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Part 4 of 5 of May OFG Week. I will release the Epub/PDF bundle with the last release.


Chapter 495

“So, what’s it like being at one of the top schools in your country?” you asked Maeve.

The conversation had shifted throughout the last hour, and Gemma and Sabrina were more focused on Amanda now and you could tell the closer to ‘go time’ you all got, the more Sabrina was getting submissive-horny. She was biting her lip and flirting with the immense-breasted coed and you could tell she was hoping Amanda was going to be more dominant. Gemma was flirting too, but in a more casual, friendly manner that seemed to be mutual.

Maeve shrugged in response to your question. “I assume it’s pretty much the same as being at any other Uni,” she said. “There are other smart people and a lot of people who make me wonder how or why they’re there. And sometimes those aren’t just the other undergrads. Honestly, I try not to spend too much time around campus - I’m not a ‘group’ person.”

“Hey, to each their own,” you said. “Though you seem to be a ‘group’ person tonight.”

She smirked a little, looking at you through those black-rimmed glasses in a way that made her seem like a sexy, aloof librarian but also like a tipsy party girl on the prowl.  “I’m interested in… non-traditional sexual experiences when they become available in a safe way,” she said. “A fivesome, even a one-male multiple-female matching, is something that interests me. The fact that you seem to have two intelligent, stable, girlfriends who are aware of each other speaks to a certain sexual proclivity and experience between the three of you. Unless of course you’re either secretly a drug dealer or in some sort of sex cult. Drugs beyond carefully dosed hallucinogenics are a no-go for me, by the way.”

“You don’t have a problem if we’re a sex cult though?” you asked with a chuckle.

“Depends on the tenets of the cult,” she shrugged.

You snorted and chuckled, then realised she wasn’t exactly joking. “Maeve, I hope you don’t find it too forward for me to say I think you’re an intriguing woman and I’m looking forward to tonight,” you said.

“It’s not too forward,” she said. “Is it too forward to ask if you’re hard right now?”

That one got you to blush just a little. “In most other situations it would be,” you said. “But right now I think I can flow with it. I’m not, though that dress you’re wearing is certainly pushing me towards it.”

“Prominent nipples had a distinct psychological effect on parties interested in the female form,” Maeve said. Her British accent somehow managed to make the clinical discussion still sound sexy to you.

“So you wore that dress specifically to tease me with your ‘prominent nipples?’” you asked.

“You, and Sabrina,” Maeve said, nodding slightly over to your girlfriend. “I noticed that she, even more than yourself, has a tendency to glance at other women’s breasts. When I was preparing for tonight I assumed she would enjoy the visual stimulation.”

“And what are your findings?”

She pursed her lips a little in thought. “They seem to have had the desired effect on Sabrina. You seem to be better able to control your carnal subconscious and glance down at mine and Amanda’s breasts much less frequently. Can I rub your cock?”

That last bit took you off guard a little and you coughed. “Here?” you asked.

She nodded. “Circumspectly, obviously. I’m interested to know what we’ll be working with tonight. You may cup my breast or pinch my nipples in response if you’d like.”

“I would like,” you said, “But I think it would be harder to do that without people noticing. How about we kiss instead? I’m sure that will help inspire the proper feel you’re looking for.”

“Excellent idea,” she said.

Without any other preamble, Maeve moved towards you around the rim of the circular table and went up on her toes a little more to plant her black painted lips on yours while her hand slid between the two of you and firmly felt up your dick through your slacks. You, meanwhile, let one hand fall to her waist where you confirmed she definitely wasn’t wearing a thong or any panties under the tight dress, while your other hand stayed flat on the table. Your cock quickly started to rise to the stimulation, pressing against her palm, but you were a little distracted by the kiss.

You couldn’t decide if it wasn’t intimate without being passionate, or the reverse. It felt good, and her kissing technique was a little unique, but she tasted of the sugary cocktail she’d been drinking and she smelled like an interesting woody scent from her makeup. Her tongue pressed confidently between your lips and danced with yours. But for all that it was a deep kiss, there wasn’t any real emotion behind it. When you kissed Sabrina or Gemma, or even Becks or Tasha, like that there was always a spark of… something. Lust, at least. And love. Even kissing Mallory deeply had carried emotional baggage that the two of you had traded.

It was like Maeve had a wall up, and she didn’t want to show any of herself despite it being a really good kiss.

The lack of emotion kept it from being toe-curling.

When she pulled away she smacked her lips a little and you saw that the black paint on her lip hadn’t smudged so you hoped it wasn’t all over yours now. 

“That was hot,” Sabrina said, grinning at the two of you from across the table. Amanda and Gemma were both looking at you with expressions that said they’d been interested in the show as well - not to mention several men around the bar who seemed to have started making the decision that if you were kissing Maeve, the others must be single.

“I think I’m going to be… satisfied, with what you’re offering,” Maeve said, regulating her words as she gave your cock one more squeeze before withdrawing her hand. She turned to Amanda. “Want a turn?”

“Maybe not right in public,” Amanda said with a slight flush.

Chapter 496

“Alright, my turn to go get a round,” you said. You and Maeve had gone back to talking about University, and why she’d chosen to do an internship in the US when she probably had more (and better) opportunities in the UK - her answer had been that she wanted a reason to see the States, and other than a few specific people she’d met it was generally as overbearing and overhyped as she’d expected.

“Oh, no, don’t worry about that,” she said, shaking her head. It set her curly hair waving a bit and you wanted to run your hand through it but didn’t follow through on the reflex. “I’ll order another round on my tab.”

“You’ve already bought two,” Gemma said across the table. “It’s our turn.”

“Oh,” Maeve said. “Right, no, I haven’t been buying them. Alastair has been.”

She said it so matter-of-factly that you felt like you should have known who ‘Alastair’ was, but you definitely didn’t know anyone by that name.

“Who?” Sabrina asked after a moment.

“My Paypig,” Maeve said.

“...What?” you asked.

“Maeve, stop having fun,” Amanda sighed, shaking her head.

Maeve smirked a little.

“Wait, paypig?” Sabrina asked, sounding like she’d made a connection in her mind. “That’s a kink thing, right?”

“Sort of,” Maeve said. “Well, for him anyway. I actually have three of them. It’s ‘Financial Domination’ - like I told John, I’m interested in unique sexual experiences. One of those experiences led me to taking on some Paypigs.”

“OK, hold on,” Gemma said. “So you’re… I don’t get it. Is this like a BDSM thing that they… pay you for?” Her tone hinted at ‘Isn’t that just prostitution?’

“Again, sort of on their part,” Maeve said. “I haven’t really been able to figure out the psychology of it yet, and there aren’t exactly a breadth of studies on the subject for me to draw from. Basically, I have three very well-off men who send me money and gifts whenever I demand them. One of them pays for my rent every month in London, another one obsesses over me having the latest fashions and gets off on me ruining the designer clothes he has delivered, and Alastair pays for anything I eat or drink. I can also use their credit cards as often as I want, though I save that for special occasions.”

“Holy fuck,” Sabrina said, shaking her head slightly. “And what do they get out of it?”

“The occasional text from me,” she shrugged. “One of them only wants to be called degrading things, so that’s fairly easy. Another enjoys being turned down by me so I generally only need to tell him I want something or ‘No’ when he asks me out. Alistair is a bit of a little bitch when I’m not spending enough of his money so sometimes I have to pretend I’m spending it on male prostitutes, or hooking up with people from Uni.”

“Jesus,” Gemma said, her eyes wide.

“Actually,” Maeve said, taking her phone out of her purse. “Mind if I take a photo of us, John? He’ll lose his mind if he knows I’m planning on fucking you.”

“Not his face,” Sabrina said quickly.

Maeve shrugged. “That’s probably better actually. Here, Amanda, get on the other side of John.”

Soon you were getting two pictures taken, one just showing the bottom of your jaw as Maeve posed with a hand on your chest, scowling slightly at the camera, as Amanda hugged your other arm with her big cleavage pressed to it but her face out of frame as well, and then another for the two of them that showed all three of you smiling nicely.

Amanda pinched your butt as she stepped away and you laughed and shook your head.

“Here, watch this,” Maeve said. “It’s… around 3 AM in London right now. I’ll send this, and he’ll respond in a few minutes.” She sent her text and then put her phone down on the table.

“How did you… I guess it doesn’t matter how you met them,” Sabrina said. “Doesn’t it feel weird, getting all of that from these guys who you basically abuse?”

Maeve shrugged. “Why should it? I didn’t coerce them into it, all I did was respond to some Direct Messages on my Instagram. Each of them started sending me money before I asked.”

“But, have you ever talked about it explicitly?” Gemma asked. “Like… so everyone knows the line of consent? What if one of them, like the one who asks you out, is being serious?”

“I asked the same question when she told me,” Amanda said. “Maeve wrote up contracts and everything to protect herself legally.”

“It would be entirely irresponsible not to,” Maeve said. “The tax implications alone could ruin me if I didn’t do it all through legally binding contracts.”

“So you pretty much act like a bitch to them, and they send you, well, thousands of British pounds a month?” you asked.

“If you include my rent, and average out some of the larger other purchases across multiple months, my Paypigs make me about £45,000 per month. That’s about $57,600,” Maeve said. “To be fair, I invest most of the actual cash payments, so it’s technically more than that now.”

Part of you wanted to be disgusted. Part of you wondered if Sabrina, in her amateur pornstar persona, could take on a few Paypigs since that kind of cash would help expedite paying for law school for you, her and Gemma, not to mention all the other living expenses and such. For some reason, though, you didn’t like the idea of it for her - the amateur content, and the money generated from it, felt a lot more… honest, even if it was more risky than how Maeve described what she was doing.

You also wondered what Amanda’s thoughts were on it, considering Sabrina’s insistence that she did OnlyFans content as well. Did Maeve know about that, if the two of them were so open about the FinDom stuff?

Maeve’s phone pinged, and she picked it up and frowned slightly before setting it down and turning it to show you, Gemma and Sabrina. A Venmo notification had come through, sending £6,969.69 to Maeve’s account from ‘Little Piggy.’ “See?” she said. “I’ll go get the next round.”

Chapter 497

Two rounds of very expensive cocktails you now knew were being made with very expensive liquor later, you and Gemma were talking with Amanda while Sabrina was getting to know Maeve more. Several men had approached the five of you over the last couple of hours, usually focusing on Amanda and Maeve since they were more dressed up, but Gemma and Sabrina had both been approached as well. All four of the ladies had judiciously been turning the would-be suitors down, and you’d gotten several open kisses from both of your girlfriends. Amanda had been a little too shy to do that with you, but she’d kissed Maeve instead proclaiming she was a proud Lipstick Lesbian.

You were pretty sure you heard several groans from other nearby groups at that.

Things took a shift, however, when Maeve turned to the table as a whole and waited for all of you to give her your attention.

“I would like to move this night along, please,” she said. “I’m physically aroused, and the alcohol should have socially lubricated us enough now to ease any nerves you might have. I can also see that your four are also aroused. We should go.”

It was blunt and to the point, just like she said she was. The fact that she hadn’t said ‘Alright, let’s go fuck now’ was almost a blessing.

The exodus took a little longer than expected - Maeve went to settle up the tab for an undisclosed amount of the money she’d been sent by Alastair, and Gemma and Amanda decided to go to the washroom before leaving, leaving you with Sabrina as you waited for the others to return.

“What do you think?” she asked as she stepped close, weaving her hands together at the small of your back as she hugged you lightly and looked up into your eyes.

“About which thing in particular?” you asked with a slightly incredulous shake of your head.

“Fair point,” Sabrina chuckled. “OK, rapid-fire. Amanda?”

“If she gets over her nerves I think tonight will be a lot of fun.”

“Maeve’s ridiculous ‘job?’”

“Not our place to judge, but also WTF,” you said.

Sabrina snorted and nodded. “That amount, from just three guys? They must be rich-rich. What about her otherwise?”

“I think Maeve knows what she wants and won’t be afraid to tell us, which is a good thing.”

Sabrina nodded. “Think you’ve got the stamina? Last night was a big one.”

You smiled and brushed a thumb over Sabrina’s cheek as you cupped her jaw lightly. “With you in the room? I’ll be the Energizer Bunny.”

“You say the sweetest things,” she grinned at me.

Maeve returned first, and Sabrina got a naughty look in her eyes and let go of me, going to the other brunette and whispering something in her ear. Maeve raised an eyebrow as she listened but looked at me, and when Sabrina was done she took one glance at Sabrina’s eyes before approaching me.

She spun before getting to you though, instead backing up and pressing her ass to your crotch and her shoulder blades to your chest as she craned her neck to look you in the eye. “I understand that you’re good with your hands,” she said, taking them in hers and bringing one around to her stomach and the other up to her shoulder. “And that you have a dominant streak. I’d like you to make me a spectacle, these last minutes before we leave. Kiss me, hold my throat, and feel my breasts. We’ll never see these people again.”

Maeve then just looked at you expectantly.

You glanced at Sabrina, trying to guess what she’d told Maeve, but all you got back was an encouraging smile and that devious playful look in her eyes.

“Fuck it,” you said, and leaned your lips down to hers as you kissed like before - lacking the emotional connection, but otherwise fulfilling everything a steamy kiss would have. Your hand on her shoulder slid to her neck first, your fingers flowing over her smooth, pale skin and the lines of her collarbone before wrapping around her throat. She didn’t moan like Sabrina would have, but she ground her ass back against your firm cock in encouragement. That felt like she was giving you permission to continue, so you slid your other hand up from her stomach to her breast, openly palming it through her dress and feeling the delightful malleability of it and the firm nub of not only her nipples but something more - her nipples were pierced with some sort of circular piercing so there hadn’t been extra bumps to see.

Your fingers tightened around that piercing, twisting it a little, and that got a moan out of Maeve and finally seemed to spark something a little more in the kiss. Swapping to the other breasts and giving it a hard squeeze earned you another tiny moan.

“Ahem,” Gemma said, clearing her throat as she and Amanda approached.

You ended the kiss with Maeve, pulling away half an inch and looking into her eyes for a long moment. What you saw there made you think maybe it wouldn’t be just the mechanics of wild sex that night with her. “Go kiss her,” you whispered to Maeve, your lips gently brushing hers.

She smirked a little and stepped out of your arms and right up to Gemma, taking your silver-blonde girlfriend by the hip with one hand and behind the neck with the other and pulling her into a heavy kiss. Gemma must have figured out the ‘prank’ before it even started because she started kissing Maeve back without missing a beat, and the sight of the two of them - a British gothy girl and an Australian preppy surfer girl - was a delectable vision that stopped any conversations that were still happening after the show you and Maeve had put on.

“OK,” Gemma said a little breathlessly as she and Maeve finally separated. “Are we getting out of here or not?”

Chapter 498

There was a brief debate outside the bar about where you were heading - you and your girlfriends had assumed things would end up at Sabrina’s place, while Amanda and Maeve had assumed things would end up at Maeve’s. You sort of wanted to see Maeve’s apartment considering it was being covered by some super-wealthy British dude, but your numbers won out and the girls made the decision that the fivesome would happen at Sabrina’s.

Your brunette girlfriend had also managed to snake the chance to order the Uber, having gotten to it before Maeve could so that one of you was paying for something that night. She’d gotten an UberXL so when the Escalade pulled up you were all able to pile into the back, with you ending up in the back row on one side with Sabrina in the middle and Amanda on the other side.

That arrangement, of course, brought with it some risky play from your girlfriend. As the driver started the car moving, Sabrina reached over into your lap and immediately started fishing out your cock. Gemma was sitting in the middle-row bucket seat in front of you so the driver had no way of seeing what was going on, but Amanda definitely had a close-up view, and Maeve could look back to see as well from her seat beside Gemma.

“Really?” you whispered quietly.

Sabrina grinned at you in the partial dark and got your cock out of the zipper in your pants, leaning in to give you a peck before sitting back and stroking your cock one-handed. This let Amanda get a clear view and you could see her eyes go wide as she bit her lip. She glanced quickly at Sabrina, and then you, and then Sabrina again, before reaching forward and tapping Maeve on the shoulder. The goth girl glanced back, still in a conversation with Gemma, and when she saw your cock she didn’t hesitate or even flinch in her conversation - she just reached over and her palm found the head of your cock and her hand wrapped around it and started fondling you as Sabrina continued squeezing and teasing the shaft.

The ride, perhaps thankfully and perhaps not, wasn’t long enough for Sabrina to progress things any further and at the end you had to awkwardly get your hard cock back inside your pants before following the girls out of the back seat. You ended up behind Amanda, her generous butt a little in your face, and you resisted the urge to give it a pinch to pay her back for her getting you in the bar. The resulting yelp would have probably alerted the driver.

Nothing else happened until you all piled into the elevator in Sabrina’s building, when Gemma crossed her arms over her chest and eyed the three other ladies. “So you got a look in the car, then?” she asked.

“Not a good one, but a decent feel,” Maeve said, while Amanda nodded.

“Well, here’s a better one,” Gemma said, then fell down into a squat in front of you as she started pulling out your cock right there in the elevator. 

“Gemma,” you groaned. “Right here?”

She got your cock out in the bright light. Sabrina was grinning as she bit her lower lip. Maeve nodded approvingly and looked like she wanted to reach out and get a hand on it again. Amanda licked her lower lip, her eyes stuck on your cock as if she couldn’t look away.

Gemma stroked you once and then tilted your cock up a bit and licked from the base of your sack all the way up the bottom of your cock like she was licking a drip off of an ice cream cone. Then she bobbed on the head, swirling her tongue skilfully before sliding her lips off of you and leaving the head moist and shiny.

“It’s almost yours to play with,” Gemma smirked a little, standing back up but keeping a hand on your cock.

“You guys are wilder than I expected,” Amanda said.

“But you like it?” Sabrina asked.

Amanda shrugged but then grinned and nodded. “For this? Yeah,” she said. “I dunno if I could be long-term friends though, you’d get me in too much trouble.”

“You say that now,” Gemma said. “But wait until you’ve got our loving boyfriend's cock deep inside you and then try telling me you wouldn’t want to be long-term friends with us.”

Amanda actually shivered, and you noticed Maeve looking at her with a thoughtful expression.

Gemma didn’t let you put your cock away as the elevator doors opened, but she did hand you over to Sabrina who kissed you hungrily before leaping up into your arms and wrapping her legs around your waist. Your cock was pressed up between you as she ground the crotch of her slacks against it. “Carry me, baby,” she said. “I’ll protect you.”

You snorted softly but carried her at the back of your little group as Gemma led the way. Sabrina had to get down to unlock her apartment door, which Gemma jumped on to grab your cock with one hand again and press herself against your front, making a show of kissing you deeply. The revolving nature of getting your cock stroked, tugged and rubbed wasn’t exactly pushing you anywhere but it was definitely keeping you hard.

Everyone piled into the apartment and started kicking off shoes, and Sabrina offered drinks as she headed for the kitchen area.

“Can we just get started?” Maeve asked as she walked into the living room. “We did all the niceties and everything at the bar. I’d really like to just start fucking.” And then she reached down and pulled her dress up, peeling the burnt orange garment off her body. Her upper thighs, waist, stomach and soft tits were all that same pale shade as the rest of her. She had a couple of small, cute moles on her, but otherwise seemed completely unblemished. Her breasts were ‘small’ compared to Gemma, let alone Amanda, but stood out more than Sabrina’s perfect little tits. The piercings around her nipples, which were a shade more brown than the rest of her, were little silver circlets that seemed to hug her nipples and keep them erect. Her entire body had a sort of softness to it, and as she tossed her dress to the side her boobs jiggled enticingly. Her mound was as smooth and bare as the rest of her body, and your eyes were drawn to her pussy lips - she had almost no visible inner labia, but her outer labia were slightly pink and she really did seem to be slick and ready for some fast action.

“Beautiful,” you said, trying to make the compliment as blunt and to the point as possible for her.

“Thank you,” she said, just as bluntly.

“I think getting naked is a great idea,” Sabrina said, circling back from the kitchen with her blouse already pulled off and working on undoing her slacks. “Let’s get sexy-comfy, and then we can talk boundaries and start fucking.”

Chapter 499

To be fair to your girlfriends, the only reason why your eyes weren’t stuck on either of them wasn’t because Maeve or Amanda were more pretty, or sexy, or anything like that. If anything you rated both Gemma and Sabrina ‘higher’ on a hotness scale than either of the other girls despite their specific assets.

But they were new, and while new couldn’t distract you from acknowledging the gorgeousness that was Gemma in a green set of sexy bra and panties, or the sleek allure of Sabrina’s lithe nudity, it could definitely dominate your attention.

Maeve was already naked and looked great.

Amanda took longer to strip down, and boy was it worth the wait.

Her dress needed to be unzipped in the back, which she struggled with for a moment before you stepped forward and helped her with it. She smiled and winked at you, murmuring her thanks. Then she seemed to wait for you to finish unbuttoning your own shirt before she started to take off her dress, slipping her arms from the shoulders and letting it fall down to her hips, and then scooting it down further so it could fall to the floor.

“God damn,” Sabrina said.

“Fuck,” Gemma said. “God, I never thought I’d say this but I wish I could fill something out like that just once.”

“No, you don’t,” Amanda chuckled. She was blushing a little and it was hitting her upper chest and cheeks, but she didn’t get nervous and try to cover up.

She’d been wearing lingerie under her dress. It was a grey one-piece that had a lacy waistband that rode her hips and a large front panel with intricate detailing covering her mound. A higher band, at her actual waist, pinched the front panel delicately and left most of her sides and abdomen exposed - Amanda was built broad, genetically necessary for her to have such massive tits, and there was no hiding that she had a soft, thicc torso but other than a soft swelling there wasn’t a paunch or anything. The grey lingerie continued up into two large, thin cups that ‘contained’ her tits and provided some bouncy lift, though really they only held the bottom third in a stretched triangle over the tit-flesh. It was technically a ‘cage bra’ as extra straps circled her breasts, doing nothing but accenting her cleavage.

“What do you think,” she asked, just a little nervously and she reached up with one hand and adjusted her ponytail bun.

“Hold on,” you said. “Don’t move - actually, lift your other hand up and do that exact thing with both hands.”

Jeeesus,” Sabrina said.

“Amanda,” you said. “You look fucking gorgeous, but in that pose - fuck.” With her arms up and her hands behind her head it accented her breasts even more, and with her hair up too it showed off her slender neck and drew the eye up to her pretty, large eyes before they fell down and ping-ponged back to her tits.

“Guys,” she blushed.

“No, they’re right,” Gemma said. “Hold on, let me take a picture and show you.”

“I dunno,” Amanda said.

“Hey, it’s just for you,” Gemma said, already grabbing her phone from where she’d set it down. “I can send it to you or delete it. Just hold that pose. “Amanda did, and Gemma took the picture and she gasped a little when she got to see it.

“OK,” she laughed. “Yeah, send that to me. That’s… shit, I need to find a boyfriend to send that to.”

With everyone in a state of sexy undress, including yourself down to your briefs with your hard cock lewdly tenting the front of them, the usual spiel you and the girls used with new partners kicked off. Sabrina talked about her preferred kinks, and then Gemmawent, though she didn’t include anal in the offering for the day - two nights in a row seemed to be her limit. You told them you were generally interested in your usual fare too, and that you liked to adapt to your partners.

“Mine are easy,” Maeve said. “I don’t like to be held down. Not in missionary, not in doggy, whatever. Don’t press your body against mine if I’m under you, and don’t try to pin my limbs or anything. If you do and I try to get you off of me and you don’t respond immediately, I’ll literally have an Aspy meltdown and things will get awkward.”

“We’ll definitely keep that in mind,” Gemma assured her. “Just- Sorry, but out of curiosity I’ve got to ask- I love when he lays on top of me, especially prone with his cock in me; I also have a nephew with Autism who's obsessed with his weighted blanket. I’m surprised it sounds like you’re the opposite.”

Maeve shrugged. “Lots of people with autism and Aspbergers like the whole pressure/weighted feeling, but it just makes me anxious,” she said.

“She sleeps without a sheet,” Amanda said. “Seriously. No blanket, no sheet, nothing.”

“Interesting,” Gemma said.

“What about you, Amanda?” Sabrina prompted her.

“Sorry, other than the not being held down thing,” Maeve cut in. “I would like to get my ass fucked tonight, and if you have the proper implements I’d like to have all three of my sexual holes filled at the same time. I think the vernacular online is ‘airtight.’”

“That, we can do,” Sabrina said with a big grin, glancing at you and then back at Maeve. “Anything else?”

“That’s all for now,” Maeve said.

“Wait, what about hair-pulling?” Gemma asked. “Not mean pulling, but sexy? Does that count for the holding you down stuff?”

Maeve hesitated then nodded. “Better safe than sorry for a first time together. Try not to pull my hair, or hold my head while I’m performing oral.” Then she turned to Amanda and raised her eyebrows.

“Um- well, definitely no anal for me,” she said. “Otherwise… I’m here to have fun sex? I’m kind of vanilla so don’t get too wild on me.”

“Alright,” Sabrina said, clapping her hands once. “I hereby declare this fivesome commenced. Maeve, honey, I think you need to suck that dick.”



Great as always, but I've anticipated these fivesomes for a while now, so really awesome to finally get to them. Love it!


Honestly I nerd Maeve to be recurring she's so awkward I love it!