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The following are the compiled chapters of AMA: The Boyfriend, originally written for CHYOA based on the popular Affection Multiplier App metastory created by Fantasy. Enjoy!

Chapter 151

The answer, it turned out, was that Wanda could come three times on my fingers and that only stopped because I was interrupted. The second orgasm was a slow boil after she’d had the first quick one, and the third came shortly after - short enough that I wondered if I could get her to go multi-orgasmic if I kept working her.

It was, surprisingly, my fiancee who interrupted. “Wanda,” she said loudly as she entered the pilot’s cabin. “We’re thinking of playing euchre, you in?” Then she whispered quickly. “Heather is coming to make drinks.”

My hand was out of Wanda’s shorts fast, and she stumbled to the side as she tried to get her legs working. “S- Sure, yeah I’ll play,” she said. She shot me a steaming look, letting me know she wanted more even though she couldn’t get it right now, and then followed Cassidy out of the cabin.

Heather passed them and came in, pulling out the blender from the cupboard under the counter and starting to dig out the other ingredients for whatever drink she planned to make. I tried to just focus on driving the boat.

“I need to say something to you,” Heather said after a moment of quiet behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw that she was leaning her hip against the counter, her arms crossed over her chest. Heather was wearing a thin tank top with spaghetti straps that did almost nothing to cover the black string bikini top that would have probably been considered lewd on a nude beach, it was so tiny. She also looked frustrated and was clenching her jaw with her glossy lips pressed together.

“Heather, if you want to talk, I’m willing to listen,” I said. “But if you want to wait for me to be able to look you in the eye and engage with you directly, I understand.”

“No, this is fine,” she said, and I felt like she meant it more as ‘This is better.’ “Look. I… know I was pushing things too far. But you need to stop messing with my relationship. What happened a couple of nights ago, that’s never happening again. I’m never making that mistake again, and Cattie is never getting into bed with you ever again. If I had my way I’d give her an ultimatum that she would need to cut you two out of her life, but I know I fucked up so I can’t do that. So…. please. Stop messing with me. Stop touching her. If you have to be friends, do it from across a table or something. ”

I took a breath, trying to absorb and parse through everything she’d just said. I stayed looking forward out of the front of the boat, deciding maybe it was better to have this conversation without looking at her.

“Heather, here’s the thing,” I said. “I thought we were friends, or at least friendly, before this. Last time we met and Cattie introduced you to us, I thought we got along fine. I don’t want to be in the middle of your relationship.” That was true, though in my heart it was because I didn’t want that relationship to be a thing at all. “But it turns out, based on the way you acted, and kept acting, and keep acting, we weren’t friends or friendly. But Cattie, and Cass and I? We are. So trust me when I say that I’ll do whatever is right between her and us. If she wants us to back off on physical touch, that’s totally fine with me, but she needs to be the one to say it and I really don’t think she will because I’m pretty sure it’s one of her love languages. So, I’m sorry that you’re going through this, but you need to know that the people who care about Cattie aren’t going to just get wrapped around your finger.”

“That’s not what this is!” Heather hissed. “I need you to back off because yeah, I caused part of this, but you went through with it. And every time I see you with her it makes my blood boil. This trip is supposed to be about me and her.”

“And you’ve made it about you and her sister,” I said. “How many sexual shoots have you done with Sherry this week already? Do you seriously think she’s OK with that?”

“That’s our work,” Heather said. “She gets it. Always has.”

I just shook my head but didn’t say anything else.

“Will you back the fuck off? Please?” Heather asked.

“Heather, I’m going to be the best friend to Cattie that I can,” I said. “So is Cassidy. Whatever that means for her. If you can’t handle that, you’ll need to talk to her about it.”

“Fine,” Heather said. “Fine, I’ll handle this with her. But don’t be fucking surprised when your fiancee is crying her eyes out because she’s lost a friend after you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.”

Keep telling yourself that, I thought with a sigh.

Heather made the drinks in silence. Well, not silence, she clanged around a lot. She ran the blender loudly to crush ice, and probably longer than necessary. Then she left, not offering me any.

Not that I could drink one of her drinks while I was driving anyway, she made them so strong.

I hooked the radio over to me and called to the Couples Boat.

“Hey, babe,” Becca answered. “What’s up?”

“Just wondering what the plan for lunch is,” I said. “Are we mooring up soon?”

“Lunch is already in your fridge,” she said. “We’re going to drive through so we can get there in good time.”

“Alright, sounds good,” I radioed back. “Everything good over there?”

“You tell me, check out the back railing.”

I’d drifted a little left of the Couples Boat to stay out of their wake, and when I looked over I saw four of the girls lined up at the back railing and all at once they took their tops off and waved them while cheering. They were too far away to see anything really, but I could tell it was Ami, Zenya, Ginnie and Leia.

“Tell them it’s a great view,” I laughed.

“I’d be back there with them if I weren’t driving,” Becca laughed back.

“And here I thought that view couldn’t get any better and you prove me wrong,” I said.

“Flatterer,” she said. “Anything else?”

“Nothing for the radio,” I said, trying to imply things.

“Over and out,” she said, and I could hear the grin in her voice.

I blew out a breath and shook my head.

This fucking trip was an emotional rollercoaster.

Chapter 152

I ended up driving through lunch while the others ate, and then JC took over for me for the last leg of the trip. The sandwiches weren’t my favourite thing in the world, but I supplemented heavily with chips and other snacks since we were doing more groceries, and it ended up filling me up. While I ate we continued to hang out up on the upper deck of the boat but my presence seemed to have a splitting effect.

Sherry, who had finished her nap while I was driving, was awkward as hell around me. She didn’t want to look in my direction, and every time she did she blushed furiously. That didn’t seem to bode well for her in my opinion considering what she was putting out on the internet and at some point she’d get recognized in the real world. The fact that Cattie was sitting in the circle with Cassidy and I also obviously grated on Heather, who sat on her other side seemingly out of sheer spite since she just sucked down her drink and didn’t participate in the conversation.

We reached the docks around 2 PM, and everyone split up to go get changed or decide what they were going to do. Cassidy and I had just stepped into our room and closed the door when she turned to me with a grin. “So, I’m going to go on the trip into town,” she said. “I’ll be with Becca, Wanda and Ami, so you don’t need to worry about me, OK?”

“Alright,” I said. “Where am I going to be?”

“Well, Terra is going to ride with Cattie, Heather and Sherry, and she’s leaving JC here to watch over the boat. You, my love, are going to go watch over the Single’s Boat.”

“And who am I watching it with?” I guessed.

Cassidy smiled cheekily. “Do you really want me to tell you?”

“It’s a short list,” I pointed out.

“And you’re imagining who it could be,” she teased.

“OK, OK,” I sighed with a little laugh.

Cassidy had me pick out an outfit for her again, the third that day, and I went with a cute T-shirt and shorts. She liked it and made a show of getting dressed for me.

“Before you go,” I said. “Anything I need to know about stuff earlier?”

“Wanda wants to tell you her stuff herself, and that’s her right,” Cassidy said. “But the Terra thing… well, let’s just say that Terra is at her wit’s end and if JC doesn’t smarten up, she’ll be trying to find more time with you. Not that I’m surprised, she’s been horny for you practically since we got on the boat.”


“-worried about JC,” Cassidy interrupted me. “I know. Terra has her guidelines and agreements with him, and we’re not going to go past that.”

I took a breath and nodded. “Heather confronted me again,” I pivoted the subject.

“She did?” Cassidy turned in surprise, almost falling over as she’d been putting on an ankle sock while standing up.

“Yeah, she basically demand-begged for me to back off of being Cattie’s friend, or how we act as friends. I understand where she was coming from and if someone was acting with you like we do with Cattie I’d be pissed, but… it’s just the way she says everything, and all the shit she does…”

Cassidy came and sat on the bed next to me, pulling me down to rest my head in her lap as she ran her fingers through my hair. “You are the opposite of a bad person, Robbie,” she said softly.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

She nodded, looking at me with her eyes starting to brim a little and her lower lip shuddering just a touch. “Dead sure.”

I closed my eyes and we sat there for a long moment.

“OK,” I whispered. She leaned down to kiss me softly, and then we heard lots of loud talking out in the hallway and she rushed to finish dressing.

“What do you think?” she asked, turning and posing for me as she put on her ballcap.

“I think you’re super cute, and I can’t wait for you to come back,” I said.

She smiled and came over, giving me a sweet kiss. “If there wasn’t a plan going on, I’d ditch and stay to make out,” she said.

“I love you, Cassidy,” I said.

“I love you too, Robbie,” she smiled.

Out in the hall, there was a flurry of activity as Zenya and Becca were checking through all the supplies to double-check what was needed for the grocery list. I ended up getting pulled back into my room by Wanda, who pushed me into the washroom out of sight and got my hand back up under her shirt to feel her braless breasts as we kissed quickly. Then I ran into Ami in the hall and gave her a hug, letting her know again how excited I was for our date later and leaving her with a big grin.

It felt like all at once the noise suddenly died out as all the girls piled out of the boats onto the dock, leaving JC and I alone.

“Beer?” he offered.

“I’m supposed to go watch the other boat,” I said, thumbing in its direction. “I’m probably just going to lock the doors and grab a nap, this heat is hitting me hard.”

“Sounds good, dude,” he nodded and grinned, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “If you need something to do, just come on over. I’ve got this sweet game you should try.”

“I’ll let you know,” I said, never intending to try the game.

I went and freshened myself up in my room and then headed over to the Singles Boat. When I got there it was quiet.

“Hello?” I called from the sliding door.

“Back here,” someone called from the cabins, but I couldn’t tell who it was. I tried to run through the possibilities but abandoned that. What was the point? I was about to find out.

“Hi,” Leia smiled warmly as I looked into her open doorway. She was kneeling on the bed wearing a cute set of green lingerie that set off with her eyes, if not her pastel rainbow hair.

“Hey, you,” I said, walking to her and cupping her face with my hands as I kissed her softly. “Are you the surprise Cassidy was saying was over here?”

“Mhmm,” she nodded. “I thought I had enough this morning, but when I found out I could get some private time I texted Cassidy to ask.”

“Well, I can’t wait to taste you again,” I said.

“Mm-mm,” she said, shaking her head. “No oral this time.” She kissed me smoothly, starting to pull my shirt off of me. “I want to feel you in me for real this time, Tiger. I want you to make love to me. Could you, please?”

My shirt was off and I pulled her to me, hugging her as I cradled her head in my arms and stood before her. “I would absolutely love to, Leia.”

“Good, because that’s not the only thing,” Leia said.

“There’s something else?”

“Yeah, me,” Ginnie said, stepping out of the washroom completely naked.

Chapter 153

“It’s not a threesome thing,” Leia said quickly once Ginnie had revealed herself and hopped up onto the end of the bed.

“OK,” I said with raised eyebrows. Ginnie was very naked, not that it was the first time or even the second time I’d seen her like that. “So what is it?”

“I won a bet,” Ginnie smirked. “Kicked Leia’s butt on Smash Bros.”

“Only because you ability spammed,” Leia said.

“If I was spamming, you could have gotten out of it,” Ginnie said.

“You’re into fighting games too?” I asked.

“Pssh, of course I am. Leia and I have been girls since forever. We teamed up to practice and beat our older brothers,” Ginnie said.

“So what was the bet, then?”

“Well, I kind of told her about this morning as soon as we got back,” Leia admitted with a blush. Fuck she was cute. “And then she figured out what I was planning during the grocery trip and bet me that she could join us. But then I made another bet that she could come but just watch, no touching, and I beat her back.”

“At least I don’t make excuses for my losses,” Ginnie said and stuck out her tongue at Leia.

“You two know this is a little out of the ordinary, right?” I asked. “Have you ever done something like this before?”

“Kissing and stuff, sure,” Leia said. “Never this far. And I don’t know why she wanted to be in bed with me this time.”

“Because I’m horny for dick,” Ginnia said as if it was the most obvious thing. “And if half the gals on this trip are getting a taste, why shouldn’t I?”

“Anyways,” Leia said heavily. “The rules are she can’t talk and can’t touch us, but she can watch and do whatever to herself. If that’s OK with you.”

“I guess it is,” I chuckled. “You sure you want it like this?”

“It’s fine,” Leia sighed and then smiled. “We know everything about each other anyways, so if she wants to get off watching us have sex it’s whatever.” Then she turned to Ginnie with a smirk. “Perv.”

“And proud to be one,” Ginnie said, grabbing her small breasts and tweaking her nipples.

“Well, if those are the rules, you should probably clamp that mouth shut, Gin,” I said as I stepped onto the bed on my knees next to Leia. I leaned down and kissed her again softly, my nose filling with the scent of whatever soft perfume she had put on. When I pulled away I looked into her eyes and smiled. “I’m so happy you felt comfortable asking for more.”

“Me too,” she grinned, pushing me lightly by the chest so I would lay back on the bed. Leia then crawled up my body, straddling my waist with her legs, and started to make out with me slow and sweet.

We let our hands wander. She played with my hair, then broke our kiss briefly to get my shirt over my head. I rubbed her sides and hips, letting my fingers play at the elastic of her green lingerie. She urged me to do more, moving one of my hands to her ass, and I quickly got a big palmful of her wide cheeks and started massaging her smooth skin. Leia’s butt was a thing of beauty, her wide hips slightly disproportionate to a classic hourglass figure but not looking odd or out of place. She wasn’t as toned and shaped as Wanda or Cattie, but she was just such a sweet person and her body reflected her personality.

After a little while making out I reached up behind her back and undid her bra on the first try and she helped me get it off of her, revealing her smaller breasts and little nipples. I quickly got one and then the other in my mouth, suckling on them as I bounced them with my tongue, my hands going back to grabbing her ass. She groaned softly and then hummed a chuckle, holding my head to her breasts. I slipped one hand from her bum and down between us, playing my fingers along the front of her underwear and over her covered lips to begin rubbing her.

“Fuck,” Ginnie groaned softly from out of my view.

“Shh,” Leia shushed her.

“Sorry,” Ginnie whispered.

Leia moved back down to kiss me, arching her back and spreading her legs a little bit to give me better access to rub at her pussy. Or maybe it was to show off to Ginnie - it was hard to tell.

Once I was feeling her underwear getting soaked through, I hooked my fingers in the gusset to pull it aside and started softly massaging her lips with my fingertips. I ran my fingers up and down her labia, down to her clit to tease her with soft touches, then up into the cleft of her ass to tease her there as well. Leia moaned heavier now, our tongues trading places and slithering slickly as we continued to make out.

“You’re so fucking good at this,” she groaned as she pulled away from our kiss and looked down at me as her pastel rainbow hair hung around us.

“So are you,” I said. “I love the way you kiss, and the way you make me feel like this is really special.”

“It so is,” she smiled happily and then kissed the tip of my nose. Then she dismounted from straddling me and laid down beside me with her chin on my shoulder as she took my cock in her hand through my shorts and started fondling it. “You’re so hard,” she whispered.

“For you,” I said with a smile, and then I smirked and winked. “And maybe a little, tiny bit for Ginnie.”

“Hah,” Leia grinned.

Ginnie was sitting at the end of the bed on her knees, one hand buried between her legs from the front and fingering her clit and the other back behind her. I couldn’t see what it was doing, but it either had to be fingering her pussy or ass - I assumed it was her pussy. She bit her lips together trying not to make a noise as she watched us. Her chest and cheeks were already lightly flushed from being horny and teasing herself.

Leia kissed me again, then moved lower to kiss my chest and lower still to my stomach, before she urged me to raise my butt so she could pull my underwear off of me. My cock bounced up, standing tall and proud, and she grinned as she took it in her hand and gave it a couple of strokes.

“I know I said no oral, but I just need to get it ready,” she said to me, and then took the head in her mouth and swirled her tongue around the tip as she watched my expression.

“Fuuuck, Leia, baby,” I crooned, breathing deeply at the sensation.

That seemed to be the response she was looking for as she took more of me in her mouth as she smiled at the corner of her lips. Soon she was stroking the lower part of my shaft with one hand as she worked her lips and tongue on the head, and then she popped off and let a long trail of drool leak out of her mouth and all over my cock as she rubbed it around with her hand.

“Ready to make love to me, Tiger?” she asked.

I got up from my back and closed with her, kissing her softly again as I cupped her cheeks. “Absolutely,” I told her.

Chapter 154

Leia laid down and let me slowly pull her underwear from her, raising her legs in the air so I could pull them off dramatically. Instead, I smirked and tied them around one of her ankles and then kissed her foot, making her giggle.

“I want you in every way,” I told her as I kissed from her foot to her ankle. “So how would you like to start?”

“On my stomach, you on top,” she said. “If that’s OK?”

“Of course it is,” I smiled, switching to kiss her other ankle softly before lowering her legs.

Leia quickly rolled over and grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed to put under her hips.

“Hey, that’s my pillow,” Ginnie interrupted.

“Shush, perv,” Leia said, then sighed and swapped the pillow for the other one. It didn’t raise her bum overly much, but enough to tilt her hips up comfortably. She used Ginnie’s pillow under her head, resting on her hands and looking back at me with her head to the side.

I palmed her buttcheeks and spread them, looking down at her deliciously smooth naughty bits. I’d gotten a long look, and lick, of them earlier in the day but I still admired them for a moment. Her pussy was slick and flowered open slightly in her arousal, and her little butthole was a perfect pink ring between her pale cheeks. I knelt lower and ran my tongue from her clit, through her inner labia lips, and all the way up over her asshole to the top of her crack. She hummed a giggle and squirmed a little, smiling as she sighed afterwards.

Assuming the position over her, I let my cock hotdog between her butt cheeks as I laid my body along hers until my chest was pressed to her shoulders and I could kiss her on the cheek. I had to move a bit of her hair back behind her ear and then kissed there as well. “Ready?” I asked.

“Put it in me, Tiger. Let me feel you,” she begged quietly.

I reached down with one hand and got myself into position and slowly nudged the head inside of her. As I did she breathed in deeply and I kissed her jawline with little pecks. Every time I inched a fraction deeper, I kissed her again, until I was about halfway inside of her.

“You’re so warm,” she hummed happily.

“I don’t know how you don’t just get him to rail you,” Ginnie grunted.

“Shhh,” I hushed her this time.

“Sorry, sorry,” Ginnie muttered. “I’m just horny.”

I slowly started to stroke out, and then back in to, Leia. I was bracing myself on my elbows so that I wasn’t putting my entire weight on her, but I shifted my stance and she met me so that I could palm her hands from above, our fingers intertwining as we slowly rocked our bodies in a slow, loving fuck.

It was interesting, having all these encounters with the girls. I’d only ever been with Cassidy before that week, and we’d had all sorts of sex, from the softest to the roughest I’d gone. That made sense to me in a relationship, that our fucking would change based on our wants and moods. But with these girls I was seeing such a difference, but also similarities.

Cattie had wanted ass-slapping sex, but only after we had that intimate moment where we indulged her kink of exploring me.

Wanda wanted it as rough and degrading as I could give it, but she wanted to feel the love in it. Our soft play reinforced that and helped the rough stuff intensify.

Becca wanted a partnership in sex, equal effort and pleasure. We hadn’t hit any extremes, but I knew we could probably do both and be happy.

Now, with Leia, I could tell she really just wanted it slow and sweet and loving. Despite the fact that she could be a spunky, chipper nerd, she was a romantic at heart. She wanted to be loved on.

So that’s what I did.

I held her, and we slowly made love, my cock sawing in and out of her wonderfully warm and tight core as we held hands and planted little kisses on each other.

She came, slowly lifting her feet from the bed as her legs tensed and she let out a couple of soft little grunts of happiness. I paused, letting her ride it out, and kissed her a few more times.

“That was so nice,” she said as she blinked her eyes open again. “Can we do it again?”

“Of course,” I laughed softly and started thrusting into her with the same sinuous movements. We did it all over in the same position until she came again, just a little one like last time, and then I pulled out of her and she had me get on my back. When she sat down on my cock she hummed happily, slowly sliding down it in one long and smooth stroke until she was sitting with it fully rooted inside of her.

“Fuck, Leia,” I groaned with a smile as I looked up at her. “You’re such a beautiful- Ugh, I can hardly stand it. You’re like Aphrodite.”

That made her grin wider, and I knew I’d found another one of her buttons. She wasn’t just a romantic and wasn’t just a nerd. She was a romantic nerd. Mythology, and fantasy; those would be ways that I could touch her heart and mind at the same time.

She slowly began to roll her hips, working my cock softly inside of her, as I held one of her hips and lifted my other thumb to her mouth. She sucked on it for a moment, her eyes twinkling as she did something a little naughty, and then I brought it down to slowly massage her clit.

“Ooooh, Robbie,” she moaned softly. “My little clit…”

“Is gorgeous and deserves some attention,” I said with a smile.

She kept rocking on me, and then slowly leaned down until her breasts were pressed to my chest and she took my hands in hers, holding them as she started to slowly bounce her ass on my lap.

Ginnie’s eyes were fixed between our legs. She’d shifted at some point to get a better view and based on how our legs were spread she had to have a great one of my cock piercing into her best friend. She’d also produced a dildo from somewhere and was slowly fucking herself with the opaque blue and glittery toy.

“I think we’re teasing Ginnie,” I laughed softly, whispering into Leia’s ear.

“Good,” Leia giggled back. “Horny girl tried horning in on this. Serves her right.”

“Have I mentioned I absolutely love when you’re playful and confident?” I asked. I kissed her cheek and squeezed her fingers. “You’re cute when you’re being quiet, but God I’m attracted to you when you’re comfortable and more yourself.”

She grinned and kissed me and continued to slowly bob her hips and ass as she fucked me. Eventually, when she shifted her hips softly, her clit nudged against my pubic bone as she rooted me in her on a deep stroke and she sucked in a breath. She did it again and she came, and I could feel a soft ooze of her juices slowly slithering down my cock to my balls.

“I’m close,” I grunted.

“Mmmm,” Leia hummed happily, eyes still closed as she enjoyed her orgasm.

“Leia, I’m not wearing a condom,” I said quietly.

“Oh,” she sighed. “Um.”

“Are you safe?” I asked.

She nodded but sighed. “Maybe not inside,” she said.

“Where?” I grunted, holding back as she started her slow bouncing again.

“Between us. On our bellies. I want to grind my clit against your cock as you cum,” she moaned softly.

“Fuck,” I groaned at the filthy concept.

“Now?” she asked.

I nodded.

She pulled off of me and got my cock between us, pressing her cunt down on the underside of my shaft as she started to hump a little faster. It was new, and still warm and slick, and she leaned down and kissed my neck as she fucked me at the fastest rate we’d gone the whole time, which was still fairly slow.

And I came with a sigh and a long grunt, my cock swelling and balls tightening as I shot between our bodies and could feel the warmth of it smearing between us. She just kept going, humping on my cock through it, and when I was done she sighed happily again and pressed her body down to mine.

“That was awesome,” she said quietly.

“That was so fucking hot, you guys,” Ginnie said. She was leaning back now, really pumping herself with the dildo, and I wondered if she’d been able to get herself off at all. It looked like she was still desperately chasing an orgasm.

“It was special,” Leia said to her friend. Then smirked. “And hot. Come here, perv.” She lifted off of me and settled up on her knees. “Lick him clean and I’ll work the dildo for you.”

“Fuck, so gross,” Ginnia said even while she scrambled closer to me and started licking my cum off of my stomach.

Leia just rolled her eyes and shook her head at the perversion of her friend, and took over the dildo as she started quickly fucking Ginnie’s pussy with it, her other hand on Ginnie’s back to keep her still.

Ginnie found her orgasm as she finished with my stomach and moved down to lick my cock, but Leia didn’t let up. She got a second one by the time she had cleaned me fully.

Chapter 155

“Nope,” Leia said.

“Come ooon,” Ginnie whined playfully.

“No. We agreed that it’s my time, and your bet cut you off from any touching unless I allowed it,” Leia said with a little smirk.

“Fine, I’ll play you for it,” Ginnie said. “You two are done. Why can’t I have my shot?”

“Cause I’m evil,” Leia laughed.

There was something about Leia post-orgasm that I just couldn’t get enough of. All the insecurities and shyness melted away and it was like I was getting a pure dose of her.

All three of us were getting dressed despite the playful banter going on between the two friends. Well, Leia and I were, Ginnie had gotten panties on but was practically humping the corner of the bed as she made puppy dog eyes at Leia.

As I pulled up my shorts I felt my phone give a little buzz in the pocket and I pulled it out. I had several texts from Cassidy, and when I opened it up they were pictures. The first one was her in the passenger seat of a car - Becca was driving, and Wanda and Terra were in the back seat all posing and flashing up peace signs for the picture. There were a couple more playful ones like that in the car.

It made my heart feel like it was beating double. Cass, Becca and Wanda were all proudly wearing their baseball caps, and from the looks on their smiling faces, I could tell they knew they were making a statement to me.

“What do you think, Robbie?” Leia asked. “Should we let her fight for a shot?”

“Um, I dunno,” I said. “What game?” I quickly sent a heart emoji to Cassidy.

“Smash for sure,” Ginnie said. “I don’t like that other one.”

“That’s because you’re too girly and can’t handle real fighting games,” Leia shot back, which was rich considering she’d pulled on cute non-lingerie pink panties with a little lace frill on them. When she turned around there was a Hello Kitty face on her butt.

“I can do Smash,” I said.

“Oooh, three-person Smash!” Ginnie said. “I’ll take you both on.”

“Fine, get dressed first, perv,” Leia laughed as she went over to grab the case she kept her Switch in.

Ginnie quickly started getting dressed for real, and I got another text. It was a picture of Cassidy grinning at the camera with her new sunglasses and a baseball cap on backward. ‘Love you Tiger. All done with Leia?’  followed it.

We had fun. Ginnie watched and wants a turn,’ I sent back.

Go for it!’ she sent.

More fun making her squirm, imo :P,’ I replied.

Lolololol,’ she sent.

We headed out into the living room and connected the Switch to the TV and immediately Leia and Ginnie started arguing about what settings to use for our first match. When we finally got to the character select screen there was again arguing because apparently neither of them was allowed to play Pokemon when they faced each other but this was a 3-player match so should it be allowed?

I just selected Link and waited.

We were in the first match, which had been decided to be a warm-up match, when my phone buzzed again but I had to wait until I was out to check it. And, I’ll admit, I decided to shark the girls a bit and let myself get beaten early.

When I checked my phone it was a picture of Wanda, Becca and Terra from behind as they were walking through a parking lot headed into a grocery store. ‘Sneaky booty shots!’ Cassidy had sent along with a few peach emojis. As I was starting to make a reply another picture came in, this time of Cattie from behind and focused on her bum in black cutoff shorts, along with some black heart emojis.

Stop teasing me!’ I sent to her.

Just reminding you of all the booties that love you!’

We set up the next game and, apparently, I wasn’t allowed to pick the same character two games in a row so I chose Pit.

“Alright, what’s the bet then?” Leia asked.

“If I win, I get fucked,” Ginnie said.

“And if I win?” Leia asked.

“I get fucked?” Ginnie offered.

“Hah, no,” Leia said. “If I win, you… can’t masturbate for the rest of the trip.”

“No way! Too much,” Ginnie scoffed.

‘Fine, if I win then you have to spend the entire evening after dinner naked,” Leia said. “And you can’t just hang out in the room. And no covering yourself with a blanket or whatever.”

Ginnie narrowed her eyes. “That’s a big one,” she said.

“So is Robbie’s dick. Half the girls have seen you naked anyway, plus Robbie. Really it’s just JC who would be getting an eyeful if he’s around,” Leia said.

“Fine. Deal,” Ginnie said.

“And what if I win?” I asked.

They both gave me a look like that was an impossibility.

“Hey, I need some stakes here,” I said.

“Double blowjob?” Leia offered after thinking for a moment.

“I thought you didn’t want to share him with me like that?” Ginnie asked.

“It’s mostly just us kinda kissing, but with a dick involved,” Leia said.

“Alright,” I agreed. “Double blowjob.”

The match started and I was able to capitalize on their rivalry. They were both down two lives before they realized I wasn’t really participating and then they jumped on me, but they were both still handicapped and fighting each other at the same time. It came down to me and Ginnie, but I was one life up on her and was able to land a throw combo into a standard Dair into Forward Smash that shot her off the edge of the screen.

“Shit!” Ginnie said, turning on me. “What the hell, man? What was that?”

“A combo,” I chuckled.

“I didn’t know you knew combos,” Leia said, also a little surprised.

“Well, not in that other game,” I said. “But Smash? What gamer doesn’t know at least a bit about Smash?’

“Oh, no,” Ginnie said in a fake dramatic voice. “Now I have to suck his dick.”

“Gimme a second,” I said and picked up my phone again. The next picture was her and Cattie smiling, their cheeks pressed together. I wondered if Cattie had realized that Heather was in the background over Cassidy’s shoulder scowling. The picture after that was just Becca, Wanda and Terra laughing in the produce section being normal.

Then the next one was Becca, Wanda and Terra all mooning the camera in an empty aisle of the supermarket, making me chuckle. ‘Not so sneaky booties!’ Cassidy had sent.

I sent her back some hearts and peaches, then sent Wanda and Becca the same as well.

“Hurry up,” Ginnie protested. She’d gotten to her knees in front of me on the couch and was reaching for my shorts.

“Sorry, sorry,” I laughed, setting my phone down. Leia joined her and they pulled my shorts and boxers down to my ankles and I was quickly getting sucked by Ginnie as Leia rubbed her back and grinned up at me. When I was half-hard again they swapped. Once I was fully hard they started kissing and licking me like they were sharing an ice cream cone, and then their lips met around the head of my cock and they started kissing each other as well.

“Fuck,” I groaned as I felt their tongues battle around my head.

“Get his balls,” Leia said, pushing Ginnie’s face down lower.

“Hey, I got second, you should get his balls,” she argued, but then took one of them in her mouth anyway and softly suckled.

“It’s still technically all my time,” Leia said before going back to suckling on my cock.

They did end up swapping.

Leia was… Leia was just better at it than Ginnie. Not that Ginnie was bad at sucking dick, but it didn’t feel the same as when Leia was doing something. Leia wanted eye contact with me and wanted feedback through my little touches, or looks. She was trying to make me feel special, not just feel good. Ginnie could do the same things, but I could tell she was doing it out of horniness and not any particular desire for me.

“OK, that’s all for now,” Leia said, coming up from my balls again.

“What? Why?” Ginnie asked. “He hasn’t popped yet.”

“Do you want something to bet over for another match or not? He beat us both,” Leia said.

Ginnie quirked her lips as she held my cock in one hand, then let it go and sat back up on the couch. “Good point.”

Leia got up on the other side of me, and I pulled my shorts back up to tent over my cock.

“Same bets?” Ginnie asked.

“Fine with me,” Leia said, already jumping us to the character select screen.

“I already got mine,” I said. “I need something new.”

“Naked double blowjob?” Ginnie offered.

“Stop lowballing him,” Leia said.

“You were just lowballing him,” Ginnie smirked.

“What would you like, Tiger?” Leia asked.

Chapter 156

“A double boob job,” I said.

“Neither of us have-” Ginnie started.

“But together we could!” Leia laughed.

“Alright, double boob job if you win,” Ginnie agreed. “But you’re not going to win.”

“Guess we’ll see,” I said.

I didn’t win.

Bowser was my pick for the game, planning to try and play a little defensive and take advantage of the girls fighting each other, but apparently, Ginnie was even more competitive than she was horny because this time I couldn’t skate through on them fighting each other. I was knocked out consistently, both of them still alive with three lives as they teamed up on me once I was done.

I set my controller down and checked my phone as they turned on each other.

Becca had sent me a kiss emoji and a heart emoji in return for my hearts and peaches. Wanda had sent me a heart, an eggplant and a water spray. Then Cassidy sent me another picture that turned out to be a short GIF. It was of Wanda in some corner of the supermarket. She had gone out still wearing my shirt that I’d tied up into a crop for her, and in the GIF her eyes were swinging side to side checking if anyone was looking as she lifted it over her boobs to flash the camera, her nipples popping out for a long second before she covered them again and obviously started laughing.

So hot, but be careful,’ I messaged Cassidy.

We will, Tiger. Yours and only yours <3.

I also messaged Wanda again. ‘You are amazing.

“Yes!” Leia yelled.

“Fuck!” Ginnie cursed as she got second place again.

“Hah! Now you need to be naaaked all night loooong,” Leia teased in a singsong voice.

“I just want dii-hii-hiiick,” Ginnie fake sobbed. “Let’s go again.”

“Fine, but no teaming up on me again or I’m taking my dick and going home,” I smirked.

“Fine,” they both agreed, and I had a feeling this was a variation on a scenario from when they were teens. Hopefully, the Dick part wasn’t part of the whole beating their brother's situation.

“OK, new bets,” Leia said before firing up the character select again.

“If I win, I get Robbie to myself for the rest of the time,” Ginnie said. “No interference, not even watching us.”

“Really? Fine, if you win then you have to kiss my butt,” Leia said. “And not on the cheek. You have to physically kiss my butthole.”

“Gross!” Ginnie said. “Now who’s the perv?”

“You’re the one who’s spending all night naked,” Leia said.

“Fine, deal,” Ginnie said.

“This is escalating quickly,” I said.

“What do you want, Tiger?” Leia asked. “Something on par.”

“Um…” I thought. It felt weird to be betting against having sex with Ginnie with everything that had been going on, but I found myself just wanting to spend more time with Leia. “If I win, you two masturbate for me, totally naked, until I cum all over you.”

“But I’ve already masturbated,” Ginnie said in exasperation.

“That’s what makes it a good bet,” Leia said. “I’m in.”

“Fine, me too. But I’m gonna win so it doesn’t matter,” Ginnie said.

“Since there are big stakes, I say we do this best of seven,” I said. “And no repeating characters in the series.”

The girls agreed and we started playing.

I won the first match, and Ginnie won the second. I asked for a quick break and went to grab the three of us water bottles from the fridge as I checked my phone quickly.

Cassidy had sent me more photos. The first was of her, Becca and Wanda arm in arm and smiling nicely, probably taken by Terra. Then next was a selfie of Terra as she was grinning with Cassidy’s hat on her head. Playful, or a message? My dick was confused by the situation with her. Then there was another butt, and I quickly realized it was Cattie mooning the camera which surprised me.

I sent off quick texts. Cassidy got a kissing emoji, Terra got Eyes emojis and a Sun emoji to let her know she was hot, and Cattie got a black heart, a red heart and a black heart.

Sitting down with the girls, I drained half of my water bottle and we went back into it. Ginnie won the third game, putting her up to two, and then I won the fourth tying her. But we’d both missed Leia holding back her favourite characters for the end and we got stomped in the fifth and sixth games.

“Winner takes all,” I said as we got ready for the last match. “Just gimme a second.”

“Ooh, so popular,” Ginnie teased as I grabbed my phone and stood up.

“Maybe I am,” I grinned. “But I also need to pee.”

“Want me to hold it for you?” Ginnie giggled.

“Gross, perv,” Leia laughed.

“Says the girl who wants me to eat her ass,” Ginnie said.

“Kiss my ass, not eat it,” Leia defended herself.

I left them to their bicker-banter and went through their room to their washroom. I really did need to pee, so I relieved myself before checking my messages again.

More photos. First from Cassidy with a couple more normal ones. It looked like they’d left the grocery store and had gone to a liquor store and were shopping around. They either planned it, or just ran into, Zenya and Ami at some point and I got booty shots from both of them, and then both of them flashing their boobs and pressing them against the cold glass of the open door of a liquor store fridge.

I’m dying,’ I sent to Cassidy.

She quickly sent me back a heart. ‘Back in 20 probs.’

I sent her a heart back. I wanted to message Ami and Zenya but I didn’t have either of their numbers. I did, however, have another message from Terra and when I opened it, it took me a second to realize it was of her butthole.

Shaking my head, I sent her a Tongue Out emoji. ‘You’re crazy, girl. Crazy hot, but crazy.

She sent back a crying laughing emoji. ‘You just got Buttholed!’

Is that a thing?’ I asked.

I went back out to Leia and Ginnie.

“We’ve got twenty minutes-ish,” I said.

“What?!” Ginnie said. “That’s not enough time for the fuck I need.”

“You’re not getting sex anyways,” Leia said confidently.

“We’ll see about that,” Ginnie said.

I picked up my controller and we went at it.

Chapter 157

“Grooossss,” Ginnie groaned as she pushed her face between Leia’s spread cheeks and puckered her lips.

“Kiss it, bitch!” Leia laughed.

Ginnie made a long, loud kissing noise and then pulled back wiping at her mouth. “Sweaty and gross,” she said again, panting and making a show of needing to drink her water.

“I think it’s perfect and cute,” I shrugged, grinning as Leia saw me looking at her butt and she wiggled her cheeks for a moment before pulling her panties and shorts back up.

“So what now, we just play for no stakes?” Ginnie asked.

“I’ve got an idea,” I said. “You two play, and I’ll see how much I can distract Ginnie with my fingers.”

“Fingers again?” Ginnie sighed. “Ugh, fuck. Fine. Better than nothing.” She quickly stripped off her bottoms and laid down on the floor on her belly facing the TV, her little bare bum pointing back at me.

“What if I want some distracting?” Leia asked.

I leaned in and kissed her sweetly. “Give the girl a break,” I said.

“Fine,” she grinned and rolled her eyes a little.

- - - - -

An hour and a bit earlier.

Things went to chaos almost as soon as the girls had made it out to the lot. Plans changed of who was going with who in which car. Terra didn’t want to ride with Heather or Sherry and swapped spots with Ami, who decided to drive with Zenya since they’d become new friends on the trip, and Heels ended up getting scooped along to join Cattie, Heather and Sherry.

“Cheers for Robbie,” Cassidy said, holding up her phone. They were in Becca’s car and she was driving, with Wanda and Terra in the back seat. All three of the girls smiled brightly and flashed up peace signs. Cass took the picture and then quickly sent it to him, then forwarded it to the three girls in the car as well.

“Alright, ladies,” Terra said once the GPS app on Becca’s phone was running and they had hit the highway. “Safe space, cone of silence, what is going on?”

“What’s going on with what?” Becca asked.

“Don’t play coy, Becca,” Terra said. “You and Wanda are both fucking Robbie, right? I know half the story already, I just want the juicy details. Is that what the hats are about?”

“You want juicy details so you can play with yourself thinking about them,” Cassidy teased.

“Maybe so, but I still want them,” Terra laughed.

“Best sex I’ve ever had,” Wanda said. “Seriously. And the hats are because Robbie likes the look.” She didn’t say the other thing that was going on, but Cassidy didn’t expect her to and wasn’t about to push her to talk about it even though she trusted Becca and Terra.

“Same,” Becca sighed.

“Really? The best?” Terra asked. “That’s all you’re gonna give me? Come on, I’m dying here!”

Thus began the sort of conversation only sexually mature women who were alone in a car could have. Becca described Robbie’s cock, and the feel of him in her hands and mouth. Wanda talked about his taste, but not just of his cum. She talked about the taste of his lips and his sweat, and how he smelled in the midst of a hard fucking. Cassidy agreed and explained to Terra how hot watching both of the blondes fucking Robbie was.

Terra pushed for more, and as Wanda and Becca gave her some more details of their actual encounters while the four of them giggled away Cassidy took a few more pictures and sent them off to Robbie, smiling as she thought about how he would think they were just having fun and how she could tell him about the conversation that went with them later.

They were just pulling into the parking lot when she got a text back from him, which she wasn’t expecting. The drive to the big grocery store had taken about thirty minutes from the houseboat rental place, maybe a little more with all the figuring of things in the parking lot. She knew Robbie could go a lot longer than that.

She opened the text and saw he’d sent her a heart emoji, which made her smile. It was a stupid little heart, but it warmed hers to know he meant it. She quickly turned the ballcap around and fixed her hair, then raised the camera and took a couple of selfies and picked the best one to send to him. ‘All done with Leia?

“You can’t tell me he’s done with Leia already,” Wanda said from the back seat.

“Just asked him,” Cassidy said. “He liked the pictures though, and sent us a heart.”

“Aw,” Becca smiled in the driver's seat. She was just pulling into a parking spot, while Cattie’s car was pulling up a little down the row. Zenya and Ami were on a run over to a pharmacy to grab various make-up and hygiene-related stuff the girls had made a list of.

“Wait, he’s fucking Leia now, too?” Terra asked.

We had fun. Ginnie watched and wants a turn,’ Robbie texted.

“Mhmm,” Cassidy nodded as she quickly typed that he should go for it. “And let me tell you, she tastes delicious.”

“You participated earlier?” Becca asked. Cassidy had filled her in last night during their talk about how she and Robbie were handling their reconnecting. That had been before their night with Wanda though.

“Yup,” Cassidy grinned. “We had an oral-fest this morning instead of doing a shoot. She’s a good kisser, and decent with her tongue.”

More fun making her squirm :P,’ Robbie texted.

“Everyone is getting some but me,” Terra grumbled as all the girls got out of the car. ‘So is she going to be wearing a hat now, too?”

“Once I tell her about it,” Cassidy said.

“Maybe we should get her one while we’re out,” Wanda said. “Induct her into the club.”

Cassidy hesitated a moment by the car, texting Robbie back her laughing as she grinned. He was really starting to get the hang of things with the girls - Ginnie was a horny little thing, and stringing her along a bit would probably be way more satisfying for the girl when it actually happened.

As she moved to catch up to the girls she saw all three of them had on cute shorts, their long legs bare, and she snapped a quick picture of their butts and sent it to Robbie with a little smirk. ‘Sneaky booty shots!’ she texted along with a bunch of peach emojis.

Then she saw Cattie leaning back into her car to get her purse as Heather, Sherry and Heels were all waiting by the trunk, and Cassidy took a sneaky picture of her too. The timing didn’t work out and Cattie stood up just as she took the picture, so it was still a cute pic but not as great as her bending over. Shrugging to herself, Cassidy sent it off too.

Robbie texted back after a few minutes complaining about her teasing him, making Cassidy laugh. ‘Just reminding you of all the booties that love you,’ she sent back.

“What’s so funny?” Cattie asked. The groups had converged at the front of the store, and Cattie had wandered a bit away from Heather and Sherry towards the produce area where Cassidy and the girls were.

“Hey, bestie. Just texting Robbie,” Cassidy grinned. “Want to take a selfie for him?”

“Sure,” Cattie smiled.

Cass sighed internally, seeing the joy on her friend's face. Cattie really needed to smarten up. Instead of saying anything, she bit her tongue and pressed her cheek to Cattie’s with her arm around her and took a picture of the two of them. It was only after she’d taken a couple and went to choose one that she noticed that Heather was in the background and she snorted a laugh.

“What?” Cattie asked. She was still close and looking down at the pictures.

“Look,” Cassidy said, pointing at the top corner.

“Oh my God,” Cattie snickered. “Um… Yeah, you should definitely send it.”

“Have I told you today that you’re my favourite?” Cassidy grinned, sending the picture.

“Even with what’s going on with the blondes?” Cattie asked, nodding towards Wanda and Becca in the produce area.

“They’re the best,” Cassidy said, taking a picture of the girls since they looked cute and domestic doing groceries in the produce aisle. And Becca was feel-testing melons, which looked funny. “But you’re the bestest.”

Chapter 158

Cassidy gave Cattie a kiss on the cheek before going to rejoin her group while Cattie went to catch up with Heather and make sure she was cooled off.

“So, we’re all in agreement on that situation, correct?” Becca asked, nodding back over in the directions Cattie went.

“You know Robbie confronted her, right?” Terra asked.

Wanda knew but didn’t have details. Becca hadn’t known and wanted the story. By the time Terra was done telling it, really talking up Robbie, Becca looked like she had hearts in her eyes. Cassidy just smiled to herself and shook her head, knowing how she felt.

“That’s not the end of it though,” she said. “She tried to confront him earlier today, too.”

“No,” Wanda, Terra and Becca all said.

Cassidy didn’t have many details but told the girls what Robbie had told her.

“You should tell Cattie,” Wanda said. “For real, she needs to know that.”

“I dunno,” Cassidy sighed. “It’s… delicate. Especially now. And it’s Robbie’s thing to tell.”

“I’ll tell her,” Becca said. “Seriously, she deserves to know what her own girlfriend is doing.”

That stung a bit and Cassidy must have flinched.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” Becca said, stopping the cart and pulling Cassidy into a hug. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“No, I know,” Cassidy sighed. “It’s just a me thing.”

Wanda came over and hugged Cassidy as well, quickly joined by Terra.

“You’re doing your best,” Terra said quietly. “That’s all you can do. And he loves you.”

“Thanks,” Cassidy said quietly with a weak smile.

The produce aisle had filled up their cart halfway and Becca broke out her list to check things off before they headed into the aisles. They made it two in and Cassidy had taken over the cart when she got an idea.

“Psst,” she hissed, glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one had followed them into the aisle. The girls all looked and Cassidy held up her phone for a picture. “Moon him,” she said quietly.

Wanda and Terra both laughed, while Becca looked like she hesitated for a moment before grinning as well and going along with it. All three of the girls peeled their shorts over their booties and mooned Cassidy for the picture, then quickly pulled them up as they laughed hard. Cassidy was grinning from ear to ear and sent it to Robbie.

“Nice butts,” Cassidy said as she pushed the cart to the girls.

“You know it,” Wanda laughed, giving her own a playful spank.

“I wish mine was as nice as you guys,” Becca said, looking back at her own. She definitely had the least-developed butt of the group, though Cassidy wasn’t much better when compared to Wanda’s perfect ass and Terra’s super athletic one.

“Oh, you’re fine,” Terra said. “It suits your hips.”

“And Tiger still loves it, so who cares?” Cassidy said.

“Does he?” Becca asked.

“Of course he does,” Wanda assured her.

It was heartwarming, but kind of weird, to see the girls reassuring each other about Robbie’s likes, and put another twinge in Cassidy’s chest. This time none of them saw it on her face and the grocery run continued.

She got a text, and then so did Wanda and Becca.

“Aw,” both of them said at the same time as they checked their phones.

Robbie had sent heart emojis and peach emojis to all three of them.

“What, is mine not good enough?” Terra laughed, obviously a little put off.

“He might not feel comfortable sending you that,” Cassidy said. “I gotta be honest, girl. He thinks you’re awesome, but he’s pretty jacked up about you and JC even though you two have that agreement.”

“Yeah, probably,” Terra sighed with a smirk.

“Everything alright?” Becca asked.

“Just… frustrating,” Terra said.

“More like frustrated,” Becca said, nudging her with a teasing elbow.

“That too,” Terra chuckled. “I don’t know. JC and I are good together, but… it’s never been great. We spend a lot of time apart because he’s travelling or I’m travelling. And the reunion sex is always good, but after that… It’s so…”

“Routine?” Wanda offered.

“Slow?” Cassidy suggested.

“Hard,” Becca said.

“Hard,” Terra nodded. “I mean, also routine and slow, but hard. We don’t argue really, but I think that’s more because we don’t ever talk about hard stuff. It’s just really easy to be near each other, and be attracted to each other physically, but I feel kind of alone sometimes too.”

“Have you talked to him about it?” Cassidy asked.

“Like I said, we don’t talk about hard stuff. Ever. I try sometimes, but he kind of shuts down and just agrees with whatever I say.”

“That’s hard,” Wanda nodded, pulling Terra into a hug. Soon the four of them were in the second group hug of the trip.

“You know, we should probably figure out how to have these conversations somewhere other in the grocery store,” Cassidy chuckled, which put smiles on the rest of their faces.

Terra and Becca went forward as Wanda held back, putting a hand on Cassidy’s arm to stop her for a second. “Could you take a pic for Robbie for me?” she asked.

“Sure. Selfie?”

“Mm-mm,” Wanda shook her head. “I’m still wearing his shirt. I- I want him to know what’s under it is still his.”

“Dirty girl,” Cassidy grinned. They waved Terra and Becca on, then went and found a quiet corner near a back-of-store entrance. “Ready?”

Wanda looked around, checking if anyone was nearby, and then quickly flashed her boobs and then covered them up after a moment as she barked a laugh of embarrassment. Cassidy looked over her shoulder and saw that Cattie was in a perfect place to see what they were doing, having just walked out of an aisle. She made a beeline over to Cassidy and Wanda.

“Let me guess. For Robbie?” Cattie asked.

“Mhmm,” Wanda grinned.

“I’m jealous, his shirt looks good on you,” Cattie said, tugging on it a little.

“Feels good too,” Wanda said.

“What’s up with the hats, though?” Cattie asked. “I noticed you two started wearing them more, and Becca.”

“Want the short version or the long version?” Cassidy asked.

Cattie glanced over her shoulder, seeing that Heather and Sherry had headed down the next aisle. “Long,” she said.

“Well, ‘Robbie’s Girls’ are wearing them,” Cassidy said. “So, unless it happens randomly, if you see a girl on the trip wearing a cap, she’s probably fucking, sucking and loving him. And it just so happens that you, bestie, inspired the look from that first day when you wore your cap. He liked it a lot.”

“He did?” Cattie asked, her eyebrows rising as she smiled.

“He did,” Wanda nodded.

“So who all are wearing caps now?” Cattie asked.

“Us and Becca,” Cassidy said. “But Leia probably will be when we get back, and Ami will by tonight. She’s already put one on for fun, but he’s taking her on a mini-date tonight during the shoots because she doesn’t really get to date and he wants her to feel special.”

“God, that’s cute,” Cattie sighed. “But really? That’s what… five of us now?”

“Six, if you start wearing yours,” Wanda pointed out.

“I’m not a Robbie’s Girl,” Cattie said, though she didn’t look certain of that in the slightest.

“You could be,” Wanda said. “Cattie, you-” Cassidy nudged Wanda, warning her not to say too much. “-you do you. But if you want to talk things out, Cass and Becca and I are here for you. Terra too.”

“Thanks,” Cattie said with a small smile, then pulled Cassidy and Wanda into a hug. “I better get back to chaperoning my girlfriend and my sister,” she sighed afterwards.

Cassidy was about to say something when her phone pinged, quickly followed by Wanda’s. Cassidy smiled as she saw Robbie’s message asking her to be careful. She typed out her response and showed it to Cattie, as Wanda was grinning over the message she’d gotten.

“God,” Cattie sighed. “I wish Heather would text me little things like that.”

Cassidy didn’t say anything and just rubbed Cattie’s arm and tried to be supportive. Robbie didn’t want her to meddle, so she wouldn’t meddle.

But fuck was it hard not to.

Chapter 159

“Do one of you, too,” Cassidy said. Terra had just taken a picture of her, Becca and Wanda arm in arm to send to Robbie.

“Should I?” Terra asked.

“Yeah, of course,” Cassidy said. “Actually, you know what? Want to really tease him?”

“Sure,” Terra said.

Cassidy took off her hat and put it on Terra’s head. It was a little big, but still looked cute. Terra snickered as she looked at herself in the camera and then she took a few pictures and she and Cassidy looked at the options to pick the right one to send.

“You can keep wearing the hat if you want,” Cassidy said.

“No, no,” Terra said, taking it off and putting it back on Cassidy. “I’m not a Robbie’s Girl yet.”

Cassidy pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow at Terra, who blushed. “Freudian slip?”

“Yes,” Terra said. “Maybe.”

“Well, I already told you,” Cassidy said, looping her arm in Terra’s to walk with her. “Carte blanche, whenever you want. Just follow your rules with JC because it would break his heart otherwise.”

“I’m seriously considering it,” Terra admitted. “Particularly after hearing the testimonials.”

Cassidy smirked, feeling pride for Robbie. He was hers, and she was his. And even though it hurt a little to know he wasn’t only hers anymore, it was also nice to know other women were seeing him for who he was and what he deserved.

They crossed paths with Cattie again as they were trying to catch up with Becca and Wanda and she was holding a box of popsicles and looking for Heather and Sherry.

“Hey, do me a favour?” Cassidy asked.

“Sure,” Cattie said immediately.

“Moon for me?” Cassidy said, holding up her phone.

Cattie smirked and rolled her eyes. “You mean for him?” She was already turning around and checking to make sure no one was around to see.

“Same thing,” Cassidy giggled and snapped the shot as Cattie flashed her butt.

“Fuck,” Terra laughed. “I’m not used to having the third or fourth nicest ass in a group.”

“Mine isn’t as nice as yours,” Cattie said, turning back. “Yours is so perky and tight, mine isn’t firm enough.”

“You both have perfect asses, you bitches,” Cassidy said, patting both of them on the butt. “So stop comparing.”

“Yes, Mom,” Cattie said while putting on a spoiled teen voice.

“God, so embarrassing, right?” Terra said in a similar voice, joining in.

“So. Embarrassing,” Cattie agreed, and then they both started laughing and Cassidy joined in with a smile.

Then all three of them got texts in quick succession. Cass checked hers and smiled at the kissy emoji.

“What does this mean?” Terra asked, showing her phone.

“Eyes for he saw your picture, and Sun because he thinks you’re hot,” Cass interpreted the emojis.

“Aw, that’s sweet,” Terra smiled.

“What did he send you, Cattie?” Cass asked.

“Black and red hearts,” Cattie said, smiling and showing the message. “He knows me so well.”

“Of course he does. He’s your second-best friend right after me,” Cassidy grinned, hugging her around the neck.

They separated again when they found both of their groups at the cash register, and after the long process of splitting all the snacks up from the actual meal food they paid and headed out to the cars. After getting loaded up, Heels decided to jump in Becca’s car and squeezed into the back while Heather, Cattie and Sherry started heading back early.

Becca made the quick drive through town to a liquor store where they met Ami and Zenya in the parking lot and headed in. Cassidy knew she and Robbie had more than enough to last them, but happily browsed with the others and ended up grabbing a nice-looking rosé she planned to share with Cattie over a serious conversation that needed to happen.

She also took more ‘sneaky booty shots’ of Ami and Zenya and sent them to Robbie, then smirked to herself and decided to tease both of the girls. Ami was obviously crushing on Robbie and was already on casual terms with her body in front of him, and Robbie had told her Zenya was getting close to the same if only in peeks and glimpses.

“Psst,” Cassidy hissed softly when it was just the three of them near the back of the store. She quickly showed them the mooning photos. “You guys want to one-up them?”

Ami laughed, and Zenya agreed. Soon Cassidy was checking down the aisles and saw that Becca, Heels, Wanda and Terra were already up at the front cashing out, keeping the cashier distracted.

“OK, now,” Cassidy said. Zenya and Ami both pulled their tops and bras up, pushing their boobs against the cold glass of the fridge door, and Cassidy took the picture.

“So fucking cold,” Zenya giggled as she got her boobs back in order.

“He better like it,” Ami said. “I’ve never done something like that before.”

“Are you kidding?” Cassidy said, hugging her around the waist. “Of course he will. He adores you, Ami.”

“Thanks,” she smiled softly.

“Looking forward to tonight?” Cassidy asked.

“Yes,” she said with a blush. “More and more. More than I thought I would.”

“What’s happening tonight?” Zenya asked as they started walking towards the front. Ami blushed a little more and glanced at Cassidy, who shrugged and gave her a look to say she could explain if she wanted.

Cassidy didn’t get to hear the explanation though, as Terra had come back from the front and looked like she wanted to say something. “What’s up?” Cassidy asked.

“Did I just see what I think I saw?” Terra asked.

“You mean Robbie getting a shot of two amazing racks?” Cassidy asked.

“Is he a big tit guy?” Terra asked, and Cassidy immediately knew that the thin blonde was feeling self-conscious of her own almost flat chest.

“He’s a person-guy,” Cassidy assured her. “It’s not about a butt or boobs. He likes the girls for who they are, Terra.”

“Can I send him another photo?” Terra asked.

“Sure, want me to take it?” Cassidy asked.

“No, it’s- It’s saved on my phone. It’s something I sent to JC once and I want to see what Robbie’s reaction to it is.”

“OK, sure,” Cassidy said. “Can I see it?”

“It’s kind of personal,” Terre hesitated, then sighed and shrugged. “But I’m sending it to your fiance, so sure.” She opened her phone and scrolled to a hidden folder and Cassidy saw it was her hidden file of her own nudes. She selected one that mostly looked like a screen of skin tone and then turned the camera more fully towards Cassidy.

“Is that your butthole?” Cassidy asked.,

“Maybe,” Terra blushed.

‘That’s so fucking hot,” Cassidy grinned.

“You think?” Terra asked. “JC didn’t get it.”

“Robbie will for sure,” Cassidy assured her.

“OK, I’ll send it,” Terra said, quickly doing it before she could rethink things.

By the time Cassidy had paid for her rosé at the front and they were headed out to the car, she and Terra were getting messages and they stopped at the entrance of the store to check them. Cass grinned at Robbie’s response of ‘I’m dying’ to the boobs pic and let him know they’d probably be back in 20, estimating Cattie’s time of arrival instead of their own.

Terra, meanwhile, was grinning a little bit as she typed quickly on her phone.

“So?” Cassidy asked.

“He liked it. Said I’m crazy and crazy hot,” she said. She kept typing and then scrolled on her phone a bit. “I’m sending him a link to this erotica story I read that inspired me to do that with JC before. That’s OK, right?”

“Girl, you just sent him a picture of your butthole, I am totally fine with him reading some smut,” Cassidy laughed.

“Good,” Terra grinned and then put her phone away. “So, before we ride in this car with her for the next half hour, what do we think of Heels?”

“I don’t know,” Cassidy said. “She’s Wanda’s friend and seems supportive. I guess we’ll find out.”

“Guess we will,” Terra nodded, looping her arm in Cassidy’s again as they started to walk into the parking lot, but saw Becca speed-walking to them.

“Hey, we should get going,” she said as she reached them.

“What’s up?” Cassidy asked.

“I dunno, but that cop over there is just kind of giving me weird vibes,” she said, glancing without nodding over at the other end of the parking lot where a car was sitting. It wasn’t a police car, but a guy in a cop uniform was sitting on the hood smoking like he was on break. “I think he was at the grocery store, too.”

“Weird,” Cassidy frowned. “Alright, let’s get going. I’ll text Zenya to stick close to us.”

“Good idea,” Becca nodded.

The three of them quickly made their way to the car and got in with Wanda and Heels.

Chapter 160

Meanwhile, back at the boats.

It turned out that Ginnie was distracted pretty easily. Especially when I pressed my thumb between her tight little cheeks and teased her butthole while I had a couple of fingers in her. After her second straight devastating loss to Leia she practically threw her controller down and turned over onto her back and spread her legs wide.

“Get me ooooffff please!?” she begged.

I fingered her hard and fast, her pussy starting to make cute little squishing noises. Her nipples were hard and pointy on her little titties so I doubled down and grabbed one, mashing her boob and pinching the nipple between my fingers.

“FUCK!” Ginnie shouted. “Fucking yes, fingerblast me!”

Leia snorted a laugh and quickly covered Ginnie’s mouth with both hands, still letting her breath through her nose, and that just seemed to push Ginnia even further and she thrust her hips up as her body clenched in an orgasm. I let off on her boob but didn’t stop my fingering, digging in her cunt for her g-spot, and just as she was coming down I found it and she squeaked behind Leia’s hands before her eyes rolled up and she came again.

Ginnie was left panting hard, her entire chest and stomach fluctuating as she tried to catch her breath, when she came down.

“Worth it?” Leia asked her friend with a little smirk.

“Can I have cock now, puh-lease?!” Ginnie asked.

“Sorry, cutie,” I said, patting the inside of her thigh. “We’re running out of time.”

“Uuung,” she groaned and reached down to softly stroke her flushed pussy. “Fine.”

“We should get dressed,” I said.

The three of us left Leia’s switch hooked up to the TV and headed back to their room to find our clothes. Before we started getting dressed though I hugged Leia from behind, pressing my hard cock against her meaty butt cheeks as I squeezed her a little. “I had a lot of fun,” I told her quietly. “I’d really like to spend more time with you.”

“I did too,” she smiled and turned her face back and up to kiss me.

I turned her in my arms and hugged her properly as we kissed, and then I backed her up to the bed and eased her down on top of it, kissing her all the way down. My cock was pressed between us as we made out.

“Really, you guys!?” Ginnie demanded.

That made us both laugh. I kissed Leia one more time and then put my lips to her ear, whispering softly. “I can’t wait to taste you again.”

“I can’t wait to feel you again,” Leia whispered back, reaching between us and shifting my cock so that the head was right at her entrance, nudging between her slick labia to press against her entrance.

I raised up just enough so I could press my forehead against hers, looking into her big eyes as we relished that feeling of almost being connected again. She tilted her lips up and kissed me softly, rotating her hips just a little to press herself against my cock head.

“OK, seriously, I’m starting to feel jilted here,” Ginnie said. “That’s fucking hot but you said we didn’t have time.”

“Sorry,” Leia said, softly pushing me off without losing that warm smile of hers. “Got carried away.”

“Yeah, well I could use a little getting carried away,” Ginnie muttered, partially to herself and partially to us.

We were just finishing getting dressed and heading back out to the Switch when we could hear the muffled sound of female voices out on the dock.

“They must be back,” I said. “I’ll go see if they need help carrying anything.”

“You’re sweet,” Leia said. She was holding my hand lightly with our fingers and she used it to pull herself close and kiss me one last time.

“So are you,” I said with a grin. Then I moved around her and scooped up Ginnie in both my arms in a cradle, making her whoop in surprise. I brought our faces together and gave her a quick, firm kiss of her own. “Sorry to tease you.”

“It’s fine,” she said, grabbing my face to pull me into another quick kiss. “I will get that cock eventually though.”

“That sounds like a challenge,” Leia laughed. “Maybe you need to play Keep Away for the rest of the trip.”

“Don’t give him ideas!” Ginnie said, shifting out of my grip and moving to tickle-attack her friend.

I left them laughing as I headed back to the front of the boat and out the doors, but when I checked the dock there wasn’t anyone there. Figuring they must have gone to store things in the Couples Boat I started to hop over but stopped when Cattie came out and met me.

“Hey, Tiger,” she said with a smile.

“Hey, hot stuff,” I said, offering her a hand to help her over the small gap between the boat and the dock. She took it and hopped over, but didn’t let go.

“We came back a little early. Help me carry some stuff?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said. “That’s what I came out to do when I heard voices.”

“You’re sweet,” Cattie said with that smile of hers and then started leading me towards the parking lot, still holding my hand lightly.

“That’s the second time someone said that to me in the last five minutes,” I laughed. “Maybe I should check my blood sugar levels.”

“Who else told you that?” Cattie asked.

“Leia,” I said. “For the same reason, too.”

“What’s it say about society that a guy offering to help carry the groceries stands out as sweet?” Cattie laughed and shook her head.

“That men are mostly stupid, and women need to expect more from them,” I said.

“Not just men,” Cattie sighed.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing, nothing,” Cattie said with a little shake of her head. We reached their rental car and she popped the trunk. “I’m just feeling out of sorts.”

“Anything I can do?” I asked as I stood next to her at the trunk and started gathering bags.

“Nothing more than being you,” Cattie said, wrapping her arm around my waist and hugging me softly.

“That I can do for you,” I said, returning the hug with an arm around her shoulder. She leaned into it and we stood there for a good ten seconds just holding each other.

“Thanks,” Cattie said.

“Any time, Catherine,” I replied.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Cattie said with a little smile. “I’m feeling like I need more hugs in my life.”

I pulled her into a full bear hug and she pressed her cheek to my chest as we rocked slightly back and forth. “Any time, anywhere,” I promised her.

She just hugged me back.

Chapter 161

Heather was a little unimpressed when we piled back into the Couples Boat and she saw that I was helping Cattie, but she kept her mouth shut considering I was acting as physical labour. Cattie and I started putting the snacks they had bought away, and partitioning out some of the food they had transported back for Becca to be brought over to the Singles Boat. We chatted as we worked, and I found it felt sort of like when I had been doing the dishes with Becca.

Cattie and I just worked well together. We weren’t quite as smoothly efficient as Becca and I, but we were a little more playful as we teased each other and she would tickle my side trying to get a rise out of me, and then squirm away when I threatened to do the same to her.

Sherry came out looking for her sister and blushed again when she saw me.

“Cat, I’m heading back over to my boat,” she said. “Anything I should carry over?”

“Um, yeah,” Cattie said, turning and picking up a small pile of stuff and handing it over to her sister. “These should get in the freezer over there ASAP.”

“Cool,” Sherry said, and then she hesitated before looking at me. “Um, thanks for the lighting thing earlier. The back half of the pictures came out better lit.”

“No problem,” I said. “Sorry about walking in on you like that.”

“We should have put up another sign,” she mumbled. And then she turned and quickly walked away.

“Oh my God,” Cattie smirked. “I think that was her apologizing.”

“So she’s learning from Heather?” I asked, then immediately regretted taking the low-blow shot.

But Cattie suppressed a snort as her eyes went wide at the remark, putting her hands over her mouth as she tried her best not to laugh. “You’re bad,” she finally chuckled softly as she got her laugh reflex under control.

“Sorry,” I said with a smirk. “That wasn’t fair.”

“It’s fine,” Cattie said, then hugged me again.

I held her for a long moment, taking a deep breath and resting my chin on top of her head. “Love you, Catherine,” I said quietly.

“Love you too, Tiger,” she whispered back.

We had just gotten everything put away, and I was heading into the Couples Boat with the second half of the stuff that was going to be stored there, when I heard more than saw the arrival of the other two cars. I quickly went and dropped the foodstuffs on the counter neatly and then headed out to meet the girls.

It was a flurry of activity that I got swept up in and I found myself getting lots of little side hugs and kisses on cheeks from the girls. Each of them had been part of sending me teasing pictures while they were gone, but no one seemed to want to overplay their hand in front of the others.

Well, no one but my fiancee.

Cassidy practically jumped into my arms, kissing me fervently when I met her at the car. It was a full-on makeout kiss even if it was short as she pressed her body to mine and fed me her tongue, swapping spit with me. “Hi, Tiger,” she said with a big grin as she pulled away.

“Hey, babe,” I said back.

“Have fun while we were gone?”

“You know I did,” I said. “You?”

“Mhmm,” she grinned and nodded. Then she looked around, gave me another kiss, and dropped back down to her feet and grabbed Becca and pushed her at me. All the others were piling into the boats with armloads of food, leaving the three of us alone for a moment.

“Oof!” Becca said as she laughed and got shoved into my arms.

“Hi, you,” I said, wrapping her up in my arms.

“Hey, handsome,” she said and then reached up and put her hands on my cheeks as we kissed just as deeply as I had with Cassidy. When we separated she was smiling and her eyes were sparkling at the intensity of the kiss. “You know, your fiancee is trouble, right?”

“Oh, I know,” I chuckled. “Not too much though?”

“Maybe not enough,” Becca smirked. “She only got me to moon you, I would have flashed you too.”

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Yep,” Becca grinned. “And now you’re gonna miss out on seeing my boobies again until we can find some alone time.”

I growled in my throat a little and kissed her again quickly. “I can’t wait,” I told her.

“Me neither,” she giggled back.

I got loaded up with a bunch of the remaining food to carry and then it was another flurry as all the girls came piling out of the boats for a second trip just as I was walking down the dock. My ass got pinched more than once.

Zenya was in the Singles Boat organizing things and gave me a little slap on the butt and a playful smirk as I set everything down, but Sherry was just walking into the kitchen to see if she could help so I didn’t push any flirting with the curvy redhead. Instead, I headed back out to see if there was anything left to grab but saw that wasn’t the case as the girls were coming back and Becca was locking her car and returning empty-handed.

I met her at the head of the dock, leaning against one of the round wooden pilings. “So, get everything you wanted?” I asked.

“We did,” Becca said, slipping into my arms for another hug but not wanting to kiss this out in the open with the others around.

“Have I mentioned how cute that hat is on you?” I asked.

“Vaguely,” she smirked a little. “I hear you had some fun with Leia. How was that?”

“Good. Special, but different. Ginnie was there too which changed the dynamic a bit,” I said.

“You had sex with both of them?” Becca asked.

“No,” I shook my head. “Just Leia. Ginnie was consigned to watching after losing a bet. How does that, ah, make you feel?”

Becca frowned a little in thought, sighing as she hugged me again. “Weird, but not the way you would think. I don’t think I actually mind, which is why I feel weird. I feel like I should mind, but I don’t.”

“Sorry,” I apologized.

“For what? You’re Cassidy’s, I don’t have a right to be jealous,” Becca said.

“That doesn’t mean you wouldn’t feel it anyway,” I said. “I- Becca, I care about you a lot. I feel like we fit together almost so well that it’s scary. Physically, and emotionally. I feel weird about all of this too.”

“We’ll figure it out,” Becca said quietly, hugging me again.

“We will,” I agreed, hugging her back. “What’s the plan for this afternoon?”

“We’ll head out in the opposite direction,” Becca said. “Not too far since we don’t want to reach the dam or anything, but we’ll look for a nice place to stop for the afternoon and evening. Are you ready for your date with Ami?”

“I am,” I said. “We’ll have a little picnic, and I picked out an album I think she’ll like as we watch the sunset.”

“Ugh, that’s cute as hell,” Becca said. “Now that I am jealous of.”

I laughed a little. “Considering what we did last night during sunset, I don’t know if I agree.”

“Fair,” Becca grinned. Then bit her lip as she clearly thought about our lovemaking. “I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

“I would have,” I said. “I wanted more time with you.”

“You’ll get it,” Becca said. “Promise.”

Chapter 162

Becca needed to head in to make sure that Zenya had everything covered, and I followed her into the Couples Boat and ran into Terra.

“Hey, you busy?” she asked

“You need me for anything, Becca?” I asked.

“Nope, you’re good, Tiger,” Becca said, waving me off.

“In here or outside?” I asked Terra.

“Outside,” she nodded, and we stepped out and went up the stairs to the top deck. We were alone up there and she led me over to the Adirondack chairs and gestured for me to sit in one of the ones that Becca and I had used for breakfast and were still sitting close together.

“Te- Actually, I don’t think I ever asked you this and I should have - would you rather I call you Terra like I have been, or Lou-Anne?” I asked.

“Oh, Terra for sure,” she said with a smile. “I like it way better than Lou-Anne. I wish I could get my modelling agency to market me as Terra. Thank you for asking, though.”

“No problem,” I said. “If this is about the picture, I just want to promise you that I’ll never share it with anyone, and if you want me to delete it I will.”

“It is about the picture, Tiger, but I trust you not to share it,” Terra said. “What did you think of it?”

I flushed a little bit, thinking of it. Terra had sent me the lewdest picture of them all. “I thought it was hot,” I said. “And I’m trying not to think of what it might be promising because I don’t want to assume anything.”

“What did it make you think it promised?” Terra asked, leaning back in her seat and running the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip.

She was turned on, I realized, and not nervous like I had first thought. So I decided to tell her. “Well, sending me a picture like that? It makes me want to bury my tongue in that gorgeous, firm ass of yours that you work so hard to maintain. I want to grab your cheeks and kiss all over them, and down your thighs and up your back, and then get my tongue so far up inside you that you’re squirming and moaning.”

Terra was breathing deeply and she deliberately undid the button on her shorts and pushed her fingers underneath, down to her pussy. “What else?” she asked.

“Well, once you’re nice and slick, I want to get a couple of fingers in there to start stretching you out. I want to see your perfect little butthole quiver and strain as I get it ready.”

“Get it ready for what, Robbie?” she asked, obviously slowly petting her cunt beneath her shorts.

“For my cock,” I told her. “And once you’re stretched out, I want to turn you around and feed it to you. Make you choke on it and get it really slick with your spit, maybe even see if you can deepthroat it a bit. Then I want you to sit on my cock, slowly taking it all so that it only hurts just as much as it absolutely needs to, and I want to use my thumb on your clit as you focus on my cock in your ass.”

“Fuck,” Terra grunted.

“Is that what you were promising?” I asked her.

She scrambled out of her seat and over to me, kissing me hard as she straddled my lap. “I don’t know,” she gasped between kisses. “I don’t know yet. Is that OK?”

“Of course it is,” I mumbled between kisses. She took my hands and put them on her ass, encouraging me to knead her buns.

“What if I want to wear a hat?” she asked.

“I think you look fucking hot in a ballcap,” I told her. “But only if you want, and only if it’s playing around. JC-”

“I know,” she said, kissing my words away. “I know. Only what we agreed to.”

She kissed me hard one last time, then pulled away, sitting back on my knees.

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” I told her.

“You aren’t so bad yourself, hot stuff,” she smirked at me.

“Different leagues, Terra,” I said.

“Not so different,” she said, pulling up my shirt to show my soft, barely visible abs.

“Terra, hon, if we don’t stop now I’m going to end up with your thighs around my ears as I eat you out,” I told her.

She squirmed and wiggled a little at the thought, but then blew out a breath and nodded. “Thanks for clearing things up for me,” she said.

“Is that what that was?” I asked as we both stood up.

She nodded. “It was,” she said. Then she grabbed my hands and put them back on her ass as she went on her tiptoes to kiss me again, a little softer and less urgent.

“You are one hell of a woman,” I told her.

“You don’t know the half of it,” she grinned.

We headed back down, though I hesitated at the stairs to rearrange my cock in my shorts to try and make it not quite so obvious that I was hard. Terra turned and saw what I was doing and giggled to herself, covering her mouth with the back of one hand. “Sorry,” she said.

“It’s OK,” I laughed. “Only natural.”

“Yes, it is,” she grinned. Back downstairs she headed to the kitchen to see if there was anything left to do, and Zenya passed her heading back towards me.

“Hey,” Zenya said.

“Hey, hot stuff,” I replied with a smile.

She glanced behind her and then opened the door to mine and Cassidy’s room and pushed it open, gesturing me inside. I went, and she closed the door after us.

“What’s up?” I asked.

Zenya gave me a look as she leaned back against the door. “Honestly, Robbie, I’m feeling a little jealous.”

I cocked my head to the side, waiting for more.

“Maybe jealous is the wrong word,” Zenya said. “I feel left out. First I find out that you’re doing a cute as fuck date with Ami, and now I find out that you spent the afternoon with Leia.”

“I’m sorry,” I told her, blowing out a long breath as I sat on the edge of the bed. Keeping track of everyone I was flirting with was getting to be a bit much. “I definitely didn’t mean to make you feel that way.”

“It’s fine,” Zenya said, coming over and sitting next to me. “I just felt like I should say something instead of trying to keep it bottled up and guessing. Apparently, a girl who tells you what she wants can actually get it.”

“I try my best,” I told her.

“What if I told you I wanted to have sex?” she asked.

“I’d say that I would love to, though we should find a good time to do it,” I said.

“What if I wanted a threesome with you and Cassidy?”

“I think we would both love that,” I told her.

“Alone?” she asked.

“That too,” I said.

“What if I just wanted to make out and maybe have you suck on my boobs?” she asked, cupping her curvy breasts over her top.

“Zenya, I would be happy to do anything at all with you,” I said. “And I’ll respect any limit that you set. I’d also like to get to know you a bit better - you and Becca are friends, and with the way she and I are, I expect that probably means we would be as well.”

“I’m not as big a nerd as the others,” she said. “Well, I’m more of a weeb than a nerd at least.”

“You should talk to Cassidy and Cattie about that stuff,” I said. “They love anime.”

“No, I mean I’m a real weeb,” Zenya laughed. “I read manga and collect figurines and stuff.”

“You say that like half the people on this trip don’t have some niche hobbies,” I said, taking her hand. “We’re going to be doing more driving this afternoon, and tonight I have my thing with Ami. Tomorrow, let’s hang out, OK?”

“I’d like that,” Zenyua grinned. Then she leaned in and kissed me softly. “And maybe more.”

“Maybe more,” I agreed. “Thanks for being obvious for me.”

“Thanks for not making it weird,” Zenya said.

She kissed me again, just a light peck, and then we headed out to see if there was anything left to do.

Chapter 163

Everyone ended up on their own boats as we set back off from the dock, and JC spared me from driving since I had done most of it that morning. With JC in the Pilot’s Cabin and Heels asking Heather to help her out with a quick and dirty photo shoot in her and Wanda’s room - Wanda said it was going to be a shower shoot - that left me, Cass, Wanda, Cattie and Terra to hang out in the deck chairs.

All of the girls had changed into their bikinis, though Wanda was still wearing my shirt tied up and Cassidy and her were wearing their ballcaps.

The chatting was light and playful for a bit, though there was a bit more of a naughty undercurrent. We all had separate chairs, but after some teasing that Wanda was wearing my shirt she just shrugged and got up, taking the two steps over to me and planting plush bum in my lap and leaning back against my chest.

“There, happy?” she asked the others.

“Yes,” Cassidy grinned.

“You know we were just teasing,” Terra said.

“I’m very happy,” I said, wrapping my arms around her and leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

“Thanks, Tiger,” she grinned back at me, and then turned and kissed me on the lips.

It was weird, but I felt like I almost heard a soft sigh from each of the others.

The conversation continued and I tugged Wanda back firmer against my groin so she could feel that my cock was starting to chub up under her. She hummed softly, taking my hand in hers on the armrest, and wiggled back just a little more. I let my other hand fall on her stomach, still wrapped around her, our bare skin touching. As the girls continued talking I casually let my hand drift down to her thigh rubbing her softly, and then back up to her stomach.

Then, as I watched the casual glances of Terra and Cattie as they tracked what I was doing without staring, I slid my hand up under Wanda’s top and palmed her breast.

“No bra or bikini top, huh?” I asked her quietly.

She grinned a little and shook her head.

“You’re a naughty girl,” I said. “It’s a good thing I love girls who are naughty for me.”

She leaned back in her chair, breathing deeply as I continued to feel up her breast under the shirt. Cassidy glanced at us and licked her lips a little with a twinkle in her eye, but then went back to the conversation. Cattie and Terra, on the other hand, kept glancing over and were clearly getting a little turned on at the blatant display of casual sexual contact.

Once I had Wanda’s nipple hard I switched to her other breast and leaned down to softly kiss her neck for a moment before cutting into the conversation. Now all three of the others had a reason to look at me and Wanda openly, but no one mentioned what I was doing. That seemed to get Wanda going even more.

It was when I was sliding my hand down between her legs, and she spread them for me so that I could pull the gusset of her bikini bottoms aside, that Cattie finally broke the tension. “Really?” she asked. “Right here?”

“Wanda wants to be his toy today,” Cassidy explained. “She asked for it.”

“It’s hot,” Terra grinned.

I had Wanda’s pussy completely exposed as she sat in my lap, and was slowly massaging her pussy lips as she continued to lean back. She had her head back on my shoulder and her eyes closed as she softly let out little moans.

“I mean, it fucking is,” Cattie said. “But right here in public?”

“We can stop if you want, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” I said.

“I’m not uncomfortable,” Cattie said. “At least not like that. It’s making me fucking horny though.”

“Same,” Cassidy laughed.

“You’re really getting off on this?” Cattie asked Wanda.

“God, yes,” Wanda gasped as I inserted one finger in her just up to the first knuckle. “It’s so- God. He’s hitting like three or four of my buttons all at once. Sorry if this is weird.”

“It’s weird, but like I said - it’s hot,” Terra said.

“How hard is he?” Cattie asked.

“So fucking hard,” Wanda groaned, wiggling her hips to feel my cock pushing against her ass through our clothes.

“You going to come soon, babe?” Cassidy asked her.

“Mhmm,” Wanda nodded.

“Want me to get you there?” Cassidy offered.

“Yes, please,” Wanda gasped, then turned to me. “If I have permission to come?”

“Of course you do,” I said and softly kissed her.

Cassidy got up and sat on the edge of her chair armrest next to us and leaned over, grabbing Wanda by the shirt and pulling her closer so that she could kiss her hard. Then she pressed their foreheads together. “You gonna come for the man who owns your holes?” she asked.

“Yes,” Wanda gasped.

“Are you his little whore?” Cassidy asked.

“Mhmm,” Wanda nodded.

“Don’t tell me, tell them,” Cassidy said, nodding over to Cattie and Terra.

“I’m a little whore for Robbie,” Wanda told the others.

Cattie’s pupils dilated a little as she breathed deeply, and Terra was breathing through an open mouth as they both watched and listened.

“What kind of slut are you for him?” Cassidy asked.

“I’m his married, anal buttslut free-use toy,” Wanda gasped.

“Want me to spit on you like the filthy little thing you are, baby?” Cassidy offered.

Wanda nodded.

“Open your mouth,” Cassidy ordered her. Wanda did, and I pushed a second finger into her as I continued to oh-so-slowly finger her, feeling her juices dripping down my knuckles. Then Cassidy spit in her mouth, the spray hitting her lips and cheeks as well.

Wanda came. It was quiet and simmering, a long orgasm that had her left leg shaking like a dog who was enjoying a really good petting. Partway through Cassidy leaned in and kissed her again, full on with tongue, and Wanda tried her best to respond.

As she finally started coming down I slid my fingers from her and adjusted her bikini bottom to cover her again, and then hugged her around her abdomen as she caught her breath.

“Love you, baby,” I whispered quietly so that only she and Cassidy could hear.

She turned in my arms and cupped my face, kissing me deeply but chastely without tongue.

Then we all jumped a little as an airhorn sound echoed from off the side of the House Boat, followed by a blip of a siren.

“Uh, guys!?” JC called from the Pilto’s Cabin. “I think we have a problem.”

“House Boat,” a stern voice echoed out of a staticy loudspeaker. “Come to a halt and weigh anchor. This is a lawful order.”

Chapter 164

JC brought us to a stop and got the anchor lowered as we all went to the railing of the boat to see what was going on. Coming around us was a big speedboat mounted with lights and the loudspeaker, and emblazoned on the side was a big police badge.

“Shit,” I sighed.

“You think they saw what we were doing?” Cassidy asked.

“I can’t see how,” I said. “We were up high and they wouldn’t have been able to get close enough to see anything.”

Heather and Heels came up the stairs to find out what the loud noises were and joined us at the railing. Heather was wearing one of her too-small bikinis that left a great deal of her curvy but fit body in view, while Heels was wearing a long hoody that left me questioning whether she was wearing anything else under it or not.

Becca had heard, or seen, what was going on and had slowed the Singles Boat and turned it around to start coming back. I quickly went to the Pilot’s Cabin and squeezed in next to JC and radioed over.

“Becca? I’ll handle it, don’t worry,” I said.

There was a moment and then Ami came over. “I’ll let her know.”

“Sorry, Ami. Please do. And don’t come any closer to try and talk to them. That could just make things worse.”

“OK, will do. Be safe.”

We signed off, and JC turned off the engine and went out of the cabin.

The cops got their boat tied up at the front of ours and boarded, coming up to the top deck. There were two of them, a man and a woman - they were both maybe our age or a little older, dressed in short-sleeved navy shirts with their badges embroidered on their breast and each sleeve, along with light kevlar vests emblazoned with ‘POLICE’ on the front and back, and they had utility belts including stun guns and pistols. The woman had her thumbs tucked into the arm holes of her vest as she looked around through her mirrored sunglasses, but the man had one hand on his hip just next to his pistol.

“Anyone else on the boat?” he asked us brusquely.

“No, sir,” I said.

“And if I go down and check?”

“Doesn’t change my answer,” I said.

“Who’s registered to pilot the rental?” the female cop asked.

“We are,” JC said, gesturing to the two of us.

“And who was piloting just now?”

“I was,” JC said. “But I don’t think I did anything wrong?”

“You two with me,” the man demanded, pointing at JC and I and giving the ‘two-finger summons.’

“Phil?” the woman asked.

“I’m doing a search,” he grunted.

There was a part of me that wanted to ask for a warrant, but I was in a State that I wasn’t sure of and I also wasn’t sure about the fact that we were in a rental, or on the water. I was pretty sure I could refuse, but that could cause even more problems and I didn’t want to make a mess that Becca would need to clean up. I was also pretty sure that there was nothing for him to find since booze wasn’t illegal and JC hadn’t been drinking and driving.

“Alright,” the woman said, clearly not expecting this development.

“Stay up here and watch them,” the guy said, gesturing to the girls. “You two, follow.”

JC and I glanced at each other and shrugged, then followed him down and into the houseboat. He closed the sliding door after us and stood with his arms crossed, glaring at us.

“Anywhere you’d like to start, officer?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he grunted. “Which one of you two fucking assholes fucked my girlfriend?”

“Uh… what?” JC asked.

Fuuuuck, I groaned internally.

“One of you cocksuckers had sex with my girlfriend, you fuckheads,” the cop said, putting a hand on his pistol. “I recognised that chick with the purple hair from the video she sent me, and now here you two are. So which one of you was it?”

“Sir, I think you’re overstepping your authority here,” I said.

“Overstepping my fucking ass,” he grunted. “You’re going to fucking own up to it, and you’re going to accept the licking that you’re asking for. That or I’m going to go up there and get the purple-haired cunt and bring her down here to ask. And then I’m going to do a search and maybe I find something that I shouldn’t.”

I glanced down at his vest and noted that he wasn’t wearing a body cam. Shit.

“Dude, this is seriously fucked up,” JC said. “You can’t just fucking threaten people. We didn’t fuck your girlfriend. We’re both dating one of the girls up there.”

“Yeah? Which one of you is with the purple-haired bitch?” the cop asked.

“You call my fiancee any more names, and you and I are going to have a problem,” I said.

“So it was you?” the cop said, then looked at JC. “Or are you fucking your friend's girl behind his back?”

“No!” JC said.

“Fuck you,” I said to the cop. “If you’re talking about that sweet girl Madison, then yeah - I had sex with her. She was frustrated and feeling overwhelmed because she broke up with you and you wouldn’t leave her alone. So yeah, when she asked, we helped her out. And you know what? She was amazing. I don’t know how you could fuck up dating such a great woman like that.”

“You motherfucker,” the cop said, his hand landing on his pistol but not drawing it.

“Yeah, that’ll go great for you,” I said. “Jilted cop murders vacationer. Are you planning on killing everyone else on the boat because you’re sad about a breakup, too?”

“You’re going to regret that, you bitch,” he said, letting go of his pistol and grabbing his taser out from his belt.

Or he tried to - it made it about two inches and hadn’t even cleared the holster before the blow landed and the cop dropped like a sack of potatoes.

“Fuck,” the lady cop said. “Fuck! God damn it, Phil. What the fuck!?”

JC and I had watched the lady cop through the glass sliding door as she’d come down the stairs behind the male cop, looking through it at us in confusion and then quietly starting to open the door. I’d gotten loud, distracting him and owning what was going on, so she could hear everything. I’d gambled that she wouldn’t just follow along with him.

“Shit, fuck, balls,” the lady copy swore, then slammed her pistol home into its holster. She’d pistol-whipped her partner in the back of the head and it looked like he was knocked out. “Alright, was all that true?” she demanded of us.

“Mostly, I think,” I said. “My fiancee and I met this girl Madison yesterday at the gas bar, and we got to talking and the girls decided we should film us having sex so that Madison could send it to her ex to make it clear they were over. I guess that this is the ex?”

“Fuuuck,” the lady cop groaned. “Yes. Phil has been an asshole for a while, but he was particularly dickish today. Now I know why. Fuck! OK, OK. Um, this is all obviously super fucked up.”

“Yeah, you don’t say?” JC asked.

“Um, shit. OK. Phil isn’t a bad guy,” the lady cop said. “Or not usually, anyways. This isn’t normal for him. I need to figure this out. Um…” She glanced at JC and I, looking us up and down. “What’s it going to take for you not to report this? An apology?”

“Considering he was threatening to beat one of us, and kind of threatened to do the same to my fiancee if we didn’t answer him?” I asked.

“Not an apology from him,” the lady cop said. “What about one from me? What if I… make this stop worth your while…?”

I glanced at JC and he glanced at me.

Was this… was this really happening?

Chapter 165

The lady cop slowly undid the velcro buckles for her Kevlar vest, waiting for a response from JC and I.

“Um…” JC said.

“What do you think?” she asked.

And that’s when I saw Cassidy peeking in the top corner of the window. She was sitting on the stairs from the top deck and when she saw me looking she flashed me a thumbs up and then gestured with her phone and gave another thumbs up.

That explained a lot.

This wasn’t real. Or, rather, it wasn’t normal. She’d done something with the App.

On the one hand, I was frustrated as hell that she would do that - we’d agreed that she wouldn’t do anything with the App without talking with me about it first, even ‘good things.’ This was another bending of the rules we’d set out. But on the other hand, this did seem like an emergency situation. Could I blame her, especially if she had heard the raised voices?

I closed my eyes and took a breath. Whatever the cause, we were in the situation now.

“What about him?” I asked, gesturing to the male cop.

“I hit him pretty solid, he’ll be out for a bit,” the lady cop said. “But I’ll handcuff him just in case.”

I raised my hand and ran it through my hair, trying my best to get my thoughts in order. “You sure you want to do it like this?” I asked.

“Are we really doing this?” JC asked.

“Best way I can think of to keep everyone happy,” the woman said.

“Fuck it, if this is how you want to do it,” I said.

She dropped her vest to the floor and reached for the back of her utility belt and pulled out a pair of cuffs. She rolled Phil onto his side and got his arms behind his back, cuffing them. “There, you idiot. Stay.”

“This is really, really happening?” JC asked again.

“Yeah, it is, dude,” I said, shaking my head a little incredulously myself.

The lady cop took off her utility belt and set it on a chair, then started undoing the buttons of her shirt. “You guys can call me Sandra.”

“Well, Sandra, what are you thinking?” I asked.

“I’m thinking you should get your cocks out,” she said as she pulled her shirt off, leaving her in an athletic bra that she started pulling over her head right after flipping her mirrored sunglasses onto the chair next to her belt. Sandra had a major case of Farmer’s Tan, her face, neck and arms were a clearly different shade than the rest of her body because of her days in uniform. Her tits spilt out of the athletic bra in an impressive titty drop, larger than I expected and capped with tidy little soft brown areolas and stubby nipples.

I glanced to JC and shrugged, and then shucked my shorts and let my cock dangle out.

“Fuck it, this is happening,” JC said and did the same.

“Shit, I haven’t done something like this in years,” Sandra said, getting to her knees between the two of you. She was maybe in her late twenties and without the sunglasses she had a bit of a hawkish face. Not ugly by any means, and I was sure if she dolled herself up she could look great - maybe kind of ‘sexy librarian’ with the tight bun she kept her dark brunette hair in. But she was on duty and was only wearing the barest of makeup which left her looking a little more normal.

Sandra wrapped a hand around each of our cocks and started stroking as she looked up at us and bit the corner of her lip. “I swear I don’t usually do this sort of thing.”

“I believe you,” I said, meaning it because I knew Cassidy was behind this somehow.

She leaned in and took the soft head of my cock in her mouth, giving it a slow couple of sucks, then turned and did the same to JC. She traded back and forth like that as we just looked down and watched, both of us slowly getting harder and harder until we were at full mast as she was stroking us with her hands when she wasn’t blowing us. I noticed that while JC wasn’t quite as long as I was, sitting at likely around average length, he also had a fairly fat cock that made me wonder how a tiny thing like Terra could take him.

“Fuck that’s good,” JC groaned, reaching down and running a hand over Sandra’s head before going lower and palming one of her heavy tits.

“You like them?” she asked.

“Fuck yeah,” JC groaned.

She looked at me, taking my cock in her mouth while making eye contact.

“They suit your frame really well,” I complimented her.

Sandra started blowing me faster while jerking off JC with quick hand movements, then swapped and did the same to the other person. Then all at once she sat back on her heels, gasping for breath for a moment. “Alright, which one of you wants to fuck me first?” she asked.

“Fuck yes,” JC said.

“Alright, sit down there,” Sandra said as she stood up and started undoing her pants, kicking off her boots at the same time. Soon she was down to her underwear, a matched set to the athletic bra, and she shucked them off with little preamble and went to JC. She turned and backed up to him, squatting down and reaching back to put a hand on his chest for balance as she reached between her legs and pointed him up. She got his cock into position and slowly sat down on it. “Oh, fuuuck that’s thick,” she groaned, sneering a little at the sensation. “God damn. Damn! Fuck.”

“Holy- You feel so fucking tight,” JC groaned.

Sandra blew out a long breath as she sat her ass in his lap, then bounced a couple of times tentatively. Then she opened her eyes and looked at me. “Bring that cock over here.”

I moved closer and she licked her lips and took me in her hands, pulling me to her lips as she started riding JC. She suckled on my head more than anything, but used her hands to stroke my shaft and softly massage my balls.

“Fucking hell,” I groaned. “You’re good at that.”

“Just like riding a bike,” Sandra said with a little smirk.

“Sucking dick?” I asked.

“Multi-tasking,” she chuckled, then went back to sucking me.

JC was holding her hips and doing his best to thrust up at her as she rocked forward and back. I blew out a long breath and rested my hand on the top of her head and looked over and out the window. I almost expected Cassidy to be sitting there watching. Or, hell, all the girls peering in the window like little Peeping Tammies. Instead, it was wide open, no one in sight.

Sandra pulled her lips from my cock. “You’re the one whose fiancee he threatened, right?” she asked me.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Alright. Fuck my mouth,” she said and opened wide to give me access to start really using her.

Chapter 166

Literally face-fucking a cop was not on the list of things that I had imagined might happen when I woke up that morning with Wanda on one side of me and Cassidy on the other. This whole trip had been a wild rollercoaster of emotions, flirting and sex, but this?

This definitely took the cake.

I held Sandra’s head as I thrust into her mouth, listening to her gag every once in a while. She was game about it, though I didn’t try and push her for any deepthroating. And as I did that, she was working her hips to bounce on JC’s cock.

‘Fuck, hold on,” JC groaned, grabbing Sandra by the hips and pulling her down to sit still. “Just need a second.”

“Hmmmhmmmhmmm,” Sandra hummed around my cock in her mouth. I pulled out from her lips and she smacked them and took a breath. “Tell me if you’re going to come,” she said to JC. “I’d prefer it not inside me.”

“OK,” he nodded.

She turned back to me and grabbed my slimy, spittle-covered dick and stroked me all over. “Want a turn?”

“Sure,” I said. “I’d love one.”

She stood up and turned around, bending at the waist to drop her mouth on JC as she presented me with her pussy and ass. I took a moment to fondle her pale cheeks, gripping them in both hands and then giving her a soft spank before lining myself up with her and slowly pushing in.

“Hmmmmng,” she groaned around JC in her mouth.

“Damn,” I grunted. I got a bit over halfway in and her cunt tightened, fluttering on my cock as she had a small orgasm. Then she slammed her ass back at me and took me to the hilt, groaning all over again.

“She’s tight as hell, right?” JC asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded, blinking to try and keep my focus as I started slow stroking her. We fucked like that for a few minutes and I could feel her pussy squeezing and bearing down on me every time I pushed all the way in. I reached under her hip and got my fingers on her clit and gave her a bit of a diddle, feeling the slick little fleshy fold of her clit hood, and she shuddered as she came again, her knees going a little weak to the point I grabbed her by the hips to keep her up.

“Fucking hell,” she said when she was done, leaning up from JC’s cock and stroking him. “Not as close anymore?”

“I’m good,” he nodded.

Sandra pulled off of me straddled JC with her knees on the couch and then sat down on him again, taking him into her cunt. I had a view of his fat dick spreading her lips lewdly. I also noticed that for all that he had a wide cock, JC also had kind of small testicles.

Things I did NOT need to know, I thought to myself.

Then Sandra surprised me by reaching back and spreading her ass cheeks with both hands. “Do it,” she told me.

I blinked in surprise, “You sure?”

She just nodded breathing deeply, and I saw her asshole wink at me a little as she flexed it. This woman knew what she was doing.

I spit on my fingers and quickly spread it over her ass, then pushed two fingers in and worked her a little bit. She was surprisingly adept at taking my fingers in, and soon I was two knuckles deep. I pulled my fingers out and stroked my cock once to get the slime from her cunt and the spittle that was still smeared at the root all over it, and I lined up.

“Ready?” I asked.

“Is this happening?!” JC asked.

“It’s happening, stud,” Sandra said, then blew out a breath.

I pushed in, the knob of my cock meeting the resistance of her anus for a moment before I popped inside of her.

“Fucking- fuuuck,” she groaned. “God damn, you’re in my ass.”

“I definitely am,” I chuckled a little, not stroking so much as just flexing back and forth a bit and looking at how her pale little hole was stretched around my dick.

“Well, get all the way in,” Sandra said.

“Ah, alright,” I said, frowning at how well she was dealing with this. I pushed in deeper, and she took it with a long grown.

This was my first time DPing anyone, and it was… weird. I could feel the pressure of JC’s cock inside her other hole, putting a weird hardness next to my cock. I was much more turned on by the noises that Sandra was making than the feeling as she whimpered little half-expletives and breathed shallow and hard.

“You good?” JC asked.

“Suck my tits,” she demanded, pushing her breasts into her face. I could only assume JC complied. She looked back at me over her shoulder. “Are you going to fuck my ass or what? This is an apology screw, so make me feel it.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said and started fucking her.

It was dirty and weird, and sexy, and hot, and weird. This wasn’t my first threesome, but it was definitely the first threesome with another guy, and I was quickly learning that I much preferred another woman around. JC and I never really found a rhythm, and maybe that was worse for Sandra as she was getting jostled around. She seemed to like it though and encouraged us both to fuck her harder. I was the only one able to provide that, so I did, holding her by the hips as I pounded into her harder though I didn’t go all out.

“Close again,” JC groaned, muffled by the swathe of pale tit in his face.

“Me too,” I grunted, feeling the boiling in my balls. Her ass was tight and I’d been fucking it for almost ten minutes.

“Pull out,” Sandra gasped.

I did, pulling out of her ass and seeing it flex and wink for a moment before she got up off of JC and down onto her knees on the floor. She grabbed my cock and reached for JC’s, motioning for him to stand.

“Come on my tits,” she said. “Come on my fucking tits.”

JC went off first, dumping a thick load that hit her in the chin as she stroked us both. The cum dribbled down her neck while his second and third shots splorted out down onto her cleavage. I was fast after him and hit her right in the upper chest, painting her clavicle, then spreading three more shots across her cleavage.

“Ho-ly Fuck,” JC panted, and Sandra leaned forward and sucked whatever was left in his cock out of him.

Then she pivoted and did the same with me, giving me a few hard sucks before pulling away.

“Satisfied, boys?” she asked.

“Yeah. That was… wow,” JC stammered, sitting back down on the couch as he caught his breath.

“You were amazing, but it’s still a fucked up situation,” I said, a little more in control of myself. Or maybe it was just me getting used to my recovery time more with so many encounters in the last few days.

“Yeah, I know,” Sandra said. “Hey, can I get a wet cloth or paper towel to clean up?”

“Sure,” I said, heading to the kitchen. “No problem.”

Chapter 167

Sandra, fully dressed again, slapped Phil across the face a couple of times not-quite-lightly. “Wake up, Phil,” she said.

Phil came to, blinking and wincing at the pain that was rocketing through his head.

“Yeah, you’ve probably got a concussion, you idiot,” Sandra said. “Focus on me.”

Phil blinked some more and his eyes focused on her. “Sandra? What happened?”

“You were an absolute dumbfuck asshole,” Sandra said. “And I’ve saved you from getting fired, and probably criminally charged. So I’m going to take these cuffs off and then we’re getting you back in our boat.”

“What?” Phil asked.

Sandra rolled her eyes and uncuffed him. “Can one of you guys help me get him over?”

“Yeah, I can,” JC said, reaching down and helping her pick him up under his arms. I got the door and the two of them half-carried Phil out to the boat and started working to get him across the mooring.

I shook my head and looked around, making sure nothing had gotten left behind before I headed up the stairs.

“What happened down there?” Terra asked as I reached the top. All of the girls, including Heather, were coming over with concern on their faces. Well, all of them except Cassidy who hung out near the back of the group with an uncertain look on her face.

“I’ll- Just give me a minute and we’ll explain,” I said. “Everything is fine. I just need to radio Becca first.”

The girls gave way for me and I went to the Pilot’s Cabin and flicked on the Radio. “Ami? Becca?”

“We’re both here. Everything OK?” Becca said.

“Yeah, everything is fine,” I sighed. “We got it worked out. I’ll tell you later, OK?”

“Is something still wrong?”

“No, I just- we need to have a quick talk over here. Everything is fine, no need to worry.”

“Robbie, Becca looks like she’s going to shit herself,” Ami said.

“Ami!” Becca could be heard in the background.

“What? You do,” Ami said and I could hear her little smile in her voice. “Your control freak is showing.”

“Becca, I promise you there is nothing wrong, and I’ll tell you everything. I just need to make sure the cops get out of here and have a quick talk, OK?”

“Fine, fine,” Becca said. “I trust you, Robbie.”

“Thank you. I know how much that means,” I said.

I left the radio and went back to the end of the boat and down the stairs. JC was just helping unmoor the ropes and Sandra was turning over the motor while Phil was sitting in a seat and holding his head. I thought I heard Sandra mutter something about shoving a dildo up his ass so he knew what she’d just gone through for him.

Still, as the boats drifted apart and she got theirs into gear, she gave a little half-wave to JC and I before peeling away. I was fairly certain she kicked it into high gear just to ramp up the noise and torture Phil a bit.

“That was fucking wild,” JC said to me as we watched the boat speed off.

“I would be happy if that never happened to me again,” I said, shaking my head.

“So you really fucked that gas bar girl?” JC asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “Cassidy was there.”

“That’s pretty hot. How do you keep having these porno encounters?”

“I have no fucking clue,” I lied. “First time this has ever happened to me.

“Heh. Maybe I should hang out with you more if this is how things go.”

That made me smirk a little. “Maybe,” I said. “But for now, we really need to explain things to the girls and then talk with Terra and Cassidy.”

Up on the top deck JC and I started to try and weave a story together but barely got two sentences in before Terra stopped us. “We could hear you guys,” she said.

“Shit,” I snorted. “Alright. So I assume you all know that I had sex with the gas bar girl?”

“Yeah, and that Cassidy and Cattie were both there,” Heather glared.

“I just worked the camera,” Cattie said. “It was a favour for the girl. And clearly she was right about her boyfriend and needed it.”

That seemed to mollify Heather a bit. Apparently, no one had mentioned that at the end of that encounter Cattie had taken a little clean-up suck of my dick.

“Right, well, that cop was Madison’s ex. I guess he recognized Cassidy’s hair from the revenge video and made the connection that the guy had to be me or JC and he got all threatening. Then Sandra, the lady cop, came down and knocked him out because he was getting wild, then she bribed us not to file a complaint or anything by offering us, uh, sexual favours.”

“Isn’t that supposed to happen the other way around?” Heels smirked. “You offer a blowjob to get out of a ticket?”

“I guess not all cops are bad,” Heather smirked a little. “Think that lady wants to come back for an all-girl round two?”

“I’m hoping we never see her again,” I said. “Any other questions?”

There were a bunch, but all of them were more teasing notes about having sex with a cop, or how it was. I cut it off and told them JC and I needed to talk with Terra and Cassidy, who had both been quiet. The girls agreed and we all headed into the Pilot’s Cabin, and I noticed that the other girls didn’t exactly spread out very far… likely wanting to overhear anything that got loud.

I stood at the wheel, leaning back against it, and JC stood next to me while Cassidy and Terra stood at the door.

“I’m sorry,” I said to both of the women.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, Tiger,” Cassidy said with a small smile. We both knew we couldn’t have the conversation that we really needed to have here.

“Anything to say, JC?” Terra asked.

“I’m… I’m like, sorry but also not sorry?” JC said. “I mean, come on babe. That whole situation was kind of ridiculous.”

“Yeah, it was,” Terra said. “And if you’d gotten a blowjob from her I wouldn’t have minded so much because that’s on the agreed list, JC. But from what it sounds like, you didn’t just stop at a blowjob, did you? Just because Cassidy is open with Robbie doesn’t change our agreement.”

JC blinked. “Oh,” he said. “Ooooh, fuck.”

“Yeah,” Terra said with a glare. “Yeah.”

“Shit, babe. I’m so sorry,” he said, starting towards her.

“No,” Terra said, holding up her hands to stop him. “N-n-no. Don’t try to just lovey-dovey me.”

“Lou-Anne, I’m so sorry,” JC said. “I wasn’t thinking. Everything was moving so fast, and all of a sudden she was sitting on me, and-”

“Shut up, Juan Carlos,” Terra said, gritting her teeth. “Fuck! Ugh!” She turned and stormed out of the Pilot’s Cabin.

“Shit,” JC swore, watching his girlfriend storm off across the deck. Wanda peeked in the Cabin and saw we weren’t in trouble, and then went after Terra. “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” JC asked.

“Try and talk to her,” I said. “When she’s ready to talk.”

“When will that be?” JC asked Cassidy.

“I don’t know,” Cass said with a sad shrug. “That depends on her.”

“I’ll- Fuck, I’ll go ask. Asking can’t hurt, right?” He left the Pilot’s Cabin, scratching at the back of his neck as he worried.

“Asking too soon can definitely make things worse,” Cass shook her head as we watched him go. Then she turned to me. “Downstairs?” she asked.

I nodded. We needed to talk.

Chapter 168

We went down the opposite stairs as Terra had taken, which meant we only had to pass close to JC as he was knocking at his and Terra’s door instead of squeezing passed him.

Inside our room I went and sat on the bed and Cassidy stood in front of me, wringing her wrist with one hand and squeezing nervously.

“Baby, I’m so sorry,” she said. “I know I did it again without talking to you, and we agreed I wouldn’t do that. But when that cop brought you and JC down here I got worried, and the lady cop looked weirded out by it too and I knew something was off. So I talked with her for a second and kind of suggested it was weird, and she agreed and went down to check on you, and that’s when I heard the shouting through the open door and I decided to try and use the App to fix things and then I saw that it was weird and her profile had a suggested purchase so I just went with it and immediately realized after I did it and-”

“Cass!” I interrupted her and she clicked her mouth shut. I reached out and took her hands in mine. “Baby, I’m annoyed and maybe a little frustrated, but I’m not mad. You were spinning out a bit.”

“Sorry, I’m just- I don’t want to fuck up and I’m scared I did,” she said quietly.

“Come here,” I said, pulling her towards me, and she stood between my legs as I hugged her and pressed my face to her chest while she hugged me back. “Annoyed. Frustrated. Not mad,” I repeated.

“I’m sorry,” she repeated.

“I know,” I said. We shifted, getting onto the bed more so that we were sitting in front of each other. “Now, what was the weird thing you saw on the App, and what was the purchase you made?”

Cassidy blew out a breath and nodded, taking out her phone and opening the App, even though it looked to me like she was browsing Messenger. “So when I open her profile, it gives me all the statistics, right? Nothing was weird there. But under her perks she already had one called ‘True Justice’ that made her consider all sides and act on what was right and not just the law.”

“That’s not that bad a perk,” I said.

“Yeah, but I didn’t give it to her. I’ve never met someone who already had a perk. That means that someone else gave it to her. She knows, or met, another person with the App.”

“O-Oh,” I said, taking in the ramifications of that.

Another user of the App.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. It made sense. It was an App, why would there only be one user? The fact that it was magic didn’t stop that, did it? But then, who else in the world had the App? Who could come along and affect me or Cass, or our families, or the girls?

“Fuck,” I said.

“Yeah,” Cassidy nodded.

“OK, that’s a whole can of worms we need to work out,” I said. “What was the suggested purchase?”

“Um,” Cassidy flushed. “It was called ‘Sorry but make it Sexy,’ and it made her want to apologise for things with sexual favours.”

“So she didn’t actually want to have sex with JC and I?” I asked, feeling a little gross now.

“Sort of?” Cassidy hedged. “She had a decently high horny meter, so it’s not like she wasn’t interested in sex. I’ve never used a Perk like that before, even back… then. I already turned it off.”

“Cass,” I groaned.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized again.

“I know,” I sighed. “You definitely turned it off?”

“Mhmm,” Cassidy nodded and then double-checked just to be sure.

“Can another user turn it back on?” I asked.

“I- I don’t know,” Cassidy said. “The one she had didn’t have a toggle, but I don’t know if that’s because it’s a passive effect like ours that makes us less sick.”

“Fuck,” I said and flopped back on the bed on my back.

“What, um, what should we do?” Cassidy asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “I don’t think there’s anything we really can do while we’re on this trip. We should really try and figure out more about the app. Is there a way to protect us from other Users?”

“I can check,” Cassidy said. She started tapping away at her phone, but we were interrupted by a knock at our door.

Rolling to the edge of the bed, I got up and went to the door expecting Wanda, but when I opened it I found Becca waiting there.

“Hi,” I said.

“Can I come in?” Becca asked.

‘Of course,” I said, opening the door fully and letting her in. Cassidy sat back up, setting her phone down.

“Everything OK?” she asked.

“You tell me,” Becca said, looking between the two of us. “What’s going on? JC is moping in the hallway and Cattie, Heather and Heels were all giggling when they said I should come to talk to you.”

“Becca, you should probably sit for this,” I said.

“Really?” she said, raising an eyebrow.

I gestured to the bed, and she sat on the edge of the bed. And I told her everything that had happened, barring the dirtier details of the sex and the parts about the App. When I finished Becca was looking up at me with a disbelieving look.

“You’re… this is a prank, right?”

“I wish it was,” I sighed and shook my head.

“You had sex with a cop after she pistol-whipped another cop who was threatening you, and now JC is in trouble with Terra for doing that but you two are perfectly OK?” Becca asked.

“That’s about it,” Cassidy said. “Though Robbie skipped the part where he DP’d the cop.”

“Jesus Christ,” Becca exhaled, which turned into a soft laugh. “Seriously, you two. I don’t even know how you get into these situations.”

“Hang around long enough and you’ll find yourself in one too,” Cassidy said, scooting down the bed to sit behind Becca and wrap her arms around the other blonde in a hug.

“I dunno, just the stuff with you two and the girls is wild enough for me,” Becca said.

“So you’re not mad?” I asked, kneeling down in front of her and taking her hands.

“Mad? No, you diffused the situation, I guess you could say,” she said. “Not the way I would have done it, but it got diffused.” She turned back to Cassidy, who was still hugging her. “Was it that cop from the liquor store?”

“Oh, shit!” Cassidy said, eyes going wide. “I think it might have been. That must have been where he recognized my hair.”

“Wait, what cop from the liquor store?” I asked.

They quickly explained the creepy stare of the guy, which made me feel like I should have just gone into town with them to begin with. Then again, if I’d been there he might have confronted me in a back alley or something and his partner wouldn’t have been there to stop him.

“So what are we doing now?” Cassidy asked, her chin resting on Becca’s shoulder from behind as she kept hugging her. “Robbie just busted a nut, but that just means he can go even longer, and he needs a reminder of who he really belongs to.”

“I- God, I want to,” Becca said. “But we need to find an actual place that we’re anchoring for tonight, and then we need to make dinner so that everyone can get out for Golden Hour.”

“That’s fair, I guess,” Cassidy sighed.

“I promise you we’ll find time,” Becca said, taking one of Cassidy’s hands in hers and she continued to hold one of mine in the other. “I really do want this.”

“I believe you,” Cassidy smiled and kissed her cheek.

“So do I,” I said and leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips which she returned with a warm hum.

“Fuck,” she said. “You two know how to get a girl all turned around. Robbie, we need to unmoor the boats again and I think you’re going to be stuck piloting if JC is still trying to apologize to Terra.”

“Alright, boss,” I said, standing up and offering her my other hand to help her up. “Just one more thing.”

“What’s that?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

I kissed her again.

Chapter 169

“Do you want space?” Cassidy asked me. She’d helped me and Becca get the boats disconnected again and had followed me up to the Pilot’s Cabin but was lingering in the entryway as I turned over the motor and got the House Boat humming again.

“What?” I asked. “No.”

“Really? Sometimes you need space,” she said.

I reached out my arm to her and she came to me, letting me bundle her up into a one-armed hug as I kept the other on the steering wheel and we started moving. “I don’t want space,” I told her.

“OK,” she nodded and then went on her toes to kiss me before stepping out of the hug and going to hop up and sit on the counter. I reached over and offered my hand to her, and she held it in one of hers.

And we talked. We talked about nothing, and we talked about stuff. We talked about where we would spend the holidays this year - last year we’d spent more time at my Parent's place when we went home to visit, but there had been a whole issue with my Mom becoming a bit of a Momzilla over the engagement. We talked about my sister and the new girlfriend she had told us she met. We talked about work, and our TV shows, and just about anything that wasn’t sex, or the trip, or the App.

We both just wanted to feel normal for a bit.

Cattie eventually came in to join us, giving us an update that Wanda was still in the room with Terra and JC was posted up outside in the hallway trying to be patient. Heather and Heels had gone back down to Heels’ room to finish the photoshoot that had been interrupted by the cops.

So Cattie joined our conversation easily, slipping into our flow. She was wearing a cute baseball tee in black and white that hugged her body and had a bunch of pagan witchy symbols on it and black bikini bottoms. The outfit worked well on her and split the difference between her gothy and sometimes sporty personality. The only thing missing, my mind errantly thought between conversation topics, was a hat.

Becca ended up leading us into a shallow bay, not as protected as some of the ones we’d found before, but certainly a little more private than just floating out on the open water. There was a low rock shelf that we would be able to butt the houseboats up to and the girls would be able to hop over from the lower patio decks easily.

Once we got the houseboats rigged up, Cattie and Cassidy went to help with dinner prep so I went to check on what was going on downstairs. I found JC still in the hallway, sitting on his butt with his back to Cattie and Heather’s room as he sat with his head in his hands.

“Any word?” I asked him.

He shook his head.

“Wanda still in there?”

He nodded.

“Want me to try some reconnaissance?”

He lifted his head, looking torn, then shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt, I guess,” he said. “How come you and Cass seem fine?”

“Because Cass has a sort of ‘open door’ policy for me,” I said. “Not completely open, but open enough that she wasn’t upset.”

“I really fucked up,” JC sighed.

“Let me see what’s going on,” I said and went to the door.

When I knocked, Terra shouted through it, “Go away!”

“It’s me,” I said.

There were some muffled voices, then some movement and the door opened. On the other side was Wanda.

“Would she be willing to talk to me?” I asked.

Wanda smiled and shook her head. “Soon, maybe. Not now.”

“OK,” I said. “Dinner will be in about thirty minutes or so. Want me to bring plates?”

“That would be nice if we aren’t out there by then,” Wanda said. “Thanks, Tiger.”

“Happy to,” I said.

Wanda shut the door and I looked over to JC. “I tried, sorry. At least we know they’re alive.”

“Whoopee,” JC said sarcastically. “Fuck, I’m an idiot.”

“All you can do is try to be better,” I told him.

“Yeah, well, hopefully I get the chance,” he grumbled.

“That’s up to her,” I said and felt guilty as hell that maybe, just maybe, I didn’t want her to give him one.

“Thanks, Robbie,” he said. And that just made me feel more guilty.

“No problem, bud,” I said and headed for the kitchen. There wasn’t anyone there, so I went out to the back porch and sat down, hanging my legs in the water and feeling the cool, soothing feeling seep up my legs. Looking out, I couldn’t help but think that maybe I’d like to do this trip again, except just me and Cassidy, for an actual relaxing vacation.

Becca deserved that too. And Cattie. And Leia was chill. So was Ami…

Shit. I couldn’t even daydream about a vacation, while on a vacation, without starting to think of ridiculous situations. All this sex was going to my head.

“Hey, Tiger?” Cassidy called to me from over on the other boat's back door. “Mind doing some grilling?”

“Sure, baby,” I said, standing up and quickly wiping down my legs with a nearby towel. Soon I was set up with the grill and a dozen chicken breasts that had been lightly seasoned, and Becca came out to check on me.

“I think last time we were in this position you mentioned wanting to give me a blowjob,” I said.

“Did I?” Becca asked with a little giggle. She glanced over her shoulder back into the houseboat where a bunch of the girls were mingling and getting dinner together. “Bad timing again, I guess.”

“Becca?” I said, pulling her attention back to me. “I’m sorry that I had to keep you in the dark today. I know it would have been stressful for you.”

“I know you know,” she said, taking my hand in hers between us. “And that’s why I also know why you did it.”

“I love you,” I told her.

“You love Cassidy,” she said.

“I do,” I nodded. “And Cattie, and Wanda. And I might be getting that with a couple of the others. But love is- Love is different between any two people. And I want you to know that I love you for who you are.”

Becca opened her mouth and then closed it, clearly thinking about what I’d said.

“You don’t need to say it back,” I assured her. “I just didn’t want to keep it in.”

“I-” Becca sucked in a breath. “Thank you.”

“Don’t stress,” I told her. “It’s OK. I’m not hurt that you aren’t saying it.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Really,” I assured her. “It’s all super weird, I know. I’m the one stuck in the middle of it.”

She hugged me, pressing her cheek against my arm for a long moment as she looked away out across the lake. “Thanks,” she said again, softer.

“You’re welcome,” I said.

Chapter 170

The chicken breasts I was grilling ended up chopped up and ready to be put on top of salads, while the main meal was frozen lasagnas with extra cheese and spices added on top during baking. I noticed that Wanda and Terra made an appearance, followed by JC who looked like a sad puppy, so I didn’t prep any plates for them.

I ended up sitting on the top deck with Cass and Cattie in a little trio. Based on the looks going on, I had a feeling that Heather had been expecting to eat with her girlfriend and Cattie had made it a point to come eat with Cass and I instead, continuing our conversations from earlier. Wanda waved to me and went to eat with Leia and Heels, leaving the three of us in our little pod, while Terra and JC went into the Couples Boat pilot cabin to eat and talk things out.

Heather ended up sitting with Sherry, Ginnie and Zenya, and I noticed Cattie taking glances over at them every once in a while.

“Alright, gorgeous,” I said, nudging her with one foot during a pause in the conversation. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” she sighed.

“Catherine,” I said levelly.

“Oooh, he’s using your full name,” Cassidy teased.

Cattie smiled at me and then rolled her eyes dramatically at Cass. “Robbie gets to use my full name. When he says it, it’s sweet.”

Cassidy shrugged and smiled, accepting it.

“I just- Heather is trying to decide who she wants to hook up with,” Cattie said. “Ginnie is who I assume it’s going to be, but she also likes big boobs so she might try with Zenya.”

“Are you OK with this?” Cassidy asked.

“It’s part of us making up,” Cattie sighed. “We were already kind of open to the right hook-up, and I had a feeling it could happen here and obviously she wanted it to happen. And after the Us situation it made sense to give her free reign.”

“Not free free reign though, right?” Cassidy asked. “Sherry is still off limits.”

“Yes, and she knows that,” Cattie said. Then she looked back over at the group, and her little sister sitting next to Heather and laughing at whatever story Heather was telling. I could almost hear Cattie’s internal monologue of ‘I think.’

“Anything you need,” Cassidy said, reaching over to take Cattie’s hand. “Any time. We love you, bestie.”

“I love you guys too,” Cattie smiled. Then she smirked a little bit. “So, elephant in the room… how was it fucking a cop?”

That almost made me snort lasagna out my nose and I started coughing and had to wave down others who thought I might be choking.

Later on, I noticed Terra leaving the Pilot’s Cabin alone with a stoney look on her face. She made eye contact with me and came over, bending down and giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning to Cassidy. “Can I talk to you?” she asked.

“Sure, hon,” Cassidy said. I took her plate for her and Cassidy followed Terra down the stairs and into the houseboat.

“Is it weird that I feel just a little relieved that mine isn’t the only relationship feeling some pressure?” Cattie admitted quietly to me.

“I think we all are,” I said, reaching over and patting her arm. She smiled and slid her arm higher so she could take my hand for a moment. In the background I saw Heather noticing that happen. “Heather’s looking,” I warned Cattie.

“So let her look,” Cattie said with a hint of grit in her voice. “We love each other, remember? She needs to accept that you and Cass are my best friends, and sometimes best friends make each other feel better with hugs, or holding hands, or a little kiss. I want affection.”

“Then you’ll get it,” I said, squeezing her hand, and we finished eating.

Following dinner, which had started a little late, a lot of the girls had to get ready for their photo shoots and I ended up on the cleanup crew. I did notice there was a lot of movement going on as people filtered through the back of the Singles Boat while I was doing dishes and putting away the leftovers. Then Cassidy met me and swept me back towards our boat and room.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Oh, lots of the girls want to help Ami get ready for her date with a certain handsome guy,” Cassidy grinned at me.

“Everyone knows?” I asked.

“Practically,” Cassidy shrugged. “And they all think it’s super cute. Everyone loves Ami and knows she’s a little shy, so they are making it into a bigger thing than it needs to be but Ami is enjoying the pampering.”

“Ami isn’t shy, she’s just reserved,” I said.

“Which most people think of as shy,” Cassidy said. “Now, are you ready for the date? Because right now I feel like a Mom who wants her baby boy to have a good time at prom.”

“You were my date to prom,” I reminded her. “Do I need to remind you how we spent that night?”

“Oh, I remember, Tiger,” Cassidy grinned. “But seriously, are you ready?”

“I’ve got the blankets and the picnic stuff ready to go already, and wine chilling in our cooler,” I said.

“What about your outfit?” Cassidy asked.

I showed her, and then my choices were clinically picked over and I ended up wearing my black slacks instead of the nice pair of golf shorts I had planned on wearing since it was so hot.

“Trust me, you want to wear the pants,” Cassidy assured me.

“Really? Even without shoes?”

“Yes, Tiger. Trust me,” she grinned again.

“OK, I trust you,” I said, giving my fiancee a little kiss on the nose.

“Good. Now, let’s go get the blanket set up. Also, I got you a rose at the grocery store to give her.”

“Really?” I asked. “I didn’t see that anywhere. And I feel like a rose might be-”

“It’ll be perfect, Tiger,” Cassidy said. “Now, let’s set up the picnic. I’m going to help Terra with her shoot since she wants some space from JC so I don’t need to change.”

And that was how my fiancee helped me set up my first real date with another woman.

Chapter 171

“Wow,” I said, my eyes huge as I offered Ami help to step up off of the stairs and onto the top deck.

“You look so dashing,” Ami said with a warm smile, looking me up and down and laughing at my bare feet. She lifted the hem of her dress and showed off that she was barefoot too.

“Ami, I look like a bum compared to you,” I said. “You look like you’re ready to go to the Met Gala or something. You are absolutely ravishing.”

She flushed a little, looking down at her dress. “Maybe an awards show, but definitely not the Met,” she said, then looked back up at me. “You really like it?”

“If it wasn’t bad form to start a first date with a kiss instead of end it, I would be sweeping you off your feet,” I told her. “When I say wow, I mean wow.”

Ami’s dress was obviously one of the ones she would have used for her photoshoots, otherwise it wasn’t likely she would have brought it on a trip like this. It was a gorgeous deep burgundy colour that played well against her warmly tanned skin and had a deep, plunging neckline that showed off a generous amount of her cleavage while the top still cupped her tits and pulled them together slightly even without a bra. It was also backless except for a small point at the small of her back that connected to the thin shoulder straps. The bottom was a silky drape of the same burgundy with some little embroidery details, and one side had a high slit that sat up on her hip. Either she was weaning a high-wasted thong or no panties at all.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Well, I hope this date can do that dress justice,” I said, taking her hand and turning to lead her to the picnic spot.

“I’m sure it w- Wow!” Ami said, her eyes lighting up as I led her around the hot tub to where I’d set everything out. There was a cute classic red and white checkered blanket, with a couple more fuzzy and warm blankets folded up to make places to sit. I hadn’t had a picnic basket, but I made do with one of the little side tables from the living area in the Couples Boat and draped a napkin over it. Why they had cloth napkins on the houseboat I had no idea - my best guess was that the rental company had bought the boat from someone else and it was a remnant of the old owner.

The girls had also scavenged some candles out from the back nooks and crannies of the cupboards, and I’d set them up and lit them moments before Ami came up to the deck. I had a plate with the rose on it on the side table, and two more plates sitting along with wine glasses. A cooler off to the side had ice and the Pinot we were going to drink, and I’d arranged three little serving dishes of the appetizers Cassidy and I had plotted to put together. The first plate had little triangles of quesadillas with black beans and melted cheese I’d baked in the oven to be crispy, along with a little cup of sour cream. The second had skewers of cubed watermelon and feta cheese with a little cup of pesto. The third was some pretzel bits I’d made out of soft pretzels, along with a sweet icing, a slightly spicy sriracha dip, and more of the pesto.

“How did you do this?” Ami asked, gasping at the pretty little display.

“Well, I had some help from the girls in getting the ingredients I needed today,” I said. “And Cass helped me get everything up here. But I wanted to do most of the work myself because you deserve to be pampered.”

She smiled and turned to me, taking my hands in hers. “Thank you so much, Robbie. This looks amazing.”

I held her hand as she sat in one of the spots, and I sat down next to her and explained the food. She liked the quesadilla bites and ended up dipping them in the sriracha sauce from the pretzels, and we both agreed that while the watermelon and feta skewers looked pretty, they weren’t the tastiest. Then we had fun feeding each other the pretzel bites dipped in the sweet icing. And in between I asked her more about her years competing in Tai Chi, and about her favourite books. She asked me about swimming, and we compared how we both did solo performance sports and our experiences. Then we were back to books, and I talked about some of the authors I’d met working at the hotel during conventions.

Then Ami sighed happily and shifted, getting closer until she was sitting in front of me and leaning back against my chest as I held my arms around her.

“This is probably the best date I’ve ever had,” she said, looking back up at me with a sad smile. “Thank you for this.”

“You deserve it,” I said. “But what’s that look?”

“I just- you and Cassidy are together. This is fun, but it’s make-believe,” she said. “I don’t know how I’ll find a guy who can match this.”

“Shhh,” I hushed her softly, hugging her a little tighter. “Ami, you are a delightful, intelligent, witty, fun woman who also happens to be drop-dead gorgeous, can rock a ballgown or a potato sack equally well, and even has big anime titties. If you can’t find someone, I don’t know what hope the human race has.”

“I love how you can be just the right amount of dramatic,” she laughed.

“Can I kiss you?” I asked.

“Please,” she smiled happily, turning a bit more to face me.

I leaned in and softly kissed her, and she put her hand on my chest as she leaned into the kiss. She smelled of warm woods and a little of the sriracha, and her lips were wonderfully soft as we shared the lingering moment.

“I know she says it over and over,” Ami said. “And she even helped you get ready for this, but is Cassidy really OK with everything?”

“She is,” I assured her. “If anything, she wants this to happen more than either of us.”

“So if I wanted to do something… more?” Ami asked.

“Anything you want,” I said. “I’d be happy to just sit here with you, just like this.”

She leaned in and kissed me again, and then added a little bit of tongue.

Chapter 172

Ami had slowly crawled over me a little more, and I was leaning back against the hot tub as we made out. She hummed happily as we kissed, and manoeuvred herself a bit so that she was sitting in between my legs with hers bracketing my waist.

She had undone a couple of buttons on my shirt and slipped her hands inside, feeling my skin, while I had slowly rubbed her side with one of mine and her bare, smooth back with the other. But then she pulled her hands from me and quickly adjusted her dress, and took my hands and put them on her bare breasts.

“Mmmf,” I moaned feeling those glorious ‘big anime titties’ as my thumbs ran over her stubby dark nipples. She responded with her own moan and our kissing intensified a bit. We were swapping spit, tongues battling lightly, and playfully nipping at each other’s lips.

“You’re an amazing kisser,” I told her when she pulled away.

“Am I?” she asked. “I don’t do this often, I’m just doing what feels natural.”

“Then you’re a natural,” I grinned and leaned in to kiss her again.

Now that she was happy with my hands slowly massaging her breasts, her own hands went back into my shirt and felt my body, but then one trailed down over my slacks where she found the hardness of my cock trapped inside. She grunted happily, wrapping her slender fingers around the bulge and feeling its size, slowly rubbing it and grasping its shape.

“I don’t want to have sex yet,” Ami said in between kisses. “Is that OK?”

“Of course it is,” I replied, releasing one of her breasts to bring my thumb up to her chin to keep her still for a moment. “You set the terms, OK?”

She smiled and nodded. “Thanks.”

I leaned in to kiss her again, but she only let it linger for a moment before she pulled away and sat back far enough that I couldn’t reach her breasts, giving me a wonderful look at them. She grinned as my eyes travelled from her beautiful face to her breasts, then down to her long, graceful legs that were exposed almost entirely except for the pooling of her maroon dress right in front of her crotch.

“You are astounding,” I told her.

“Take your cock out, Tiger,” she said.

I did as she said, reaching down and slowly unbuckling my belt and undoing the button, then unzipping my slacks. She watched every movement, feeling her own breasts with light fingers as she waited in anticipation for the reveal. When it came, my cock easing out as I shifted slowly to get my pants and boxers down around my thighs, she gasped and smiled.

“You have a perfect-looking cock,” she said and bit her lip cutely. “Stroke it for me?”

“Anything you want,” I said and wrapped my fingers around it and started to slowly stroke myself.

Ami ran her tongue along her upper lip as she tweaked her own nipples, watching me jerk off. Then she reached down and slowly drew the silky maroon fabric of the dress up her body, sliding it over her groin and then away, revealing her pussy to me. Her warmly hued skin was perfectly soft and smooth, with no bush to speak of. Her outer labia were flushed into a slightly darker, warmer colour in a neat little cushion around her little dark nub of a clit hood and two pouty inner labia in a dark line. She ran her hand down, sliding two fingers on either outer lip, and sniffed in a breath and bit her lower lip as her pussy spread a little bit and I saw the soft, pastel pink of her pussy core between those dark inner labia.

“It’s so fucking pretty,” I said, flicking my eyes back up to her face.

She smiled, obviously relieved that I liked what I saw. “Can we just… do this?” she asked.

“Get off watching each other?” I asked.

She nodded quietly.

“Ami, I would absolutely love to,” I said.

Her smile widened into a happy grin, and she adjusted her stance a little more, pushing her hips towards me as she got settled.

We played with ourselves slowly, enjoying the feeling of being so close to each other as the sunset cooled around us. We didn’t have too long before the others would be getting back, but then we both knew how to best work ourselves. My stroking sped up, focusing on the head of my cock a bit more, while Ami used one hand to tease her nipples with soft fingers while she was a little rougher with her pussy, circling her fingers around her lips and then sliding up and down quickly, pinching her clit hood softly between two fingers.

We were panting, watching each other, our eyes flicking from groin to face and back. Every time our eyes met we grinned and maintained eye contact like it was a little challenge to see who would look down first. We lost equally.

I could feel my balls starting to simmer with want for release, and Ami was a little flushed and breathing heavily when she bit her lip. “Don’t think I’m weird?” she asked.

“Never,” I said.

“I just like…” she let go of her breasts and sucked her middle finger into her mouth, then sat up with her hips off the ground as she reached under herself. I watched as she played her fingers through the crack of her amazing ass and then slowly pushed the middle one a little deeper, her face showing that she was definitely putting it in her butt even if I couldn’t see it. “Just a little bit.”

“Ami, you are so fucking hot,” I said, stroking myself faster.

“Really?” she asked, and the way she said it told me she really wasn’t that sure.

“I’m going to come for you,” I told her. “I’m going to come so fucking hard just from watching you. I fucking loved this date with you. Reading quietly with you yesterday was a highlight of my week. I think you’re God Damn amazing and I can’t get enough of you.”

Ami was panting, ramping up her own fingering, pushing two fingers into herself as she watched my hand on my cock.

“It’s coming,” I grunted. “Ami, how should I come? What should I do? You own this orgasm.”

Ami’s eyes were fire as she worked her cunt and wiggled her finger in her bum. “Come on me, Robbie. Come on my stomach. Come right here.”

I got up on my knees and positioned myself, and she pulled her dress further aside to give me a perfect shot at her amazingly smooth skin, and I groaned as I unleashed. “Aaaammiiii.”

I lost track of the shots, my brain shutting down for a moment as Ami started to come as well, little spatters of clear girl cum shaking from her fingers as she clenched and shook her hips, grunting softly as her body rocked with the waves of her orgasm.

When we were done I landed back on my butt, and she did the same, and we looked at each other and broke into throaty laughs. I got back up on my knees and shuffled around her and bent down, pulling her into a kiss with me by the back of her neck.

“You, Ami, are the total package,” I said.

“I love you,” she panted, then blinked in surprise and panic.

“Shhh,” I said, calming her. “Ami, it’s OK.”

“I’m sorry, I just felt-”

“It’s OK,” I repeated. “It’s OK.” I got down on my side beside her and shifted a strand of her dark hair that had fallen from her pretty, messy bun behind her ear. “Ami, I’m falling in love with you too.”

“What about Cassidy?” she asked.

“She knows,” I said softly. “It’s OK.”

“Really?” Ami asked.

“Really,” I said.

I leaned in and kissed her softly, and she returned it with a smile.

Chapter 173

Unlike my time with Becca, almost everyone knew that Ami and I were together even if they didn’t know what exactly we got up to, so we weren’t in a rush to clean up the scene. That meant instead of being in a mad rush, I was able to walk Ami down to her room and give her a sweet little goodbye kiss to end the night.

“See you later?” I asked.

“Mhmm,” she nodded with a smile. “So am I one of your girls, now?”

“That’s up to you,” I laughed softly. “Or maybe them. I’ve had nothing to do with that whole thing.”

“I’ll talk with Cassidy,” Ami said.

“Don’t feel any pressure, I have no expectations other than that you’ll be you,” I said.

“OK,” she said, and then I kissed her again and she slipped into her room.

I was only about halfway done cleaning up when the girls started to come back from their photoshoots. Terra and Cassidy were the first ones back and Terra seemed to have picked up her energy a bit as they rushed up the steps to see me.

“How did it go?” Cassidy asked as she crashed into me in a hug.

“It went really well,” I said. “She’s exactly as sweet as I knew she would be.”

“Did you two do the nasty?” Terra asked.

I gave her a look. “If anything like that happened, it’s up to her if she wants to talk about it,” I said.

“We’ll get the details from her,” Cassidy grinned, then turned back to me. “Need help?”

“I think I’ve got this,” I said. “How did the shoot go?”

“Meh,” Terra said. “We got some OK photos, but mostly spent some time talking and staring at the sunset.”

“Feeling better?” I asked.

“Getting there,” she nodded. “Thanks for wanting to check on me earlier, and not trying to push it.”

“You’ve been amazing with me and Cass, Terra,” I said. “Anything you need, I’ll be there for you.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” she said with a soft smile and a glance at Cassidy. Then she went up on her toes to give me a kiss on the lips. “Let’s go check with Ami?” she asked Cass.

“Gimme one sec with my Tiger,” Cass smiled, and Terra nodded and went over to the stairs to wait just out of earshot. Cass turned back to me, taking my hands in hers. “How did it go really?”

“It was a lot of fun,” I said. “She looked ravishing, and she loved the setup. We talked a lot and then snuggled a little and that turned into a kiss. God, Cass, this isn’t a shot against you but she is just the absolute best kisser. You’ll love it.”

“I will?” she asked with her eyes raised.

“I- Well, I’m just assuming that if things progress, you’ll get the chance,” I said.

“Thank you,” she said with a soft smile. “For wanting me included.”

“Cass, I want you included in everything,” I said, sweeping her into my arms in a big hug. I buried my face in her violet-dyed hair and breathed in her smell for a moment. “The kissing turned into making out, and then we ended up masturbating for each other.”

“No sex?” she asked.

I shook my head. “No touching beyond some heavy petting. It’s how she wanted it.”

“God, that’s kinda hot,” Cass said into my chest as she hugged me back

“Afterwards she told me she loved me,” I admitted. “And I told her I was falling for her too.”

“She deserves it,” Cassidy said, squeezing me tight.

“Are you OK?” I asked.

“I will be,” she whispered.

“Cass,” I said, concerned at the tremor in her voice.

“I will be,” she said, more sure. “Seriously, Robbie. I will be. You love me 100, I know that. You just have enough heart that some of these girls deserve a piece too. When I started this, I knew it could happen.”

“It doesn’t need to,” I said. “You’re mine, I’m yours.”

“That’s still true,” she said, pulling away to look up at me. “But you can be that for someone else, too, because then they can be yours as well.”

“I don’t know what that means,” I said.

“Neither do I,” she said with a soft smile. “But we can figure it out.”

I pulled her into another hug, and she quickly wiped her eyes. Terra had been watching us and I knew she must have been wondering what was taking so long.

“OK,” Cass said, pulling away from me fully. “I think it’s supposed to be a quiet night since tomorrow we’ve got Field Trip night. We’ll just be hanging out. Maybe we can bust out some of our games?”

“Sure,” I said and leaned down and gave her a peck. “Let me know where.”

“I will,” she nodded. “Love you, Tiger.”

“You too, baby,” I said, and she skipped off to join Terra and the two of them scampered to go check in with Ami.

I was almost finished cleaning when Wanda came up looking for me. She was already changed into clothes for the evening out of whatever she’d done for her photoshoot, wearing soft cotton shorts and my T-shirt again, though now it was down and loose.

“I think that’s your shirt now,” I chuckled as she approached me.

“No, it’s yours,” Wanda shook her head, walking up and raising her arms so that I could scoop her into a hug. “If it wasn’t, then I wouldn’t be caught dead in it.”

“Whaaat?” I laughed. “It’s not that bad.”

“It’s only cute because it’s a boy’s shirt on a girl’s body,” Wanda said. “And I only want to wear it because it smells like you.”

“God, Wanda,” I said, holding her close. “That’s the kind of thing that makes me want to throw you over my shoulder and carry you down to the room and have my way with you.”

“I would love that,” she said. “But it’s a little crowded down there right now. I was wondering if it would be OK if I slept in your room again tonight?”

“Of course it is,” I said, taking her hands in mine and weaving my fingers with hers.

“Good,” she nodded. “Just- And don’t take this the wrong way because gawd do I want your cock in me tonight. But where are you at with Cassidy?”

Chapter 174

“We’re good,” I said, answering Wanda.

“Robbie, you can do better than that,” Wanda said. We were still standing there on the top deck, our fingers folding together as we held hands. “I know that you two aren’t breaking up and that you’re probably still getting married since you call each other your fiance’s still. And I know it hasn’t even been a week, but have you forgiven her?”

“I’ve… accepted her apologies,” I said. “I’m working on real forgiveness, and I don’t want to just say it without meaning it because that would be worse.”

“What about sex?” she asked. “Last night she was involved, but you two barely touched each other.”

I took a breath and turned us so that I could lean back on the hot tub. “That’s more complicated,” I said. “We’ve been intimate, but not full on.”

“But you’ve been sexual with me, Becca, Cattie and Leia,” she said. “Plus lots of other stuff with a bunch of the other girls. Ami?”

“That’s for Ami to tell,” I said.

“So partially,” Wanda read me. “So sex with four other women, which I know she wants you to do so I’m not blaming you or anything, and other stuff with others. And you’re saying I Love You to at least me and Cattie. Becca?”

I nodded. “She hasn’t said it back.”

“She will,” Wanda sighed. “Leia?”

I shook my head.

“But getting there?”

“Probably,” I said.



“Robbie, your fiancee needs you,” Wanda said.

“We’re taking our time to figure that out,” I said.

“Robbie,” she said again. “Cassidy needs you. She is making all of these big gestures, and yes she isn’t exactly suffering with them since she’s a horny bisexual, but she’s making them all over the place. She knows you love her, but I think she needs to feel it.”

I closed my eyes and hung my head a little, trying to think of where I was at.

“She’s the love of your life, Robbie,” Wanda said. “Are you doing this because you’re not ready, or are you holding out because you still want to punish her? There isn’t a wrong answer, but you need to know what it is.”

“Fuck,” I sighed. I wasn’t sure.

“It’s the second one,” Wanda said. “You know it is. You won’t be able to figure out what to do without admitting it.”

“It is,” I said. “I’m holding out because I’m still fucking mad.”

Wanda released my hands and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly and whispering to me. “It’s OK to be mad. It’s OK to feel fucking furious with her for all the shit she did back then. But neither of you are going to be OK until you can be OK with feeling that for a bit.”

I hugged her back, feeling her body against mine. “How are you so good at this?” I asked.

“Because I’m furious at Brodi, and I don’t know if I’m going to get over it,” she whispered.

I held her, and she started crying, and then I started crying. We weren’t loud about it, weren’t sobbing. We held each other and let ourselves just feel the dark things that were clutching at us.

“I love you,” she said, burying her face into the crook of my neck.

“I love you, too,” I said, holding her sides tightly.

“What are you going to do about Cassidy?” she asked.

“When she first told me, she asked if I wanted to hate-fuck her. I don’t think it’s like that, but I do think we need to reconnect. Make-up sex, even if it won’t be all the way made up,” I said.

I could feel those cheeks of hers tighten as she smiled. “It can take more than one round, and more than one night, to get there. As long as you are getting there.”

“What about you? I don’t know what’s going on with you and Brodi,” I said.

She sniffed. “Do you want to know?”

“I want to know what you want me to know,” I said. “I want to be able to support you like you’re supporting me. Me loving you isn’t just because of the sex.”

She looked into my eyes, hers still somewhat brimming with tears, and then hugged me again as she rested her forehead on my shoulder. “I think my husband is a cuckold,” she said quietly. “And that’s not the kind of man I wanted to be married to.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I- You know we have an open travel sex policy,” Wanda said. “And I’ve flirted and fooled around a little bit with some kissing, but I kind of fibbed that first night with you and Cass. I’ve never gone as far as that before, let alone where we’re at now. Well, I knew Brodi was doing things on his trips. I just didn’t realize he was going to BDSM clubs. I thought it was weird how into hearing about our first encounter he was, and when I tried talking to him this morning he was even more into it, which was weird to me because I was feeling guilty about not just participating in the sex, but about the kink stuff. The ownership-play stuff, and falling in love with you and Cass. And so I started asking some questions I knew I didn’t want the answer to, and I- Brodi isn’t the man I thought I married. I don’t want to shame him for whatever he’s getting out of it, but I don’t know how I feel about him hiding this from me either. I- He should have told me that this was what he wanted, and I could have made an informed decision about our relationship. Now…”

“Now everything feels different,” I said quietly.

She nodded. “I look back at things, and choices we made as a couple. Did he push to live in a certain neighbourhood for a reason? Did he take certain jobs for a reason? Did I give up things so that he would have a chance to visit some famous sex club? Does he even love me, or just the fact that I have a hundred thousand followers on the internet that want me?”

“I’m so sorry, Wanda,” I said quietly, holding her tightly.

“Robbie, I want to feel owned and treasured, and he wants me to be a hotwife slut,” she sobbed. “This is why he was never able to do the things I asked, because he wanted to watch someone else do it to me instead.”

I just held her. What could I say?

Oh, right. There was one thing I could say.

“Wanda, I love you,” I said quietly. “Whatever you need, I’m here for you. So is Cassidy.”

“I know,” she said, raising her face and kissing me softly even while she was still crying silent tears. “I think that’s the only reason I could hold it together today. I love you, too.”

Chapter 175

Wanda and I held each other for a little while longer before she helped me carry the last of the stuff down below deck.

It was a bit of chaos, or maybe more ‘calm before the storm’ down there. JC was sitting in the living area, bouncing one knee nervously as he did something on his phone. Heather was sitting on the couch with Sherry and Ginnie talking animatedly while Cattie was in the kitchen with Leia making up a big bowl of popcorn and glancing over at her girlfriend occasionally.

I went into the kitchen and gave both Leia and Cattie kisses on the cheek. “Cassidy wants to bust out some card games tonight. Are you two interested?”

“Um, maybe,” Leia said. “Gin and I were thinking of doing another movie.”

“I think Heather and Sherry are joining for that,” Cattie said. “I’m definitely in for the games though.”

“Cool, sounds good,” I nodded, turning to take the stuff Wanda had carried for me and stow it away in the cupboards where I’d found it.

“Hey, Leia,” Wanda said. “Has Cassidy talked with you yet?”

“Um, no?” Leia said with a slightly worried lilt, glancing at me briefly. “Is something up?”

“No, no,” Wanda shook her head. “Nothing to worry about. Come talk with me for a sec?”

“Sure,” Leia said, following Wanda back into the hallway towards the cabins.

“Uh-oh,” Cattie said, sliding in next to me and wrapping an arm around my waist. “Trouble in paradise?”

“I doubt it,” I said. “I think I know what that’s going to end up being.”

“It’s the hat thing, isn’t it?” Cattie guessed.

“You know about the hat thing?” I asked.

“Tiger, Cassidy told me,” Cattie smiled. “And I’m a little flattered that I inspired it.”

“You looked super cute, what can I say?” I asked.

Cattie glanced over at the living area where Heather, Ginnie and Sherry were talking and dropped her voice low. “I’d… really like to sleep snuggled up with you and Cass again tonight,” she said.

“Any time you want,” I replied, pulling her into a full hug. “Though Wanda will be with us tonight so the bed would be crowded, but you’re still welcome.”

“I wish I could,” Cattie said into my shoulder as she hugged me back. “God, you make me feel safe.”

I wasn’t sure what to say about that so I gave her one last extra squeeze. Heather had seen us hugging and was scowling lightly in our direction. I let go of Cattie and she took one small step back to separate us. “So cards tonight then?”

“Only as long as it isn’t some dumb betting or daring game,” Cattie said with a slight grimace.

“Nope,” I shook my head. “It’ll be the nerdy ones Cass and I brought.”

“Then I’m in,” she nodded.

“OK, I’ll make sure we find you when we decide where we’re playing,” I promised.

“Thanks,” she smiled, then hooked my fingers with hers briefly to stop me from going yet. “Love you,” she mouthed softly.

I wanted to say it back, but Heather was still watching us from behind Cattie and could see my lips so I just smiled and gave Cattie a wink instead. She smiled back, knowing why, and squeezed my fingers a little before letting go.

With Wanda and Leia disappearing into the back rooms, I crossed over to the Singles Boat and found that the living area over there was just as crowded. Things quickly developed from there as the girls started to decide what they wanted to do for the evening. I managed to sneak a little chaste kiss with Ami before she, Zenya and Heels set up Ami’s switch to play Mario Party and borrowed some controllers from Leia. JC ended up joining them. For her part Leia decided to watch the movie with Ginnie, Heather and Sherry in the living area of the Couples Boat, which meant both spaces were taken up, so the rest of us decided to head up to the top deck to play cards.

Cassidy and I, like many of the girls on the trip, were nerds. It just came with the cosplay territory. We had brought a variety of nerdy dice and card games that weren’t very rules-heavy or technical and were meant to be party games; we often brought them along to Cons so we could play with new and old friends alike.

The six of us sat out on our butts on the astroturf after moving the deck chairs out of the way since we didn’t have a table. All of the girls were comfortably sitting cross-legged, so I was the only one who had to shift around and got ragged on for needing to do more yoga to work on my flexibility.

Looking around the circle as we started with Sushi Go I couldn’t help but grin to myself. Cassidy and Cattie were both giggling at a comment that Terra had made, all three of them familiar with the game, while Wanda was looking through the cute art on the cards with a big smile. She glanced up at me and I nodded, letting her know I agreed that the little sushi art was cute, making her smile a little more. Meanwhile, Becca was reading over the rules of the game, making sure she understood the intricacies (of which there weren’t that many.) The fact that it was the exact same thing I did when I was learning a new game made me feel a warmth in my chest, again realizing how similar we were.

We played a full game of Sushi Go, all of the girls getting into it quickly and all of us chatting both about the game and life away from the trip. All of the girls were full-time on being models and worked hard to develop their workflows and audiences. Outside of their looks, they were known for somewhat different things. Terra was also a traditional model and knew the most about that world. Becca was excellent at photo editing and created beautiful lighting effects both manually and in post. Cattie was known for her snarky demeanour online and had garnered a following that way. Wanda and Cassidy were more ‘generalist’ but each had a different sort of online profile that matched their personalities - Cassidy had a better following on social media in general, but Wanda had developed her monetization to a higher degree.

I felt like a bit of an imposter, sitting and playing with them. Sure, I was a sometime stand-in on some of Cassidy’s shoots as either a model or a photographer, but I wasn’t a pro like any of them. My work was completely different from theirs - I wasn’t a public figure. I was the behind-the-scenes guy at the hotel most of the time, networking with vendors and maintenance and the managers of acts and clients.

And yet somehow I fit with these gorgeous women.

“Let’s play Secret Hitler,” Cassidy said once she had secured a victory in Sushi Go, with Becca just a couple of points behind her, and me one behind Becca.

“As long as we don’t have to draw moustaches on our faces,” Terra smirked. “I don’t think I could pull that off.”

I rolled my eyes, “No, no moustaches. I’m going to go grab some drinks, anyone want anything?”

Inundated with requests, I decided to just stock up our cooler and bring it up.

Chapter 176

Officially armed with alcohol - beers for me, Cassidy and Becca, and quick mixes for Cattie, Wanda and Terra - we set about playing Secret Hitler. It was a simple party game where we each got assigned a secret role, one of us being the ‘secret fascist,’ and another being the ‘secret Hitler’ while the rest were liberals. It was a more complicated version of the classic ‘Werewolf’ party game with more mechanics, but Cassidy and I both had the accompanying app on our phones. Once we’d narrated the rules to the others, with Cattie’s help, and Becca had done a once over of the actual rules sheets, we handed out the envelopes with the secret roles.

I was a liberal, and the game commenced.

It was a shit show. Not mechanically - the app helped keep things straight in terms of what we needed to do next, but for all that the girls and I had big smiles the entire time… they were all so sneaky!

At any given point in the game I thought Cassidy, Cattie and Becca were the Secret Hitler. Then I got assassinated, accused of being Hitler myself, and revealed that I was a liberal.

In the end, Terra was elected Chancellor and revealed that she was, in fact, the Secret Hitler. Becca had been her fellow secret fascist.

We played another round, and this time I had gotten the secret fascist card and Cattie was my secret Hitler. Things didn’t go so smoothly as last time - the game was designed for up to 10 people, and with a smaller group of 6 Cattie got identified early as a member of the fascists and with only two fascists in the group, when the assassination option came around she got picked off and we lost.

We moved on to Zombie Dice, a simple game where you took turns rolling dice trying to collect survivors instead of zombies, and we all relaxed and started chatting again. I was on my third beer, having gone through two during the stress of Secret Hitler, and most of the girls were on their second or third drinks as well and everyone was happily buzzed but nowhere near tipsy.

I eventually won the Zombie Dice and the girls decided not to break out another game and to instead play a drinking game. Cattie ruled out anything with dares or bets, just like she’d said before, and I backed her up, and the girls settled on ‘Never Have I Ever.’

“Never have I ever had a threesome,” Becca declared. The first couple of questions had been fairly tame, getting almost everyone a couple more sips into their drinks, but Becca with her buzzed grin, a slight flush to her cheeks and a glint in her eye obviously wanted this to be more interesting.

Cattie, Wanda, Cassidy and I all took sips.

“Never have I ever had a threesome that included someone not in this circle,” Terra said almost right after.

It took me a second to do the math and remember exactly who I’d done what with, and Cassidy and I both sipped. Leia counted, since she was downstairs, and Cassidy- well, Cassidy. Noticeably Wanda and Cattie both didn’t drink, getting little teasing ‘ooohs’ from Becca and Terra.

“Never have I ever kissed someone better at kissing than Robbie,” Cassidy declared, going next.

None of the girls drank, making me grin, and I took a sip of my beer. “Can’t kiss myself,” I said. “So everyone is better at kissing me than me.”

That got some eye rolls and laughs.

“Never have I ever gone skinny dipping,” Cattie declared.

Everyone but Becca drank. “Hold on,” I said. “You did so, Cattie. During the card game.”

“Oh, shit!” Cattie laughed. “I totally forgot about that what with-” She flushed, biting her lip, and then took a drink to cover her embarrassment. The girls all laughed lightly since they knew what else had happened that night.

It was my turn. “Never have I ever given a blowjob,” I said.

“Laaame,” Cassidy called as all of the girls drank. “No more ones that are obvious, Tiger.”

“Fine, fine,” I said with a smile.

“Never have I ever been so horny as on this trip,” Wanda said and immediately took a drink. The rest of us all took one as well. “At least I’m not alone!” Wanda laughed.

“Never have I ever thought about being in an orgy,” Becca said, back around to her turn.

Cassidy, Terra and I all drank.

“What kind of orgy?” Wanda asked us.

“I mean… porn logic?” I said. “Though most often, on the off day that I actually do watch porn, I usually come up with little relationships in my head for the porn.”

The girls all gave me little awes at that.

“Just standard stuff, I think,” Terra offered. “Doing swimsuit and underwear modelling on sets means there’s some casual nudity as we’re changing and that sort of thing. No one makes it a big deal. Every once in a while I wonder ‘What if we all just started fucking?’”

The girls turned to Cassidy, who flushed. “I, uh- well, I’ve been in an all-girl orgy before, if that counts?” she said.

“How many girls?” Wanda asked.

“Fourteen, including me,” Cassidy said.

“Holy shit,” Becca said. “That’s a lot of boobs and butts.” That got laughs out of everyone, including Cassidy.

“Never have I ever had a wet dream,” Terra declared. “But I think I might have one tonight!”

More laughs, and Cassidy, Cattie, Wanda and I all took sips.

“What are they like?” Becca asked. “I’ve never dreamed about sex before - I don’t really remember any dreams, usually.”

“I don’t know about you girls,” Cattie said. “But most of the time a sex dream is more like… a feeling than a ‘scene.’ Little bits might stand out, like someone's face or hands, or the feeling of being touched or even penetrated, but it’s not like a porno.”

“Same,” Cassidy agreed.

“I had a full-on scene one once,” Wanda said. “Then I woke up and realized it hadn’t been a dream at all.” She scrunched up her nose and stuck out her tongue a little at Cassidy and I.

“Mostly the same for me,” I said. “Feelings, and maybe like a tiny ‘GIF’ worth of action.”

“Who did you dream about?” Cassidy asked.

“I mean… almost always you,” I admitted.

That made her smile, but she pushed on. “Who else? If you remember.”

Now it was my turn to blush, and on instinct I glanced at Cattie and immediately looked away, but the damage was done.

Cattie went a little red as she blushed furiously even though she was grinning like a fiend. Cassidy just kept smiling at me with a twinkle in her eye. The others all started giggling again, teasing the three of us.

“When?” Cassidy asked.

“Once the weekend we first met at OmegaCon,” I said. “We were so tired that night that we didn’t, ah, make full use of the hotel room.”

“You fucked me that next morning,” Cassidy nodded, still smiling. “You were ravenous.”

“What did you dream?” Cattie asked almost quiet enough to be a squeak.

“Well, mostly the feelings and stuff,” I said.

“Come on, no visualization at all?” Terra asked for more.

“OK, I distinctly remember a flash of imagination of being in missionary, with one of your legs pulled back and leaning down to kiss,” I said to Cattie.

“You should show us the position,” Cassidy said. “So we can visualize it properly.”

All of the other girls agreed, making both Cattie and I blush and look at each other. Finally she shrugged, a little nervous smile on her lips.

Chapter 177

Cattie and I got up on our knees. “Are we really-?” I asked.

“They won’t stop until we do it,” Cattie said with an eye roll but that little grin was still on her lips.

“Damn right, we won’t!” Terra laughed.

Cattie moved to the centre of the group and got down on her back, spreading her legs. She was wearing simple cotton shorts and a t-shirt, so she wasn’t exactly exposed in any way, though the legs of the shorts exposed most of her pale, smooth thighs. “Like this?” she asked.

“Mostly,” I said, getting into position over her, bracing myself on the ground with one arm and hooking her leg with the other, slowly raising it up and to the side, spreading her wider. “Like this,” I said, looking down into Cattie’s eyes as we both breathed shallowly, the sexual position and closeness getting to us after the sex chatter.

“Come on, give us the full show,” Wanda said.

I rolled my eyes and pretended to thrust down at Cattie to the giggles of the others.

“You said you were kissing her,” Terra prompted.

Cattie nodded, and I leaned down fully, pressing my lips to hers as I ground the quickly growing bulge in my shorts against her crotch. She raised her arms up around my neck, holding me there and slipping some tongue into the kiss.

“Whoo!” Wanda and Terra cheered, while Becca stifled her laugh as she went a little red from the show, and Cassidy just grinned.

I broke away from the kiss, and Cattie gave one little hump up with her hips back at me before we separated. “Happy now?” I asked the others.

“That was hot,” Becca said bluntly.

“We should all show our favourite positions,” Cassidy suggested.

“Well, half of us know my new favourite already,” Wanda laughed, standing and offering me her hand up. I stood and she turned, planting her perfect ass against my tenting shorts and reaching back to take my hands, placing one on her shirt-covered breast and the other up on her neck. “Standing, from behind, really rough,” Wanda said.

I pulled her back by her neck, making her arch her back, and she turned her lips to kiss me as she twerked her ass muscles to tease me and I squeezed her boob.

“And then what?” I asked with a little gravel in my voice.

“And then you spit on my face like the filthy slut I am, and come deep inside me, and I absolutely melt,” she said quietly. I gave her neck a little squeeze and kissed her again, softly and tenderly.

“My turn,” Terra said, hopping up and taking my hand as Wanda and I separated. She led me over to one of the deck chairs. “I like something similar to Wanda, but more stable.” She sat on the deck chair backwards, her knees braced on the seats and grabbing the backrest as she arched her back and looked over her shoulder at me. I got in position behind her on my knees and she reached around to my hip and pulled me close until my obvious hard-on was pressed against her ass. “This way I can get fucked hard, and he can feel me all over. I love getting my nipples played with, and getting spanked while I’m getting fucked.”

I reached around and put my hands on her tensed thighs as I ground my cock against her ass, and she pushed back at me and grabbed my hand and pulled it under her shirt, up the smooth ripple of her abs and ribs to her chest where her nipple was hard. I softly played with it between my thumb and finger as she moaned softly, looking back over her shoulder into my eyes but not closing for a kiss.

“She said she likes to be spanked, Tiger,” Cassidy prompted me, having stood and crossed to us.

I pulled my other hand from Terra’s thigh and got a good hold on her breast before giving her a hard spank.

“Mmmph!” Terra moaned, closing her eyes.

“My turn,” Cassidy said.

I gave Terra one more hard dry hump before letting Cassidy pull me up from my knees and lead me back to the group, Terra following us.

“I love any position with my Tiger,” Cassidy said. “But there’s just something about this one that makes my heart feel like it’s going to blow up when I come.” She got down on the ground on her stomach, laying straight, then shifting her hips back just slightly to thrust her bum up. “It’s even better with a pillow or two under my hips.”

I got down in the prone bone position over her, pressing my hardness against her ass, and laying my forearms outside of her as I let my weight settle onto her partially.

“Fuck,” Cassidy gasped, closing her eyes. “Just laying like this has me leaking into my panties.”

I kissed her cheek and she smiled, grinding her butt back at me, then turned and gave me a quick kiss and urged me off of her. “Your turn, Becca,” she said.


“You’re the only one who hasn’t gone,” Cattie said. “Come on, don’t be shy. Hell, you heard Wanda.”

Wanda blushed at that but shrugged.

“Fine,” Becca said. “I like… I like this.” She had me lay down on my back and then mounted me in cowgirl so that we were looking at each other. “This way I can ride him, and he can touch me all over.”

I reached up and stroked a couple of strands of her silvery blonde hair behind her ear and then cupped her cheek.

“Not what I meant,” she smirked at me.

I shifted my hands down to her breasts. She was the only one of the women wearing a bra, but I could still feel the bumps of her nipples through it and focused on rubbing my thumbs over them. Then I slid one hand down lower to the crotch of her pyjama shorts, feeling her up over the clothes.

She leaned down and kissed me softly, closing her eyes as she breathed in all the sensations. “And then, when we’re getting on, he takes control,” Becca said.

I let go of her breast and crotch, taking her securely by the hip and shoulder and rolling us over softly so that I was on top. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, pulling me down into another kiss as I dry-humped her softly.

“Yes, just like this,” Becca murmured.

I kissed her again, more chastely, then lowered my lips to her ear. “We need to find more time tomorrow,” I whispered.

“Definitely,” she nodded.

Chapter 178

I sat up, Becca’s legs still around my waist but letting her arms fall back, and was about to move her legs when Cattie got up. “I think I might see a hot threesome position here,” she giggled, then she stood next to me and slid one leg over my shoulder, pulling my face to her shorts-clad crotch. I didn’t hesitate, pushing my face forward and nuzzling her mound through her clothes, making her laugh happily.

“What do you think, Becca? How’s my ass look?”

“Perfect,” Becca said, and then there was a slapping sound and Cattie’s mound pushed against me softly. Becca had spanked Cattie.

“Ooh, so she does have a naughty streak,” Cattie giggled.

“Foursome!” Cassidy laughed, though I couldn’t see what she was doing.

“Five,” Terra said, and she and Cassidy laughed.

“Six?” Wanda asked from behind me.

“What are you doing?” Cassidy asked. “I can’t see with Terra’s crotch in my face.”

So that’s what they’re doing, I smirked to myself. I’d bet Cassidy had pretended to sit on Becca’s face, and Terra was doing something similar to Cass as Cattie was to me.

“I’m in position to eat Tiger’s ass,” Wanda said.

“He doesn’t like his butt played with, I’ve tried,” Cassidy said. “Just suck his balls instead.”

“Noted,” Wanda laughed.

“Well,” Heels said from somewhere over towards the stairs. “I don’t know what this game is, but it’s definitely interesting.”

“Find a spot to join in the fake orgy!” Cassidy called.

“Well, I’m not into girls in real life, so unless you all want to free up an interesting part of Robbie, I’m good,” Heels said. “Though I think the others are going to come up here soon so you might want to… yeah.”

The orgy tableau broke apart, none of the girls wanting to cause a scene. I had a feeling at the moment that Terra wouldn’t have cared what JC thought, but Cattie was still minding Heather and Sherry was a wild card of how she would react. Especially since I’d been breathing in the smell of Cattie’s arousal from up close and personal.

Everyone went back to their drinks, and I handed Heels a beer by way of thanking her for the warning. She thanked me, but gave me a quick look of ‘You are in over your head.

Heather and Sherry did show up a couple of minutes later, and Cattie wished us all good night, leaning down and giving each of us a kiss on the cheek and a hug. That seemed to be the signal for everyone else that it was time to head to bed, and Becca and Terra helped me clean up the liquor and beer bottles. Cassidy gave me a quick kiss and told me she wanted to check in with Leia and Ami before we separated the boats for the night and scooted off, and Wanda hugged me and whispered she’d see me in our room. She knew what my plan was and gave me a little wink.

Heels had left with the others, and as the last of the alcohol and games got cleaned up both Terra and Becca were moving a little slowly.

“I need to talk to him,” Terra said. “Don’t feel embarrassed, just kiss him good night.”

Becca blushed again despite everything that had been going on with the game and looked at me. I stepped forward and took charge, putting one hand on the small of her back under her shirt and the other cupping her cheek as I bent down to kiss her. She received it with a smile, kissing me back.

“Everything OK tonight?” I asked her quietly.

She nodded. “Just a little wilder than I expected. But I liked it.”

“Good,” I said and kissed her softly again. “And I like you.”

“I thought you loved me?” she teased.

“That too,” I said with a grin and gave her another kiss.

“Tomorrow,” she promised when it ended.

“I can’t wait,” I said.

“Ugh, you two are too cute,” Terra sighed. “Almost as cute as him and Ami.”

“That’s tough to beat, though,” Becca smirked as she broke apart from me. “Ami is just so cute whenever she does anything.”

“It’s the quiet ones you gotta watch out for,” Terra laughed.

“Goodnight, Becca,” I said.

“Night, Tiger,” she said, then turned to Terra. “How long do you need to talk before we move the boats?”

“I… don’t know. Not too long,” Terra said.

“I’ll come find you,” I told Becca. “I’ll need to make sure everyone is on the right boat for the night anyway.”

“Good point,” Becca nodded. “OK, see you in a few.”

She left us, and I turned to Terra. “What’s up?” I asked.

“We need to talk about this afternoon,” Terra said, taking me by the hand and leading me over to the same chair where we had reenacted her favourite position. She had me sit, then climbed up and sat with her bum on the wide armrest and her feet on the seat in between my legs, leaning down close.

I nodded and took a deep breath. “I think it’s my fault,” I said. “I should have thought to stop JC from going too far. I knew you and him had an agreement, and I knew that you’ve been wanting him to pay attention to you, but I didn’t think of it in the moment. I’m so sorry, Terra.”

“Gawwww-duh,” Terra sighed, pushing her forehead to her knees as she said it in frustration, then looking back up at me. “Seriously, Robbie? You are apologising? None of what happened is your fault. It’s entirely his.”

“That’s not true,” I said. “I was part of it. I was there. I should have said something.”

“Just-  Just stop apologising for a minute and tell me what happened. All of it,” Terra said. “Play-by-play, full locker room talk. All the details.”

“You’re sure you want to know?” I asked.

“I need to know, Robbie,” Terra said.

“OK,” I said. “So the guy cop brought us down into the bottom deck…”

Chapter 179

“Robbie, it doesn’t make sense for you to take any of the blame,” Terra said once I had finished giving her the rundown of what had happened with the cop. I hadn’t held back anything other than my suspicions at the time that Cassidy had used the App somehow. I’d even told Terra about seeing Cassidy peeking down and giving me the thumbs up.

Well, there was one other thing I didn’t tell her, or not fully.

I felt shitty about the whole thing.

It was tough to talk about while dancing around the App. Well, maybe it wasn’t that tough.

“I blame myself for taking advantage of that woman,” I said. “She didn’t choose what her partner was going to do. And that cop was pissed because of something Cassidy and I did or else he never would have stopped us to begin with.”

“But you didn’t ask her for sexual favours, or demand them,” Terra said. “She offered it.”

“That doesn’t mean it was right, Terra,” I said. OK, maybe it wasn’t so easy after all.

“It doesn’t make it wrong, either,” she said. “If I said I wanted to fuck, would you do it?”

“Terra, I would rip your clothes off and have my way with you in any way that you wanted,” I said. “But knowing what I know about you and JC, I wouldn’t ever want to break your agreement. And I was part of him doing that.”

“God, Robbie,” Terra sighed. “That isn’t the question I asked. Your answer was yes, you would fuck me if I asked. So what’s the difference between me asking and that officer asking?”

“... Leverage?” I hedged. “She felt like she needed to buy us off. You and me, there’s nothing weird that isn’t from our relationships. If you and JC didn’t have an agreement then there would be because you’d be asking me to keep a secret.”

“Did she leave upset?” Cassidy asked.

“Uh, no,” I said. “I don’t think so.”

“So get out of your head,” Terra said. “From everything you described, she had a blast. Reenacted some old situations. She’s probably getting herself off right now thinking about your cock. Knowing what I know about you from our little talks, and what Cassidy says, I know this probably isn’t going to really help, but I’m going to say it anyways - It’s not your fault, Robbie. But what JC did is his fault and not yours.”

“It’s partially mine,” I fought back.

“God, fuck, Robbie,” Terra sighed. “Stop being a martyr and let me be mad at my boyfriend.”

“I don’t know if I would have reminded him if I thought about it,” I admitted.

Terra blinked, frozen for a long moment. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Now it was my turn to bury my face in my hands, scrubbing at it to try and get my thoughts together. I finally sighed and looked up at her. “Terra, you and I have been flirting hard since the first day of this trip. I think you are an amazing, energetic person who loves to take risks and wears her heart on her sleeve. You are playful, you are caring, you’re sweet and kind and know how to adjust when someone needs one thing or the other. And God, you are a sexual being. You are utterly sexy, and gorgeous, and I want to fold you up into a pretzel and fuck the shit out of you, and lay you down and kiss you all over and make love to you at the same time. Even with everything else going on, I want you, Terra. And I’m not used to any of this. I don’t know how to act or be around you girls because sometimes everything is just normal and I’d be happy just being friends with you all, but then I’m massaging naked breasts and getting kisses that make me tingle down to my toes and back, and I’m going on little dates and having nasty sex and Cassidy is totally OK with it and encouraging it almost too much and I don’t know which way is up and who is-”

Terra slid down from her perch on the armrest of the deck chair, sitting sideways on my lap, and pulled me into a kiss to shut me up. It was firm, our lips and noses jammed together as she held me by the collar of my shirt, and even when we stopped ‘kissing’ our lips stayed together and we breathed through our noses for a long moment.

“We’re both kind of fucked up right now,” Terra said. “And you were starting to spin out a bit. I… didn’t realize the stuff going on with all the girls had you so wound up in your head. You treat everyone so well, and seem so sure of yourself.”

“I feel like I’m caught up in a riptide and getting sucked out to sea,” I said. “And I’m enjoying most of it. God, am I. But I still feel like I’m out of control a bit.”

“Why does you admitting that make me even more attracted to you?” Terra muttered, shaking her head. “You do realize that Cassidy is the luckiest cunt ever, right?”

I didn’t say anything, just shrugging a little.

“She is,” Terra said. “And she knows it. She’s known it the whole time, that’s why everything she did messed her up so much. You know she needs you, right?”

“Wanda and I talked about the same thing,” I said.

“That’s because Wanda is a smart woman with her own stuff going on,” Terra sighed. “She told me when she was talking me through my shit earlier. Thanks again for checking in but not pressing, by the way. That made me feel really good.”

“Anything you need, like I said,” I told her. “You’ve been amazing with me and Cass.”

She kissed me again, softer and sweeter. “You know, I’ve never had friends like you and the girls,” she said. “I mean, I’ve got model friends, but it’s basically coworker friendliness. We compete for the same jobs, but smile and make nice because any day we might be working together. The competition is still there though. With you guys it’s different.”

I hugged her, and she hugged me back.

“It’s still not your fault, by the way,” Terra whispered to me as we held each other. “Even if you did think of it, it’s not your job to remind an adult man in a relationship that he shouldn’t break his agreed boundaries. This just makes me wonder if he’s done it in the past, or if he hooks up with people back home when I’m not around. I need to do a lot of thinking about him and me, and it’s not your fault.”

“I love you, Terra,” I said, still hugging her. And I meant it almost entirely platonically. I wasn’t in love with her. I was sexually attracted to her, absolutely, but I loved her for her heart and for her kindness. I loved her like I used to love Cattie - for the friend she was to me, and to Cassidy.

“Love you too, big guy,” she said, squeezing me back. She knew what I meant.

Terra pulled back from the hug and wiped under her eyes. “Shit, you got me all emotional, dude,” she laughed. Once her eyes were clear she smiled and booped my nose with one finger before standing up. “Can I help with anything with getting the boats out?”

“I think Becca and I can handle it. We’ve got the routine down,” I said, standing with her.

“Alright, if you say so,” she said, then hugged me again quickly. “Have a good night, Tiger. I’ll be jealous of whoever ends up in your bed.”

I almost made her the same offer I’d made Cattie, but decided tonight wasn’t the night to open that up. “Have a good night, Terra,” I said instead and kissed her on the top of her head.

Chapter 180

I found Becca down in the Singles Boat and we did a quick check to make sure everyone was on the boat they needed to be, then went and unmoored them. Just before we raised anchor, we kissed goodnight again leaning over the railings and leaving each other with smiles.

Once she had shut off the upper party lights for their boat and headed down, I shut off the lights on ours and took a few moments to sit in a deck chair and look up at the sky.

Shit was fucked.

Not everything. Not with Becca, Wanda, Leia or Ami. That stuff I could be reasonably sure that the App wasn’t messing with me. Becca had never met Cassidy before this weekend, so it couldn’t have affected her to make her feel more open to sex and love when she did. Wanda’s relationship problems ran way deeper and longer than the App, and Cass and I were just the catalyst that pulled back a corner of the curtain and let her reveal the rest. Leia and Ami were both just a little more reserved and shy, and knowing that I was a safe choice based on the encouragement from Cassidy meant that they felt free to show me who they were in private.

But Cattie and Terra?

Cattie’s relationship problems weren’t caused by Cassidy and I either, but I couldn’t deny that the AMA could be affecting her. She was bisexual, so it might have been working behind the scenes on Cattie every time we met up with her. Maybe the seeds of those problems had been planted months ago, or even years.

And with Terra… she’d been the first on the trip to be riskier with me. She’d taken off her top for that first-day massage before she and Cassidy had even interacted all that much. But everything past that? How much of it was just her, and how much of it was the App affecting her?

If Cassidy didn’t buy any traits, and I had to trust that she hadn’t, was there even an issue with the App magnifying things?

Terra wasn’t saying she was particularly interested in Cassidy. Neither was Cattie, really, though she’d said she’d be happy to fuck us both if she wasn’t with Heather. They were both more focused on me, and as far as we knew the App didn’t amplify my relationships, just Cassidy’s.

Was it because she was positive about it, or encouraging it? Could their amplified friendship bonding bleed over into how they felt about me?

And did it matter?

The stars out on the lake were beautiful. Back in Vegas we rarely saw a hint of stars, and most of the time it was easy to assume it was a satellite instead. The lights of the Strip drowned out everything in the sky. Out here even the relatively close town lights couldn’t block enough to sweep away the stars.

Did it matter? Really?

Terra was right, no matter what she said, I still felt guilty about her and JC. I felt less guilty about Cattie and Heather, but only because Heather was still being a bitch. What had happened between us was still fucked up though.

Maybe it didn’t matter. Not between me and Cattie, and not between me and Terra. The App’s effect was second-hand if anything.

But with that cop…

Fuck, I couldn’t even remember her name.

I’d had sex with a woman that day and I couldn’t remember her name.

That was fucked up.

I sat and looked at the stars and tried my damndest to grapple with the shit that this App had caused. Terra was right, the cop had enjoyed herself and gone away seemingly satisfied, even if she’d been frustrated and pissed with her partner. But there was no realistic scenario where she would have offered JC and I sex as an apology without the App. Probably.

So did that make me a rapist?

She’d offered. She’d been willing. She’d enjoyed it. But the App made her feel that that route was valid.

“Fuck,” I sighed to myself, feeling like shit for not even being able to answer basic questions. I didn’t feel like I’d raped someone, or that I’d done anything criminal or harmful, but then why did I feel so fucking guilty about it?

If I asked her, now that the perk was turned off, would she feel differently about the encounter? Would that even be her real answer, or would she look back at it positively only because it was a decision influenced by the App?

There wasn’t an answer I could come to. Not here on the deck of the houseboat, and not even if I tracked her down and talked to her.

“Fuck the AMA,” I grunted, shaking my head. It was so fucking fucked that it was a thing.

Eventually I got myself up and went down to the porch at the front of the boat, bending down and scooping up some water to splash over my face and then drying myself off with a towel. I stared into the dark water for a bit, trying to shake off the feelings I’d had.

I knew what was waiting in my cabin for me, and I couldn’t carry them in there and do what I needed to do.

Just staring at the water wasn’t enough and I stripped down naked and jumped in. The cold enveloped me, the murky sound of the water a comfort despite the hum of the houseboat generators softly rumbling nearby, keeping the lights on. I swam all the way over to the other houseboat and back, feeling my limbs ache from the cool water as the tension worked out of them, and by the time I was back and pulling myself up onto the porch deck I felt like the water had washed the Ick of the philosophical questions away from the surface.

They were still there, just not poking out.

I dried myself again and got dressed, taking a deep breath to centre myself before heading inside. The interior of the houseboat was dark, though a light in the living area had me treading down to the kitchen to peek out. JC was on the couch, tucked in with a blanket, doing something on his phone. I had to assume he was in the dog house for the night.

Heading back to our cabin, I opened the door and stepped in.

“Hey, Tiger,” Cassidy purred from the bed.

I looked down at my fiancee and our lover as she and Wanda lay on the bed in lingerie. Wanda had gotten Cassidy to doll herself up, as planned, and they both looked stunning. Cassidy was in a gorgeous red set of lingerie that I’d bought her for an anniversary two years ago, and Wanda was wearing a pretty set of pink that I had a feeling she’d brought for a photoshoot since it had a bit more coverage than I thought she would necessarily wear for fun sexy times.

“Hello, nurse,” I said with a grin. I stepped to the bed and knelt down on the edge, leaning down to kiss my fiancee. Then, with our lips locked, I picked her up in my arms and stood.

“Have fun, you two,” Wanda said from the bed.

“Huh?” Cassidy asked, breaking the kiss and looking to the other woman with a raised eyebrow, then looking at me in confusion.

“I love you, baby,” I said, carrying her back towards the door. “And I’m going to show you how much I still want you.”

Chapter 181

Cassidy clung to me as I carried her out of our room and to the door, out onto the porch. I didn’t even set her down to climb up the stairs like with Wanda last night - after four days of going up and down them, I was sure enough that I could carry my fiancee up there.

We ended up on the top deck and I carried her all the way to the hot tub, setting her inside before reaching over and turning on the interior lights and the jets with the control panel. I hadn’t heated it up - the slightly cool water would be more refreshing after the hot day and the warm night.

“Robbie, are you sure?” Cassidy asked me as I stripped down next to the hot tub. She was still in her lingerie, leaning her chin on her arms on the side as she watched me undress. “You don’t need to if you’re not ready.”

I stopped at my boxers and leaned down, kissing my fiancee sweetly, but didn’t answer her.

Once I was naked I stepped over into the tub and snuggled in beside her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders to pull her tight and she automatically leaned her head against my shoulder.

“Look up,” I prompted her, and we both looked up at the star-filled sky. She sighed, and we sat there for a long moment looking up at the stars. “Cassidy Pines, I love you,” I said finally.

“I love you too,” Cassidy said, reaching over and resting her hand on my chest over my heart as she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

“Come here,” I said, helping her shift to straddle me in the tub. I took her hand and guided it under the water to where I was hard for her. “Feel this? That’s all you. I love you, and I want you, Cassidy. And I’m going to make love to you.”

“You really don’t need to,” she whispered guiltily. “Wanda needs you.”

“Maybe,” I said. “But so do you.”

I kissed her and she melted against me. Her fingers on my cock started slowly stroking me under the water and we made out the way only a couple like us could. We knew everything about each other’s responses. I played with the straps for her lingerie thong, teasing her. She ran her fingers across my chest slowly, letting her nails stroke against my skin. I pulled her closer to me. She sat up straighter, pushing her breasts towards me.

She kissed along my jawline. I kissed down her neck to her shoulder. She slid her hand down my shaft to tease my balls. I palmed her ass and squeezed.

“Really?” she asked me quietly.

“Really,” I confirmed for her. Then I pulled the gusset of her thong aside and slid two fingers along her slit. Having sex in the hot tub probably wasn’t the best idea, and water in general tended to wick away natural lubricants, but this was what was happening. I kissed her softly as I teased her pussy with my fingers, and she gasped softly against my lips.

“I love you so much,” she whispered.

“I love you too,” I whispered back.

We raised her up, partially with my hands on her butt and partially her shifting her knees, and then she was in position.

My cock was at her entrance, nudging her hole.

She took my face in her hands and looked down at me. “You’re really ready?” she asked, tears in her eyes.

“I’ve never stopped wanting you,” I answered her.

She leaned in and kissed me again, then slid her cheek to mine and whispered softly to me. “I’m yours. Forever and ever. You own Wanda, but I’m yours. I’m a part of you, and you’re a part of me. I’m so fucking sorry I hurt you.”

“I know,” I murmured, wrapping my hands around her waist. “I know, Cass.”

“Can I please feel you?” she pleaded.

I put my hands on her waist and pushed her hips down, sliding my cock into her.

She cried, shuddering at the feeling, and clung to me as she buried her face in the crook of my neck and shoulder as she immediately started riding me slowly up and down. I ran my fingers from her hips up to her back as I revelled in the feeling of her.

Cassidy was mine, and I was hers. We were part of each other.

Sex with a woman I’d known most of my life, and been in love with for a decade, wasn’t a new experience. We’d had sex thousands of times. All sorts of sex. All sorts of positions. All sorts of places. We’d experimented.

We were both pretty horny together.

This reunion was something different. She didn’t feel different, but it felt different. She felt comfortable and normal and like home. I couldn’t have described the familiar feeling of her pussy as my cock slid through it, but I just knew it was hers. And I knew every little gasp she made, and every soft whimper. I knew how she would flex her ass at the deepest part of her down stroke while riding me, and how she would hitch her breath if she went just a touch too high and I slipped out of her for a moment.

I ran my hands up her back and she immediately scrambled to get her bra off, wanting to feel my hands. With her breasts revealed I bent my lips to her wonderful, ruddy and hard nipples and she pressed her chest forward for me, rubbing her fingers through my hair as I caught a nipple with my lips and softly began to lick and suck at it.

She sat down hard, driving me deep, and came in a soft shudder. But even while it was still rippling through her, she started riding me again.

“I want more,” she whispered quietly, moaning. “I want so much more of you.”

“You’ll have it,” I promised her. “You’ll have all of it.”

Chapter 182

Cassidy rode me softly, and when her legs started to get tired I stood up, my hands on her ass to support her, and stepped out of the hot tub. I laid her down on the astroturf of the deck, following her down, and swiftly got my cock back into position and slid inside of her again.

“Robbie,” she breathed out.

We made love like that, and for a while my only thoughts were about her. My Cassidy. Our kisses were long and sweet, my strokes matching them as we felt ourselves getting used to each other again. It had only been days, but the reunion was important.

Wanda had been right, I’d been punishing Cassidy. Every whimper and every shudder told me so. Every time she looked into my eyes, hers filled to the brim with love and happy tears, made me hate myself for denying her this feeling.

But there was a little part of me that felt guilty I was giving her what she wanted. Being what she wanted, instead of refusing her.

It was a complicated mess in my chest, but I tried to keep my head clear and just focus on this woman that I loved.

We shifted again, this time into a spooning position on our sides, and then I moved her again onto her stomach and I mounted her from behind, laying down on top of her in that exact prone bone position that she’d shared with the others was her favourite.

“Thank you, Robbie,” Cassidy said quietly as I laid on top of her, letting her feel my weight press down without being too heavy.

I kissed her cheek, and we started the little hip-wiggling dance as I gave her short little thrusts deep inside her, and she worked her hips back and forth and side to side, stirring herself with my cock. She craned her neck around and kissed me, then set her head down and rested her forehead against the astroturf and I followed her down, kissing the back of her neck as I held her hands in mine.

It really hadn’t been that long since I’d come with Ami, and earlier that day I’d been with Leia as well. I wasn’t hard up, or blue balled, despite the amount of teasing that had also happened. And yet, with Cassidy, I was close.

“I’m going to come inside you,” I whispered. “Are you ready?”

She turned her face to the side, looking up at me. “God, yes, Tiger,” she whimpered. “I need to feel it.”

I released, feeling my balls empty into her as pulse after pulse of cum shot through me and the tingles of my orgasm tickled my senses, making me feel like I could feel it behind my eyeballs.

Cassidy groaned happily, her cunt pulsing in time with my own release, her ass clenching under my hips as she came as well. Our fingers squeezed together as we came and when it was over I stayed on top of her as we both breathed heavily to catch our breaths.

“I love that feeling,” Cassidy whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you too,” she replied. Then she shifted and smiled a little. “Can I suck you hard again?”

I kissed her cheek and got off of her, and soon I was on my butt and she was face down in my crotch, uncaring of our mixed fluids and juices as she slurped hard, working to make sure I wasn’t going to go soft. When she was done and looked up at me her lipstick was a mess and I chuckled softly.

“What?” she asked.

“Hold on,” I said and got up and went into the Pilot’s Cabin and pulled some paper towel from under the cabinet. I also pulled out Heather’s bottle of vodka and wet down the paper towel a little bit and brought it back to Cassidy. She stayed still as I softly rubbed around her lip and then up to her cheeks to where her mascara had run a little bit.

“How bad is it?” she asked. “Full clown?”

“Not bad enough that I want to stop,” I told her, then kissed the vodka from her lips.

“Robbie…” Cassidy said. “I- Fuck me? Really fuck me.”

“OK,” I agreed.

She had been sitting on her butt, and now she ripped the thong down her legs and opened them and I got between her thighs, and with a wet squelch I pushed my cock into her.

This time we didn’t make love, because that’s not what we wanted. She needed me to feel a bit like a monster, and I needed to feel like she was mine. Not my girlfriend, or my fiancee, or my wife. It was a primal need. A hard truth.

I fucked her to claim her. I fucked her to make sure she would never forget who I was to her.

“Yes, Tiger,” Cassidy panted and grunted. “Fuck me. Fuck my cunt. Fuck my hole. God, you are mine. You’re mine! I fucking- I love you so fucking much. Harder, Tiger. Make me fucking feel it tomorrow.”

I grabbed the wet, slightly-cummy thong from next to us and bundled it up, and Cassidy immediately opened her mouth and let me shove it in, gagging her. She immediately got louder, babbling incoherently as I fucked her ferociously. Her tits were bouncing in time with every stroke and I grabbed on pushing them hard to her chest and squeezing, and she just gave me a look of need as I squeezed and fucked.

“Open these fucking legs,” I snarled as she squeezed her thighs around me when she started to edge closer to an orgasm, and I slapped the outside of her leg and then the inside when she obeyed and spread her legs further open.

I pummeled her into the astroturf, my mind briefly worrying if her ass was getting some rug burn because we’d moved at least a few feet across the fake grass since we started. She wasn’t stopping me or crying out in pain though, and was just urging me for more with her eyes.

With her mouth full of her thong she couldn’t ask me clearly for anything, giving me free rein to do what I wanted. I slow stroked her, and fast stroked. I thumbed her clit hard and sent her over the edge of an orgasm. I spanked her tits and leaned down and sucked her nipples hard before gripping them firmly again.

And then I made her gasp as I pulled out of her and turned her over onto her stomach again, fully intending to plough her some more this way, but stopping when she scrambled to get situated and then reached back and grabbed her reddened butt cheeks and spread them. Her asshole winked at me as she flexed it, her pink and flushed pussy looking pleasantly used below it.

“You want me in your ass?” I asked her, pressing my thumb to her perfect little asshole and pushing it in to the first knuckle.

She moaned and nodded. Her words were unclear, but the implication was. She wanted me to take it.

“You kept wanting me to fuck girls' asses,” I said. “Cattie, and Maddison. You got what you wanted with Wanda. Did that turn you on?”

“Mmmfmmm!” she nodded enthusiastically.

“Then I’m going to fuck your ass, Cass,” I said. “We don’t have any lube except for our cum leaking out of your pussy though. It’s probably going to hurt even with your App perk.”

“Mmph.” Good.

A part of me wanted to tell her off for that. But she wanted it.

I pressed my cock to her hole, reaching forward and putting a hand on her shoulder to keep her still as I steadied my shaft with the other.

“MMmph, mm-mm,” she said into the thong in her mouth. Begging for it.

Chapter 183

“I love your ass,” I groaned.

I was in. It had taken a bit of grunting and working on both our parts, and a couple of pauses to let her adjust, but I was deep in Cassidy’s ass.

She was still gagged by her thong, but moaning softly every time I moved. She turned her neck to look back at me, pursing her lips, and I carefully took the thong from her mouth.

“I love you, Tiger,” she panted. “Now fuck my fucking asshole until I’m gaping and your cum is running out of me.”

“Sometimes your filthy mouth gets you into trouble,” I warned her.

“Sometimes I want it to,” she shot back.

I fucked Cassidy hard. About a minute in she actually shoved the thong back into her mouth herself just to mute her squeals and moans, worried that she was getting loud enough that someone would come up to find out what the ruckus was. But she never asked me to stop, never asked me to ease up.

Her ass took my cock, and her body rocked with my thrusts like I was hitting a punching bag. She moaned like a whore and came like a slut from an anal orgasm that rolled through her from her toes and up, every part of her clenching in a wave. I didn’t stop for a moment, and she didn’t ask for a reprieve.

She came again after I pulled her hips up to change the angle a bit and so that I could get my hand under her and pinch her labia and clit hood. This time she leaked a bit of girlcum out of her pussy and I could hear it squelching in the fake grass.

I pushed down between her shoulder blades, pressing her chest to the grass roughly, and used my other hand to gather her violet hair in my fist and pull on it. Her head snapped back and her ass mirrored it, but with my hand pushing her shoulders down she couldn’t go any farther. She came a third time like that, her legs flexing and toes digging into the deck as I pounded into her.

And then I pulled out of her as she stayed like that, and I watched her asshole flex and close like it was hesitant to do so, and I spanked both of her reddened cheeks at the same time. She moaned into her gag and then grunted hard as I pushed inside of her ass again. I did that six times, changing the amount of time I was outside of her and the number of times I spanked her, and she took each one with a chesty moan. Every time I pulled out her ass would gape a bit and then slowly close, and her pussy was flushed open and leaking her horniness and my cum from earlier.

On my seventh entrance I could feel myself getting close, so instead of pulling out after several strokes I surprised her by ramping up my speed, laying down on her fully and humping down into her. It was like when we’d been making love, but savage. I slammed my hips down on her ass hard enough to make a clapping sound as I fucked her, and she howled wordless and hoarse into her gag and grabbed my hands with hers and held them tight.

“Mine,” I growled, and unleashed into her ass, my first shots with just the head of my cock inside her anal ring and then pushing as deep as I could for the back half of my orgasm. This time I could feel the pleasure, and the sense of power, in my gritted teeth as I filled another one of my fiancee’s holes.

When I was finished we were panting, and I stayed on top of her for long enough that my cock softened and fell out of her. I finally rolled slightly to the side off of her, still half on top, and reached to her lips and pulled the thong out of her mouth.

“That-” she panted. “Was everything.”

I kissed her, and she kissed me back, and we slowly came down from the savage fucking. I ended up sitting up, and then shifting to a deck chair, and she crawled up with me and sat straddling my waist like we’d started our lovemaking, only this time I was soft and she was completely naked. We rested like that, wordless and looking up at the stars again for a while.

“Cass,” I finally said, each of us holding each other close with our arms hugging each other. “I really do still love you. With my whole heart. And I hate that it would hurt them, but I would stop everything else if you felt like we were done with the sharing thing.”

“I know, and I don’t want to,” she said softly.

“And I do still want to marry you,” I said. “Wanda pointed out that I still call you my fiancee, and that I was clearly still in love with you. I just- I needed to make it official and tell you that. I still plan on marrying you and making you my wife.”

“And I’ll be the best fucking wife I can be,” Cassidy said, raising her face to look at me. Her eyes were shining with brimming tears again as she smiled sadly. “But there’s a ‘But’ coming.”

I nodded. “I love you, and I’m going to marry you, Cassidy. But I’m still really hurt. I feel it deep in my chest like something got torn out. We still need to go to therapy. Both of us, together and apart. I love you, I want you, and I’m done pushing you away when you are making so much effort so fast. But it’s not going to make the hurt, and the anger, and the… I’m not going to just wake up and be OK.”

“I know, baby,” Cassidy said, her tears spilling over. “I know. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Anything you ever need to say to me, to vent, or shout, or anything. Do it. Never be afraid that what you say might hurt me, because even if it does I need to hear what you’re going through. Every day I see you hesitate just a little, I know it’s because of me, and I deserve the guilt that brings.”

“I don’t want you to feel that way,” I sighed.

“I know,” she whispered. “And that’s so much of the reason I love you. You are the love of my life, Robbie Blane. You could die in a freak lightning strike accident tomorrow, and I would never love another. I would never take another lover, man or woman. I would become a crazy, celibate cat lady before I even think about that with anyone else if you aren’t with me.”

I couldn’t help but smile a little at the utterly silly but also completely sincere statement. “That might be a little much, Cass,” I said.

“But it’s the honest-to-God truth,” she said, hugging me tightly. “I swear. You’re the one and only for me. Even with the girls, I’ll only ever play if you’re there. You are more important to me than anything, Robbie. I’ll die before I betray you again.”

“Oh, Cassidy,” I sighed, resting my chin on her shoulder as we hugged tightly again. It was crazy, but I believed her. I just needed my heart and my psyche to understand it.

Chapter 184

We cleaned up what we could in the dark, mostly just our clothes, and headed down the stairs from the top deck in the nude. There didn’t seem to be a point to getting dressed so we didn’t, especially considering we would be stripping down to get into bed. I made sure we took the front stairs and not the back ones by the living room so that we wouldn’t be sneaking by JC on the couch.

Everything was quiet inside, and I softly shut the sliding door behind us and followed Cassidy past Terra and Cattie’s rooms before we got to ours. She quietly opened the door and we shut it behind us. The reading lamp next to the bed was on, but Wanda was zonked out and asleep under the covers.

“You should spoon her,” Cassidy whispered to me.

“Tonight is about you, and you need your post-fuck cuddles,” I said.

That made her smile, but she shook her head. “Wanda needs you more.”

I pulled her close, hugging her naked body to mine. “Stop putting other people before you,” I whispered to her.

“Pot, meet kettle,” Cassidy whispered back.

“How about you two just get into bed and we both snuggle him?” Wanda murmured from the bed.

Now that she was up and the question was moot, we quickly got under the covers. Wanda was naked and soon I had both of them plastered to my sides and under the covers.

“How was it?” Wanda asked Cassidy. I could feel her take Cassidy’s hand and hold it on my chest.

“I can’t believe you snaked me like that,” Cassidy laughed softly. “I had no idea. It was so good, though. I’ve got half a load of his in my pussy still, another one in my ass.”

“Dirty slut,” Wanda giggled.

“For him, and him alone,” Cassidy smiled. “Though I bet your ass is still feeling it from last night.”

“Maybe,” Wanda blushed.

“And if I told you to let him fuck it right now?” Cassidy asked.

Wanda answered to me instead of Cassidy. “I’d let you,” she said simply and gave me a peck of a kiss. “Today was perfect, by the way. You touching me when you wanted, playing with me like it didn’t matter what I wanted even though we both knew I wanted it the whole time.”

“Want him to keep going?” Cassidy asked. “I think it would be so hot if next time he just pulls his cock out and makes you sit on it.”

Wanda shivered a little as she bit her lip. “Fuck, I don’t know,” she said. “I- I want that, but also…”

“Can I be honest?” I asked.

“Of course,” Wanda said.

“Anything, Tiger,” Cassidy agreed.

“Wanda, I- I don’t want to stop doing anything with you, but I also don’t know if it’s a good idea if we keep having sex while you’re trying to figure out your marriage situation. If you want, I’ll keep being touchy and own you like you want, but if we’re going to have sex you need to explicitly ask for it and let me know that it’s what you want for you. I can’t make that decision for you while you’re questioning things.”

Wanda buried her face in my chest and nodded. “You’re right,” she said softly. “I just… I don’t know how I can make any decisions without actually talking to him face to face.”

“Then don’t,” Cassidy said. “Don’t make any decisions. Robbie is right, as usual. Decide what your line is, and we’ll follow it.”

Wanda took a long breath in the dark.

“I can’t give this up,” she said, hugging me and squeezing Cassidy’s hand tighter. “It might be the only thing holding me together right now. And today felt so fucking good… I’ll think about more sex. I definitely am going to at least blow you again before the end of this trip, but anything else I’ll seriously think about. I-” she stopped and swallowed.

“It’s OK,” I said softly, rubbing her bare back.

“I love you both,” she said quietly. “I feel like I’ve been close to you for forever, and not just these past few days.”

“Hey,” Cassidy said with a little grin. “It’s been four days. That’s more than a few.”

“Four, then,” Wanda chuckled softly, some of the tension broken. “God, four days.”

“We love you too, by the way,” I said.

“Yes we do,” Cassidy nodded.

“Thanks,” Wanda sighed softly.

“Want to suck his cock now?” Cassidy offered. “I bet he could get it up again.”

“Leave my penis alone,” I groaned softly. “There will be time tomorrow.”

That made them both start giggling softly.

- - - - -

I woke with a start, my eyes blasted in the dark as my vision swam and I tried to catch my breath but felt like I couldn’t. I was panting and I felt like my chest was open and my head was broken. My whole body felt like it was vibrating with panic.

“Robbie?” Cassidy asked.

“What’s going on?” Wanda asked.

Both of them were still beside me, blinking awake in confusion.

I couldn’t breathe. Everything was wrong. Or something was wrong. I was wrong.

“Can’t-” I clutched at my chest, and then down my arms because that felt weird.

“Robbie. Robbie!” Wanda said. Then to Cassidy. “I think he’s having a panic attack.”

“Fuck, Robbie,” Cassidy said, rubbing my back but it felt like it was a mile away.

“Does he have panic attacks?” Wanda asked.

“No,” Cassidy shook her head. “Well, not- he had one that first day, I think. The day we were first here, and I told him about my cheating.”

“Water,” I croaked, and I stumbled out from under the covers and towards the bathroom.

“What do we do?” Cassidy asked.

“Robbie, you need to breathe,” Wanda said, getting out of bed with me and following me to the washroom.

I was at the sink and trying to drink from it, still finding it hard to catch my breath. I ended up just splashing water all over my face as I tried to focus.

“Breathe, Robbie,” Wanda said. “Breathe.”

Cassidy followed us into the washroom as well and sat on the toilet next to us, taking my hand. “It’s OK, Robbie. We’re here. We’re here.”

I managed to swallow some water, and that seemed to help my chest a little. I sucked in bellows of air now, my vision still swimming a little as I remembered what I’d been dreaming.

That cop. I’d been having sex with that cop. I’d been making her have sex.

“Move,” I croaked, pawing at Cassidy, and she got out of the way just in time for me to slam up the toilet seat and puke into the bowl.

“Is everything OK in here?” Cattie asked from the door. She heard us in the washroom and came into the room a bit more, looking in and seeing all three of us naked, and me on my knees at the toilet. “What’s wrong?”

“He’s having a panic attack,” Cassidy said, rubbing my back. “Like- like a few days ago.”

“Oh, Robbie,” Cattie said, squeezing into the little space with us and putting her hand on my back as well. Wanda was still holding one of my hands, but she put a little cup of water in it for me.

I didn’t know what to say. In between sips of water, half of which I spit out after rinsing my mouth, I was still panting. Still finding my breath.

Still trying to forget a dream where I was doing what I feared I had already done.

“Shhhh,” Cattie hushed softly, trying to soothe me.

“It’s OK, Robbie,” Cassidy said softly. “Everything is OK.”

Wanda took the cup and refilled it, handing it back to me.

I didn’t know what to say.

Chapter 185

“I just don’t know what to do.”

I woke up to the soft whispers, having a hard time parsing where I was or what was going on for a moment.

“There’s nothing you can do, Cass,” Wanda whispered. “You said it wasn’t as bad as last time, right?”

There wasn’t a verbal response. It was still almost pitch dark in the room, the only light a couple of pinpoint spots from the corner of the washroom door. I was alone in bed, and felt strange that I found it uncomfortable after spending only a few nights with both Cassidy and Wanda in it with me.

“Well, he needs time to process,” Wanda whispered. “Just like I do. He knows you love him, and you’re trying your hardest. Cass, I get why you did it this way, and I- I can’t complain about what I’ve gotten out of it. But the amount of pressure you put on him…”

“I know,” Cassidy said. “I know. Fuck, I’m so fucking-”

“Stop, babe. Stop,” Wanda whispered, interrupting Cassidy. “It is what it is. I hate that saying, but it fits. You can’t change it now. You know he wouldn’t want to hear you putting yourself down like that.”

Wanda was right, hearing Cassidy verbalizing her guilt didn’t give me any sort of positive feeling like she was getting her comeuppance or something. It just made me hurt for her.

There were some soft sobs for a bit, muffled, and I assumed Wanda was hugging Cassidy. I wanted to get up and go in there, to take my fiancee in my arms and tell her it was all alright.

But I couldn’t, because it obviously wasn’t. My panic attack in the middle of the night said so.

“It’s all my fault,” Cassidy sobbed quietly. I knew she was probably being both general about it as well as more specific - Wanda and Cattie didn’t know about what had really triggered my nightmare and attack. Cassidy likely did.

“Shhhh,” Wanda hushed her softly without trying to correct her. There wasn’t any correcting to be done.

Eventually the washroom light went off and the door cracked open, the soft red light of the night light the only thing lighting up the cabin as they both slipped back into the main room. Wanda got onto the bed first, assuming her spot back on my left side, and Cassidy followed on the right.

“Come here, baby,” I said quietly, sweeping the covers back and pulling her towards me. Cassidy broke down again when she realized I must have heard at least some of their conversation, but she let me pull her close and she buried her face into my shoulder as she pulled her knees up to her chest and cried quietly. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled the covers back over us.

“She’s freaking out a bit,” Wanda said softly, slipping under the covers on my other side after taking off the T-shirt she must have put on for the conversation. Cassidy had been naked, and I suspected Wanda had woken up and heard her in the washroom and went to her. With the shirt gone, Wanda was naked as well and she snuggled up to me on her side, reaching over my chest to soothingly run her fingers through Cassidy’s hair. “She needs you so much, Robbie.”

“And I need her,” I said, hugging Cassidy tightly while I pulled Wanda closer with my other arm.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Robbie,” Cassidy whimpered. “For everything. For yesterday. I’m so fucking sorry you had to go through that last night.”

“Shhh,” I shushed her. It felt awful knowing that our physical reconnection last night under the stars, that passionate sex we’d had, was completely out of her mind and replaced by my panic attack. I almost felt guilty about it, though I knew I couldn’t help it.

Cassidy’s tears slowly dwindled to sniffles, and finally to quiet breathing as the three of us lay in the dark, holding each other and feeling our breathing sync up. And then, once everything felt at peace, I felt a wet tear on my opposite shoulder.

“I’m OK,” Wanda said quietly.

“No, you’re not,” I said, rubbing her bare back.

“OK, I’m not,” Wanda sighed and shifted, resting her face more fully on my chest as she took her turn letting out all the bubbling, confusing emotions that she was feeling as well. I held her, and it was Cassidy’s turn to comfort her as she reached over and took Wanda’s hand, holding it tight.

“We love you, Wanda,” Cassidy whispered in the dark.

“We do,” I agreed, and bent my head down to kiss the top of her head. “We love you to bits.”

“Thank you,” Wanda whispered hoarsely.

She took a dozen deep breaths, getting herself back in order just in time for our quiet, emotional morning to get interrupted by the alarm of Cassidy’s phone going off.

“Uuunngh,” Cassidy groaned and hit her forehead on my shoulder a couple of times. “I forgot I promised Terra I’d help her this morning.”

“I guess we should all get up,” I sighed even though none of us had moved.

“No, no,” Cassidy said. “I’m- I’m OK now. Or for now, at least. And I don’t want to flake on Terra, she needs someone. You two stay here.”

“Are you sure?” Wanda asked.

“Yes, absolutely,” Cassidy said, leaning over me and kissing Wanda on the forehead. “Just… be with each other, OK? Hold each other, and love on each other. Sleep in and snuggle. You both need it.”

“Thank you,” Wanda said softly. “But you do too.”

“I’ve had him for years,” Cassidy said with a sad smile. “I need him forever, but you need him a little more right now.”

“Tell Terra I’m thinking of her,” I said. My conversation with her last night had been rough on her end as she grappled with how she felt about JC.

We’re thinking about her,” Wanda corrected. “And if she needs anything, we’ll be there.”

Cassidy slipped out from the covers and kissed me on the lips, then found Wanda in the dark and kissed her quickly too. “I will,” she promised. “Love you.”

“Love you,” Wanda and I replied together.

Chapter 186

Cassidy got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt since she wasn’t going to be on camera with Terra, just using the light from the bathroom with the door mostly closed to try and give me and Wanda a way to stay sleepy. She didn’t even bother with makeup. When she was done she came over to Wanda’s side of the bed.

“Can you do something for me?” she asked Wanda.

“Of course,” Wanda said, turning over onto her other side to face Cassidy.

“That’s actually exactly what I wanted,” Cassidy said, then reached over and pulled on my opposite arm so I would get on my side behind Wanda, and that led to me spooning her as Cassidy pulled my arm down to hug the other woman. “There. Just because it’s a good idea that we stop the sex doesn’t mean you can’t feel him holding you properly.”

Wanda gave one little chuckle and shook her head, but didn’t move away and instead wiggled her hips back at me a little so that her ass was firmly pressed against my crotch. “Fine,” she said. “I can feel his cock pressing against my buttcheeks. Happy?”

“Only if you and he are,” Cassidy said, stroking my face with her thumb as she smiled at me.

She left us like that, turning off the washroom light as I held Wanda. We were quiet, me hugging her and her hugging my arms to her chest like she wanted to make sure I wouldn’t let go. I ended up leaning my head down and kissing her bare shoulder.

“I’m not going anywhere, Wanda,” I whispered.

“Thank you,” she whispered back.

There was some sound of movement outside in the hallway for a bit, and then the engine of the houseboat thrummed to life and it started moving. Cassidy must have told JC that I was sleeping in, and considering he’d slept out on the couch it was unlikely he would have been able to stay asleep once people were moving around.

“I’m not sure what to do,” Wanda eventually said.

“About Brodi?” I guessed.

She nodded. “I feel like I should feel guilty. About everything. But I don’t. I feel… I just feel hurt.”

I kissed her shoulder again and squeezed her tightly.

The boat stopped moving and there was more sound in the hallway and then outside and above us, and when the din died down I assumed that at least most of the girls were now out trying to get set up for their photoshoots before the sun started peeking at the horizon and golden hour cut in.

“You don’t need to feel bad,” Wanda said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“It’s obvious, Robbie. You feel like you should be out there helping someone. You’re a chronic helper,” Wanda said. “But you’re helping me, right here. So don’t feel bad.”

I kissed her shoulder a third time, then pushed things a little and kissed the crook of her neck as well. “I promise I’ll never feel bad about spending time with you. Especially like this.”

She sighed and traced her fingers through the hair on my arms, but whatever she was thinking was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” I called, turning onto my back as I did it.

“It’s me,” Becca said, opening the door and slipping inside. There was a hint of light coming in from the porthole window now and I saw that she was dressed in a loose sweatshirt and a pair of her cotton shorts. “Cassidy told me about last night, and I decided I wanted to be here more than I wanted to help Ginnie and Sherry again. Um, do you…?”

“It’s OK,” Wanda said, turning over and waving Becca towards the bed. “Come on in and help me snuggle him to death. There’s just one rule.”

“What’s that?” Becca asked as she shifted down the side of the bed, getting ready to climb on.

“You gotta be naked under these sheets,” Wanda said.

Becca blushed and smiled, but she quickly pulled off her sweatshirt to reveal she hadn’t been wearing a bra, then her cotton shorts and panties followed and her pale, naked body slipped under the covers and pressed against mine as I wrapped my arm around her. She leaned up and gave me a kiss on the lips, not the long good morning kiss I wanted but still sweet and warm, and I knew she was feeling out how she felt about kissing me in front of Wanda.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I said quietly.

“Morning,” she said with a smile, then shifted to rest her head on my shoulder. Then she laughed softly. “Well, this isn’t the first time we’ve shared a bed, Wanda, but it’s definitely the first time naked or with a guy.”

Wanda smirked and chuckled. “Don’t you remember OmegaCon, four years ago?”

“Oh, shit, I forgot,” Becca laughed, then looked up at me. “OK, first time sharing a bed with a guy.”

I raised an eyebrow at the two of them.

“We got super trashed and were sharing a room with two other girls,” Wanda explained. "We got in at like four in the morning and found out the other girls had turned off the AC and the room was so hot. Being as tipsy as we were, we just stripped down and got into bed.”

“This is much nicer,” Becca said with a smile.

“Agreed,” Wanda nodded.

The three of us lay there, sharing warmth for a bit, until Becca broke the pregnant silence. “So, are you OK?”

“Me, or her?” I asked.

“Both, I guess,” Becca sighed.

“I’m not,” Wanda said. “There’s… a lot going on.”

“I know you’ve been talking with Cassidy, but do you want to talk to us?” Becca offered.

“Always, hon,” Wanda said, sliding a hand across my chest until her fingers found Becca’s. “You know most of it already, though.”

“What don’t I know since yesterday?” Becca asked.

“That I feel worse about not caring if my marriage is broken than I do that it is,” Wanda said. “And it’s mostly this big lug’s fault.”

“I’m sorry,” I said with a small frown.

“Don’t be, Tiger,” Wanda said.

“You said it, didn’t you?” Becca asked.

“What’s that?” Wanda asked.

“That you're falling in love with him,” Becca said. “And that was the line where things weren’t supposed to go between you and Brodi.”

“How did you know?” Wanda asked.

“Because I'm falling in love with him, too,” Becca said.

Chapter 187

“Oh, God, the two of us,” Wanda sighed in frustration. “Of course we both fall for the same guy.”

“Who is already engaged to someone else,” Becca pointed out.

“You love me?” I asked, still stuck on that first admission.

Wanda dropped her jaw as her brow furrowed, and she reached across my chest and gave Becca a little shove. “Please do not tell me that’s the first time you’ve said that out loud.”

“Well, I-I-” Becca stammered.

“God, sometimes you can be a silly bitch,” Wanda said. “Becca, tell him properly or I’ll kick that skinny ass of yours out of this bed.”

“Skinny compared to you,” Becca grumbled, then she sat up and leaned over me, her bare breasts softly pushing against my chest. “I am, Robbie. I'm falling in love with you too.” And then she kissed me with a sweet, earnest press of her lips to mine. It was the kiss of innocent love, with passion but little lust despite our current state of undress. It was pure.

“Well shit,” Wanda sighed as our kiss ended. She was smiling sadly. “It’s true.”

“Three women in love with you,” Becca said. “What the hell are you going to do?”

I let out my breath through my nose and let my head fall back heavily into the pillows.

“Oh, God,” Wanda said. “It’s not just three.”

“Ami,” I said.

“Oh, that’s so good for her,” Becca said, then turned from looking up at me to Wanda. “He’s good for her.”

“He is,” Wanda agreed, but then shifted up higher so that her head was in line with mine. “But that’s not all. Who else, Robbie? More than half the women on the trip like you, but who else is falling for you?”

I grunted softly and closed my eyes, not daring to think it as if they could read my mind.

“He doesn’t want to say it until it’s real,” Becca said. “Doesn’t want to betray anyone.”

“Then I won’t guess,” Wanda said before kissing my cheek. “God, we’re a real mess, aren’t we?”

“So what are we supposed to do now?” Becca asked. “Or, I guess, what are you going to do now? Because I can figure things out with Cassidy and Robbie, but you…”

“But me,” Wanda nodded, letting out a sigh. “For now, I can’t show him how I love him the way I want to. We can’t… It’s not right for us to have any more sex. But you can.”

“That’s not why I came,” Becca said.

“You came over here to check on the man you’re falling in love with after hearing that he had a legitimate panic attack,” Wanda said. “He’s fine, and he’s got two naked women in his bed. So fuck him already.”

“I- Our next time together was supposed to be with Cassidy,” Becca said.

Wanda let out a little laugh and flopped away onto her back, shaking her head. “We really are a big mess.” Then she leaned back up onto her side to look at us both again. “Fine. No sex. I can’t, you want to wait for Cass. We can still make him feel good.”

Then Wanda took Becca’s hand and dragged it beneath the covers, and soon Becca’s fingers were wrapped around my half-hard cock and squeezing delicately.

“We said no sex, and you were right,” Wanda crooned softly into my ear. “But I still want to kiss you, and there’s no way I’m stopping that, and Becca is going to stroke that gorgeous cock of yours, Tiger. And she can have some kisses too.”

“Gee, thanks,” Becca chuckled as she started to slowly stroke my cock under the covers.

“I guess I don’t get a say in this?” I asked.

“Do you want me to stop?” Becca asked.

“No,” I shook my head. The feeling of her fingers on me sent tingles up my spine.

Wanda kissed my cheek, then the corner of my mouth, and then turned my face slightly to her and kissed me on the mouth, feeding me a little bit of her tongue. “Do you want me to stop, sir?” she asked.

“No,” I whispered.

She kissed me again, and Becca started kissing my shoulder and chest as she slowly stroked me to full hardness.

It was a slow thing, a simmering encounter because none of us were in a rush. When Wanda wasn’t kissing me she was whispering sweet little things in my ear - nothing as filthy as Cassidy could come up with, but still hot. Teasing me about having women falling for me. Whispering about how much she wanted my cock. Telling me how much she and Becca wanted me. How much Cassidy wanted me.

Becca went under the covers fully, taking me in her mouth for a long, full suck of my shaft before coming back up, leaving behind her spit as some extra lube before kissing her way up my neck to my lips. Then Wanda took back over kissing me, and Becca hummed happily in my ear. “You've changed my life, Robbie,” she whispered. “I really am falling for you.”

“Fuck,” I grunted.

“Are you close, loverboy?” Wanda asked me, kissing my lips in hungry little pecks. “We want you to come, Tiger. Let Becca’s little hand milk that delicious orgasm right out of you.”

“Becca,” I panted. “Oh, fuck. Wanda. God.”

“Not God, just us,” Wanda said playfully.

“I love you both,” I said.

Both Wanda and Becca went to one of my ears, and in an unplanned synchronicity they both said, “I love you, too.”

I closed my eyes, squeezing them shut. It was too much. For a second I thought I might be having another panic attack, but I realised the pressure building was coming from my nuts and gut and I groaned.

Wanda threw back the covers off of us and teased her tongue along my ear. Becca sped up her jerking of my cock and softly kissed at the corner of my jaw.

“I want your cum,” Wanda whispered to me. “I want to lick it off of Becca’s wrist. Can I do that? Is that against the rules?”

I came, two thick ropes jetting straight up into the air and back down onto Becca’s hand and wrist, and then another few oozing releases poured out over my cock head.

“Fuck,” I panted. “God, Wanda. Becca. I- I can’t get enough of either of you.”

“We can’t get enough of you,” Wanda promised me.

Becca just smiled and kissed me again.

Chapter 188

"Well, I wasn't sure what to expect but this is definitely a happy surprise," Cassidy said as she came into the room.

Wanda and Becca had both jumped a little at the sudden opening of the door. To be fair, so did I. But as soon as they realised it was Cass, Becca went back to cleaning off my cock with her mouth while Wanda went back to lewdly licking my cum from between Becca's fingers and laughed naughtily.

Cassidy closed the door behind her and quickly pulled off her shirt, getting up on the bed in just her shorts as she ran a hand up Becca’s bare back and bent down to give my cock a long lick herself. Then she cocked her head to the side with a confused frown. “I don’t taste pussy,” she said.

“I was being good,” Wanda said. “And Becca said she was waiting for you guys to have your threesome.”

“We just did a lot of kissing and hand stuff,” Becca said. “After a really good cuddle.”

Cassidy chuckled and shook her head. “You didn’t need to wait for me,” she said to Becca. “I mean, I appreciate it, but if Robbie is willing you can hook up with him whenever you want.”

“Well, something else did happen,” Wanda said.

Becca let out a little grunt and sigh as she closed her eyes and sat back on her butt.

“What else?” Cassidy asked. “Because I don’t think anyone else stayed in the boats except you three, so it couldn’t have been more drama.”

“I… told him I’m falling for him,” Becca admitted.

Cassidy’s eyes lit up and her jaw dropped in a big smile, and then she was hugging Becca hard. “I thought it would take you way longer to get there,” she said. “ To say it, at least. Not to feel it. I’m so happy you aren’t being stubborn about it.”

“Thanks?” Becca said, a little confused.

“Becca still isn’t sure how she feels about how she feels,” I said, finally getting in on the conversation. “Which is totally understandable.”

“Oh, obviously,” Cassidy said, pulling from the hug that had been pressing their breasts together. “This whole thing is wildly inappropriate and possibly a giant mess, but it’s our wildly inappropriate mess and I’m just happy that it’s you girls in it with us.” She took Wanda and Becca’s hands, smiling as she looked between the two blondes.

Becca sighed and shook her head, her confusion still held in the quirk of her smile. “I don’t even know where to start,” she said.

“Take your time,” Cassidy assured her. “Think it over. Let it percolate. We aren’t in any sort of rush.” Then she turned to Wanda. “And don’t feel like you need to make any drastic decisions either, babe.”

Wanda just smiled and squeezed Cassidy’s hand, and then looked to me. The smile didn’t change, but with her full attention on me for a moment I thought I saw a spark of sadness and I knew that even though what we had in that room on the boat felt good, it was a spectre over her life away from the trip.

“I think I need to get a… God, this is silly, but do you guys know that show Ted Lasso? I need a Diamond Dogs moment but with ladies,” Wanda said. “No offence, Robbie, but I don’t think including you in the conversation I need to have would be fair.”

I wrapped my arms around Wanda and pulled her into a hug. “No need to apologise,” I said and kissed her on the cheek.

“Thanks,” Wanda smiled softly.

“OK, well, I fucking love the Diamond Dogs idea,” Cassidy said. “And Ted Lasso is amazing. Who do you want? Me, Becca, Heels since she’s your friend? And Terra and Cattie?”

“I-” Wanda hesitated. “Heels and Terra, yeah. But I know you and Cattie are super close, but right now I feel like she’s way deep in her own problems that are different than what we’re going through.”

Cassidy frowned. “I don’t know about that. I think she’s in pretty much a similar spot.”

“Yeah, but she’s…” Wanda took in a breath and held it for a moment, trying to find the right words.

“She’s ignoring the red flags,” Becca filled in. “Terra and Wanda are both taking a hard look at their relationship issues. Robbie is doing the same, and Cass, you’re doing it from the other end and trying really hard to be as repentant as possible. But Cattie feels like she’s in denial right now.”

Cassidy frowned, her brow creased as she listened to Becca, while Wanda nodded along to the blunt explanation. I couldn’t really fault the assessment, especially from what Becca and Wanda knew. The thing was, I had a feeling Cattie was a lot closer to the area the rest of us were in than they thought.

But that was Cattie’s decision to make, not mine.

“OK,” Cassidy said. “So no Cattie. Anyone else from the other boat?”

“I mean, maybe but I feel like it’s already a big group,” Wanda said.

“OK, To-Be-Renamed Diamond Dogs will commence after breakfast,” Becca said. “You can wait that long at least, right?”

“Yeah, I can,” Wanda nodded.

“OK,” Cassidy said. “Um, with that plan in place, if we’re not about to have a four-way, would you girls mind if I talk to Robbie a bit? I need to… I just need to talk.”

“Of course, Cass,” Wanda said, leaning over and rubbing Cassidy’s back for a moment before scooting to the edge of the bed and standing up. “Let’s just try to find our clothes first.”

Wanda ended up wearing another of my T-shirts out of the cabin, and just one of my T-shirts. Becca had actually had a reasonably complete outfit on when she came in and quickly got re-dressed. I got up from the bed and pulled them both into their own hugs, kissing the tops of their heads before they went on their way across the hall to Wanda’s room.

When I shut the door and turned, Cassidy was fully naked and slipping under the covers, patting the bed next to her.

“Please?” she asked me.

“Of course,” I said. “You don’t need to ask.”

“I feel like I do,” Cassidy said quietly. “Robbie, I’m… God, I’m so fucking awful.”

“Oh, Cassidy,” I sighed as I got under the covers and pulled her to me. I hugged her tight as she started to cry, muffling her sobs into my chest.

“I’m so sorry,” Cassidy said quietly.

“I know, baby,” I said, rubbing her back. “I know.”

Chapter 189

I held Cassidy for a little bit longer until she felt ready to talk. During the quiet process I found myself battling my own little internal demons - I knew why she was feeling this way, and I knew why she needed comforting. I could even see the strings leading back to her depressive states. Intellectually, I understood it. But that petty little part of me that I hadn’t ever really had before the ride to Lake Powell was still there, still angry and frustrated.

Cassidy caused this. Why should she be the one getting consoled?

I squashed that feeling as hard as I could and felt gross at myself for even feeling it, but there wasn’t any getting rid of the residue and it made loving Cassidy feel just a little bit more like work instead of the natural flow that I’d always found it before that week. And that made me sad.

“I don’t know what to do,” she whimpered quietly. It was a heartbreaking tone of voice.

“About what?” I asked.

“I don’t even know anymore,” she said. “Everything before. How I keep messing up now, using the App. I just… I keep telling myself the thing I’m doing is for you, or that one time for Wanda, and I just barge ahead and do it without telling you.”

I wanted to tell her that she could just stop using it, but that wouldn’t have been helpful. She tried that and it brought us to where we were. Not to mention the serious questions I had about the App’s power and possible intelligence, or potential displeasure at being ignored. Instead I decided to distract her for at least a moment so we could reset the conversation and the feelings baked into it.

“Tell me about Terra,” I said. “How is she this morning?”

Cassidy sighed softly and rested her forehead on my shoulder. She knew exactly what I was doing, but after a moment she allowed it to happen. “She’s still pretty mad at JC,” she said. “I think the more she thinks about it, the more she’s seeing orange flags in their relationship. Not red ones, but more than enough there to be warning signs.”

“What’s he been doing?” I asked.

“He’s just sort of a manchild,” Cassidy said. “Endearing, and happy, and energetic. That’s what Terra likes about him. But also just… he hasn’t grown out of being a college frat boy. Not that he was one, but it’s just the state he’s in. She has to remind him to do basic chores, and does his taxes for him, and reminds him when he has trips booked for work. His whole life at home is his rec leagues, working out, playing video games and watching sports if he isn’t working. And she’s realizing she wants more than that out of him.”

“Mmm,” I hummed, nodding softly. All of that was pretty understandable from what I’d learned about JC and Terra. “So where does that leave her now?”

“She isn’t sure. I have a feeling this Diamond Dogs meeting isn’t going to end up being just about Wanda.”

I had to smirk a little. “Please tell me you’ll find a different name for it.”

“Oh, I already did,” Cassidy said. “Well, it fits most of us anyways.”

“What is it?”

“Robbie’s Girls,” Cassidy said.

I sighed. “Cass.”

“I know, I know, I’m just joking,” Cassidy said. “Mostly. And I won’t suggest it because that wouldn’t be fair to Terra or Heels.”

“Or Wanda,” I said. “She’s still married, Cass. The ‘owning’ game with her is hot and fun, but it needs to stop for now.”

“I know,” Cassidy said. “And she does, too”

“And I don’t want us to be a rebound thing for her either,” I said. “I- That wouldn’t be good for anyone.”

“Oh, Tiger,” Cassidy said, running her hand across my chest. “You aren’t a rebound for her.”

“We,” I corrected her.

“You,” Cassidy said, then took out her phone and opened it. It looked like she opened Instagram, but I knew she must have been looking at the App. “76 Affection, 49 Love, 32 Lust,” she read off. “Wanda loves you, Tiger. I’m a great friend to her, and she likes playing with me sexually because you’re there too. But her feelings are for you.”

I had to take a moment and breathe deeply. “Are you sure this is OK?”

“More than OK,” Cassidy said and shifted under the covers so that she was laying on top of me and snuggling her face into the pillow at the crook of my neck, whispering quietly. “You deserve Wanda and Becca loving you. And Ami. And I know you don’t want to say it, but I will. You deserve Leia and Cattie and Terra, too. And they deserve you.”

“Cass,” I said softly.

“Shhhh,” she shushed me. “I won’t say it again, Tiger. I just- I want you to stop second-guessing yourself. I’m the problem, not you.”

“Radical honesty,” I said.

“Anything,” she promised.

“Other than the Wanda one, have you bought any perks for any of the girls on this trip?”

Cassidy shook her head. “Just Wanda.”

“What about JC?” I asked.

“No, baby,” she said, her voice cracking at the accusation baked into the question. “I’m not sabotaging him.”

“Do I know about all of the perks you’ve ever bought me?” I asked.

She hesitated, then rolled to my side and brought up her phone again. “The second one I ever got you was the No Sickness one. The first one was back in high school and it’s called ‘Perfect Vision.’ It just makes it so your eyes never degrade, or feel itchy or scratchy. I got it for you when you were having that problem with the chlorine in the different pools at swimming competitions - and I promise it didn’t change anything else about your swimming, it just made it so you wouldn’t get red and grainy eyes.”

I exhaled through my nose and nodded. “OK, that’s not a big deal I guess. And nice to know I won’t ever need glasses.”

“That was one of the first perks I ever got. After that, I never really used it on you until before this week, and you know all of the traits I got you,” she said.

“OK,” I said.

“That’s really it, Robbie,” Cassidy said, not as an accusation but as a plea, searching my face and hoping I believed her.

“I trust you,” I said, kissing her cheek.

“Thank you,” she whispered. We sat holding each other for a little bit longer, and then her chest heaved slightly as she snorted softly.

“What?” I asked.

“We could call the group the ‘Pussy Pack,’” she said, and I could hear the grin on her lips.

“Oh, God,” I groaned, which made her laugh more.

Chapter 190

Cassidy asked me to dress her for the day again, and I ended up choosing some denim shorts and a cute, off-the-shoulder crop top for her. A thong went with the outfit but no bra - the crop wasn’t particularly high so she wasn’t really risking flashing anyone unless she intended to do it, and I wanted to tease her a bit later on. She also asked if I wanted to dress Wanda again, and I declined - Cassidy nodded and said she understood, then went to find Wanda so they could start putting together the ‘Pussy Pack’ for after breakfast.

I followed her out, needing to stretch my legs after spending the early morning in bed for so long, but I didn’t get very far as I found Becca in the kitchen of our houseboat working on breakfast.

“Hey,” I said with a smile, glancing over into the living area as I approached her. There wasn’t anyone there so I slid in behind her and wrapped my arms down around her stomach and pulled her into a hug as she looked back over her shoulder and let me kiss her.

“Hi,” she smiled warmly, backing her butt up to brush against me. “Want to help?”

“Of course,” I said, and she quickly set me to work frying up eggs over easy while she was frying bacon and breakfast sausages. Apparently Zenya and Leia were doing hashbrowns over on the Singles Boat, which made my mouth water a little.

Again I found that working with Becca in the kitchen felt way too natural - we just moved around and worked at the same pace. We cleaned up behind ourselves as we worked, and wanted to do good work without lacking in efficiency.

This time though, with everything that had been going on between us, the vibe was just a little different. We touched a lot more, just little ones on the shoulder or arm or waist, but also more intimately when there was a moment. She grabbed my butt and gave me a little spank. I hugged her from behind again, but this time cupped her breasts through her sweater. She took my hand and raised it to her lips, kissing it softly as she smiled and looked into my eyes.

“You know, I really like this,” she said.

“I really like this, too,” I told her.

“Do you think it’s as weird as I do though?” she asked.

“You mean how easy it is?”

She nodded. “I feel like- Well, I don’t know how I feel, really. It’s like I’ve known you for forever, and just know how you’re going to react to things.”

“Same,” I said with a small chuckle. “Exactly, honestly. I felt it that first night when I was helping clean up.”

“When I asked if you were interested and open to fucking,” Becca smirked.

“I think you were blunt, but not that blunt,” I said. “But it was exactly what I needed to hear from you to know I wasn’t going crazy at how much chemistry there was.”

“I was feeling the same way,” Becca said. “From the moment you offered to start helping with luggage, I just had this… you’re a good person, Robbie.”

I smiled and I put my hands on her waist, lifting her up and sitting her on the counter next to the stove. She bit her lower lip and looked at me with such a warmth of appreciation that I almost didn’t want to break the moment. “Becca, I think you are stupendous. You constantly impress me. I hope I can keep being the good person you see me as.”

“I don’t think you could stop even if you wanted to,” she said as she took me by the collar of my T-shirt and pulled me into a kiss. I was still holding her waist and she kept my lips pinned to hers with her grip on my shirt, but her other hand slid down between us and felt at the front of my shorts.

The shocked scoff behind us was the thing that broke our moment. Our kiss ended as we both turned to look, and Heather was standing at the entrance from the hallway back to the cabins. She was dressed in a slightly larger-than-normal bikini top (which was to say, not a string bikini but still showing a significant amount of her bulbous cleavage) and yoga pants that hugged her hips and thighs. Her hair was pulled back into a tiny ponytail and she looked like she might have just had a shower.

“Heather-” Becca said.

“God, I should have known,” Heather said, her shock turning into a barely contained sneer. Her judgemental gaze was fixed on me, not on Becca, but I could feel Becca tensing in my hands as if she were the one that was the focus.

Heather didn’t stick around for any more conversation. She about-faced and headed right back down towards the cabins, her yoga pants-covered ass shifting agitatedly as she strutted away.

“Shit,” Becca sighed.

I exhaled and turned back to her, leaving one hand on her waist but dropping the other so she didn’t feel trapped. “Becca…”

“No,” Becca shook her head. “You know what? Fuck her.” She stopped watching the hallway and turned back to look at me. “We aren’t doing anything wrong. Cassidy knows and endorses this. We’re falling for each other. We can kiss, and make out, and do whatever we want. I shouldn’t feel like I can’t do that.”

“I agree,” I said.

“I’m not just the person in charge of the trip,” Becca said, still trying to convince herself she hadn’t made a mistake.

“Not by a mile,” I agreed with her. “You are so much more than that.”

She took a deep breath and nodded. “So fuck her,” Becca said a little more quietly.

“I’d rather not,” I said with a little smirk, putting my other hand on her waist again. “I’d much rather fuck you.”

She laughed and shook her head, her silvery blonde hair falling to the side. “Good answer, Tiger,” she said. “We need to find a time later. I want you so bad.”

“I want you too,” I said and kissed her again. The eggs started to get cold because we couldn’t quite make the decision to pull away from each other.

Chapter 191

Becca and I did eventually remember that we weren’t teenagers and got back to work. I had to reheat some of the eggs gently so I didn’t overcook them, and she had another flat of bacon to fry up before we brought everything over to the Singles Boat to set up breakfast.

When we got there and had everything set up, Leia pulled me back towards the cabins and into her room she was sharing with Ginnie, stepping up onto the bed so she could kiss me good morning. It was almost the exact move that Terra had used during the Truth or Dare game, which made me smile a little, and I teased her by running my hands up and down her thighs under her cotton shorts.

“Got any plans later, sunshine?” I asked. “I’d love to hang out again today.”

“I don’t know if we’ll get enough privacy,” Leia said, biting the inside of her cheek.

That made me chuckle. “I meant actually hanging out,” I said. “Not that I wouldn’t want to taste you again, and I’m sure Cassidy would want to play again too if you want that. But I really just like spending time with you.”

Her eyes softened and she smiled sweetly at me. “I’d like to hang out too,” she said. Then her expression turned a little more playful. “But can you handle another butt-kicking?”

“I’ll get you back eventually,” I promised her. “But maybe we do something that isn’t so one-sided.”

“OK,” she nodded. “We’ll figure it out. Something fun.”

I nodded and kissed her again, and she reached down and pulled my hands from her bare thighs up to her ass, laughing softly against my lips.

We went back out and Zenya saw us and wiggled her eyebrows at me, making me grin and laugh. She was another woman who had made it clear she wanted some time with me, it just hadn’t happened yet other than the massage shoot. Unlike with Ginnie, I actually did feel more than just a physical thing about Zenya. It made me wonder if I should have been more intentional with her like I had been with Leia or Ami.

On the other hand, I was spinning plates like crazy. Would one more be too much?

I ended up in line for chow behind Heels and Wanda, and Wanda hooked her arm in mine when we finished and led me and Heels up to the top deck to eat. The conversation was light and bantery, and I got the distinct feeling that Wanda either wanted me and Heels to get along, which wasn’t really a problem, or that she wanted Heels to see more of me so she could give her opinion or advice later.

I just tried to play it straight and be myself, joking with the both of them and adding what I could to the conversation. It seemed to be enough for Wanda, who was smiling broadly most of the time. Heels was harder to read, and I could tell she was analyzing the situation much as I had.

After breakfast, Cassidy came up on deck followed by Becca and Terra, and I offered to take Wanda and Heels’ dishes. Wanda took my hand and squeezed it in thanks, and then I was getting peck kisses from Cassidy, Becca and Terra as they came by. Terra was last, and I grabbed her hand quickly before she walked away and she turned back to me. I pulled her into a full bear hug. “Good morning,” I told her. “I’m sorry you’re feeling down.”

“Thanks, dude,” Terra sighed, hugging me back. “Talk to you later?”

“Any time you want,” I promised.

She left, and both Cassidy and Becca gave me little smiles from near the stairs, approving of my moment with Terra. When they were gone I took the dishes down and found Leia, Zenya and Ami were already packing away food and doing dishes, and they were wrangling Sherry to help, so I dropped off the dishes and thanked them with a kiss on the cheek before making myself scarce. Sherry gave me a look and I wasn’t sure what it was or meant - part of me wondered if she was actually pissed that I hadn’t thanked and kissed her too, but had to shake that off as ridiculous.

With the ‘Pussy Pack’ - and I hated that I was actually thinking of them as that - ensconced in Wanda and Heels’ cabin, I decided to grab the book I’d started reading with Ami the other day and head up to the top deck. It was another beautiful morning on the lake and I figured I could get in a good sun-and-read before it got too hot out.

I’d made it about fifteen minutes in, settled on one of the deck chairs with my feet up on another, when I glanced over at movement near the stairs and broke into a smile. Cattie was coming up, her thick black hair pulled back into a ponytail that was fed through her ball cap. She was wearing a simple black bikini top and black denim shorts.

“Hey, gorgeous,” I said.

“Hey, Tiger,” Cattie said, coming over to me. She grabbed my foot and I moved it so she could sit in the chair opposite me, but she pulled my foot into her lap and started massaging it. She clearly wasn’t ‘trained’ or anything, but it still felt good. She smiled at me teasingly as her fingers worked the sole of my foot. “So, how are you doing?” she asked. “Last night was rough.”

I nodded and exhaled. I’d almost forgotten that Cattie had heard my panic attack too, or just the worries of Wanda and Cassidy. “Nightmare turned panic attack,” I said. “Not fun.”

“But better now?” she asked.

“I mean, I guess so,” I said. “This is the first time it’s happened, and hopefully the last.”

“I’m sorry,” she said with a sad nod.

“Thanks for coming to check on me,” I said.

“Of course,” she said. “And I know you would for me.”

“Any time, any place,” I told her.

“So where is everyone?” Cattie asked. “The boats feel kind of empty.”

Shit, I thought. Now I was going to need to explain.

Chapter 192

“So, Wanda and Terra are both going through some stuff,” I said, trying to find the right way to explain things to Cattie. “They wanted some female perspective on things, and are talking with Cassidy, Becca and Heels.”

“Oh,” Cattie said, her fingers stilling on my foot as she frowned slightly.

“Catherine,” I said, pulling my foot from her and sitting forward, taking her hands in mine. “Cassidy suggested bringing you in too, but the girls weren’t sure if you wanted to talk about your stuff going on or would feel pressured to do so if you weren’t ready.” It was a lie, but not much of one - I’d reworded Becca and Wanda’s feelings, not changed them.

Cattie sighed and nodded, running her thumbs along my palms as I held her hands. “I… get it,” she said. “From what I know of what’s going on, I maybe wouldn’t want me in the mix either.”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“I know,” she whispered, then shook her head a little and took a deep breath. “It’s OK. Everything going on is awkward right now. I just- I need some space from Heather and some girl time would have been nice. Tiger Time is nice too, though.”

“Please don’t say ‘Tiger Time’ to Cassidy,” I chuckled. “It will catch on way too fast.”

Cattie snorted and nodded. “OK, Robbie.”

“Do you want to talk about your stuff?” I asked. “Or do you want a distraction?

“My gut says distraction, but my head says talk,” Cattie said. “And my heart… I don’t even know right now. I’m all fucked up.”

“That wasn’t much of an answer, Catherine,” I said.

“Talk,” she said more definitively. “I want to talk.”

“Here, or somewhere more private?” I asked.

Cattie looked around the top deck, which was still empty except for us. “Here is good,” she said. “Heather would freak if we went to one of the cabin’s together. Not that I would blame her for that. But here is fine.”

“OK,” I nodded.

Cattie looked down at her hands in mine, smiling softly, then let go and leaned back, motioning for me to raise my foot again. “If I’m going to emotionally vent on you, I might as well make up for it.”

I smirked and raised my foot to her and she took it in her lap, but then I leaned over and grabbed her opposite foot and pulled it up into mine. We started mutually rubbing each other’s feet and she quickly started mirroring whatever I was doing to her on me.

“So,” I said. “Where are you at?”

Cattie sighed and pressed her lips together. “Facts? I’m dating Heather. We’ve been together for almost three years. Our lives are pretty enmeshed. Things weren’t going great about six months ago until we got into some light Dom-sub play, and that refreshed things, but I got busy and started pulling away and not wanting the D/s stuff for a bit. This week was supposed to be us reconnecting. It… hasn’t happened that way.”

I just nodded, encouraging her to continue. I knew all of that already.

“After the way she acted on the first day, I was… annoyed. Even frustrated that I had to apologize to you and Cass for her. But I think I was so used to her being… I don’t even know what to call it. ‘She’s just like that’ isn’t a good enough excuse.” Cattie looked down and chewed on her lower lip for a moment. “I kind of wish I hadn’t asked her to come on the trip,” she said.

My heart hurt for her. “I’m so sorry, Cattie.”

“I know,” she smiled weakly. “And I know you’re not apologising as if it’s your fault. Even after… y’know.”

“Oh, I know,” I said, running my hands up to her ankle for a moment and then back to her sole. “You know I don’t want to be the break between you two, but that night was… It was really special.”

“Except for the part where Cass and I almost ruined it,” Cattie smirked a little.

“No, even that part,” I said. “It showed us who we were to each other, and led to the end of it.”

“That was really nice,” Cattie said softly. Then she shook her head. “But still. Heather has been… I just don’t know what to think of how she’s acted since that night. Before then, it was frustrating and annoying. Afterwards, though? It’s like - I get it. I understand why she would be demanding, or petty, or so off. I understand why she would be emotionally raw, and needy, or looking for little ways to let me know she’s still hurt even though she says she isn’t.”

It was my turn to take a deep breath, though I did it to keep myself from saying things I knew wouldn’t be helpful to her.

“So that’s where I am,” Cattie said. “She’s hurt and mad and raw but doesn’t want to admit it because she knows she caused the problem. But she keeps doing things that aren’t helping either of us actually get to the bottom of it. Not like you and Cassidy. Cass fucked up huge, but she’s… I’m sorry if this sounds bad, Robbie, but I think I love her even more because she’s trying so hard to make things right with you.”

“I know she is,” I said, thinking back to Cassidy’s breakdown pre-dawn in the washroom with Wanda.

“But you’re doing amazing, too,” Cattie said. “I mean, panic attacks aside, you’re really trying. You love her so much. You getting overwhelmed makes so much sense, and sometimes I can’t even fathom why you’re here on this trip after the way she told you, but… but I’m really happy you are.”

I nodded and looked down at her foot, tracing circles on top of it with my fingertip. “Part of me still wishes she hadn’t told me at all,” I said. “That we’d been able to just stay the way we were. But this whole thing has…” I had to take a breath to think of how to phrase what I was saying. “This whole thing is adding to our relationship in a lot of ways,” I ended up saying. “And it’s leading us to a lot more than just us.”

I looked up at Cattie, who was smiling sadly and nodding, her eyes brimming with tears.

“We really do love you, Cattie,” I said. “You’re Cassidy’s best friend, even with the Heather stuff. She’s so worried for you.”

“I know,” Cattie said so quietly she practically mouthed it.

I pulled my foot from her and set her’s down, then leaned forward and pulled her into a hug as we perched on the edges of our chairs.

“I love you guys too,” Cattie whispered as she pressed her face into the crook of my neck.

God, why did women around me keep crying, today? It was tearing at my heart to see them all feeling so conflicted.

Chapter 193

After the long hug, Cattie and I sat back again and talked for a few more minutes, trying to de-stress after the more emotional topics. Eventually we decided that we needed something else to do, and she asked about the photoshoots that Cassidy still wanted to get done and that brought us around to her teasing me lightly about being the next big model on the trip with the bikini massages.

That, in turn, led her to ask who still needed those shoots done, and soon we were heading down to find one of the girls who still needed there’s done.

Ginnie and Leia were in their room together and we quickly made a plan to get both of them done that morning - Cattie would be the photographer, and they could stick on the Couples Boat for the morning drive if we got moving before we were done.

Soon I had grabbed our equipment from mine and Cassidy’s cabin, and Cattie was getting the camera in focus as I spread out the towel.

Ginnie and Leia came up shortly after, both of them dressed in their white bikinis. To be fair, while I found Leia stunning, Ginnia wasn’t exactly hard to look at either. She had a tight little body that she’d been flashing around for days now, not to mention our scattered encounters. Her white bikini was fairly simple, just a standard top and bottom, but she filled it out perfectly with her small-ish breasts hugged perfectly by the cups and her cute bum only half covered by the bottoms. She also had a bit of a camel toe going on.

Leia was a little taller than Ginnie and had a similar situation going on up top, both in breast size and bikini. It was her hips and ass, along with the black ivy and flowers tattoo on her hip, that differentiated her from the other girls. Well, that and her softly cherubic smile and the way she looked at me. She was wearing the white bottoms that Zenya had borrowed from her for the redhead’s shoot, and they fit her just as well as they had the slightly thicker woman.

“Wow,” I said with a big grin. “You two look fantastic.”

“You aren’t looking too bad yourself, hunk,” Ginnie said, scrunching up her nose and giving me a poke in the chest. “I think you should have worn a speedo though.”

“Don’t tempt me,” I teased her. “I’m not afraid of a speedo after my years of swim team.”

That made her laugh, and I gave her a little swat on the bum as she turned away from me, which made her jump and the other two girls laughed at her expression.

“So who wants to go first?” Cattie asked.

“Ginnie can,” Leia said, moving to one of the deck chairs. “She’s horny as hell and wants to know if Tiger can get her off like he did for me and Wanda.”

“Leia!” Ginnie scoffed, blushing, but then she shrugged and looked at me. “What do you think? Can you?”

“We’ll see,” I said. “That’s not really the point of this.”

“Says you,” I heard Cattie murmur somewhere behind me.

We quickly got organized with Ginnie starting on her stomach on the towel, and soon I had her little feet in my hands as I began to massage in the suntan oil. Ginnie’s feet and legs weren’t erogenous zones for her, so other than a few satisfied grunts she didn’t react much, and we just chatted about the weather, and the photoshoots she’d been doing. Ginnie was in a weird space where she was doing the lewd and solo content, and had even shot a couple of boy-girl sex scenes with an ex-boyfriend that she had behind an extra paywall on her OnlyFans, but wanted to do more stuff like Leia did. The problem was that every time she did a photoshoot that didn’t at least end up explicit, her fans complained.

“Heather had the same thing happening for a bit,” Cattie said. “Maybe… two years ago? She ended up just saying screw it and only does lewd or nude content. Sometimes I think she treats her audience a little crappy, but they seem to like it so I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Yeah, she kind of said something like that,” Ginnie sighed. I had skipped her bum and moved up to her lower back, which she was enjoying a bit more and caused her to breathe deeply. “How are you two, by the way? I know things have been weird on the trip.”

“Weird is a good way to put it,” Cattie said, glancing at me.

“So, I don’t know how to really say this…” Ginnie said. “Heather has been, um, flirting with me a lot? Not that I mind or anything, I mean she’s one tall drink of water, but I think it might be more than just flirting.”

“How much more?” Cattie asked.

“I think she might want to hook up and is testing the waters,” Ginnie said. “She hasn’t been bad while we’ve been doing shoots or anything, but I just have this feeling.”

“That wouldn’t surprise me,” Cattie said. “She does want to try hooking up with someone else. I thought she wanted to try and set up a threesome with another girl, but maybe with the way this week has gone she wants to try something alone.”

“Are you OK with that?” I asked Cattie, pausing my massage until Cattie motioned for me to continue as she kept taking pictures.

“Yeah, actually, I am,” she said. “Gin, if Heather does want to hook up with you, that’s fine with me. You’re cute, and casual about it. And, if you both wanted it, I’d be OK with fooling around with you a bit.”

“Careful, you might sweep me off my feet talking like that,” Ginnie said deadpan, but then cracked a smile and reached out to pat Cattie’s leg. “Don’t worry, I get it. You’re not looking for it, but if it happens then you’re OK with it. I wouldn’t mind fooling around with you, too, you sexy bitch.”

That made Cattie smile, and she took more pictures.

“Of course, I also wouldn’t mind fooling around with someone else here,” Ginnie said with a smirk as she arched her back and pushed her bum back at my crotch while I was straddling her and massaging her shoulders.

“Wait, hold that,” Cattie said, shiting to get a shot of Ginnie’s hips pressed to mine. “Your fans will love that one.”

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head ruefully.

“Get that tight little booty back on the deck,” I told Ginnie. “Unless you don’t want me to massage it.”

“Oh, I definitely do,” Ginnie laughed, pressing her hips back to the deck. I moved back down her legs and looked down at her butt, then gave her a little spank on one cheek.

“Gin, how naughty do you want this shoot to be?” Cattie asked.

“Well,” Ginnie said, looking over her shoulder at me. “That depends. How do you feel about giving me a deep internal massage with your magic wand, Mr Massage Wizard?”

I snorted my chuckle and shook my head. “Hands-only for photos, Ginnie.”

“How about nudity?” she asked. “Can I get naked while you massage me on camera?”

“That would be OK, I think,” I said. “We can double-check with Cassidy later about the photos, but in general she’ll be fine with it.”

“Then peel those bottoms off and massage away,” Ginnie said with a grin. “Just make it sexy.”

“I don’t think he can do anything like that without making it sexy,” Cattie said.

“Seconded,” Leia said from over on her chair. She’d been watching and listening to us the whole time, and while she had sunglasses on that made it so I couldn’t see her eyes, when I looked over to her she smiled slightly and her one eyebrow dipped as she winked at me.

I just shook my head and put some more suntan oil on my hands before starting to massage Ginnie’s ass.

Chapter 194

Ginnie groaned loudly and slowly wiggled her bum back at me as I palmed both of her cheeks and spread her lewdly, running my thumbs along the inner crease of her cheeks without actually touching her asshole.

“Such a slut,” Leia teased from over in her seat.

“Takes one to know one,” Ginnie groaned back as I ran my thumbs back up in the opposite direction. Then I let go of her buttcheeks and gave her another spank, my pink handprint staying on her tanned butt for a good couple of seconds as Cattie got it on camera.

“Alright, turn over,” I told Ginnie.

She did, rolling onto her back, and then she spread her legs around my knees on the deck. Cattie kept taking pictures, smirking a little and shaking her head at Ginnie’s lewd display of herself.

“You really are a little spinner, Ginnie,” Cattie said.

“Guys have called me that before but I never knew what it meant,” Ginnie said, interrupted by a moan as I ran my slick, suntan-oiled hand downs her inner thighs and then up over her hips, avoiding touching her puffy pussy.

“It means it’s easy to spin you around on a bed while having sex and move you into whatever position your partner wants,” Cattie said. “Especially without taking a cock out of you.”

“Ungh, yes please,” Ginnie groaned, reaching down past my arms and running her own fingers over her pussy lips.

“Ah, ah,” I shook my head, taking her arms by the wrists and lifting them over her head. “No touching yourself, Ginnie.”

Ginnie let out a little whine and pouted, which looked great for the camera with her arms pinned back.

I went back to massaging her torso, slowly moving up towards her chest, and Ginnie dutifully kept her arms over her head. As I ran my fingers over her ribs she pressed her chest out, begging for some attention there, and I let my hands slide up her skinny little form all the way to just under her bikini top and stopped.

“Roooobbie,” Ginnie whined, wiggling beneath me.

“Shhh,” I shushed her, then I shuffled closer and pushed her thighs back with my knees and leaned down over her, bringing my hands to her face and starting to give her a massage there starting at her temples.

It looked like I’d hit a restart button on Ginnie. Her eyes went placid and her jaw hung open and she stopped moving as I softly rubbed her temples, then up over her forehead and brow, and then down the sides of her delicate nose to her cheeks.

“I think you broke her,” Cattie said.

“Ginnie?” Leia asked, standing up and coming over to us. “You OK?”

“Uh-huh,” Ginnie grunted through her open mouth.

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked.

“Uh-uh,” she grunted.

I ran my fingers down to the corners of her jaw and then lower onto her neck.

“Still good?” I asked.

“Choke me,” Ginnie pleaded softly.

“Like this?” I asked, using one hand to wrap around her throat just under her jaw.

“Mhmm,” Ginnie groaned. “Please may I touch myself? I’m so close.”

“Shhh,” I hushed her again, and I reached between us and put two fingers over her clit and wiggled them back and forth.

Ginnie squeezed her eyes closed but left her mouth hanging open, and then she hiccuped hard and opened her eyes wide as she came. It was short and hard, and her entire body tensed for one moment before relaxing. I pulled my hands from her and softly brushed her hair from her forehead. “You good, little spinner?” I asked.

She got her breath back and barked a laugh, blinking rapidly to reorient herself. Then she finally focused her gaze on me and smirked. “Can we do that again?”

“Maybe later,” I told her and leaned down and gave her a little kiss on the tip of her nose. “We need to finish the shoot.”

“OK,” she said, then grabbed my wrists and pulled my hand down to her tits. “Then give my nips some God damn attention, you teasing bastard.”

That made Cattie and I both laugh, and Leia just rolled her eyes and went to sit back down in her seat. I made a show of massaging Ginnie’s breasts over the bikini top, then lifting it up over her tits to her chest and doing the same teasing of her bare breasts.

“Alright,” I finally said. “I think that’s everything.”

“It doesn’t have to be,” Ginnie said, biting her lower lip and looking down between us. Her legs had remained spread, my knees pushed against the back of her thighs, and her cunt was wide open and asking for the bulge in my swimsuit to come out and play.

“Sorry, Ginnie,” I said. “But we need to get Leia’s shoot done, too.”

“Fine,” Ginnie sighed, scooting back from me and rolling to her knees and waggling her butt at me again. “If you’re sure.”

I spanked her again. “Yes, I’m sure, you horny little rabbit.”

That made her laugh, and she got up and fetched her bikini bottoms from the side and twirled them around her finger. “Alright, well, if anyone needs me I’ll be down in our cabin fucking my own brains out with a dildo,” she said. “You’re all invited to join me.”

This time Cattie was the one to swat the teasing little devil’s butt as she walked away.

As Ginnie reached the stairs and started heading down, not having bothered to even put her swimsuit back on, I stood up and stretched. “How did the pictures turn out?” I asked Cattie.

“Good. There are some pretty hot ones. I tried to make sure your face wasn’t in any of them - I know Cass will definitely be OK with everything that happened, and probably with the pictures, but I didn’t want you getting looped into being a softcore pornstar by accident.”

“Thanks,” I said, smiling and pulling her into a side hug and leaning down to kiss the top of her hat. The fact that she was wearing it for me was a tantalizing tease.

I stepped away from Cattie and went to Leia, offering her a hand up from her chair. “I hope that wasn’t uncomfortable for you, sunshine,” I said.

My nickname for Leia made her grin softly and shake her head. “No, Tiger. Especially not after what we did to her yesterday.”

“Ready for your massage?” I asked.

That made her laugh. “I don’t know,” she said. “Part of me is worried it won’t even be usable cause I’ll just be orgasming the entire time.”

“Well,” Cattie said. “At least it will be an interesting shoot.”

“True,” Leia said, walking with me over to the other towel I’d lain out so both women would have different backgrounds to their photo sets. She hadn’t let go of my hand since I’d helped her up. “So, Cattie, ready to see my ‘O’ face?”

Chapter 195

Kneeling down over Leia just felt different than kneeling down and getting ready to massage Ginnie. Leia was starting on her back and raised her arms over her head and gave a big, full-body stretch and then let her whole body relax.

“Hi,” I said a little lamely as I knelt next to her.

“Hi,” she said with a smile.

“You ready, Cattie?” I asked.

“Just going to swap memory cards here, give me a second,” Cattie said, rifling through the camera bag. “We don’t want Leia’s pictures getting mixed up with Ginnie’s.”

I leaned down closer to Leia, letting one of my hands softly land on her stomach. “I really want to kiss you right now,” I whispered to her.

“I want to kiss you too,” she whispered back.

“You know I can still hear you, right?” Cattie asked, turning to us from the bag.

“Oh, um, I didn’t,” I said, feeling myself blush a little.

“It’s not what you think it is,” Leia said.

“So you haven’t had sex with him and Cassidy?” Cattie asked.

“Oh,” Leia said, her eyes going a little wide.

“It’s fine, Leia,” Cattie said, coming back over to us and sitting with her legs crossed on Leia’s other side. “I mean, I did too. I get it.”

“Right, right,” Leia said. “I just- I don’t know, this whole thing is weird. Cassidy seems fine with it, but I’ve never been in this sort of situation.”

“Neither have I,” I assured her.

“Me neither,” Cattie said. “But one thing I do know is that Robbie is a very sexy, very lovable guy. So as long as Cassidy says yes, it won’t bother me if you want to enjoy being around him.”

“Thanks,” Leia said, then sat up and put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me firmly. My hand slipped to her back and held her in place as I returned the kiss. When we broke apart Leia was smiling and her eyes were glimmering playfully as she smacked her lips once. “Just as good as always,” she said.

Cattie sighed, prompting us both to look over.

“Sorry, sorry,” Cattie said. “It’s nothing.”

“Well, that’s not nothing,” Leia said. “What’s up?”

“I was just remembering kissing him like that,” Cattie admitted, a flush of her own creeping into her cheeks.

“Do you want to?” Leia asked. “If you’re OK with me kissing him in front of you, I’m OK if he kisses you, too.”

Cattie obviously wanted to say yes, but after a long moment of hesitation she shook her head no. “I do, but I can’t. Not like that at least.” I smiled a little sadly at Cattie, and she reached down and took my hand and curled our fingers together for a moment and then let go. “It’s fine,” she said. “We know we love each other. Best guy friend I have.”

“Love you too, bestie,” I said and winked at her, using Cassidy’s nickname for her.

Cattie backed off a touch and finished getting the new memory card loaded into the camera. “Alright, you two,” she said. “What are you thinking?”

“Well, nothing like what Ginnie did,” Leia said. “So no nudity, and probably no direct sexual touching. At least on camera.”

“And off camera?” I asked with a little smile.

“Anything you want, Tiger,” Leia said.

Cattie chuckled a little and shook her head. “Somehow, I’m not surprised.”

“Let’s just get started and see where we go,” I said and helped Leia lower herself down to the towel again.

I started with a facial massage with Leia, which she enjoyed more for the little kisses I would drop onto her lips every once in a while than for the actual massage. It was interesting, massaging so many women in one week. Wanda and Ginnie had both absolutely loved their faces getting softly worked, and some of the others liked it but weren’t getting off on it. It did absolutely nothing for Leia. Leaving her face, I went down to her upper chest and collarbone, then down her arms, still getting nothing in particular out of her until I hit her inner elbows. Then she gasped and jerked, and we found out that soft little spot was a tickle point for her. Down lower, to her forearm and wrist, were fine, but then I massaged her palms and she loosed her first moan.

“That quick, huh?” Cattie asked. “How do you even hold things day-to-day?”

“It’s not me,” Leia complained, cocking her head to the side as another wave of tingling pleasure rippled up her arm as I used both thumbs on one of her hands. “It’s Robbie. He’s got magic hands.”

If only she knew, I thought with a smile.

I left her hands and went back to her chest, massaging between the cups of her bikini top and under her arms, and down her sides. Then I took a detour and kissed her again, and Cattie stopped taking pictures for a moment as I massaged Leia’s tits and then pulled one cup aside and dropped my lips to her nipple.

“Yes, Tiger,” Leia crooned softly, running her hands through my hair. “God, I love your tongue on me.”

“I do too,” Cattie said, watching with both hands on the camera and a smile on her lips. “He’s so good with your boobs, right?”

“So good,” Leia sighed.

I gave Leia’s nipple one last kiss, then carefully put the bikini cup back in place. “You know, I’m going to get a big head between the two of you.”

“You already have a big head,” Cattie snorted.

Such a big head,” Leia laughed. “Perfectly big.”

“We aren’t speaking about my ego, are we?” I asked.

Both of them laughed, and Cattie went back to taking pictures.

I massaged down Leia’s stomach to her hips, then skipped over the bottoms to her wonderfully full thighs and spread the suntan oil over them until her tattoo was glistening. Then I kept going, slowing down as I got to her knees and then stopping.

“Time to turn over,” I said.

“What?” Leia asked. “We were just getting to the good part.”

“We’ll end with your feet, sunshine,” I said. “Let’s get the rest of you done first.”

“Fine,” Leia sighed, rolling over. “But if that’s the case, then you better not skip over my butt.”

“Are you kidding?” Cattie asked. “If he skipped your butt, I would do it. God, your body is amazing, Leia.”

“Thanks,” Leia said, settling down with her arms under her head. “It’s kind of a crapshoot of how long I can keep my figure like this. Everyone on my Mom’s side is a bigger girl, and they say my boobs will practically explode when I get pregnant for the first time. My Grandma says we’re built for shooting out babies.”

“Well, whatever you’re doing, it’s working,” Cattie said.

I started back up at the top, working down Leia’s back. I undid her top, Cattie catching it in several photos in sequence, and then did her middle and lower back before I got to her butt. Leia let out the usual groans and moans of someone getting a massage, but it hadn’t been particularly sexual at all.

“Do my cheeks for the camera first,” Leia prompted me. “Then do it again for me and you.”

“OK,” I said, leaning down and tilting her face to the side so I could kiss her quickly. “Still good, sunshine?”

“The best,” she said with a smile. “And please never stop calling me that. Every time you do it my stomach gives a little flutter.”

“Ugh,” Cattie grunted. “Stop being so cute.”

Chapter 196

Massaging Leia’s butt with her bikini bottoms on was fun.

Massaging Leia’s butt once Cattie lowered the camera, and I pulled down her bikini bottoms to her thighs, was a lot more fun.

“Fuck, Tiger,” Leia groaned, shifting her hips to push her ass up more to me. “God, your hands.”

“God, your butt,” I laughed, squeezing her big cheeks and slowly working them in circles. I glanced up at Cattie and she was chewing the inside of her lip watching me, and when she realized I was looking at her she rolled her eyes and then raised one hand to her face with her fingers in a V peace sign and wiggled her tongue between them. That just made me laugh, and then I leaned down and kissed the small of Leia’s back.

I was coming at her straddling her upper back and leaning down over her ass from above, and as I kissed from her lower back to the dimple above her cheeks, and then grazed my teeth over one ass cheek, she couldn’t see what I was doing. As I kissed between her cheeks though, slowly pulling them apart, she groaned and reached back, grabbing my leg with one hand and squeezing.

“Tell me if you want me to stop,” I told her.

“Never,” Leia said huskily. “God, I want you so bad it almost hurts.”

“I know that feeling,” Cattie mumbled, and I stopped myself from glancing over at her. That had sounded an awful lot like something she had meant to be an inside thought and I didn’t want to embarrass her. I also couldn’t be sure if she was talking about me, or sex in general.

I grazed my tongue along Leia’s asshole, teasing it with the tip for a moment, before moving lower until I was nuzzling her slick little lips with my nose, and then finally craning my neck to get my tongue on her.

It was, all things considered, an awkward position. Leia’s big ass was working against us, as was the fact that she couldn’t spread her legs very wide because of the bikini bottoms around her thighs. Bad planning on my part. I still managed to get my tongue between her pussy lips though and taste her, and she crooned in pleasure. We stayed like that for a good couple of minutes as I tried to give her everything I could despite the position before I had to pull away as I felt like I was going to pull something in my shoulder or neck.

“Sorry, give me a sec,” I grunted, quickly rotating my shoulders to try and work the tension out.

“Tiger, I can feel your cock pressing against my back through your shorts. Come here,” Leia said, tugging at my leg. I swung my leg over her and she quickly turned onto her side, her breasts popping into view of both Cattie and I, and she quickly reached for the waistband of my swimsuit and pulled it down.

My cock bounced into view and Leia quickly licked the underside of it before catching the head between her lips and moaning softly as she took about three inches of it into her mouth.

“Ffffffuck,” I hissed, my head rocking back at the feeling after having been the one teasing her and Ginnie.

“MMmmm-mmmm,” Leia hummed, looking up at me as she began to blow me. I pulled her pastel rainbow hair back from her face, looking down and meeting her eyes as she grinned and quickly bobbed her mouth on my cock.

“God damn,” Cattie grunted, and I glanced at her and saw she was sitting on her knees, the camera held to the side with one hand and her other one slipped into the front of her black denim jeans, obviously rubbing at herself. When she saw me looking she blushed and bit her lip, but didn’t stop what she was doing.

“Fuck, I want you,” I said, looking back and forth between the two women, and I wasn’t sure who I said it to. It was insane. I was insane. I had Cassidy, and Becca and Wanda were trying to figure out what we meant to each other in a romantic way. But God, I wanted to tell Leia I loved her too.

And Catherine.

Oh, Catherine.

And then it all came to a halt as voices echoed from about four yards back and down, coming out of the bottom deck and heading for the stairs.

“Fuck,” Cattie grunted, pulling her hands from her shorts.

“Shit, shit, shit,” Leia said, pulling back from me with a reluctant look on her face but not hesitating to scramble to pull her bikini bottoms back up over her ass.

I quickly raised my shorts and then helped Leia tie the back of her bikini top as she got the cups in place in front. We were in time to preserve everyone’s modesty by about half a second, just as Cassidy came up the stairs followed by Terra, Wanda and Heels.

We probably hadn’t needed to scramble. Cassidy would have wanted to watch, if not participate. Wanda too. Terra, I wasn’t so sure how she would react, but definitely not as poorly as if it had been Sherry or Heather. Or even Zenya or Ami, who were aware of things but seemed a little more shy about PDA stuff.

Well, Ami was. I still hadn’t fully figured out Zenya.

“Hey, guys,” Cassidy chirped as she saw what we were doing. “Get a good shoot in? How many times did he make you come, Leia?”

That had Leia, and Cattie, blushing hard and I tried to just be stoic.

“We, uh, only got partway through,” Leia said, sitting up fully. “So no orgasms… yet…”

Wanda grinned. “Hey, no shame in it, girl,” she said. “He got me too, remember.”

Cassidy came right over and knelt down, kissing Leia on the lips. It surprised Leia, but she ended up kissing her back for a moment before Cassidy pulled away. Cass gave Leia a look though, and then glanced to me, and then back to Leia. “Sorry for interrupting,” she said with a sly smile. “And I’m really sorry it’s going to be a longer interruption. Becca wants us to get moving, and Robbie needs to do some driving.”

“Oh,” Leia sighed. “Well…”

“Fuck,” Terra finished for her with a grin, offering Leia and hand up. “No need to hide your disappointment, Leia. But I’m sure Robbie will take care of you soon.”

Leia just smiled, and then chortled, and then started giggling as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand. “You guys realize how insane this all is, right?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” Wanda said, wrapping Leia up in a hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“It’s a good thing we can all be insane together,” Cassidy said, hugging Leia on the other side.

The girls offered to help clean up the equipment and towels, and I got shooed off to help disengage the boats. I met Becca at the back decks as she was untying us, but all I got was a little kiss and a promise that everything was alright, but we needed to get moving. Once we were all unhitched, I went to the Pilot’s Cabin and raised anchor, and soon Becca was pulling out of our shallow bay and heading for open water.

“Alright, Tiger,” Cassidy said, coming into the cabin behind me. “Sorry to cockblock you like that.”

“Cattie told us you were mid-blowjob,” Wanda said as she followed my fiancee. “So double-sorry.”

“It’s fine,” I said, halfway turning from the wheel and reaching back, pulling them both into a side hug with one arm. “What’s up? How did the talk go?”

“That’s what we’re here to talk about,” Cassidy said, taking Wanda’s hand and leading her over to the bar counter. They both hopped up and Cassidy took Wanda’s hand in her’s supportively as she looked at Wanda.

“So, we didn’t just talk,” Wanda said.

“Oh?” I asked, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. Cassidy had made me promises. Never without me there. Never without my permission. Had she broken them? Already?

“No,” Wanda said, oblivious to my rising anxiety. “I also made a phone call.”

“Oh,” I said, my anxiety dropping out from under itself and leaving me feeling a little light-headed for a moment. “A phone call?”

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “I called Brodi.”

Chapter 197

“First, I want to say I’m sorry that I didn’t want you there for the talk,” Wanda said, reaching over from the counter to take my hand in hers. “I just needed to do this with a clear head, and whenever I’m around you- God, I feel like a fucking horny middle schooler or something. You make it hard for me to think clearly sometimes, Robbie. In a good way.”

“It’s OK,” I said. “I get it. It wasn’t a great feeling, but I get it. I’m having a hard time looking at things objectively while I’m with you and Becca and some of the others, too.”

Wanda smiled sadly and nodded. “So, we did do a lot of talking, and I’ll tell you a little about it, but not Terra’s stuff because that’s her’s to tell you if she wants. But the main reason I wanted the girls there was to listen in on my call.”

“She wanted impartial observers,” Cassidy said. “Not that I’m particularly impartial, but still.”

“So I told the girls I wanted them to listen but not say anything no matter what, and then I called Brodi. It was just after dinner time there, so he was expecting my call after yesterday. The first thing he asked me when he picked up was if I’d fucked you again, and he… God, it made me feel so gross. He was excited to hear about it. Like he wanted to hear all the details. And when I told him I hadn’t, and we’d decided it was a bad idea, he was disappointed and asked why. And I told him it was because we were developing feelings for each other, strong ones, and that was supposed to be against the rules of our agreement, and he just… He just said I should go for it. He wanted me to keep fucking you and wanted me to tell him about it. And then I asked him how he could want that, and he just said it was hot. He just kept saying it was hot, and kinky, and then he got more vulgar asking if I liked getting my pussy stuffed and stuff like that, and I ended up yelling at him to stop asking about it. And then he got mad that I wouldn’t tell him.”

She stopped there, leaning back against the wall of the Pilot’s Cabin with her eyes closed. I had one of her hands and Cassidy had the other, and she was squeezing us both tightly.

“You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to, or if it hurts,” I said quietly. I wanted to just stop the boat and turn all my attention to Wanda, but she seemed to want both physical reassurance and a little distance in attention.

“No, you need to hear this,” Wanda said. “You deserve to. I- After he got mad we went back and forth a bit, I was demanding to know who he had been sleeping with over there and he wouldn’t tell me. Things spun out at that point, and he just kept saying he had to go out. He sounded like a junky or something, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t doing drugs. I think he just- I think he’s going to a sex club or something over there. Or maybe like a BDSM dungeon or whatever. I checked our shared account and no money is missing, but I don’t know what he does with his own money. When I point-blank asked him if he was going to one of those places he called me a bitch for asking, and then he tried to gaslight me and turn everything around and make me feel bad for acting on our agreement and making things all messed up in his head. And then he just hung up, and wouldn’t pick back up or answer a text.”

“Wanda, I’m so sorry,” I said, squeezing her hand.

She was crying again, tears falling down her cheeks. She’d done up her makeup really lightly, with no mascara or anything, and I had a feeling she’d known she would be crying again during this conversation. Both of them were wearing the ballcaps, but Wanda’s was popping off her head since she had it on backwards and the bill was pressed into the cabin wall, leaving her hair messy as she sniffed hard and wiped at her face.

“So, after the conversation was done, I wanted feedback from the girls,” Wanda continued. “Real feedback, not just shitting on him or girl power stuff. And everyone gave a bit of a different angle, but it all came down to if I thought this was just a big thing that needed to be dealt with when we were both home or if it was bigger and longer than that.”

“We went around for a while on that,” Cassidy said. “We wanted Wanda to be sure of where she felt she was at.”

“And it helped. A lot. I don’t think I’ve ever had a more realistically supportive heart-to-heart about anything with anyone,” Wanda said. “And all I kept thinking as we were in there was that I wished you were there too, because you’re level-headed like Becca but also a guy, and a protector, and- I just kept thinking I wanted you there. And that’s what really did it for me.”

I squeezed her hand, and Wanda leaned over and kissed Cassidy on the cheek before slipping from the counter and stepping to me, and I bundled her into a hug as she clung to me, pressing her cheek to my chest as she held me tightly.

“When I get home, I’m going to divorce him,” Wanda said quietly. Almost quiet enough that I couldn’t hear her over the waves and the thrum of the engine. “I can’t do it over the phone. I can’t end it like that. For me, I need to wait until I’m sitting in front of him and can tell him to his face that it’s over.”

“I’m so sorry, Wanda,” I said, holding her tighter. “I’m sorry for my part, even if it’s just him revealing who he really is.”

“I know, Robbie, but you don’t need to,” Wanda said. “And I know you know that, but you’ll still feel it anyways. And that’s just one of so many fucking good things about you. It’s another reason why it’s so easy to love you, and feel loved by you.” She pulled her face from my chest and looked up at me, her ruddy eyes still filled with tears as she smiled up at me sadly. “You make me feel safe in a way that Brodi never did. Not just sexually, but like… spiritually. You see me, and accept me. All of me.”

What was I supposed to say to that? A thousand things wanted to spill out of my mouth, but none of it felt like the right thing. So instead of saying anything I just hugged her tight and lowered my lips to kiss her on her forehead, and then rest my lips there as we held each other. I glanced over at Cassidy and she was still sitting on the counter, smiling sadly at us with her own tears slowly crawling down her cheeks. I opened my arm to her and she hopped down and stepped into the hug, wrapping her arms around Wanda and I.

We stood like that for a long time.

Wanda was getting a divorce.

What did that mean for us? Or for all of us? Right now, it didn’t change a lot. It still wasn’t a good idea for her to have sex with us until she could get things sorted, both legally and emotionally.

But in the long term?

Wanda. Becca. Ami. Leia.

And what did Terra’s part of that conversation include?

“Fuck me,” I sighed. “I love you both.”

Chapter 198

“Is it OK if I still sleep with you guys?” Wanda asked. She was back up and sitting on the counter along with Cassidy. After the big hug had ended she’d wanted to stick close to me and had stood with her arm around my waist for a bit, and I’d kept one hand on her shoulder as I piloted the boat with the other. She’d finally gone back to her seat when she was feeling a little more centred again. “And I mean just sleep. Heels likes having the bed to herself, and I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“Of course you can, babe,” Cassidy said, hugging her around her shoulders again. “No pressure. Tonight and tomorrow.”

“God, are there really only two nights left for the trip?” Wanda asked. “This week has been a whirlwind.”

“You’re telling me,” I said, which both of the girls chuckled at.

“How did the photoshoot with Leia really go?” Wanda asked.

“Well, we actually did Ginnie first,” I said. “That one got pretty spicy on camera, Cass, so you’ll probably want to decide whether to OK things or not.”

“How spicy are we talking?” Cassidy asked.

“Bare ass and breasts. Some light fingering and choking,” I said. “Cattie said she kept my face out of anything like that, but if she releases it as part of the set then people would still know it’s me.”

“I’ll check them,” Cassidy said. “I’m fine that it happened, obviously, but you being online like that… I dunno. I’ll think about it. What do you think, babe?”

“Um,” Wanda said. “I don’t know if I have a right to say anything.”

“Stop,” Cassidy said to her. “You love him, right?”

“Yeah,” Wanda said.

“So do you think him having a spicy shoot like that online is a bad idea?” Cassidy asked.

Wanda took a moment to answer and then sighed. “I don’t like it,” Wanda said. “For your career, and for your reputation, Tiger. It’s a funny little meme with all of us that you’ll be the ‘Massage Man’ or whatever we end up calling you, but more than that I’m not a fan of.”

“OK,” Cassidy said. “I’ll let Ginnie know we need to cut the spicy stuff.”

“You shouldn’t decide that-”

“Wanda,” I said, reaching over to her and taking my hand. “I love you, and your opinion matters.”

“Thanks,” she said, looking down at her hand and mine smiling.

We sat and talked for a while longer, trying to find more lighthearted things to talk about, but it was a little tough after the heavy shit we’d been sifting through. Then all of a sudden Cassidy whispered something to Wanda quiet enough that I couldn’t hear, and they both hopped down from the counter.

“We’re going to go get ourselves cleaned up, Tiger,” Cassidy said. “Anything you’d like to see us wearing?”

“Your birthday suits,” I said with a little grin. “But seriously, you both look great already.”

Cassidy came over and kissed me, then stepped aside for Wanda to do the same. It wasn’t a big, passionate kiss - we weren’t there right now. But it was on the lips, and more than friends.

Almost as soon as they left, a new set of feet padded into the cabin behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see it was Terra. Now I knew why Cassidy and Wanda had left so suddenly.

“Hey,” I said. “You’re looking a little rough, hon.”

“I know,” Terra sighed as she hopped up onto the counter, taking the spot Wanda had been in close to me. “Dude, it’s been a rough… I don’t know, two days? Three?”

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked.

“Yes,” Terra said. “No. Later. I just need to get my mind off of things for a bit.”

“OK,” I said. “Want to learn to pilot the boat?”

“I can do that?” she asked.

“Well, I can show you. I probably can’t leave you alone with it since you aren’t getting the official fifteen-minute course from the rental place, but as long as I’m here we should be fine,” I said.

Terra hopped back down, a small smile on her lips as she came over and I started showing her the different controls. There really wasn’t that much to it, and soon she was standing in front of me at the wheel, and I let go of it and she was in control. She wiggled the wheel a little, slowly at my caution, and felt the boat moving under us. Then she tested the throttle control, slowing us down and speeding us up a bit.

“There, easy,” I said. “You’ve got the helm, Captain.”

I went to step away, but she reached back and stopped me with a hand on my hip. “Just stay here like that?” she asked me.

I set my hands back on the wheel, outside of hers, and stood behind her again. “Like this?”

“Yeah,” she said and then leaned back a bit until she was leaning against me. “That OK?”

“Anything you want,” I said.

She drove, and we chatted about little things. I could tell that she didn’t want to discuss whatever had been talked about down below with the ‘Pussy Pack,’ or anything about JC (which was probably the same thing). At one point I looked over my shoulder at the rest of the top deck and saw that Wanda and Cassidy were out in the deck chairs along with Cattie and they were talking close. Cassidy and Wanda were both wearing a pair of my athletic shorts, bikini tops and those hats, while Cattie was in her same outfit from earlier, hat included. I hoped that Cassidy was talking to Cattie about her being excluded from their girl time earlier.

By the time Becca radioed over to us that it was lunchtime, she had led us to a shallow, curving beach area to anchor near and I took back the controls to bring us alongside her, but Terra stayed where she was and watched me work. Once we were pulled alongside the other house boat Terra turned between my arms and went on her toes to give me a little kiss. “Thanks for distracting me, Tiger. You really are the best.”

“Any time you need, Terra,” I said.

“I’ll hold you to that,” she smirked a little.

I had work to do, getting the boats moored together, and managed to catch a private moment with Ami as I was mooring the front decks together and she came to do the same thing. I took her hand and she gracefully hopped over to my porch, and I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. She put her hands on my chest and kissed me back with a smile on her lips.

“Do you want to do some reading together again?” she asked me, cocking her head to the side as she smiled.

“I do,” I said. “My book is getting good, and reading with you is wonderful. But I told Leia I would hang out with her a bit this afternoon.”

“Are you guys doing anything in particular?” Ami asked. Her Midwest accent, which was relatively light usually, somehow poked its head out on ‘you guys’ and made me smile a little more.

“Not yet,” I said.

“Maybe she’d like to do some reading too,” Ami said. “Mind if I ask her?”

“Of course not,” I said, squeezing her again and kissing her forehead. “I’d love to spend time with both of you.”

“OK,” Ami smiled. “I’ll check with her. Later this afternoon when it’s really hot?”

“It’s a date,” I said. “And have I mentioned today that you look absolutely stunning, and I’m still falling for you?”

That made her blush, her warm golden-tanned skin darkening just a shade. It was more in her expression. “I’m still falling for you, too,” she said.

I kissed her, and she kissed me back a little more vigorously than the first time. When she left me, I couldn’t help but feel like I was biting off more than I could chew. But I wanted it all. How could I realistically do it?

I didn’t have an answer for myself.

Chapter 199

With the boats hooked up, lunch prep started in earnest and a bunch of the girls were chipping in, which gave me time to head back to our cabin and get a quick shower. I was feeling a little gross, not because of any one thing, but just kind of bogged down by sweat and emotion and even the sunscreen oil that I’d been massaging with. As I stood in the shower, turned as cool as I could get the water without it forcing me out, I breathed deeply and rested my head against the side of the shower stall and tried to shut off my brain.

That obviously didn’t work.

Cassidy was my priority. I had to make her that. But she wasn’t the only priority, just the main one. Becca and Wanda were big priorities now too. Ami and Leia felt like they were just a step behind, and only because they hadn’t been first.

But how did Cattie and Terra fill into that list? Both of them were quickly becoming… I wanted to think good friends, but it was more than that. Especially with Cattie after our night together, but Terra was close on that too after all the kissing and physical affection she showed and wanted from me. I almost felt bad about ‘ranking’ the ladies in my head, but Cattie was at least as high as Becca and Wanda, and Terra was somewhere in the Leia and Ami area.

I left the shower with a freshened body, but no clearer a head space. I changed, throwing on some athletic shorts instead of the swimsuit I’d been wearing, but put on one of my Speedos under them as underwear just in case we went swimming again. I knew the girls would get a kick out of that. A simple undershirt finished the outfit and I quickly covered myself in sunscreen before heading back out of the cabin and running smack into Sherry.

She crumpled under me. Between her smaller form and her completely not expecting me to come out of the room, she couldn’t brace for me at all and I tripped up and fell on top of her. Neither of us hit the walls, and we landed fairly softly as I partially caught her and braced myself at the same time, but worry about injury was quickly out of my head.

No, the real problem was how we landed.

I was face first in Sherry’s tits. And not like, close to them, or looking at them from a few inches away. No, I face-planted. My nose was jammed into the centre of her chest and there was no doubt that she felt the scruffiness of my five o’clock shadow on her bare skin.

Now, the good thing was that she was wearing a top. The bad thing was that it was a bikini, and was covering the bare minimum.

“Oh my God, get off!” Sherry shouted, pushing at me at pretty much the exact same time as I was saying, “Holy crap, I’m so sorry.”

I got up quickly, but Sherry was pushing at me with all four limbs and as she tried to scramble backwards she caught me with a glancing blow right on my crotch.

“Oof,” I grunted, falling backwards and wheezing as my eyes immediately watered. That dull, horrible ache of getting hit in the nuts started bouncing around in my skull.

“What the fuck?” Cattie said from the doorway to her cabin.

“He fell on top of me,” Sherry said, picking herself up. “Is he drunk or something?”

“Balls,” I groaned, curling up a little and trying to take deep breaths.

“Robbie? What was that?” Cattie asked, kneeling next to me.

“She got my balls,” I grunted and exhaled heavily. “Accident.”

“You kicked him in the balls, Sher,” Cattie scolded her sister.

“Well, his face was in my tits!” Sherry said.

“What the hell is going on out here?” Heels asked, coming out of her and Wanda’s - well, her cabin.

“Sherry kicked Robbie in the balls when they crashed into each other,” Cattie said.

“It was an accident!” Sherry defended herself.

“Shit, that sucks,” Heels said, looking down at me.

“Hey, what’s- Robbie?!” Cassidy called.

“He’s OK,” Cattie reassured my fiancee as she rushed from the direction of the kitchen. “Sherry-”

“I’m fine,” I grunted, getting up into a sitting position and taking long, slow breaths as I leaned my back against the wall. “Cass, I’m fine. Catherine, you can stop repeating to everyone.”

“OK, sorry,” she chuckled, running her fingers through my hair for a moment.

“What the fuck, Sherry? Why would you do that?” Cassidy asked, confronting the shorter woman.

“He ran into me and fell down with his face in my tits,” Sherry said. “He should watch where he’s going!”

At that point Wanda came in through the front door and saw me on the ground with tears still blinking out of my eyes and everything got repeated for her again and all the girls started to get louder as questions and comments and accusations fired back and forth.

“Stop,” I grunted. They didn’t stop. “Stop!” I said louder, not quite shouting. All of them got quiet. I slid my way up to a standing position against the wall and blinked a couple of times. “It was all an accident,” I said. “I came out and turned into Sherry coming right at me. We collided and fell. She panicked, pushed me off of her, and caught me in the nuts. That’s all.”

“Sherry?” Cattie asked her sister.

“What?” Sherry asked.

“Are you going to apologise to him?”

“For what?!”

“Kicking him in the nuts, Sher!” Cattie half-yelled.

“You heard him, it was an accident,” Sherry said. “Is he going to apologize for practically motorboating me?”

“You wish,” Cassidy said under her breath.

“What?” Sherry asked.

“Nothing, nothing,” Cassidy said. “Let’s just all separate, OK?”

Sherry stormed off, and Heels shrugged and went back into her cabin, and tenderly walked back into our cabin and went to the bed, sitting down and blinking rapidly again as my crotch got used to the idea that it was safe again. When I sat I found I’d been followed in by Cassidy, Wanda and Cattie all looking concerned.

“I’m fine,” I said levelly.

“I dunno,” Cassidy said. “We should probably check to make sure they aren’t bruised or swollen.”

“I heard a guy can die if he gets hit in the balls hard enough,” Wanda said. “It’s a serious thing.”

“My sister caused it,” Cattie said as if that was an excuse.

“I’m not whipping my balls out, you horny devil women,” I said.

“What if we want to kiss them better?” Cassidy asked. “They are our favourite balls, after all.”

I laughed at that one, but that made me groan and curl over a little bit. “Stop,” I said. “Just give me a minute and I’ll be fine.”

“What can we do, Tiger?” Cattie asked. “I mean, my little bitchy sister didn’t even apologise, so I feel like I should do something.”

“Nothing, Catherine,” I assured her. “Just give me a minute and I’ll be fine.”

“Lunch,” Wanda said, snapping her fingers. “We can make him his plate for lunch.”

“Mmm, good idea,” Cattie said. “Stay here, we’ll get you lunch.”

“Kay,” I sighed.

Both of them came over and kissed my cheek, then went out of the cabin and headed for the kitchen.

“OK, they’re gone,” Cassidy said, sitting down next to me on the bed with a smile. “Whip ‘em out and I’ll kiss them better for real.”

“Caaaass,” I groaned, trying to suppress my laugh as I fell back on the bed.

Chapter 200

Cattie and Wanda both came back from the kitchen a few minutes later with plates for all four of us and we started eating there in the room. It kind of felt silly to do that, what with the great weather outside, but it also felt nice and comfortable sitting on the bed and eating the sandwiches and chips that Becca and the girls had prepared.

Whatever feelings there might have been between Cattie and the girls for excluding her from the earlier ‘Pussy Pack’ meeting seemed to have been figured out, and I couldn’t help the little smile I had at how well Wanda seemed to mesh into Cass and Cattie’s friendship banter. Not that I was being excluded from the conversation either, but I just had that moment of consideration where I was struck by just how lovely the three of them were together.

“Mm’kay,” Wanda said after licking the salt from her chips off of her thumb and forefinger. “So tell me what’s up with your little sister? That whole thing earlier was a little rude.”

Cattie sighed and glanced over to me with a quiver of a smirk on her lips. “She’s always been just a touch of a brat, to be honest. I mean, never any public freakouts or anything, but she was the baby of the family for sure. When she flunked out of community college she decided that she wanted to do what I do, but wanted to do it faster and make more money.”

“So she went with nude work,” Cassidy said. “Because of the OnlyFans promise.”

“Exactly,” Cattie nodded. “She bought into it and got a head start on things because I could teach her about cameras and photo editing and that kind of stuff. At the time I didn’t realize she’d be going as far as she does, but I mean… it’s her life, right? Then she found out that Heather does similar work, and got a crash course from her a month ago on basically how to milk simps for cash. I don’t think she’s making as much as I do yet, but she’s getting close already and that’s given her a bit of a competitive streak. She also really likes Heather, and you’ve seen how she is, so when what happened earlier this week happened she basically flipped her opinions of Robbie and Cass on their heads. I’ve talked to her a couple of times about it, and I think when Robbie didn’t make a big deal out of walking in on her naked shoot and didn’t make it weird she softened a bit. But she’s still very much on Team Heather in what’s going on.”

“Maybe she just needs to get fucked properly,” Cassidy smirked. “From what I hear, that soccer player college guy did a mediocre job at best.”

Cattie snorted and covered her mouth with the back of one hand since she’d taken a bit of food after her little monologue. “Don’t get me started on that,” she said.

“Well, obviously Robbie is out,” Wanda said. “Does she do anal? Cause JC is still an option.”

That made me cough and choke for a moment.

“I don’t think that’s on the cards either,” Cattie shook her head. “She mentioned that the college guys wanted to come party again this afternoon, so maybe she’ll hook up with that other guy again and it’ll mellow her out some more.”

“Hey, maybe it’s a quantity not quality issue,” Cassidy teased. “If one cock mellows her out a little, two cocks could mellow her out a lot!”

Cattie gasped and shoved Cattie lightly. “Please don’t put any ideas in her head. The last thing I need is her going on and on about how amazing her threesome with two cocks was, and how it’s something I’ll never experience, blah blah blah.”

That set the rest of us to laughing, and the conversation moved on from Sherry to other more mundane subjects.

We were all finished eating, with Cassidy laying back against me at the head of the bed and Cattie and Wanda sitting at the foot, when Cattie’s phone went off and she glanced at it. “Crap,” she sighed. “Heather is looking for me and she’ll be all grumpy if she finds me in here.”

“Go, babe,” Cassidy said, leaning forward and patting her knee. “Thanks for hanging out. Love you.”

“You too, bestie,” Cattie grinned and leaned forward herself to hug Cassidy, then sideways to hug Wanda. “Thanks for the peaceful, totally undramatic lunch. And before, too.”

“No problem, girly,” Wanda said with a smile.

“See you later, Tiger,” Cattie winked at me as she got up and picked up all our disposable plates and headed for the kitchen.

“You were right,” Wanda said, turning to Cassidy. “She is pretty great.”

“Told you,” Cassidy said with a smile, leaning back against me again. “Now, are you going to come snuggle Robbie with me, or are we all heading up-”

She was interrupted by a knock on our door as JC appeared in the doorway. “Hey, guys,” he said. “Sorry to interrupt, but uh - can I talk to Robbie for a sec?”

“Sure,” Cassidy said with a concerned little frown. She and Wanda both started to get up from the bed. “You OK, big guy?”

“Yeah,” JC sighed. “Well, no. I mean, I assume you guys know about stuff.”

Cassidy patted him on the arm as she slipped on her flip-flops and Wanda went to the mirror to fix her hair quickly and put her baseball cap back on, feeding her ponytail through the back. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out for whatever’s best for the two of you,” she assured him.

“I’m trying,” JC nodded.

Cass gave him a little comforting hug for a moment as she slipped past him, and Wanda rubbed his shoulder with an encouraging smile as she followed.

“What’s up?” I asked him as I scooted down the bed to the end and sat. “Need some dude time to chill out and get your mind off things, or do you want to try and talk it out?”

“I dunno man,” JC said, coming and sitting down on the corner of the bed. “Right now I really just need to make things even between me and Terra. Have… I’m not really supposed to ask this based on what she and I agreed to, but have you two hooked up?”

“Nothing you don’t know about, I think,” I said. “Flirting, some kisses. The massages included a bit of touching her chest, but that’s mostly it.”

He nodded while looking down at his hands.

“Is that too much? I only went ahead with that because you were OK with it according to everything I knew,” I said.

“No, no. That’s fine,” he said. “We figured that crap out a while ago. I would have been doing similar stuff but the only other girl on the trip who kind of fits my type is Sherry, and she’s not as athletic as I go for.”

“Small, fit and blonde?” I asked with a little grin.

“Heh,” he chuckled. “Hair colour doesn’t matter to me. I’m just really into a tight little package. Heather would be the right fitness level, but the rest of her is… ehn.”

“So what’s up?” I asked.

He took a breath. “I need you to fuck Terra,” he said. “Like, fully. And this isn’t a cuck thing. I’m not, like, wanting to watch or interested in it or anything. I just need me and her to be on the same footing again, and I know she’s interested in you and I’d rather it be you than some of those other guys from the college group since the gals all seem to trust you and you’re a decent dude. So… yeah. Will you?”



I'd be super-annoyed at the cliffhanger if I... wait, that's still a weird cliffhanger that you've just covered because Cattie seems more important. Also, I couldn't actually read it, but I think if you scroll fast enough on the mobile app, Patreon defaults to the title of the post for every line. It was definitely BreaktheBar something. (I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to download the post.)


Ok so a small point, but Cass told Robbie the orgy was 23 girls but told the game it was 14? Seems like a weird change to me.


I honestly can't remember at this point, but either I just got the detail wrong or I had Cassidy talk about a different multi-girl orgy to downplay her past a little bit. She's trying to be open, but that doesn't mean she won't get embarrassed by the sheer numbers sometimes.