what Jess was doing just as much as Jess had enjoyed her.

Then Jess felt a presence looming behind her, and Dickie’s hand on her hip. And his cock nestled into the cleft of her pussy. She realised that she hadn’t really been thinking and she’d positioned herself ass pointed right at him.

The fact that she needed to fuck Dickie was a constant battle for Jess, but the reality of the situation was that it felt fucking good and she wasn’t about to deny him.

Dickie’s cock pressed into her, that alien warmth invading her as she felt her pussy clench and stretch as it accepted him.

“Fuuuck, Jess,” he groaned softly.

Jess smirked without taking her lips from Elly’s pussy. The blonde was clenching every muscle she could to make it as tight as possible just to fuck with him.

Dickie started slowly, his hands on her ass as he massaged them, but he got into a groove and soon rammed into her at a steady pace. The smack of her small but well-muscled ass against his pelvis filled the outdoor deck space, and Jess couldn’t help the mewling moans that escaped from her throat as she tried to focus on her ministering to Elly more than the fucking she was receiving.

That was hard to do, though, and she found herself slamming her hips back to meet Dickie as the pleasure washed over her.

Elly came again, her pussy releasing a little wash of her natural juices on Jess’s tongue, and the redhead exhaled heavily and her hands went loose in Jess’s hair. One glance at the satisfied look on Elly’s face, and her drooping eyelids, told Jess that her favourite partner was well and fucked.

Jess sat up, pushing Dickie away from her. “Stop a sec,” she said. He did without a complaint, and Jess got up from the deck lounger and quickly leaned forward, kissing Elly on the lips. She could taste herself still on Elly’s lips. The redhead smiled warmly, pursed her lips again in a little air kiss and winked as Jess pulled away.

Turning to Dickie, Jess pointed at the lounger next to Elly’s. “Lay that ass down,” she ordered him.

Dickie did with a grin, laying down and lifting his hands behind his head. God, his muscles have muscles, Jess thought. He was like a fucking statue as he lay there. And his cock was pointing straight up like a perfect dildo.

Jess quickly mounted him, sliding onto his cock and groaning at the feeling of being penetrated again. Then she leaned forward, putting her hands on her firm pecs, and started to ride him rapidly.

“Fuck, you’re so hot,” he grunted.

“So why don’t you listen to me?” Jess growled, most of her mind focused on the spiking pleasure as she slammed her cunt down on him and shifted her weight to find the right angle to really go off.

“I dunno,” he said dumbly.

“Shut up,” Jess said, pulling partially off of him so she could kiss him. He was just too good-looking not to kiss. She started wagging her ass up and down, feeling his cock head bouncing right at the edge of her pussy entrance, and smirked into the kiss as he groaned in his chest. She’d found how she’d get him off. “Do it,” Jess said, pulling back from kissing him. One of her hands slid up from his chest to his neck, not choking him but holding him down, taking the power. “Fucking come. Do it!”

“Jeeesss,” he groaned, his whole body straining and flexing as he tried his best to thrust up and get deeper into her, but she wriggled away and kept him right in the clenching entrance of her pussy, the glans of his cock head sliding in and out of that tight little hole.

“Fill me up,” she demanded, squeezing his neck a little. “Do it, Richard. Fuck!”

“Bubbaaaa!” Dickie groaned loudly as he came, releasing his cum as it jetted into Jess’s pussy.

A wave of shock and disgust got swept aside as the magic of the serum interacted with Dickie’s cum, and Jess’s mind went a little blank as she rolled into a massive, chemically-induced orgasm.

When she blinked herself back into proper thought, she was laying with her cheek nestled on Dickie’s heaving chest as he tried to catch his breath. Jess felt warm and gooey all over, her body tired and her mind hazy. The simul-gasms caused by the serum were fucking heavy and always knocked her on her ass for a good minute. As she tried to remember what had been happening she sat up, feeling Dickie’s half-hard cock under her butt. She blinked again, grunting, then looked down at Dickie who was grinning up at her, rubbing the outside of her thighs with his big hands.

Then she remembered what he’d said, and she punched him on the shoulder hard. “Fucking what was that!? Bubba? Fucking really? Bubba!?

Dickie babbled, trying to find an explanation that would stop her slapping him. “He was on my mind!” he finally managed.

“God, I’m fucking a fucking- ugh!” Jess grunted as she got off of him. “Get dressed, Dickie. The last thing we need is your cock getting a sunburn.” She glanced at Elly, who was smirking and trying not to giggle at what she’d witnessed. “And you better get some sunscreen on, too. Unless you want some of this?” She gestured to her pussy, which she could feel leaking cum onto her thighs.

Elly bit her lower lip but shook her head. “I’m good, babe,” she said.

“Then do me a favour and make sure he doesn’t go looking for Bubba at least until after I’m out of the shower,” Jess sighed, finding her jeans shorts and picking them up.

“Will do,” Elly said.

Jess believed her… mostly. Without Barb there to cajole her, Elly was generally trustworthy and had a good head on her shoulders. It was just when she got tipsy she was susceptible to peer pressure, and the way Dickie lived that was most of the time.

Shower first, then figure out where Barb actually went, Jess sighed as she trod up the stairs towards the house from the deck area. She could feel the hot sun on his bare ass and didn’t even care.

It was just another day of a Florida pandemic.

End of Scene.

What LOCATION should the next Florida Man event take place in?



Started laughing so much when. We said Bubba.......make me think of Forest Gump.....great chapter


At a mall, where Dickie steals a Segway from a mall cop.

Toodles McGhee

I like this idea, but as I was thinking about venues I kept running into what would they look like in Quaranteam world? I had a friend in China during the Covid lockdowns there, and they were pretty serious, including only letting them leave their apartments one day a week and then only for necessities...so would a mall be patrolled by Segways or by National Guard troops in Hummers??

Ian B

I think the shooting idea is good. But maybe in the swamp or behind a liquor store. Seems very Florida man to me

Admiral Ale

Read again, a nice excuse not to spend time on QT NW. Stay safe.