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Part 3 of 5 of May OFG week. All five will be released in a bundle with Epub and PDF at the end.


Chapter 490

The first pussy made your head spin. You had a bit of a hint as to who it was because you could hear Sabrina’s moaning distinctively not right in front of you - it sounded like someone was using a toy on her at the end of the bed. Who that was, though, was the question. Your first guess would have been Gemma since she knew how to work your mutual girlfriend, but you’d all spent more than enough time with Becks for her to have the same skills, and Tasha could very well be a quick study too.

Whoever it was, she was doing her best not to let you get an easy guess in. She put her hands on your shoulders, but none of the ladies had particularly rough or large hands so that didn’t tell you anything - and using you as a support, she pivoted her hips in a slow circle, your cock riding the edge of her hole as you felt her slick natural lubrication quickly making your tender skin slide between her lips. It was a deliciously agonising feeling that made you want to grab her hips and pull her down onto you or to slam your own hips up and impale her. 

The teasing slowly dissipated though as your torturess began to sit down further on your cock until you could feel the entire head had entered her. Then she leaned forward and licked your lips playfully before hunching her hips a bit to rock back and forth on your cock, gripping with the entrance of her cunt.

“God, fuck,” you groaned, trying your damndest not to lose your cool - both your control and your stamina were being tested.

She dipped her hips a little lower, taking more of you for a split second, then went back to what she was doing.

“Fuck,” you gasped.

She blew a cold stream of air on your lips and dipped her hips again, taking more of you and then pulling back up. You couldn’t even figure out how she was straddling you, whether she was up on her knees or squatting on her feet or what. All you could focus on was her hands holding your shoulders, her teasing of your lips, and that pussy rising and falling and squeezing and-

“Becks?” you guessed.

“Good guess, Daddy,” Becks said, leaning in and kissing you as she slammed herself all the way down onto your cock. You immediately grabbed her ass, squeezing it hard as you made out with her messily. Her tits were pressed to your chest now and the two of you fucked each other ferociously for a long few minutes before she shocked you by suddenly pulling away. “Next competitor,” she sang quietly with a laugh. “Or… maybe it will be me again!”

As the next person straddled you on the bed you realised that Sabrina’s moans had disappeared, and someone had turned up the music a little more. Maybe they realised your girlfriend was making it easier on you and they were turning up the difficulty.

Whoever was next straddled you facing away, that much you could tell by the angle of her pussy attack on you and where her clit was as she ground the head of your cock against it. It was another longer string of teasing before she started to bounce herself on your cock properly. “Tash?” you guessed.

“Nope,” Tasha said from down the bed. “I’m currently getting- Oooh, fuck- my pussy eaten, Daddy.”

Whoever it was bounced a couple more times on your cock and then dismounted, a soft tutting in your ear as you were teased with not knowing who it was.

You got the next two guesses wrong as well as you were teased and ridden, the girls using just about every trick they must have been able to come up with to keep you on your toes. The next one you were able to guess Sabrina correctly because, as she rode you in cowgirl, she kissed you and leaned close enough that she didn’t touch your chest with hers, but if she were anyone else their tits would have been at least grazing you.

That correct guess allowed you time to roll over and you held her head as you hammered into her quickly, driving towards your orgasm.

“Daddy,” she gasped in your ear. “Oh, fuck, John! God, Daddy, yeeeess!”

You were pushed back, but not away from Sabrina entirely, and someone else slipped over Sabrina’s face and sat on it and you found yourself making out with one of the other girls as her tits pressed against you. The confusing part was that you could also taste someone’s pussy on their lips, and trying to put all the things together to guess who it even was felt pointless as you drilled into Sabrina’s cunt.

Your orgasm rose and burst out of you as you growled a low howl into the lips of your kissee, the feeling of emptying yourself into Sabrina’s tight cunt the ultimate ambrosia. Just as soon as you were done, though, you were pushed back forcefully and found your cock, which hadn’t even had a chance to start going soft, pulled from Sabrina’s pussy and slurped on by a mouth. A moment later you had someone straddling your head and lowering a pussy to your lips - it took a moment of them grinding against your lips and chin for the taste to wake you up out of the shock and extra sensitivity to realise it was Gemma’s taste leaking onto you.

“Gemma,” you mumbled, still playing by the rule, and you reached up and grabbed her hips to pull her down more as you buried your tongue between her pussy lips. At some point she leaned forward more, changing your angle of attack slightly, and you realised one of the ladies had their face buried between her buttcheeks as they rimmed her.

“Fuuuuck, fuckfuckfuck,” Gemma moaned, her thighs tensing as she rode two tongues towards her own orgasm. Then all of a sudden her moaning got muffled and it was coming more from her chest as a hum, and you realised someone must have thrust a toy into her mouth and she was sucking it off.

When Gemma came she leaked all over your face and you lapped it up eagerly, then moved to slip out from under her - your cock had been sucked clean but had been left standing alone for too long. You didn’t make it far though, two sets of hands catching you and pinning you to the mattress as first another pussy was dropped to your lips, and then your cock was shifted into position and a new tight, slimy orifice was dropping onto it. And it was definitely an ass.

“Mmphuk,” you moaned into the pussy.

The crazy thing was that you would have guessed it was Gemma with how easy the woman took it, but you were pretty sure Gemma was out of commission for the moment after her big orgasm. And with Sabrina recovering from the night before, that meant either Becks or Tasha was taking your cock in her ass with as much skill as your beautiful Australian girlfriend.

Chapter 491

The bedroom looked like a tornado had ripped through it. The sheets were tossed off the bed. Toys and lingerie were discarded around like trash detritus. Two big wet spots were on the bed where significant squirts had happened. One bedside lamp had its shade tilted askew, and the other was tipped over completely. The tie that had been used as a blindfold on you earlier was now looped in a knot around one of the headboard posts, the other end loose but crumpled from having been used to secure Sabrina’s foot.

Your cock was slowly gliding in and out of Becks’ ass as she moaned deep but muffled. Her ass looked amazing as you plundered it, but you still pulled out and tilted your cock down, finding the other ass that was stacked under hers and entering it. Tasha felt just as fucking good as Becks, and she started moaning in the same muffled way as her lips remained sealed with Becks’ as they made out. Their tits were pressed together, both of them sporting some new hickeys from you, Gemma and Sabrina. To get the right position for the back-and-forth anal fucking Tasha was practically folded in half, her thighs hugging Becks’ sides with her feet in the air - this left them close to your face, so you did the only polite thing you could think of and indulged her kink by sucking on her toes.

“God, that’s hot,” Gemma said, her voice cracking a little as she laid back and grinned sloppily. She was fuckdrunk, cradling Sabrina as your brunette girlfriend laid back against her. Gemma was letting her hands roam, teasing Sabrina’s erogenous zones as she refused to let the girl touch herself as well, forced to sit on her own hands.

“Which one are you going to come in, Daddy?” Sabrina asked you with a big grin. “Which juicy, sexy butthole are you going to fill with your cream?”

“Fuck,” you chuckled, pulling out of Tasha and pushing back into Becks.

“He’s not going to come in either of them,” Gemma said as she smiled at you. “I think we should play cock roulette and all lay on our backs and he can facefuck us one at a time until he sprays over all of us.”

That, apparently, was an acceptable idea to the others because when you went to swap back to stretching Tasha’s asshole again Becks’ pulled away and dismounted from the other girl. This gave you a bit more leverage and you leaned down over Tasha and really started pounding her ass. That set her perfect tits to bouncing and she reached up and wrapped her arms around the back of your neck, pulling you close as you stared into each other’s eyes and she gasped and shuddered as she came hard with your cock in her ass. You kissed her savagely as she started to come down, only stopping when you got a smack on your ass.

“Come on, Daddy,” Gemma said. “Let me wipe that cock off and you can fuck our mouths and spray all that cum still in your balls anywhere you want.”

You pulled out of Tasha with a long, slow groan and watched for a moment as her cute butthole winked slowly closed.

“God, that was good,” Tasha panted, still coming down from her anal orgasm.

“And you didn’t even have my toes in your mouth,” Sabrina chuckled and playfully stuck out her tongue. Tasha responded by rolling over and climbing over her, silencing her with her lips.

Gemma, meanwhile, had a fresh washcloth from the bathroom and wiped your cock down. There were a few already around the bed - you’d been inside of each one except Sabrina’s, Tasha even having gotten a double penetration in reverse cowgirl as she’d rode your cock with her ass and Gemma had fucked her pussy.

Once you were cleaned up Gemma got the girls in motion and soon they were all lying side by side on the bed, their heads hanging off the edge as their hair cascaded down below them. This left their chests pressed to the ceiling, and their mounds on display, and you groaned as you stroked your cock.

“Can I just say, I’m the luckiest fucking man alive? I mean… God damn.”

The girls all laughed a little and started to tease you more, their hands wandering as they felt themselves up. Tits were jiggled, nipples tugged, and pussy lips stroked. All of them were covered in slick fluids, and you had no doubt that the whole room had to reek of sex; the only reason you didn’t smell it yourself was because you were steeped in it.

“Come on, John,” Sabrina encouraged you. “Finish this reverse gangbang right - fuck our mouths and spray your cum all over us.”

“Fucking crazy,” you mumbled to yourself, still hardly able to believe this was real despite everything else that had happened in the last few months. You presented your cock to her lips and soon you were thrusting it between her lips quickly as she worked her tongue. The other kept teasing you visually, touching themselves. You pulled out of Sabrina’s mouth and shifted a little to the side, tapping your cock on Tasha’s lips. She took it in quickly and you began fucking her mouth, grabbing her tits and using them as handholds. She hummed in approval when you thumbed her nipples and buried both her hands between her thighs as she pleased herself. 

Gemma was next and she reached back to hook your thighs and encourage you to not only fuck her mouth but drive into her throat. Your heavy groan was a hint to the others as to what was going on and they started encouraging you to fuck their throats as well, but you barely heard it because you were absorbed in the pleasure the Australian was giving you. You didn’t grab her tits so much as you simply held them, your fingers on the tender underside as you softly scratched your fingernails against them, and you only pulled your cock from Gemma’s throat when she tapped on your thigh to signal she had to be done.

Becks was next, and she took you in her throat as well. She pulled your hand down her body to fingers her though, and you could feel that her pussy was just as juicy and ready for fucking as earlier.

Back to Sabrina, who immediately swallowed your cock into her throat and brought your hand to her neck. You choked her lightly as you fucked her throat and even though she came up coughing when you pulled away you could tell she’d been driving towards an orgasm. Back to Tasha then, who had the hardest time taking you in her throat but encouraged you nonetheless. Then Gemma again. Then Becks. Slide back down to Sabrina.

Your orgasm sprung up on you quickly. You had to pull out of Sabrina’s mouth as you grunted, “Oh, fuck!” The first thick strand shot down her body leaving the slime trail from her chest to her belly button. Then you were stroking yourself and pivoting with your hips, shooting six good ropes of cum that broke apart and scattered across the heaving, exposed breasts of your partners.

Then you squeezed out the last drops onto each of their lips, leaving them licking your taste from their smiles, before you stumbled backwards and leaned against the wall, sliding down to your ass.

“OK,” you panted. “I think that might be it.”

All four of the women sat up, grinning at each other and at you. And then must have planned it because all at once they looked at you with big, satisfied smirks and said. “Thank you, Daddy.”

You rolled your eyes and the chortles of their laughter were music to your ears.

Chapter 392

There was something serenely beautiful, watching the somewhat chaotic dance that was four women you had been sexual with getting ready for bed.

The post-sex cleanup had been a group effort. The sheets got stripped from the bed, the toys got taken to the kitchen and washed, and all the stripped-off clothing got sorted by owner. New sheets hit the bed, a couple of scented candles got lit and the window was opened to let in a cross breeze. Ladies cycled through the shower, and you ended up getting pushed in last as Tasha was just finishing up, so she was the one who ended up scrubbing you down as your hands caressed all those wonderful curves of hers. Your cock managed to stand back up, but you mutually decided not to put it to use - you were both way too exhausted.

You were ready to hit the bed then and there and sleep, but the ladies had more to accomplish. It wasn’t new to you that there was a sort of primping that they wanted to do since they were going to bed not just with you, but with each other. When it was just Gemma or Sabrina with you, you had noticed that bare face, hair in a messy bun and sleeping naked was fine. Sabrina and Gemma together often meant there was a little extra effort put in - no makeup, but hair might end up in a loose braid or carefully neatened so there were no flyaways, and a negligee would sometimes make an appearance.

With four of them, it seemed like they were trying to compete for who was the most casually, naturally gorgeous. Moisturisers were getting rubbed into skin, hair getting braided, and lots of complimenting each other on their nightwear.

And, gloriously, all of the nightwear was fairly sheer. You weren’t sure if they’d planned it that way or it just happened, but as you watched them with a little smile on your face you could see all of their nipples and the creases of their pussies at the right angle. The sheer cloth made those bodies you were so intimately knowledgeable of seem fresh and new, and you could feel yourself firming up enough that you adjusted your cock in the loose shorts you’d been planning on wearing.

Sabrina noticed that and smirked, eyeing the bulge a little and raising an eyebrow. You shrugged and gestured around to the three other gorgeous women around the two of you, and she grinned and blew you a little kiss.

Eventually, the girls were ready and, after a final glass of water trying to rehydrate, you were sentenced to the middle of the bed. There was some mild jostling and communication made in the secret language of women glancing at each other, and you ended up with Sabrina on your left with Gemma spooned up behind her, and Tasha on your right with Becks spooned up behind the blonde.

“Is it weird that this might be my favourite part of the night?” Tasha asked after Gemma turned off the bedside table lamp and you were all immersed in darkness. It was after midnight and you really needed to get to sleep, but no one had drifted off yet. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, the sex was… bshhh.” She made a brain explosion gesture that was barely visible in the light from the digital clock. “But this feels…”

“Like the best possible end to a four-girl-one-guy orgy?” Becks suggested, squeezing her a little.

“Yeah,” Tasha chuckled and met your lips with her own as you turned to give her a little peck.

“We could do the big snuggle dogpile without doing the sex part if you really want,” you said.

“Yeah, no,” Sabrina said, putting a finger to your lips to stop you from talking. “The big fucky is the price of admission, Daddy.”

“Mmnot Daddy now, Sabrina,” you mumbled around her finger.

“John,” she clarified, then kissed your bare shoulder.

“I wouldn’t call it ‘the price of admission,’” Gemma said, shaking her head a little. “But I would say this only feels this good because of how close I feel to all of you after a good sex session like that. I love you girls.”

“Love you too, bitch,” Becks laughed.

“I love you too, Gemma,” Tasha said, more earnestly. You could understand why - Becks had come into this in a very different way than her. “And you too, Sabrina.”

“Aw, babe,” Sabrina said, half climbing over you to give Tasha a kiss that lingered in the dark.

Sabrina ended up trying to settle in literally on top of you, her nipples scraping against your chest as she shifted a bit, but Gemma pulled her back off and into her arms, making you chuckle.

“You guys might be my best friends,” Becks said, sort of suddenly. “Well, no offence Tasha but we just met, I mean Gemma and Sabrina. You seem pretty great too though.”

“Ouch,” you said, only half joking.

“You, John, aren’t my best friend because you’re Gemma and Sabrina’s boyfriend that they let me fuck and have a lusty crush on,” Becks said. “If I tried to make more of an emotional, best friend connection with you in particular I’d end up falling in love and we all agreed that wasn’t happening. So, no offence Daddy, but you’ll stay my trusted fuckbuddy.”

“I… guess that makes sense,” you admitted.

“You’re one of our closest friends too, Becks,” Sabrina said. “And so are you, Tash. I don’t want to speak for Gemma, but despite what it might look like, we aren’t just sharing John or each other with just anyone. We trust you both so much.”

“My best friend will always be my cousin Birdy,” Gemma said. “But if it’s her, then I have my inner circle and… I mean, it’s Sabrina and John, and then you two and just one more friend from back home. And Mallory, I guess, but she’s more of a mentor.”

“Wait, isn’t that the MILF you guys slept with?” Becks asked.

“Wait,” Tasha said, echoing her. “How have I not heard this story?”

And that was how you ended up not getting to sleep for another half hour, and how your cock ended up tenting the sheets, and you got a double handjob from Sabrina and Tasha until Becks decked under and sucked your orgasm out of you so you could finally get to sleep.

Chapter 393

The morning after was another bit of pleasant chaos. Three ladies all trying to get ready for the work day, plus you and Tasha, made for a busy little apartment. Tash didn’t have a shift at the bookstore until noon, so you and her partnered up to make breakfast burritos for everyone. Becks had brought an outfit in her big purse, having planned to stay over after last night, and Tasha borrowed a pair of sweatpants from Sabrina and wore her simple white blouse on top which was nice enough to get home in.

Riding the bus downtown for work was a bit of a panic for Becks because the traffic felt extra slow, but she made it in on time; though that meant you, Gemma and Sabrina were early as hell. Rather than going to hit the coffee shop or anything since Eric was supposed to do the coffee run that morning, the three of you decided to just get to work right away. By the time Eric showed up you were already deep into it and he wasn’t exactly running late either.

Unlike the previous day you were getting a bunch of interruptions other than the occasional associate coming in to drop off some files - the big news of your win was old news a day later, but then, there was no stopping the grind of the legal process whether you won or lost. There were always more cases that needed attention.

Eric begged off eating lunch with the three of you, saying he needed to make a call; he was planning to head back down to Florida that weekend and was trying to schedule more podcast appearances or something. That gave you, Sabrina and Gemma the chance to head down to the sub place and actually grab a seat, deciding to take a bit of extra time at lunch since you’d gotten in so early.

You unfortunately hit the line right during the busy period so you ended up just chatting about the amount of work left to do in the queue while you waited, but thankfully most people were in and out of the place so there were plenty of places to sit with at least moderate privacy. Once you had your subs you piled into a booth, Sabrina sliding in next to you and Gemma intermingling her legs with yours as she sat across from you and grinned.

“So,” Sabrina said. “Do one of you guys have something you want to talk about, or should we discuss Becks’ point from yesterday?”

“You mean the one about Tash?” you asked.

“Yeah,” Sabrina nodded and looked across at Gemma. “I know you’re going to say it’s more about our opinion because it’s our business and all that, but it's a general boundary factor that could affect all of us so I want to know what you think, baby.”

Gemma took a bite of her sub pointedly and thought as she chewed, then swallowed and took a sip of her drink. “So… I mean, Becks’ main point was really that Tasha would be hurt if she found out and we hadn’t already told her. That doesn’t change our initial reasons for not telling her, or you guys suggesting doing content with her or something like that. If the question is whether it’s worth it to tell her because she might find out and might feel hurt, then it’s the same as anyone else we feel close to. Like, should you guys tell your families just in case?”

“I would… rather not,” you said. “The less my parents know about it, the better. And zero is the preferred number.”

“That’s fair, and I’m pretty much the same,” Sabrina said. “I think my Mom would, like, maybe get on board with accepting it, but not actively supporting it. I don’t even want to think about the look on my Dad’s face if he found out.”

“What about your friends from school?” Gemma added on. “Maybe not the guys, but you didn’t tell Olivia either and I assume you guys are going to keep being close friends, and Sabrina you’ll get closer to her too. Would you want to tell her?”

“I mean, I’d bang her with John’s dick,” Sabrina smirked, “But she’s full lesbian so she doesn’t match up with our standards anyways. No playing with just me or John, right?”

“Right,” you said.

“So obviously the line isn’t being set by just being good friends and feeling like someone is trustworthy,” Gemma said. “The other side of the coin is… do you want to do content with Tasha? If she was open to it?”

“I mean… it makes sense to me,” Sabrina said. “Super high sexual chemistry, a couple different kinks to do shoots for, not to mention she’s stupid pretty and has those - ahem.” Someone had sat down closer to you and Sabrina switched to making veiled comments. “Tasha would make a lucrative business partner, I think. But there’s also the way she said ‘I love you’ last night that makes me a little worried.”

Gemma made a face. “I got that too, a little.”

“Guys,” you said. “I took that more in the way that Becks meant it, just hitting harder.”

“Yeah, but Becks acknowledged the line and Tasha didn’t,” Sabrina said. “And I’m not saying she’s in love with you, but more like… she wants to be in love with us I think, because she only gets us sometimes and honestly, she doesn’t seem to be getting emotional support from the other friends around her. I mean, her roommates know Joy somehow so I can’t see them being very deep and caring, and her comedy friends are kind of a toxic space for her considering the Mosche thing.”

“I don’t think either of us would have said anything if we weren’t also talking about letting her into the secret, love,” Gemma said, reaching across the table to rub your arm.

You sighed and shook your head. “I just… don’t know,” you said. “So I guess that means my input is just siding with whatever you two agree.”

“Are you sure?” Sabrina asked.

“Well, we’re not saying to cut Tasha out of our lives,” you said. “And at the end of the day, it’s your secret first. So if you don’t want to tell her, we don’t. And I totally think not telling Olivia makes sense even if she is a good and trusted friend. The point of doing it anonymously is to be anonymous.”

“Actually, now that I think of it,” Gemma said. “That kind of also brings up Amanda. Baby, you said you recognized her from other content, so it’s kind of like… do we bring it up? If things go well tonight and everything.”

“I don’t know,” Sabrina said with a frown, shaking her head. “I mean, John bringing it up with me has turned into all good things, right? And if she has skin in the game it makes more sense to suss it out with her than with Tasha necessarily.”

You let out a long breath and checked the time on your phone. “I think we’re going to need to circle back on this one,” you said. “Which doesn’t feel great, but maybe we need more information or something.”

The three of you had barely touched your subs, so you ate quickly and headed back to the office with unresolved questions.

Chapter 394

Heading to the bar after eating dinner at work again - unfortunately from some sort of vegan place that hadn’t exactly filled you up - felt kind of weird. Definitely weirder than meeting up with Becks or Tasha, or even Becca and Charlotte like you occasionally did. It was because this wasn’t just ‘meeting up for drinks,’ or with the full knowledge that Becks and/or Tasha would likely come home with the three of you.

This felt weirdly like a first date.

You didn’t really know much about Amanda or Maeve overall, just that you all had similar education and career goals, and some similar interests. Things were kind of a ‘sure thing’ for hooking up after, but that kind of had a big set of asterisks around it. Maeve was the driving force behind it but also seemed the more volatile of the two ladies, and you still weren’t entirely sure if Amanda was just going along with it or if she actually wanted to hook up with you and your girlfriends. But then, she was fairly flirty in the few moments she could be, so it was entirely possible she was into it.

“So which one are you most excited to fuck?” Sabrina asked, her arm looped around yours.

“Sabrina,” Gemma scoffed, but smirked a little and looked for your answer as she held your hand on your other side. 

“Is that really a fair question?” you asked. “They’re both attractive.”

“Yeah, in slightly different ways,” Sabrina said. “Maeve has the accent and the gothy vibes and I bet she’s a freak, but Amanda-”

“Has the biggest tits I’ve ever seen,” Gemma finished the thought off.

You sighed and shook your head. “Yes,” you answered. “Just… yes.”

“Well, I think I’m more excited about Maeve,” Sabrina said. “Not that Amanda isn’t cute as hell. I’m just kind of intimidated by the sheer size of the boobage. Gemma?”

“I’ll admit, I’m curious to see them,” Gemma said with a little smirk.

“Maybe let’s put a kibosh on the sexually predatory remarks?” you suggested. “We’re here.”

The three of you went into the bar, an upscale place that was filling up pretty quickly with an evening crowd that looked ready to spend a lot on overpriced alcohol and showing off their money. It wasn’t really the kind of place you and the girls usually visited, but Maeve had apparently suggested it.

The three of you were still in your work outfits, but you found Maeve and Amanda waiting at a standing table and could tell they’d been home in between work and the bar. Maeve was wearing clothes that didn’t really fit with the suits and cocktail dresses of most of the crowd - she was in a dress, but it was a thin, clingy muted orange colour that looked more suited to wearing over a bikini on the way to the beach or something. It showed a pretty good amount of her chest and some cleavage, along with two distinct nipple bumps making it obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra and you suspected she might have been pantiless as well since there weren’t any lines showing through the clingy dress. Her curly hair was done up in a sexy swoop at the front though, and you had a feeling that any immediate douchebag-attracting her dress did was countered by her black lipstick, dark eye makeup and the cold expression in her eyes behind her black-rimmed glasses. She wasn’t full-on goth but definitely kept up those vibes.

Amanda, on the other hand, had glammed up. She was wearing a silver dress that shimmered with sequins, and while it covered her from her neck and shoulders down there was no hiding her astounding bust. She’d pulled her brunette hair into a sexy updo that exposed her neck and showed off the dangly silver earrings that matched her dress, and her cute face was done up with soft red lipstick and some light eyeshadow.

The busty brunette stepped away from the table with a smile, coming to hug you hello as you tried to greet each other over the noise of the bar. Gemma got the first hug, and then Sabrina and you could almost feel your girlfriend resisting the urge to grab the titties. You were last and Amanda’s smile was warm as you leaned down a bit to give her a hug, and she added a kiss on the cheek and winked as you pulled away. Maeve’s welcome was more subdued, just a small wave of her pale hand and a considering look as she cocked an eyebrow and looked you up and down.

They already had a tab open and Maeve had ordered drinks for everyone, so you didn’t need to venture to the bar, and you wondered if that might have been Maeve’s plan because she almost immediately started interrogating the three of you about the mock trial case. It sounded like she really had done all her own research and prep and could have run the entire Plaintiff side of the trial by herself - and that seemed to scratch a part of Gemma and Sabrina’s brains that had them bantering and arguing good-naturedly almost immediately as they dove into the details.

“Sorry about this,” Amanda said a good ten minutes later. She’d been standing next to you, and you’d both been participating in the conversation, but not to the degree of the others.

“Why?” you asked, shifting slightly so the two of you were facing each other a bit more without closing off from the entire table. She was standing similarly and you found yourself looking down into her big, expressive eyes while trying not to glance at how her dress stretched over her bust.

“It’s just a bit much, and you guys look like you got held long at work,” she said. “I’m sure you’d rather talk about anything else.”

“No, it’s fine,” you said. “It’s what connected us together, and clearly Maeve’s been holding some shit in. Gemma and Sabrina both enjoy a friendly argument on this kind of stuff, too.”

“Well, Maeve got tired of verbally sparring with the others on our intern team last month,” Amanda said. “It had gotten… well, I told you our internship has been kind of toxic, even if it hasn’t been as bad as yours.”

“One person made ours toxic, like I told you,” you said, reminded that you’d told her about Joy that first time you had lunch at the trial. “Otherwise, I mean, we’re doing more overtime than expected but we’re also getting taken care of pretty well.”

“Wish I’d known to apply to your firm,” Amanda sighed. “My uncle works at ours, so I kind of had an in. I wasn’t expecting it to be so… blegh.”

“Sorry it’s not working out,” you said. “Is it turning you off of law school?”

“No,” Amanda said, shaking her head. “It just tells me I probably want to be a public defender, or a prosecutor - or something in Criminal law, anyways. Where things feel more real and pressing. Either that or I’ll make use of my assets, find myself a ridiculously rich husband and turn into a rich bitch Karen.”

You snorted softly as you smirked and shook your head. “For some reason, I think you could attract the exact man you would want for that, but you’re too smart and would get bored being a trophy wife.”

“How could you guess?” she asked back, grinning as she put a hand on your arm. It was a clearly flirty move, and you responded by reaching up and brushing a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, making her smile even wider.

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Sabrina glancing at you as she flashed you a thumbs-up.

It seemed like you didn’t need to worry about Amanda only being partially in on the plan for the night. She was definitely interested.


Ian B

Morbid humor gets you through sometimes. Still enjoying OFG. Thank you

s3x aholic

I am sorry about your cat. I've been in a similar situation so I understand how upsetting this is. Knowing how I felt when mine of a similar age passed, there's really nothing I can say to help you feel better. Remember the good times, the comfort she brought you, and know that your companion helped you in ways you don't understand. On a clerical note, 392 here should be 492, same error appears in the 480-500 dump. Edit: it appears this persists throughout this post.