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Howdy! Here’s what’s up:

I’m a bit late with this week’s report, because I wanted to wait and see how much work we’ll manage to do, just so I could better evaluate the time and compose a list of things the next update will definitely have. I also wanted to show you our new character for reasons that I will explain later in this post (I finished drawing her today).

After getting your feedback, we’ve decided against the idea of splitting the update. We’ll do it properly, and release it once we will finish layering new events to include all our various physical changes.

Overall, from things that we still need to do (in a nutshell):

- Layer the events (Mulan)

- Draw more characters (Mulan)

- Finish creating new outfit and conduct the poll to determine it (Mulan)

- Code in layers (Moana)

- Test and fix everything (Moana)

I don’t think we’ll manage to do all that in the remaining time (till the end of the month), so the next update will come late August (hopefully sooner, but I want to be more realistic and upfront).

The reason behind this approximate date is physical changes - we need more time to layer our new events and poses.

Last week I was ready to release 0.4.8 on 31st without physical changes, without layering our events, but I agree with you all, we should finish it properly.

What the update will 100% contain (I might be forgetting something):

- New repeatable hypnotic events (exhibitionism, public use, lactation, pregnancy - they will have the similar art, so I count them as one event);

- Repeatable “public use/public breeding/public milking” event (again, one event);

- Pregnancy and Lactation systems;

- Wearable sex toys (just tails for now);

- Wearable collars;

- New outfit;

- Nose ring piercing;

- Ass tattoo (branding);

- First half of the new quest;

- New characters;

- New major location;

- A ton of jokes and choices.

What we’re still working on (we’re unsure we’ll manage to do this for the next update):

- Groping events.

Small events that utilize our groping system from the “gym update” - they will make walking between locations more interesting, and the story makes more sense with them present;

- Repeatable random “Public sex” events.

A continuation of groping system, same logic and reasoning;

- Pet play.

I already teased a bunch of “pet play” events and the new dialogue pet “pose” for Kira, but they will require a ton of layering work to be implemented (they’re not our priority right now). All farm dialogues are coded with the “pet pose” in mind - once we’ll add it and you’ll choose to be bound, they will automatically show correct artwork, permanently in some cases.

Gropings, pet play and random public sex will definitely happen, and they are at various stages of completion, the question is in which update (0.4.8 or 0.4.9).

That said, 0.4.9 won’t be as hard to make (and as time consuming), since we will have all character art, set-up, backend and locations in place.

One of the reasons I wanted to split the update and release it without physical changes is the fact that I’ve been on and off writing it for over a year now, and I really want to show you what we did with it.

What I can tell you is a bit of a backstory to the character I’ve shown today:

Her name is “Imperator”. She’s a former KGB agent that went mad and started actually worshiping Veles, as the god of cattle. While her outfit resembles a cow pattern, it’s actually a “military uniform (camouflage type thingy)” that she chose to “redesign” by bleaching and cutting it. She’s convinced that through animalism (acting like an animal), Kira will be able to see things her way, and so, Imperator will try to convert you into a pet-girl. Oh, and don’t worry, she will rarely wear her mask.

She’s one of the three major players at the Farm election quest, and I’m telling you about her for two reasons:

Reason one - I want to tell you how the quest will work on her example. Farm will adapt to your preferences (lactation,pregnancy, both or neither), which will change the story and our new characters, in Imperator’s case - she will either want to turn you into her bitch, or into cattle. The text and art will adapt where needed, but ultimately it’s “pet-play” in both cases.

Everything else will work similarly, you won't even know that those fetishes are in the game if they are “off”, but players that have lactation/pregnancy “on” will have slightly more content, I did my best to make everything interchangeable, but not everything can be written like that..

Reason two - There’s an upcoming outfit poll (finally) and I wanted you to see her before making a decision, since the Farm is stylistically different from the rest of the game.

That’s pretty much it, I wanted to inform you of our decisions, what content we are working on and to give you a better understanding of our reasonings.

What we’re trying to achieve is a bit tricky, to put it lightly (probably because of all the branches and variables), but we like that aspect of our game and the only real struggle is time/manpower.

Thank you for your patience and support! I assure you that my warrior blood won’t let me rest until we’ll release this beast into the world, for the end is near, comrades!




This is awesome and understandably tricky (Hello branches that are mutually exclusive in a pretty open world game)! I also laughed because "What's up with the Imortan Joe cow?!" was my first thought.


I’m glad to hear that, because I wanted to draw an "Imortan Joe cow" and Defenestration really needed her:)

Christian Hoff

Just a question, how will the "bitch" content work if the petplay is not finished this patch, will it force you to chose cow until it is completed or will it just be left without content for the time being ?


In the case of this particular character “petplay” means both “cow” and “bitch” paths, one will not work without the other, because they are the same event with some different layered pictures (belly layer, cow/dog tail, milk etc.) and slightly altered text (no mentions of preg content etc.). So “Bitch” and “Cow” paths are more like a game setting, we did them this way just so you won't see the type of content you dislike. (Our Bimbo/Slut routes work the same way). While I fear that we won’t finish petplay on top of everything else, 0.4.8 is already pretty big content-wise and customization-wise without it.


I love the Imperator's look a LOT. She looks very commanding, as well as hot. I also love Mother. This next couple updates are going to be FIRE. I can't wait to see them, and I am very happy with the decision to only release a single, complete update.

Dom Pavlova

An imagination like this, should be rewarded with a Nobel Prize in Artistic by the community, you guys are machines it's not possible an imagination at this point.


It all sounds bloody awesome, specially the random public sex / repeatable events and the groping system finally coming to light.


Random question: Body hair? yes, no, maybe, confused? xD


Once we will be done with all of our already excessive physical changes, we might do it. It wouldn’t be hard to add on its own, nothing is hard on its own. But combined with everything else, it becomes complex. What I’m saying is that the quantity of changes makes it hard for us. So my answer is maybe/confused:)