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Howdy! Here’s what’s up: 

We will do everything in our power to release “the Farm” this month, but our desires do not often meet with what we can actually do, this month I’m going to attempt changing that and delivering an update on time for a change (time being “before the 31st”).

For you see, I’m Mulan with a plan and in this post I’m going to explain my newest idea.  

On the topic of content - I’m busy with character art, currently I’m doing “Children of Veles” and in the teaser you can see their spiritual leader “Mother”. As you may remember, in the main Farm quest you’ll have a character named “Sharon” on your side, and you will be able to change her appearance via ingame choices. Mother’s character art will also work similarly, but, unlike Sharon’s, her appearance will be determined by your very first choice at the beginning of the quest (Optional Pregnancy and lactation will be shown in her character art). 

Some of you may remember the time when we managed to deliver our update consistently each month. Yes, even then there were delays, but they weren’t as drastic - a day or two tops, simply because I always have last minute ideas and we usually work insane hours closer to the release dates to make them a reality. 

So what has changed since then? Body modifications and alternative dialogue options. This was predictable by everyone, including me. Some people suggest that we should drop this body mod idea, or at least reduce the quantity of our planned physical and mental changes, but I don’t want to do that.

There’s really not enough “body mod” games on the web, and I mean games that show physical changes in both character art and events. The reason for that is simple - “body mods” are not worth it, they take too much time to produce and ultimately make the majority of players upset due to said time issue. It’s easier and more profitable to just create new content instead. 

But why shouldn’t a game like that exist? And why not us? We want to do it and we’re capable of doing it - That’s what was happening in our heads when we decided to do this and redid our game. 

It’s not really wise to make this type of game, because it takes too much time, new updates bring more people to the project, more people bring more funds and more funds allow us to both live our lives and hire additional help. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I appreciate you all allowing us to do this and sticking with us, because we’re doing it out of passion and I hope I’ve managed to convey that with both our work and my words. 

Defenestration's key feature is customization of both dialogue and appearance - that’s just the game that we want to create and that’s how it will always be. 

Now, here’s my long term solution yo “delays”:

-Utilising existing art (like groping system) to speed up the development

-Finishing the “standardised” event logic that will remove the need for testing layers in events (all those issues you’ve seen with hair/breasts/tattoos being on the wrong layer etc.)

-Hiring extra help (writers, artists, coders) 

-Repeatable events (to both speed up the development and give you more things to do in game) 

-Time. In time we will get better and faster, it’s as simple as that.

Short term solution: 

I want to deliver the game at the end of this month, I really do. But what I want and what we actually can do are two different things. 

So I’m going to do yet another experiment and I hope you can understand why I’m doing this. We’re going to release an update without body mods, with an additional update approximately two weeks later to add all body mods to our new events. 

Some time ago I said that “Saving and editing” is a new stage of our development that spawned into existence due to all our various body mods. And this is still true, without a standardised layering system (a formula or a cheat sheet that we can look at while creating events) we have to constantly change the order of pictures and I have to find new ways of drawing and redrawing Kira’s body parts so that all pieces would match. 

We’re still experimenting with it, adding and removing layers to figure out this standardised solution. Knowing the amount of all “endgame” changes helps immensely, but we’re still not there yet. I wish that we were quicker, but we’re not, and we can't really get this information anywhere, so we have to spend some time on “inventing the bicycle”. 

In summary, we want to deliver the game at the end of this month, and I’ve been burned multiple times already by mentioning any release dates, but in a true FreshMulan spirit I’m gonna do it again, with some changes though. 

The next update will be closer to “the roots”, to times when we had no body modifications and managed to occasionally deliver content on time (character art will show everything though). Approximately two weeks later we will release the body mod version of it, after we’ll finish “saving and editing” all our changes. 

We’re doing this to ensure that we will have enough time to finish “the juice”, all our jokes, quests and dialogues for the Farm. And for that we still have over two weeks left (which should be plenty). 

With me being me, there is always a possibility of failure, but this time I’m going to stop a week prior to the release, evaluate the situation and warn you in advance if I’m going to fail you yet again (I hope and I strongly believe that I won’t fail this time, but still).

As for the content itself - it has our usual humor, a hefty dose of insanity, new fetishes for some people and our usual type of content for the other. It sure was fun for us to create and I hope that it will be entertaining to you all!

Thank you all for your patience and support, this wouldn’t be possible without you! I sincerely hope that you’re doing alright, and I assure you that the end is near! 




Oh I'm in this for the long-haul. I have been, and continue to be, absolutely amazed by the quality and quantity of this unique creation of yours, and I hold you in the highest esteem. The only thing I ask is that you stay true to yourself and your creative process that made this all possible.


I'm also in this for the long haul. I love the idea of a fleshed out body mod game like this.

Bal tha mele

You do you, big daddy.


I'd prefer you not released the end-of-month build, as I can only imagine creating a deliberately feature-incomplete build will make the real one take longer. I wouldn't even mind it if in the future you released an update every Six Weeks rather than every month. Ecstasy Island switched from monthly to bi-monthly and almost nobody cared so I can't imagine you'd get much blowback.


eyyyy, awesome! I fully support the full mods. Don't rush, just do a whole section before release. This game doesnt really work incrementally and the progress updates you provide are enough.


I don't fully understand how pushing the body-mod part 2 weeks back will help you in the next month. The result will be, that the next month will only allow you to have 2 weeks for a new patch... unless your plan is to focus on bug fixes for these 2 weeks. If you are hurting on time, then I personally think that it may just be better to make releases on a bi-monthly schedule. In the end we as subscribers don't get much out of it, if you burn yourself out since you want to keep up with some arbitary deadline which you set yourself. As people already stated, I support you, since I like the quality and content of your work and I'm fully aware that it might take quite a while for you to finish your passion project.

Dr. Madness MNA

Guess I'll be waiting for the +2 weeks release then. With as much as you've hyped The Farm's content, it would be pointless for me to try it without the body mods...


I’m questioning my decision because of your feedback, not just yours, everyones. So we will rethink this whole plan.


You’re right, It won’t help with time, but it should calm some people:) Since we will show what work has been done.


Something that has become clear over time is you can have difficulty dedicating yourself to a specific vision and gameplan. I think you, and your patrons, would benefit from some kind of clear roadmap. Put some guard rails up. It can be frustrating to see that a an update was delayed because because of you going back to redraw a nipple at the last minute before falling down a rabbit hole. Like that Malcolm in the Middle scene where Hal just wants to change a lightbulb. This isn't to throw shade, I can have the same issues focusing on a specific vision but there's a point where it just needs to get done. To not make this just a whine-post, I do want to say that I love your work. You're clearly passionate and creative. Truth be told I'd be interested to see what you could do that's not smut-related because I think you're a very talented artist, writer, and world builder. Final thought - I'd love if that rope outside the dorms was just a permanent shortcut. The inside of the dorms kind of ends up feeling like two screens of time-wasting. After multitudes of playthroughs I just wana sleep x.x


You are right, but fortunately for me, I'm now aware of this habit of mine. I'll do my best to eradicate it and stop my last minute edits/unnecessary perfectionism. Thanks, and I'll ask Moana to include the rope shortcut in our next release, we'll make it a quest reward for completing the party quest (will work for existing saves).


Keep up the good work I'm Hear for the long hall and will keep supporting Love the game so far Hang in there

Dom Pavlova

I'm in love with this "mother".


Im rather new to your Patreon but I would be perfectly fine waiting a bit longer for the complete package.