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Howdy! This post is mainly about our new fetish system, but I’d like to list everything that affects the dialogue before I’ll get into it:

Lust - controls event speech (will be added gradually with “layered” event art);

Intelligence - controls normal speech;

Intelligence and Lust - collide where appropriate;

Choices and events - we remember them and occasionally reference them;

NPC reactions - the code is there, but we need more text and time to finish it, that said, we already reference Kira’s appearance in some places.

And finally, Fetishes.

Okay, so here’s what we’ve decided on this topic, it’s not that far from what I’ve already told you, but still, I’d like to explain them in this post.

First of all, all of the hypnosis events give you something:

It could be a new fetish, a new outfit, a revealing option for each outfit, physical changes or a significant stat boost (Apart from “pet-training” and “benevolence” for now).

Secondly, I think it’s important to clarify what fetishes actually do:

In two words, fetishes - are a tool that we use while writing events and quest.

In detail, fetishes change how Kira reacts to certain situations, and often prohibit her from refusing events, they also add extra lines of dialogue and even some (minor) new pictures, you’ve already seen them in action in the form of “pink” text Kira occasionally says to herself or other characters. Oh, and when I say “prohibit”, I don’t mean “you can’t click on this” message, there’s also some internal dialogue.

The idea behind "fetish" system:

During this rework Moana re-coded the entire game, and among other things we’ve changed existing hypnosis references so they are no longer tied to quest completion, instead they are now tied to the “fetishes”.

This gives us an option to give you those fetishes (and remove them) in other places of the game, and in combination with our dialogue system you should be able to shape Kira’s reactions to your likeness.

So, if Kira has a fetish, but low lust - she’s hate what’s happening to her during the event, and if she’ll have high lust - she’ll like it. Without fetishes or high lust - normal Kira’s might refuse future events altogether, but with them - she’ll have no way of refusing.

Fetishes are also above “lust” and bypass every checkpoint.

We intend to also give you those fetishes “naturally”, but we need more events for that - This will let you control the speed of Kira’s corruption, so hypnosis is basically a shortcut to lustful Kira.

(Example: ten exhibitionism events lead to “exhibitionism fetish”, etc.)

The drawback of fetishes:

I assume that you’re going to hunt for those fetishes, due to the nature of our game, and so, I intend to punish you for that.

There’s an intended nature of said punishments, which is honestly more of a reward - it will be clear once we’ll add our “badend” system.

And there’s an unplanned one - there will be repeatable random events eventually, and after a while you might get tired of seeing them. But, worry not comrades, the chance of them “triggering” will be tied to how slutty Kira’s outfit is, so you will be able to avoid them by dressing normally, or just by running away. And if that won’t be enough - we’ll add in an option to remove fetishes later on.

So here’s what we want to do:

It’s not hard for me to write this way, but it’s real easy to forget something. What I’ve noticed during this rework is that I already forgot what early hypnosis sessions did to Kira. I remember them now, and I’ve printed out what “tools” I now have to write quests and events, that said, it would be easier for both me and Moana to work - if we had names for those fetishes.

I also think it would be beneficial for both us and the game, if we’d show you when the fetish system triggers and what fetishes you have.

So the technical part of fetishes is already in the game, we just want them to become “known” to you, the player. They will have their own description in the “squatboi”, you’ll get notified once you’ll acquire them, and we will show an icon on the screen when they will trigger.

Of course I’ll need some time to draw the interface, and I have more pressing issues on my plate at the moment, but I want you to know that this is also a part of our game, and that the “squatboi interface” will happen eventually.

Now, I’m a bit “on the fence” when it comes to how we should name them, and I’m also not sure what exact fetishes I should give during the "benevolence" and "pet" hypnotic sessions. I want to ask your opinion, and then I will probably conduct polls.

Some examples of fetishes and their "in-game" description :

Rebel mode (Chief Officers’s last session) - You’re a bit of a rebel, though mostly, your rebellion is against the common sense. You’re refusing to wear any and all underwear out of... principle?

Cummunism (Horny helmet event) - In a communist society everyone does what they do best, and you happen to be good at nothing. Worry not comrade, because you now suffer from uncontrollable and excessive desire to sexually please everyone! Congratulations! You’re doing your part!

Moving on to benevolence and pet trainings.

For this to make more sense I need to talk more about the “farm”.

The farm was a winner of our latest poll, but due to the unfortunate circumstances that we’re in, I don’t think we will implement it in our next update (more about it in my progress report post), nothing major, nothing bad, it’s just that the farm will be pretty big and it will introduce a bunch of new features.

That said, the “Animal Farm” will have a whole faction dedicated to “pet” fetish, so that’s the place for this hypnosis to truly shine.

I had an idea of moving this particular training to the farm, but I would need to heavily edit the text for that to happen (not to mention the code for Moana), so this idea was abandoned.

And I am worried that making Kira “okay” with whole pet training stuff might take away the aspect of training from the content of this farm faction.

So what should we name this fetish, should it even be a fetish, or more of “status” (Pet? Bitch? Comrade's best friend? etc.)

What should it do? Should it make Kira instantly “okay” with all of the events, or should it work “with” those events? Meaning that to acquire this fetish/status Kira will need to see both farm content and pet-training?

This is a “public use” fetish, meaning that it’s not that different from “nymphomania”. And so, here’s what we can do with it:

-We could call it “crapitalism” and it would prohibit Kira from charging people for sex.

- We could separate it from “nymphomania”, and make it responsible for “public use” events (prison pole, etc.)

- We could tie it to the nymphomania. Since being a nymphomaniac doesn’t necessarily mean that Kira would like to sleep with a bunch of hobos at some dumpster, and maybe with both “public use” and “nymphomania”, she’ll agree to something like that.

-It could do nothing, just a separate event with no consequences, or it could do it all.

Thank you for your time, I’m looking forward to hearing your opinions on this whole thing, especially on the topic of benevolence and pet trainings, since we need to decide something on them and I have no idea what would be the best “approach”.



Personally I like Comrade's Best Bitch. But that's just me


I love it! The 3rd option for Nymphomania seems like the best to me IMO. Also two posts! You spoil us!


Personally I favor calling the pet fetish just "petplay". For Benevolence fetish, I'd prefer sth close to option 3, i.e. with both nympho and public use fetishes Kira would be happy (instead of "not refusing") to sex with anyone, anywhere, and any time. For now even with the nympho fetish Kira still does not have that many consensual experiences.


And charm???