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Hello, you amazing Patron!

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out our community here, and for offering your support to my ongoing stories! Folks like yourself have truly changed my life and allowed me to become a full-time author, bringing fun (and sexy) stories that I hope will entertain you for years to come.

Not all of my stories are posted to each of the free sites that I frequent, so make sure to check around to see if you might be interested in more than what you've seen. The best way to do that is either on my Master List Post (pinned at the top of my feed for Mobile App users) where I manually keep a record of all the most up to date entries into my stories, or in the Collections Tab where all the chapters and one-shots get sorted into Story Categories.

As a Patron, you're also going to get access to POLLS that sometimes direct the content of a story, or what new short-term project I might tackle next. These are often short-term polls, lasting only a few days, so make sure to vote when you see the notification they've gone up!

Again, thank you SO MUCH for your support. The change to my life that this community has allowed me to make have been extraordinary and I am forever thankful. Please feel free to comment on any of the releases with your thoughts, or to DM me directly if you prefer to keep your thoughts off of the main feed.



Added: 2024-03

Hello, you wonderful Patron!

Thank you so much for showing your support for my work and stories. It means a great deal that folks like yourself are willing to throw in your support behind me, and you are helping bring my stories out into the world on a more continuous and frequent basis.

Now that you are a Patron, make sure to check out the Master List that is pinned to the top of my feed to get access to ALL the content I've posted on Patreon. I keep it up to date as I post new chapters and one-shots, so it should be a one stop shop to get all of the newest versions of each story.

Thanks again, and make sure to give a shout about how you're liking the stories! Comments, criticisms and other interactions are a big boost to my excitement to keep producing.



Added: 2023-04