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It's been a little while since we had a 'Who Will Robbie Fuck Today' Poll - Day 5 had a lot happen!

Remember, only the top couple of winners are guaranteed to get action, everyone else down the list will have less time with our intrepid hero. And he's also been making some promises - are you folks interested in seeing him keep them?

I guess we'll find out!

Who is Robbie going to get personal time with on the last full day of the trip?

The poll is multi-choice!



Story wise I think Cassidy and Cattie are a given, but choosing that third slot is tough since this part of the story is winding down. For me though, it's got to be Zenya. She saw some teasing early on, but then nothing came of it aside from a few conversations about wanting to go further. So while the thought of a non-canonical chapter in which she runs Robbie and Cassidy off the road on their way home to get some is amusing, the prospect of her developing a rejection complex is less so (joking here... mostly). More seriously, I think only Heather, Sherry, and Heels have seen less action. Heather and Sherry, well, I think it's fair to say most of us don't much care what they want at this point. Heels seems okay with things as they are, but Zenya isn't; and no one deserves to be in the same boat as Heather and Sherry unwillingly.


I'm dying to see some progress with Robbie and Becca's relationship. Wanda's basically stated that "She’s really in love with you, she’s just been hesitating because of the timeline and you, her and Cass not connecting physically like you’d wanted to." So with that barrier there to Becca being all in, I really want to see Becca get some action. To me, the end game is (from most important to still be a part to least): Cassidy Cattie Wanda Becca Terra (only if she decides she's done with her boyfriend) Leia/Amy (kind of tied in my mind) Given the size of the girls with which to split his time, I'm ambivalent on Zenya. I couldn't care either way, other than she'd be taking away from other screen time. Do not want list (From who would be okay, I guess, to absolutely no, please:) Heels - doesn't seem to have any real interest Ginny - is really only interested in getting action, which feels like it doesn't fit for what Robbie wants. Sherry - only reason would be to hurt Heather, and I don't think Cattie is going to forgive her, so she's a non-starter Heather - horrible person, plus total lesbian. I neither want her to get ANY action, nor do I want her to get any with Robbie. In fact, I could see her getting physical with Robbie (violent) after she finds out Cattie's with Robbie, and her getting thrown off the trip by Becca. Sherry could leave with her and no big loss.


The poll is in fact, not multiple choice


Unfortunately, that's a Patreon Mobile App bug that I can't do anything about. Try re-entering the post to vote again.


Y'all are definitely making this an interesting one!


The Heather votes make me laugh so hard. That is such a bad idea all around.