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I'm working on QT:NW, hopefully it will be out tonight.

This tiny update is more just tracking my '1st of the Month Blues,' as I've mentioned last month and in the past.

Patreon is Effing up again. Somehow, according to their numbers, we dropped almost 100 patrons and there are approximately 48 patrons whose payments have declined for one reason or another. BUT, somehow, my Earnings chart says I've already almost made the same amount of money as last month. BUT, somehow, the amount in my 'payout' area is about $600 CAD less than it should be if the Earnings chart is correct.

I love Patreon for connecting me with all of you. It's changed my life.

But God Damn do I hate the 1st of every month.



Yeah, I had to push mine through again this morning when it should have gone through last night. on top of the move to a Dublin point of charge, Patreon is doing something screwy with my address so the bank keeps saying they don't match. QTNW woohoo!

Zachariah Beasley

Mine goes through on paypal just fine every month and I follow probably 11 patreons. I wonder if it's a payment method problem?


Payment processing is where the Declined Payments issue comes in for sure, but all the other issues with record keeping are purely based on Patreon's back end having a screw or three loose.


FYI folks, I'm running out of steam so it won't be tonight. QT:NW tomorrow sometime.

Don Alejo

I don't know if it's just me, but it charges me the rate for the initial membership level, then the next day, it charges the delta to the current level separately. It does that for all the patreons I'm subscribed to where I upgraded from an initial membership.

Jim lynch

Not a bother you put out more than most authors anyway so I’m quite happy with the quantity and especially the quality of your writing so please don’t worry if your a tad late just don’t make a habit of it lol 😂


Are we gonna see the next QT NW soon. Friday said gonna publish that nite and now Sunday night still nothing no QT NW no AMA nadda!! Dying here for new content!!

Cynthia Parker

I'm mostly a paying customer for the Quaranteam: NW but I like a few of your other stories too.


I've had similar challenges last month and this one. I expect trouble again next month. At least now I'm not getting pop-ups, and I can see my content, and my payment history says I paid. Let me guess, when anybody asks Patreon, they tell you what their tech support tells them "Well, it should work." I realize these problems are stressful for you Break, and that it probably breaks your immersion in the stories you are trying to create. Fortunately, I can always re-read some chapters if and when I get anxious with anticipation. Keep up the great work!


Hope you're feeling better! Not trying to be pushy but was wondering if we could get an update on your posting schedule