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Greetings, in this post I will do my best to explain myself, and hopefully you will understand why this update is taking us so long.

The plan for v0.4.6 consisted of three steps:

New Quest -Done;

Replaced art -Done;

Fixed performance issue -The reason behind our delays.

We’ve Started this month with new content, and here’s what I can tell you about it:

The script for this quest is 154 pages, it is the same size as our whole prison questline which was previously done in two month.

If you’ve liked my previous work (already mentioned prison quest, party quest etc.). I believe that you will be pleased with this new one.

It has 4 events (one exclusive for dumb Kira) and 3 unique H - scenes.

1 hypnosis event (the hardest one to make yet) and 3 glory-hole scenes.

This quest has a ton of choices and options, and it uses our systems introduced in v0.4.5 to the fullest.

Smart Kira will have more options and the ability to be a total dick, seriously, she can ruin some lives in this quest.

Dumb Kira will have an extra event (that uses the same art), but less choices.

Both routes are funny in my opinion, and I don’t know which one I like the most, but they do lead to some serious consequences.

The quest also has some new character art and a new fetish.

I’ve decided to use this new fetish immediately, and with how our new code works I’ve had more options while writing it. I will tell you more about it once v0.4.6 will be out.

If you’ll play as a normal Kira and have this fetish - she will fight with herself and her desires, fetishes and/or high Lust also prohibit Kira from refusing events, High Lust Kira won’t fight with herself and will enjoy the event, and dumb Kira will do “her own thing”, though fetish system and high Lust stat will also affect her dialogue.

Due to the games “semi-open worlded” nature, we were never able to truly move forward from older quests or events, because (in theory) you might complete any quest at any point with any Kira.

I’m glad to say that this new quest is near perfection when it comes to the aspect of time, I really think that it wouldn’t need any additions or changes in the future, because it takes into account all the possibilities - Lust, Int, Fetishes and it even references Kira’s appearance.

Now here’s where the problems begin, I literally copy-pasted new art instead of the old one into the game, I thought that it wouldn’t take me a lot of time, but it did, because it was just drawn, it wasn’t placed or saved correctly and I had to match all of the existing pictures in the game, so that older art wouldn’t pop up on accident mid scene.

This issue is partially responsible for our delays. That said, it’s done and it works the same way as it previously did - no mental or physical changes in older events right now, unfortunately.

We couldn’t redo our older events because it would be pointless, our layering system for events is not ready at all and failed all our tests. It uses the same variables as Kira’s character art, and in v0.4.6 we were forced to change her character art system once again, due to the RPG Maker being stubborn and glitching.

It was already laggy with just her character art, and with every single event working in the same fashion - it worked… Less than ideal, to put it lightly. We’ve tested it by putting in the presumable amount of “numbered” pictures into RPG maker and forcing it to show us the right numbers.

New events will show all the changes currently present in the game, we will still have to recode them later on, but they do support both lips and hair already.

New hypnosis event has 58 pictures - it’s “hard coded” and layered in the wrong way, “wrong way” means that when we will add more physical changes - the pictures will multiply (potential thousands of pictures, impossible numbers). Ideally this events should have more pictures right now, up to a hundred, and around 200-300 with placeholders to support future late-game changes.

New gloryhole event has 49 pictures (without placeholders), we’ve conducted most of our “event system tests” on this one, so it’s as close to being ideal as we could get. It will still need recoding to support future changes, but it is layered the correct way (less work for future us).

We’re now reducing the pictures in size to make it easier for RPG Maker to process them, meaning that the game will weigh less and hopefully will run without complications.

Those 49 pictures weight less than 1 MB, in comparison - our older event (similar to this one) has 8 pictures and weights 5 MB (it weighs less now, we’ve reduced all our art in size).

Our new systems allow us to do more and generally make the game better, however the RPG Maker does not like that and is trying to fight with us.

Everything I’ve mentioned above is great and all, but it’s pointless if the game itself is unplayable, like v0.4.5 was.

We’ve installed a bunch of plugins, changed code, reduced the size of pictures, and cut their quantity once again, but it’s not ideal, or even acceptable yet.

Right now, we need to cut more stuff (won’t affect gameplay), but maintain all our variables, to insure that this update will work and that we won’t need to break your savefiles in the future.

Without Moana I did all I could, but that wasn’t enough, so I have to wait for her to return. After talking with her, we've decided to hire a person to create a custom plugin for us to fix this issue once and for all, there are people here on patreon who do this kind of job.

I hate doing this, I hate writing apologies and trying to defend myself by justifying the need for all of our systems to work. In fact, I really hate working on them.

No one is happy about it, but the game itself needs it. Those systems are “once and done” deal, they have everything we need and might need, so we won’t have to focus on backend and will be able to move forward with content after v0.4.6.

I’ve chosen RPG Maker because I’m no coder, and it seemed easier at the time, but this same “easiness” is biting me in the ass right now. I never lied to you deliberately, I never wanted to upset you, I’m just unqualified for something like this, Incompetent if you will.

I’m not talking about my personal life, because I think people will assume that I’m just creating excuses, but I can tell you that I’m making this game because it’s fun for me, and it’s no longer fun.

The last half of the year was nightmarish, I wanted to admit defeat and abandon it completely on multiple occasions, because of comments on various web sites and pressure I’ve been feeling, I know I shouldn’t even read that, but I do, and it gets to me.

The only thing that kept me going is you, and your emotional and financial support. I’m not lazy, I’m not greedy, I just never done anything like this and there’s no guide for how to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going anywhere, I just really wanted to.

The release won’t be delayed for the next month, it will happen in this one, and pretty soon, after that we will solely focus on content and continue to improve the performance issues by paying a person to create a custom plugin for us.

Moana returns on Monday and we will meet with a friend of ours that knows a thing or two about JS. Talking about the completion of the game, I’d say it’s 98% ready, the last two percent are how playable it actually is. When we will do absolutely everything we can, the game will be released, somewhere next week.

Seriously, thank you for your support, I never wanted this to happen and I believe we will manage to get out of this mess in V0.4.6.



Hey, fair enough. I know exactly the kind of nightmare you're going through. Game development is the kind of insurmountable challenge that seems fun for the first few weeks, even months, but depending on the route you took in the beginning, you can make it hell for the future you. I'm currently working in both Unity and Unreal while attending college, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. I've dinked around with RPGMaker, and while I still want to make a game in it, the limitations of it if you're not a very experienced coder make creating a unique game a real pain in the butt. Lots of people will ask you why you haven't finished the new update. "Where is the new update? Why are they so lazy?" These people don't know the kind of stress creating a game with just one or two people can be. Originally, I found this game because yeah, it's an H-game and I was looking for things like that. The longer I've kept up with it and seen the stress you've put yourself through just to complete it for the next arbitrary deadline is kind of terrifying, but also kind of inspiring. It make me feel that the games I make aren't worth anything unless I really put in the kind of effort that shows my own passion. Being a game developer is difficult, especially when your background is in art. I'm the same way. So, I know why the update has taken so long. I know why you're frustrated. And I'm inspired by you sticking with the game, despite facing the thoughts that it would be easier to just give up. This game isn't just an H-game to me anymore. It's watching a dedicated developer working on a passion project. You've done great work. Keep it up, because we know what kind of hell you've been through, and seeing the end result will be worth it in the end. But do take a break every now and again. Sleepless nights just increase your stress and the thing you should be worried about the most is your health. Good luck with the game, and all your future projects!


Thanks for the update! I don't know about everyone else, but I appreciate the transparency of your posts and that's why I keep up my support. The game is fun and I know when you release, it'll be worth the wait. Take your time, get your game how you want it and I'll happily play and continue to support you.


I actually didn't experience any real performance issues with the last release - I play it through my browser though (Firefox), perhaps there's a performance issue in whatever JS engine that's running inside the RPGMV executable as well that's affecting this?


Honestly, I don’t know. Thank you for mentioning this though, I’ll forward this to Moana, maybe it will be helpful in some way.

william wofford

I am glad you pay such attention to detail ,and produce a quality product ,As for anyone screaming for you to hurry up , i would say do you want it fast and a buggy mess , or do you want it to be awesome and not have bugs even if it means it takes longer.... i know my answer .... and you have my full support

Meat Toilet

No worries man we know you are working hard. I am more happy that you are taking the time to get it right rather than pushing it out the door unfinished.


Thanks for being straight forward about it. Take your time with it to make it great.


I appreciate the honesty and transparency. I can only imagine how stressful this is being right now. I hope you'll be able to get through the emotional pressure. If you ever decide to quit Patreon, this will be a huge loss for the community. Your game is one of my favorites, your art is amazing and the transparency of your updates is very commendable. Delays are not ideal, but they're part of life. Most people understand what you are going through.


Hey I think it’s fair that you care about this project and don’t stress out about the release. It will come out when it’s gonna be ready. Try to make small step instead of trying to fix the big pile of work. If you just focus on the release dates it’s just gonna make you feel more anxious. Go at the speed you want and ship when you fell it can be ship. Don’t fall in the anxiety of crush time

Longin Yann

I'm not agree with the other you wrirte this mouth so the question next mouth date of the release you don't work ? For my part a delay for a mouth i prefer cancel my membership your game is good your work is not.


I have to toss in my support for you two. I found the game and loved it from day one. To be honest, yes, the delays are a little bit of a let down, but I will tell you two to take your time. I will always wait for a great game that takes longer then get a game that's meh,but out sooner. So take the time and don't worry too much about the impatient ones who rag on ya.


I'm in the camp of "I'm supporting you in your development of this game" and if that means you are buried under stress and life and trying to make things RIGHT? I will continue to support you, whole heartedly.


Hey man, I've been following your last couple months of posts and it really sounds like the two of you bit off more than you can chew. I suggest cutting any stuff down that would slow release of future content. This will let the two of you make a SUCCESSFUL game that people will appreciate instead of complain. Please, cut anything that will slow you down. We don't need 10 breast sizes, multiple tattoo layers, or 3 types of dialogue for each situation! We're all here because of the great games you guys have made before the rework and that's why we're still here.


I had an idea : What if you just chose a day of the week and then every week you post a status of what you have achieved and what is remaining ? Doesn't have to be accurate and it could stop you from giving us dead lines.


I think you are overstressing yourself. Your Work is one of the best I have played in the RPG-Maker Engine and I feel like once your systems are finished and contend is rollling your projekt will raise a lot more followers! The problem here comes from your expectations and that you compare yourself to the other good creators insted of using their work and communication as an inspiration. I know the good deverlopers aim for an update every month and regular progress reports like you do, but nobody is even trying to build a dynamik system for the art and a complex character adaptation system. In time management if you do not have any statistics about how long a process needs just add 50% of the time you think is needed, but I do not know if this can be transfered to programming, because it can be really difficult. This is an adaptation process specific to you in dealing with frustration, but it is really terapeutic if you ask yourself if your frustration will have any impact on your live and this projekt in 5 years. You see your frustation is useless, just let it go. I will support this game until it is finished!


We all want this game to succeed and for you, the creators, to be happy while making it. A happy dev team means a better game. That being said, I feel that this need to make a 'perfect' release every time is actually hurting you and the development quite a bit. I think you'd be surprised how many of us would be happy with something somewhat buggy but with new content. Not only does it give the fans something to play, but it takes off the stress of delays and having to 'one up' yourself with each delay. I've noticed that every time you miss a release date, you try and add something more as a way of saying 'sorry' to the fans. This inevtiably means more delays and more stress on your part. My advice would be to run a poll and see what people think to releasing what you got. Creators release unstable builds all the time and as long as the dev team are dedicated (which i don't think anyone here doubts) people will overlook bugs. The praise you get from the fans playing new content will make you feel much better as well. TL:DR striving for perfection with each release is going to perpetuate your feelings of guilt and anxiety, being open to releasing things a little rough around the edges will make everyone involved happier IMHO.

Feliks Tepes

My support remains because I really enjoy everything we've seen so far and look forward to seeing what else you do. That being said you need to be sure you're taking care of yourself as well. For what it's worth I'd gladly play a slightly buggy release with the new content, the performance issues in the last build were a bit of an issue but nothing too terrible that I wouldn't completely tolerate for a chance to see some of what's been done.


so ... is it gonna release this week or the next?