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Salutations! I’m here with another progress report. Last week we’ve had a plan to finish up the new design for our page, the artbook, bugfix and two remaining hypnosis events for new you facility.

We were doing all of that, but, as per usual, we got distracted and did something else at the same time. I blame my short attention span on the fact that I feel like a child at a candy-store, there’s so much I want to do, it’s hard to pick one thing. Thankfully, everything I did needed to be done.

Oh, and I don’t know if this is connected to the v0.4.6 release and I’m that tired, or it’s just a coincidence, but the ending of the last week was not as productive as I’d want to admit, for the last three days I’ve spent all of my free time on sleeping for some reason.

Let’s go over steps we were supposed to do, what we actually managed to do and what we will do moving forward.

Existing events - I did finish pet training when it comes to art (still need to finalize benevolence), but I’m still not sure what fetish it will bring to the game. That we will discuss in my other post.

Artbook - it takes a bit longer to cook, mostly due to the fact that it’s the size of the whole game. That said, I think I will finish it this week, at least that’s what I’m doing right now. And moving forward it will be easier for me to update it (same as it once was), since it’s kind of an “exception” this time around.

Patreon page - The redesign of our patreon page is connected to the artbook, and it’s not a time consuming issue.

Bugs - In most cases, the game seems to crash because of 0x2ee6 bug, which we’re still trying to figure out. I’ve seen it in other rpg maker games, and I know it’s fixable, we just need more time to deal with it.

It is entirely possible that we won’t fix it in the next release, at least not completely, for that reason we will include an “autosave” feature to our game, just in case.

And here’s what we did on top of that - we’ve developed our fetish system a bit further and I’ve started writing both farm and gym content.

I’m also experimenting with how I manage my time. The stuff I do is tied to the days now, some days are dedicated to “writing”, some to “brainstorming ideas” and some to the “art”. “Brainstorming” is not that different from just writing, but during this stage we’re discussing the whole concept of the game together with Moana, usually in person.

Personally, I kind of have a bunch of different jobs when it comes to the game, and I’m still experimenting with the best way of doing them.

Previously my production cycle was tied to the above mentioned aspects of the game - brainstorming, writing and drawing, in that order. One thing I’ve noticed, is that it’s hard for me to switch gears, and when I’m doing one thing for a long period of time, like writing, it’s hard to instantly start drawing and be as efficient as I know I can be.

For that reason, I’m now playing with this “day” based work, maybe this way I won’t have time to get used to one thing and will be more productive.

The bugfix takes a bit longer than expected, due to the lucrative nature of the beast we have to slaughter, I’ve already mentioned it and it goes by the name of 0x2ee6. This monster is responsible for 90% (if not 100%) of our crashes.

On top of that, the month is rapidly approaching its end and we still have a ton of stuff to tweak, fix or add back, that’s why we’ve decided to not upload the bugfix at all. Instead we will upload v0.4.7 when it will be ready (as soon as possible).

V0.4.7 will be a relatively small update, it will have pet and benevolence trainings and some new content in the form of H-events. We’ll start with the gym events, mostly to add in an option to increase Kira’s hips to the game (without using cheats), and if we’ll have more time, we will move on to other events, events that do not need any set-up.

It could be an H-event with Olga or Katya, or just some random encounter - basically something “easy” to implement.

Since “farm” content (that won our last poll) will require a ton of set-up, we’ll need to finish the location itself, new character art, script, new events and finalize two more systems that are already coded in (and drawn) - pregnancy and lactation. Plus, the farm will have another breast enlargement (makes sense to put at least one in there) and new outfit.

I think the farm would take us two to three updates to make (hopefully two), with its first half being mostly a set-up, and second half focused on the content it will bring.

I’d also like to finish the script for it entirely, from top to bottom.

Because even though I have a general outline for all the quests the game will have, things do tend to change once I actually start writing them. This leads to some unfortunate consequences, present in most of our quests. Here’s some examples:

Prison content - written and implemented in two month, that’s why the quest is so unintuitive and we have a bunch of mostly unnecessary notes in Kira’s inventory.

New You quest - written in two month, but implemented in one, that’s why the quest has self-explanatory steps. Though, because the plan for “new you” has changed, we had to separate the quest into two sub-quests - “New You” and “Basic Instinct”. Which is not ideal.

With farm, I want to avoid those unnecessary complications, and for that I’ll need to finish writing it completely, before we’ll move on to its implementation. I’ve already started, and oh boy did it went into a weird direction.

I can’t wait for you to see what I did with it, I really like the idea behind it, but if anything - I’m going to blame you for its absurdity, because you’ve always encouraged me with my humour (thank you for that by the way), so with each update I’m becoming bolder and bolder with the use of it.

This doesn’t mean that v0.4.7 will have subpar content, it’s just quicker to implement. So v0.4.7 shouldn’t take long to make. To give you an idea of when it will be out, here’s what we need for it to happen - at least two new events and one new character, and of course I will tell you what we’ve managed to do this week at the end of it.

That’s all the news I’ve got for this week. Thank you for your support and patience comrades!



Bold-Mulan mode activated. Keep up the great work, Team Fresh!

John Smithe

Amazing progress! One thought: if you are going to redesign your patreon page, could you put the current cover art in the artbook? It is too amazing to disappear.


Sure thing, though I'm not sure about it yet - maybe we will keep it, just edit it to match Kira's new face :)


Thanks for the update. You mentioned cheats in your post, would be nice to speed things up for those of us playing again. Can't seem to find them though, mind pointing me in the right direction?


You should be able to access them by clicking on the red mailbox in the subway station in the residential area.